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Malice Mourn
Demoiselle Mortelle
Malice Mourn is offline
Old 11-15-2009, 12:42 AM

OOC: Fine. ^^+

IC: The next day was Saturday. NO SCHOOL! Alot of the students slept late, but among the few who didn't, was Lydia. She got up about 8:00 AM, and showered, after putting her shampoo and what not in the shower. After she washed up, and dried herself, she dressed, and did her hair.
Today, she was going as an Aristocrat, or maybe even a prince. And to keep it in the style, she brushed her hair, with the tradition of 100 strokes makes the hair nice and soft, and the pulled it back with a black ribbon.

OOC: Outfit:

And another note, I was trying to be curtious when I asked you if you want us to fast forward, or if you wanted for something else to happen... Seeing as... *pulls on hair* I HAVEN'T been doing what you want!!!

JessiFlakes is offline
Old 11-15-2009, 03:19 AM

((Well, I didn't see anything else one could do other that skip to the next morning, so I wasn't sure why you were asking in the first place. It didn't make sense. I was annoyed you wasted a post in the thread on just OOC instead of an actual post in the roleplay. It wasn't that you asked that I made the "-.-" face. ))

Karen was one who liked to sleep in a bit on the weekends. She herself didn't wake until 10 AM, and when she did, she rolled over and didn't see Lydia. Maybe it was a bad dream and she wasn't sharing a room she thought. She sat up and saw Lydia's rabbit on the bed. Nope, it was not a dream. She got up and pulled out some clothes. Today, she was going casual. She took out a hot pink baby doll tee and some skinnies, she showered and changed into those, then put on a black hoodie with cat ears and tail attached. She dried her hair and did it all spiky, skipping out on the extensions this time. She put on her black boots with pink shoe laces that had blue and green stars all over it.

When she was ready, she headed down to the dining hall to see what she could grab for breakfast, collecting Jamie, Amy and Jenna on the way.

Malice Mourn
Demoiselle Mortelle
Malice Mourn is offline
Old 11-15-2009, 03:26 AM

OOC: Alright... I'm sorry. I just wasn't thinking.

Having gotten up so early, Lydia was one of the first in line, and seated. Today, both Mila AND Layla joined her, usually meeting up today. Layla, being as she was, complemented Lydia's outfit.
"Thanks, but don't think your getting any of this." She teased her friend playfully. Layla rolled her eyes. "No worries, you KNOW I have my sights set on someone already!" She responded sticking her tongue out at her.
Mean while, Mila was just giggiling at their antics.

They continued to discuss what they planned to do today, and see if one of the others wanted to join. Mila was going shopping for clothes, underwear, and jewelry, and happened to ask if Lydia wanted to go.

"I dunno." Lydia responded seeming to muse over this as she sipped her milk.
"Aw COME ON!" Mila squealed, obviously NOT happy with her friends response, and to that, Lydia rolled her eyes. "Ooooh... Alright, you win."

JessiFlakes is offline
Old 11-15-2009, 04:38 PM

((No, don't apologize. It's fine. I'm sorry I got aggravated so easily. I've got a lot going on in real life.))

The girls went down and ate. Karen's least favorite meal was breakfast. They gabbed about things and gossiped bout others, and eventually got on the subject of what to do that day. Saturdays students were allowed out, but had to be back on school grounds by eleven o'clock that night. They couldn't decide whether to go to the movies or go shopping or go to the arcade and bowling alley. Eventually, they decided they would go shopping and go see a movie. They'd go to the movie first, then shopping.

They finished breakfast and went to get their wallets and purses and headed out to the movies. The movie was two hours long, and worth every second. Then, they headed to main roads to search the shops for whatever they decided they wanted to find and take home. The whole time they laughed and joked. It was a regular girls' day out, and Karen had needed one of those.

Malice Mourn
Demoiselle Mortelle
Malice Mourn is offline
Old 11-15-2009, 06:47 PM

Shortly after breakfast, Mila and Lydia headed back to their rooms to get what they needed for their excursion. They met up by gates infront of the school, and headed towards the nearest bus stop.
While they waited for the bus to roll up, they discussed what stores they'd want to stop and go into. Mila naturally, wanted to go into the more girly stores, but complied with Lydia to fit in some others.

After the got off the bus, into the main road of the bustiling city, they glanced around, trying to decide where to go first. Mila practically pleaded for her to go into this little shop that had just opened, and Lydia being a sucker, finally agreed and went alone.

JessiFlakes is offline
Old 11-16-2009, 03:44 PM

Karen and the girls walked from store to store, looking at everything they could. They may have been odd looking to everyone else, but they were still girls after all.

They went into a clothing store, which oddly enough had all the brightly colored and gothic looking clothes they could want. They shopped around, trying stuff on.

((This is getting dull, all this posting to ourselves, wouldn't you say?))

Malice Mourn
Demoiselle Mortelle
Malice Mourn is offline
Old 11-17-2009, 12:30 AM

Some how, Lydia and Mila ended up in the same store, that Karen and her crew was in. Mila turned, giving a sigh. "I'm going to the next, store, catch up, kay?" She told Lydia before she just up and left her.

Her friend's "unfriendlyness", seemed to offset her, causing her stomach to feel as if it was doing somersaults. She hoped that it might pass within a few moments, so Lydia began to browse, not quite ready to call it a day.

JessiFlakes is offline
Old 11-17-2009, 01:53 AM

Amy looked up at who entered the store to see Lydia enter, alone. Amy smiled and passed the news along, first to Jamie and then to Jenna. Karen was in the dressing room, and when she came out, she asked the girls' opinion. They first commented on the dress she had on, and agreed she should totally get it. Then they passed on to Karen Lydia was there alone, expecting Karen to jump at the chance to corner the Lolita and verbally attack her, or something.

Karen told them not to do anything till she got out of the dressing room. She went back in, changed back into her own clothes and walked out to the girls, who giggled and looked at Karen expectantly. Karen held onto the dress she had tried on and walked over to Lydia, who was indeed alone, from the looks of it, "Hey Loligirl." she said with a smile while her friends stood behind her, "Are you here alone?" she asked. There was nothing threatening in her tone, it was sheerly friendly, from what everyone could tell. Which made Jamie look to the others, unsure of what Karen's attack plan was.

Malice Mourn
Demoiselle Mortelle
Malice Mourn is offline
Old 11-17-2009, 01:57 AM

"Please leave me alone right now... I don't feel good." She told them, not bothering to look up to them, which would have told them, she was telling a truth. Lydia wasn't a good lier, and her eyes always gave her away. Her eyes were literally a window to her soul.

She was reminded from Karen and her gang of Mila who up and ditched her. This made her feel sour even yet.

JessiFlakes is offline
Old 11-17-2009, 02:06 AM

Karen's smile faded and she didn't move from where she stood, "I was just going to ask if you wanted to join us." she said, looking back at her group who stood there in shock, hoping there was something beyond that, "I mean, it's not much fun shopping alone, right?" she said.

What would surprise the Visual Kei group more was that Karen had no ulterior motives behind the invitation. After all, Karen had to live with Lydia now. Besides, Karen knew what some of the people who would see her alone would act like, because of how she was dressed. If Lydia was telling the truth about not feeling good, their snickering and comments would only make her feel worse. Karen knew that for a fact, from personal experience.

After all that, in one short pause, Karen added, "I saw a shirt that would look really good on you, anyway, I'd like to know if I was right. Plus, it's always nice to have a second or third or fourth opinion while trying stuff on." she smiled a little and laughed, looking down at the dress in her hand. Honestly, she tried it on for fun, but after the praise she got, she was definitely buying it. Why miss out on a good thing?

Karen thought it was funny: 'How typical. The thing that brings enemies together is shopping. How much of a girl can you get?' she asked herself.

Malice Mourn
Demoiselle Mortelle
Malice Mourn is offline
Old 11-17-2009, 02:12 AM

Lydia was surprised... There was no ridicule, flaming, bullying, or teasing in that sentance. She wondered if Karen's offer was sincere, or if she was just offering because she was feeling ill? She turned to face Karen and her gang, and decided to give a friendly response, then what would have been normal between the two.

"If you really want me to go, I will go, I just... don't wish to be a nuisense to you, or your friends." She responded, trying to express her thoughts. "Also, I don't wish to dampen your fun." She added, knowing full well that Karen's friends... atleast didn't seem to like her.

JessiFlakes is offline
Old 11-17-2009, 03:05 AM

"No, its' fine." she smiled, "Right girls?" she asked, turning to ask the girls, who gave a look. Amy and Jenna looked down and Jamie just nodded, "Yeah, sure." she said, faking a smile. Karen knew they wouldn't go against her, because she was the one they all looked to. Sometimes it was annoying, sometimes it was advantageous. This was one of the advantageous times. "Really. It would be better than you being alone." she said.

Malice Mourn
Demoiselle Mortelle
Malice Mourn is offline
Old 11-17-2009, 03:10 AM

Lydia could tell right off the bat the other girl's smiles were fake... they looked to force. "I'd like to... Even if just for abit." She responded, now feeling kind of nervous. She was submitting herself to them, incase this was just a joke. But... Karen didn't look like she was joking... She seemed rather sincere.

She glanced down to the dress that Karen held. "Thats a very pretty dress, I bet it will look great on you." She complimented, unaware that Karen had already tried it on.

JessiFlakes is offline
Old 11-17-2009, 03:45 PM

"Oh, thanks." Karen smiled at the sudden compliment and Lydia joining them. "I tried it on already, the girls all said it looked good, so I'm going to get it. Do you want to see the top I think would look good on you?" she asked, pointing over her shoulder towards the back wall. There actually was a top that reminded her of Lydia back there.

Plus, while she tried it on, she could explain to the girls why she was inviting Lydia without attacking.

Malice Mourn
Demoiselle Mortelle
Malice Mourn is offline
Old 11-17-2009, 05:43 PM

She seemed to think about it for a split second. "Sure." She responded with a slight nod, waiting for her to lead the way. She was still surprise... the leaders of the Visual Kei group... were being nice to her.

JessiFlakes is offline
Old 11-17-2009, 10:13 PM

Karen nodded and turned around, heading to the back wall that had various tops and skirts hanging up on it. Karen pointed to the second row from the floor, which was at about waist height, to a blue shirt that had a corset look going down the front and black lace around the collar that was square and reached down near the bust line. The sleeves were a bit puff, and looked like a tavern wench's dress sleeves. "What do you think?" she asked Lydia, then looked at the other girls. Amy was actually being nice, after getting over the initial shock of having to, "Actually, that would look pretty good on you." she said. The other girls nodded.

Malice Mourn
Demoiselle Mortelle
Malice Mourn is offline
Old 11-17-2009, 10:29 PM

Lydia was unsure if they wished her to actually... try it on. "It IS very pretty." She commented, studying the detail on the shirt. It definatly had a very gothic edge to be truthful.

JessiFlakes is offline
Old 11-17-2009, 11:15 PM

"Are you going to go try it on?" Karen asked, looking at the shirt and the ones behind it in different sized, "Doesn't hurt to just trying it, right?" she smiled. Karen looked to the side of the wall and a certain skirt caught her eye, not far from the shirt Lydia was near. The skirt she was looking at was also brightly colored; it was light blue with pink and yellow tutu mesh underneath. Karen began shuffling through for one in her size.

"Karen, you're not actually.. you don't seriously like that, right?" Jenna asked, looking at it with a raised eyebrow. The other girls stared at it as well. Karen laughed a little, "Like I said, doesn't hurt to try." she said, sticking her tongue out at Jenna.

Malice Mourn
Demoiselle Mortelle
Malice Mourn is offline
Old 11-17-2009, 11:39 PM

She took the shirt, and headed towards the changing room. Once in there, and the door was shut, she took off her jacket and easily slipped the shirt off. She replaced it with the other. It was abit tight around the chest area, but other then that, it was fine.
After drawing in a deep breath, she walked out, wondering if THEY were still here, or if they ditched her, too.

JessiFlakes is offline
Old 11-18-2009, 12:00 AM

Karen smiled as Lydia walked into the dressing room. Jenna, Amy and Jamie swarmed her, whispering and asking what the heck she was doing. Karen calmly explained, "I live with her now, which means I have to deal with her. PLUS, you three know as well as I do what it's like walking down the street, dressed like us or her. I don't wanna leave her alone to deal with that." she explained. Amy and Jenna nodded, understanding exactly what Karen was saying. Jamie didn't react, she didn't say anything. Karen figured she was still thinking it over in her head, or maybe remembering experiences of her own.

Finally, she had found the right size of the very loud skirt she had been looking for when Lydia's door open. "Well, come here and let us see." she said, turning to look.

Malice Mourn
Demoiselle Mortelle
Malice Mourn is offline
Old 11-18-2009, 12:04 AM

Lydia still felt abit nervous about this. Well, atleast they didn't ditch her. She came out to where they stood, brushing a strand of purple hair over her shoulder. "W-Well?" She asked stuttering slightly over that little word. Her cheeks were still bright red, it was clear, she was still nervous about hanging out with these people, even if just for a little while.

JessiFlakes is offline
Old 11-18-2009, 02:52 AM

Amy was the first to comment on her, "With the right bottoms, total babe." she nodded. Jenna and Karen laughed at her phrasing, "It looks great, LoliGirl!" Karen complimented, "And I think you have a skirt that'd go with it perfect." she said, smiling a little. Jenna nodded in agreement, "It looks good. Are you getting it?"

Again, Jamie stayed silent.

Malice Mourn
Demoiselle Mortelle
Malice Mourn is offline
Old 11-18-2009, 02:59 AM

Lydia seemed unsure. "I don't know... She responded looking for the price tag. "Lets see..." She hummed lightly flipping it over. "Yeah, I think I will." She added, before she turned to head back into the changing room, to put her shirt and jacket back on.
Once she was finished, she came back out.
She still didn't understand why they were being so nice to her all of a sudden? Maybe Karen was attempting to try and get along, and her friends decided to try, too?
Or was there more to it?

JessiFlakes is offline
Old 11-18-2009, 02:09 PM

When Lydia disappeared, Karen's friends said nothing about her joining them. Karen took a second look at the skirt, "You know, maybe this one isn't such a good idea..." she laughed, putting it back. She looked around, still holding the dress, unsure of what to look at next. They had been pretty much all over the store already, but Karen wasn't sure if she was ready to leave or not.

Malice Mourn
Demoiselle Mortelle
Malice Mourn is offline
Old 11-18-2009, 07:09 PM

All this was really frying Lydia's nerves, making her feel even worse then before. Once she came out, she found them right where she had left them. "I'm still not feeling to well, I think I'm going to head back to campus." She announced hanging the shirt back up.
"I'm sorry, but thank you for letting me spend a little time with you guys." She added a gentle smile upon her face. She then turned to go, she felt as if she was burning up... what was with this?

OOC: I'm enabiling the shower walk in.


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