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The Awkward

CosmicFoxKitty is offline
Old 06-26-2015, 06:10 PM

Sorry I've been away a while, super cute :) *going to look how much I owe and will start trade!*

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 06-27-2015, 01:51 AM

This Earthling wants some squiggly lines!
Username: she who must not be named
Reference: Volya
Style: full body
Other: colored lines. Um, I'll leave the pose up to you, but should draw him crouched or something because he's oft not wearing clothes in human form. >.> If you really need to draw him wearing something, you can though.

Ashtara_Silunar is offline
Old 07-04-2015, 12:34 PM

Wanted to let you know, I'm leaving for a trip tomorrow and will probably be out of touch until the 22nd. So if you post and I don't respond, I promise I'm not ignoring you.

The Embodiment of Geekiness
Mizayo is offline
Old 07-06-2015, 01:59 AM

CosmicFoxKitty: Ahh! Sorry I was away for so long! I think I accepted the trade though (still not sure how those things work lol).

Kat Dakuu: I've added you to the list! Thanks for all the orders, by the way!

Ashtara_Silunar: Sorry for not replying sooner! Or getting your order done... :\ I've just been so busy lately that I keep forgetting about Mene. But don't worry, I'm sure I'll have it done by the time you get back!

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 07-06-2015, 02:11 AM

you're totally welcome. An art addict has got to get her fix somewhere! :D

The Embodiment of Geekiness
Mizayo is offline
Old 07-26-2015, 05:23 AM

Ashtara_Silunar: Hope I got it done before you were back! Wanted it to be a sort of welcome home present. I hope you like it! Again, sorry about taking so long to finish it. ^^; The full colored version is on the front page pickup, and here's a line art version if you hate my colors (I tend to have a color distortion on my computer, so I screw it up a lot in commissions, sorry): 0.o

Hadsvich: Illian was so fun to draw! I loved playing with the pose and the blue colors. I hope you like it as much as I liked making it :). Here's the line art version: ^^;

Last edited by Mizayo; 07-26-2015 at 06:54 AM..

Ashtara_Silunar is offline
Old 07-26-2015, 02:59 PM

Eeeeeee I love it. The colors are great, but the lineart version is adorable too. Thanks so much!

Questions, may I post it here? And if so, would you like me to link to mene or your DA?

The Embodiment of Geekiness
Mizayo is offline
Old 07-26-2015, 10:52 PM

Yeah, sure, you can post it wherever you want! As far as I'm concerned, you own it now. I wouldn't mind a mention of my username, as far as that goes, but it's totally up to you. Like I said, it's yours now.

Ashtara_Silunar is offline
Old 07-27-2015, 11:04 AM

Awesome. And yes, of course you'll be cited as the artist! Not doing so is just rude. :P

Shiro Neko

Hadsvich is offline
Old 07-27-2015, 11:13 AM

Cute! Love it!~ > u< Glad you had fun with him~ <3
Do you think you can change one thing for me though? His tail should end with a point like a lizard's or dinosaur's. x'3
& I think I'll get another of him, if you don't mind. > u>

This Earthling wants some squiggly lines!
Username: Hadsvich
Reference: Illian
Style: full-body
Other: Colored lines this time, pls~

The Embodiment of Geekiness
Mizayo is offline
Old 07-27-2015, 05:48 PM

Yeah, yeah I can totally do that! Sorry about that. ^^; And the lack of colored lines! Oh, I can't believe I screwed that up so badly! Hey, I'mma fix the current one, and then you can have your second one for free. Sound okay? Really sorry about this..

Last edited by Mizayo; 07-27-2015 at 05:51 PM..

The Awkward

CosmicFoxKitty is offline
Old 07-27-2015, 06:14 PM

Hello there, sorry I haven't commented in here a while.
How are you?

The Embodiment of Geekiness
Mizayo is offline
Old 07-27-2015, 06:43 PM

Nice to see you again, Cosmic! I'm doing quite fabulous. Just got back from a Pizza Hut date with an old friend I hadn't seen in 3 years. lol Therefore, I'm feeling quite awesome. How about you?

The Awkward

CosmicFoxKitty is offline
Old 07-27-2015, 07:44 PM

That's super awesome!

I'm doing good.
Just made a request thread.
Kinda sad it's bland.
I'll probably edit it later.

The Embodiment of Geekiness
Mizayo is offline
Old 07-27-2015, 07:59 PM

Oh just went to check it out. It's not bland! lol I love the text thing. :) Cool you used my drawing too!

The Awkward

CosmicFoxKitty is offline
Old 07-27-2015, 08:03 PM

I really like your art ^_^ I was about to order more actually

The Embodiment of Geekiness
Mizayo is offline
Old 07-27-2015, 08:10 PM

Aww, thanks! I wouldn't mind a new comm! lol I do take a while though, as you've probably noticed. Heh. lol

Hadsvich: I fixed your previous order. Really sorry about that. Hope I got everything~

The Awkward

CosmicFoxKitty is offline
Old 07-27-2015, 08:39 PM

Well I was going to ask what your max is for commissioning

The Embodiment of Geekiness
Mizayo is offline
Old 07-28-2015, 05:06 AM

Max? Like referring to what?

The Awkward

CosmicFoxKitty is offline
Old 07-28-2015, 05:19 AM

Like I have all the characters in my request thread, which I would like some art for. We could tLk on there? I was going to see which characters you found interesting. I will pay for all art ^_^

The Embodiment of Geekiness
Mizayo is offline
Old 07-31-2015, 05:14 PM

Kat Dakuu: All done! lol The nudity actually made it quite a bit easier to draw. haha But yeah. I hope you like it! Here's the line art version: Ooooh~!

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 07-31-2015, 06:25 PM

Woah the pose is really cool and the hair is perfect. I wonder, could you lighten the skin even more or would that be too much trouble. I don't want to make it hard.

The Embodiment of Geekiness
Mizayo is offline
Old 07-31-2015, 08:04 PM

Thanks, glad you liked it! ^^ I'd already compressed the original file, but I tinkered with it a bit in Gimp (free Photoshop) and here are the results: farts Sorry about that! I hope this version is better. If not, give a holler and I'll try again. ^^

Last edited by Mizayo; 07-31-2015 at 08:08 PM..

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 07-31-2015, 08:38 PM

Thanks. It's perfect! I'll send payment when I get home from work. If I forget, yell at me. ^_^

Shiro Neko

Hadsvich is offline
Old 08-02-2015, 11:12 AM

Originally Posted by Mizayo View Post
Hadsvich: I fixed your previous order. Really sorry about that. Hope I got everything~
Wow, looks all the more prettier. Thanks so much! O: <3
I really didn't mind that you did black lines instead anyhow, they both look nice~ x'3

& You don't have to give me the next piece on the house. x'D
I'm definitely gonna give you something for it at least. > 3>


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