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Ember Island
Ember Island is offline
Old 08-25-2012, 01:54 AM

(lol im watching x-men first class haha)

Hotch made sure the door was locked so people would have to knock if they wanted them. Hotch removed his suit jacket hanging it up in the small closet in the room. He sat on the bed removing his shoes, he knew better than to put shoes on the bed, it was how he was raised when he was younger.

(I'm in my x-men again lol :P)

The Cloaked Schemer
An almighty ninja~
The Cloaked Schemer is offline
Old 08-25-2012, 02:01 AM

(I love that movie! :D)

Reid watched him for a second before sitting up. He stood up and removed his belt and sweatervest, putting them both with his bag. He wasn't quite ready to go to bed yet, so he'd change into his pajamas completely at a later time. He took a seat on the bed, sitting Indian style. "What'd you have planned for tonight?"


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