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Old 12-19-2016, 06:04 PM

"That's right," Stacy answered before wandering off to browse the nearby shelves and give Carl time to decide what he wanted. "That should be plenty I think," she said when he asked about the pokeballs. She doubted they would encounter that many wild pokemon in just one day's walk. "Are you sure you'll have enough left over to buy some food for yourself?" she asked as she looked over a display of pokeballs. Choosing some luxury balls, she put them in a basket along with some treats for her pokemon and followed Carl to the checkout counter.

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 12-19-2016, 06:55 PM

"Awesome!" Carl exclaimed and started checking out with the store clerk. "OH FOOD!" Carl exclaimed again, "I nearly forgot!" Carl stopped the store clerk, pulling some of the potions back. "I'll just take those 2 you rang up." He said looking a little embarrased as he put the other poitions back on the shelf. "Ehhhehe... Thanks for reminding me about the food." Carl said to Stacy while waiting for her to check out.

Last edited by Car'a'Carn; 12-21-2016 at 05:40 PM..


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 12-19-2016, 07:09 PM

Stacy just shook her head. She was beginning to feel a bit like Carl's mother. Still she laughed lightheartedly and said, "No problem!" Putting her own purchases up on the counter she waited as the second clerk rang up her items then paid and took the bag that the cashier handed over. Unzipping her bag she stuffed the bag inside and zipped it closed again with some difficulty. "So do you want to stop at the minimart and then head out?" she asked, eager to be off on the adventuring trail once again.

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 12-19-2016, 09:17 PM

"Please no more! This bag is already heavy enough! Carl complained when Stacy stowed her new items. "Alright then! Lets go get some food!" Carl said walking out the door and holding it open for Stacy.


After stocking back up on food rations, Carl and Stacy had gotten back on the road out of town, heading for Printap town. As usual when he traveled, Carl let out all his Pokemon. Cote floated along besides him, squeaking ocasionally. Woli was wobbling down the road on his short little flippers, occasionally
pitching forwards to roll across the ground. Carl had to carry Mige.

Seeing as it was gonna be a whole days trip to Printap, Carl tried making some small talk with Stacy while keeping a sharp eye out for wild pokemon. "So what do your parents do?" He asked, scaning around the tall grass on the side of the road.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 12-19-2016, 09:53 PM

Stacy enjoyed the fresh air and the soft breeze as they left the outskirts of the town headed in the direction of Printap town. She was glad for the "road" (which was really more of a well worn dirt path) that would guide them easily to the next town. It would be a much easier trip than going through the forest to get to her previous destination. Seeing Carl's pokemon happily following beside him, Stacy let out Chip, her Stufful. It held a special place in her heart being her very first pokemon. "My parents?" Stacy asked thoughtfully, "Well my mom runs a pokemon daycare. My dad helps develop pokemon food formulas. What about yours?" asked Stacy curiously. She wondered what sort of people had raised Carl. She could easily imagine his father being a fisherman and his mother a girl scout troop leader from what she had seen of him so far.

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 12-19-2016, 11:45 PM

"Oh that's cool! Does she find many Pokemon eggs? Hmmm Pokemon food formulas! That's pretty cool too. I wonder if some of my Pokemon food is the brand he works for?" Carl commented. Veering around a divot in the path, Carl answered Stacy's question. "Well I live by the ocean and my mom is a Pokemon berry grower. We have a big farm that I helped out on a lot up until I started my adventure. There's also a Devon Crop. research facility outside of town and that's where my dad works. He's one of those guys you find in labs and stuff with the glasses and white coats. He even has this cool clip board he carries around!" Carl paused to take a drink from his water bottle, offering some to his Pokemon before continuing. "I learned all about Pokemon from them. My dad taught me all about the types and tactics and my mom taught me all about how to care for them. She even got me a cool fishing rod that I used to catch Cote!" Carl turned to Stacy, "Do you have a fishing rod?"


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 12-21-2016, 03:27 PM

”Sometimes!” said Stacy, ”It’s fun to wonder what will hatch from them even though the trainers usually take them so most of the we don’t get to see.” Stacy made a pouty face. She loved playing with baby pokemon. ”Maybe!” she added, referring to the pokemon food. She could check later on when they took a break for dinner.

Stacy looked over at Carl as he spoke about his family. A berry grower and a researcher… ”That’s pretty interesting!” she said, ”I don’t have much of a green thumb myself and science was never really my strongpoint,” she added, rubbing the back of her head. She smiled listening to hew new traveling companion describe how his parents helped him learn about pokemon. Her mother had taught her how to care for her pokemon as well, and her dad had taught her all about proper nutrition and traveling. They had sent her to a pokemon school to learn about about tactics and items and everything else. It had been very educational but not very fun.

”I’ve never actually been fishing before,” Stacy responded to his last question, ”I don’t really know much about it to be honest,” she admitted. Honestly she always thought of fishing as being a bit icky. Putting a worm on a hook and waiting around all day for a pokemon to bite wasn’t really something she thought of as fun but it might be interesting to learn. ”Maybe you can show me sometime?” Stacy asked Carl.

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 12-21-2016, 05:44 PM

"Ah I never thought about that! That wouldn't be so fun not getting to see what the egg hatches into. I've never hatched an egg myself." Carl had never even seen a Pokemon egg now that he thought about it. He knew it was a lot of work to hatch one and required quite a lot of walking but he thought it might be fun to try.

"Yeah berry growing isn't so bad! I have a pretty good nack for growing things but Pokemon are my true love!" Carl pumped his fist up into the air, holding it there slightly longer than necessary. "Ahem... Anyways..." Carl went back to listening to Stacy as the walked. "Hey yeah! That would be great! Maybe we will run across a river between here and Printap and I can show you how to fish there! I brought my pole along and everything. Are you planing on having any water pokemon in your party?" Carl asked wondering what pokemon she had with her. "Lets see you have a Mareep, Woobat, a Stuffle... Do you have any other Pokemon besides those three?"

((There we go! All fixed!))

Last edited by Car'a'Carn; 12-21-2016 at 05:51 PM..


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 12-21-2016, 06:58 PM

”Yeah, sometimes it’s hard to say goodbye to the pokemon when their trainers come to pick them up. You sort of get attached to them you know?” Stacy said. Still it was fun to play with lots of different pokemon and a great way to learn about different pokemon species.

Stacy raised her eyebrow when Carl pumped his fist yet again. At this rate his arms would be cramping by the end of the day. ”Oh that could be fun!” Stacy remarked, ”I’d really love to catch an Azurill someday but I have yet to encounter one.” Stacy bent down to pet her Stufful for a moment. ”Nope, that’s it for now. I’m hoping to catch more soon though. It’s always a good idea to keep six pokemon with you when you can.”

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 12-22-2016, 05:32 PM

"I bet! I can understand that. Still i bet it's lots of fun to play with them before they leave" Carl replied. He had gotten to play with a lot of other people's Pokemon over the years but he bet Stacy got to play with a lot of different kinds of Pokemon.

"Azurill's sure are cute!" Carl agreed watching Stacy ticke her Stuffle, "And so is your Stuffle! Like a big teddy bear!" He added. "6 is a good number. like is 6 the maxium though? I wonder who came up with that. Well maybe we can both bolser our party numbers with some new Pokemon before we get to Printap! Speaking of, it's getting late in the afternoon, maybe we should go look though the tall grass for some Pokemon before we settle down for the night?" Carl asked, turning to Stacy.


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Old 12-26-2016, 02:23 AM

Stacy nodded, ”That it is,” she said with a smile. ”That’s totally what drew me to them. Chip here was my very first pokemon. I’d always wanted a stufful and one day my parents surprised me with one!” Stacy laughed and smiled, it was a very good memory. ”Yes, six is the maximum. I’m not sure who came up with that to be honest but it could be a good idea to add a few pokemon to our parties soon. So far I’ve just been sort of taking things at my own pace but it’s true if I’m going to start competing for badges that I’ll need to round out my party.” Stacy went silent for a minute, seeming to weight what sort of pokemon she might be able to add to her party until Carl’s mention of searching through the tall grass brought her out of her thoughts. ”Sure, that sounds like a good idea to me,” she said.

Berries & Cream!

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Old 12-27-2016, 12:58 AM

"Ah that's a really cool present!" Carl exclaimed. Pokemon for presents was what he always hoped for on his birthday afterall! "I hope I can round out my party a bit too. I'll have to look for some different types than water for now till I can find the more rare dual types!" Carl replied recalling all his pokemon besides Cote. "Alright then!" Carl said pumping his fist into the air, "I'll go over here and you can take the other side of the road!" He said as he moved off to the left side of the path they were following. Pulling out some Pokeballs, Carl started walking though the tall grass keeping alert and watching for any twitch of movement in the grass.

Suddenly a Pidove flew out from the grass! Taking careful aim, Carl threw a pokeball at it catching it inside! "YES! I got one!" He shouted just as it escaped from the ball again. "Oh no!" He took aim again as it got it's bearings before flying away, and threw another ball. Once again, the ball sucked the Pidove inside! "YES!" Carl was premature again as the Pidove once again escaped. Undeterred, Carl tried once more, the Pokeball sucking the Pidove inside "Comon! This time for sure!" A few tense moments later, the Pidove once again escaped, flying away erraticly and narrowly dogeing a tree in it's path! "Oh no! It got away!" Carl said looking totally defeated. "I thought for sure I had it that time!"


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Old 12-31-2016, 01:30 AM

Stacy simply shrugged and stalked off in the opposite direction as Carl, her stufful at her heels. They hadn't wandered through the grass very long when she noticed a patch of grass shaking slightly and ordered Chip to investigate it. She almost squealed in delight when a hoppip jumped out of the grass. "Tackle it Chip!" she said, pointing her finger at the wild pokemon. It would be such a cute addition to her team, especially since she didn't have either a grass or flying type pokemon yet. Stufful hit it's mark, knocking the pokemon over however it quickly jumped back up and counter attacked with a tackle of it's own. "Go Chip, you can get it!" she said excitedly, urging her pokemon on. Chip tackled it again but the hoopip started taking in sunlight and healed itself.

"Shoot!" Stacy exclaimed. Still, she wasn't going to give up so easily. "Give it a taste of your brutal swing!" Stufful backed up slightly then charged at the hoppip, hitting it square on. The hoppip fell over seemingly dazed by the powerful attack, and Stacy quickly threw a pokeball at her quarry. The hoppip was sucked up inside and the ball jiggled gently against the ground before finally going still. "Yay!!!" Stacy exclaimed happily, retrieving her new pokemon. "Great job Chip!" she said, scratching her pokemon under the chin before turning back towards the road. She wondered how Carl was faring...

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 12-31-2016, 06:58 AM

Having completely failed in his attempt to catch the Pidove, Carl made his way back to the path. Having heard some commotion from where Stacy had been searching, Carl decided to head over and see how she was doing. Striding once more into the tall grass, Carl called out, "Stacy! Hey Stacy!" As he caught up to Stacy. "You look pretty happy!" Carl said, noticing the huge grin on Stacy's face. "Does that mean you caught something?" He asked noticing the Pokeball in her hand. "I had a bit of trouble with mine..." Carl started telling the story of his encounter. "I can't believe that even afte 3 pokeballs it got away!" He finished. "I mean... I've had a hard time catching Pokemon in the past... It took almost 20 pokeballs to catch my Poliwhirl! I don't get what I'm doing wrong!"

Berries & Cream!

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Old 01-04-2017, 01:49 AM

((*poke* *pokepoke*))


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Old 01-04-2017, 01:54 AM

((Whoa, are you psychic? I seriously just opened this tab thinking I might be able to reply to this tonight. @_@))

---------- Post added 01-03-2017 at 09:26 PM ----------

Stacy turned around when she heard Carl calling her name. ”I did!” she said happily, answering his question. ”I just caught a hoppip that I’ve decided to name Mei,” she said, holding out her luxury ball for Carl to see. ”Looks like I have some training ahead of me…” she said with a smile.

Stacy cocked her head as she listened to Carl’s explanation of his failure. ”Three pokeballs?” she asked, somewhat incredulously. Either Carl had very bad aim or had somehow encountered a very strong pokemon in his patch of grass. ”Wait, 20 pokeballs? You must be joking right?” she asked but the expression on Carl’s face read that he was not so she cleared her throat, trying to gloss over the awkward moment.

”What pokemon was it?” she asked, changing the subject. It was pretty obvious that he was doing something wrong. "Maybe you should try again and show me how you did it," she offered, hoping that if she saw what he was doing wrong she could help him up his catch rate. Twenty pokeballs! Stacy was still mentally shaking her head.

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 01-04-2017 at 02:28 AM..


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Old 01-15-2017, 11:52 PM


Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 01-16-2017, 12:57 AM

(( #horribleRPpartner))

"Ahh! You caught one!" Carl exclaimed when he saw Stacy's luxury ball. "I'm so envious!" He added looking a little green. He wanted to fill out his pokemon collection so bad but it was so hard to catch them! I wonder if she has a secret to catching them he wondered to himself.

"Uh.. yeah. 20 pokeballs." He replied looking a little confused and scrathing his head. It was common to use that many. His friend back home had used just as many or more to catch the few pokemon that he had. "Doesn't it take you that many to catch a pokemon too?" He asked Stacy.

"It was a Pidove I tried to catch. Oh sure! I can show you my stuff!" Carl stretched his arms over his head and across his chest before pumping his fist in the air. "Lets go! I'll show you how a pro does it!" He leapt back into the tall grass, fiercely wading though the long blades in search of another pokemon. Standing still for a moment, he noticed a rustling not far from him in the grass. Peaking though the leaves, Carl spotted another Pidove. "I GOTCHA NOW!" Carl shouted as he flung a pokeball at the Pidove. The ball sucked the Pidove inside and wiggled around on the ground for a moment before the Pidove sprang free! Once again, Carl threw several pokeballs in succession at the Pidove before it escaped, flapping madly away through the trees. "Ah well, I guess I wasn't so lucky that time. It must have been a high level pokemon to escape like that eh?" Carl turned back to Stacy, an embarrassed look on his face.


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Old 01-27-2017, 08:54 PM

”Uh, no?” Stacy said, a sweat drop rolling down the side of her head, ”It only took me this one luxury ball to catch Mei. Once in a while it can take more but that’s usually only if the pokemon is very strong…” she added. So far the three pokemon she had captured had only taken one pokeball each to catch. ”That seems unusual for a pidove…” she muttered thoughtfully before Carl enthusiastically led her back into the tall grass for a second attempt. She had a bit of difficulty pushing through the grass at the same breakneck pace as her fellow trainer but she managed to catch up as he stopped.

Stacy watched over Carl’s shoulder as he chucked a pokeball at another wild pidove. It hit the pokemon head on but the pidove easily escaped the confines of the capture device. Carl repeated the gesture with a few more balls until the pidove flew off. Stacy watched the small pokemon until it disappeared into a stand of nearby trees then turned to look at Carl. ”Didn’t anyone ever show you how to catch a pokemon?” she asked, incredulously. No wonder it had taken him so many pokeballs to catch his other pokemon, and he had been lucky at that!

Stacy sighed, ”You need to weaken them first,” she said, ”You know, battle it with your other pokemon to lower its health. THEN you can throw the pokeball. The best though is to try to give it a status effect like sleep or paralyze or poison for example.” she explained. This was really basic stuff, she couldn’t believe his parents hadn’t shown him the things he needed to know, letting him set off on his adventure with little to no knowledge of the pokemon world or basic life skills like how to budget. ”Anyway, why don’t you give it another go?” she asked, ”I’m sure you’ll get it this time.”

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 02-05-2017, 10:35 PM

”Well I mean... I did have my mom and dad teach me about catching Pokemon but they never went into details. They were always pretty busy.” Carl said a little abashed at his lack of experience. But he trailed off and instead listened intently to what she had to say. “Oh! I didn't know you had to weaken them first!” Carl interrupted. Stacy continued unperturbed. ”uh huh...” Carl murmured every so often. Finally Stacy finished with her lecture on Pokemon catching. ”All right! Time to catch some Pokemon!” Carl thrust his fist into the air enthusiastically. ”Thanks for telling me all that! I'll catch it this time for sure!”

Carl waded right off back into the tall grass with Woli and kept a sharp eye out for any wiggling patches of grass. Almost right off, a small patch right in front of him started wiggling! ”Alright! Get ready Woli,” Carl whispered to Woli. “Wait... Wait... OK BUBBLE BEAM! NOW!” Woli shot out a stream of bubbles that hit the rustling grass square on, knocking a Pidove right out.! ”Yes! Way to go Wolli!” The Pidove got up and attacked, flapping its wings furiously! ”Woli! Look out! It’s using gust!” Woli spun out of the way of the Pidove’s attack just in time! ”Woli! Use Hypnosis!” Woli used Hypnosis, using his body to sway rhythmically, lulling the Pidove into a relaxed state and finally, to sleep.

Ready for the moment when the Pidove fell asleep, Carl hurled his pokeball at the Pidove and it was sucked inside in a flash of light. The ball fell to the ground and wriggled feebly several times until the lock clicked shut audibly. ”Yes! It work! Did you see that Stacy? It totally worked!” Carl grabbed the pokeball and thrust his hand into the air and added a jump to it for good measure before bounding excitedly back to where Stacy was standing on the road. ”Well so how’d I do?? Your instructions really paid off! Check it out!" Carl thrust the ball out at Stacy for her inspection.


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Old 02-09-2017, 05:50 PM

Stacy shook her head as Carl waded back into the tall grass, ready to try again. The kid was clueless but not helpless from what she had seen. Following the other pokemon trainer, she watched him make another attempt, this time being sure to weaken the pidove and even put it to sleep before tossing his pokeball. Stacy twisted her fingers together for luck as she watched the pokeball wobble back and forth in the grass as the captured pokemon tried to escape.

After a few moments the ball clicked, signaling a successful capture and a smile broke out on her face. ”Way to go Carl!” she praised, holding her hand up for a high five, ”That was great! Congratulations!” she said, looking at the pokeball he presented to her. ”Maybe you can repay me by giving me that fishing lesson the next time we come across a stream…” she said, spurred on by the other trainer’s success.

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 02-15-2017, 07:47 PM

"Thanks Stacy! You really helped me out!" Carl thanked Stacy as he pocketed his Pidove. Four whole Pokemon now! Carl could barely believe it. He'd be a master Pokemon trainer in no time! "Oh hey! Yeah! That would be great! I really hope we run across a stream while we are walking to Printap. though we are nearly halfway there." Carl responded to Stacy's suggestion. He really did love to fish. Most of the time he would just throw what he caught back as he already had plenty of water type Pokemon. "I'd love to show you my fishing moves." He added with a nod. Carl looked over at the setting sun then, the rays of golden light playing long shadows of leaves across their path as it filtered though the trees. "Hmm it's getting pretty late out now isn't it? Do you want to keep walking through the night Stacy? Or would you rather set up a camp for the night?" Carl asked his companion.


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Old 03-19-2017, 06:21 PM

”No problem!” Stacy said with a smile. Stacy nodded, hoping they would find a stream on the way to Printap. ”Thanks, that’d be great!” she said. She could really use a water pokemon for the tournament against some fire or rock types. Stacy’s eyes shifted over to the sunset when she noticed Carl looking at it. The day had gone by so fast!

”We should probably set up camp for the night,” she said in response to his question. ”Let’s find a place where the grass isn’t as tall.” Stacy set off towards a strand of nearby trees and found a relatively sheltered area away from the grass, ”This should do I think,” she said, reaching for her bag on Carl’s shoulder. It had been liberating to walk without the burden of it’s weight this afternoon but tomorrow it would be up to her to carry it again.

Unzipping her bag, Stacy lay out her sleeping bag and started gathering up some wood to make a fire. Though the air wasn’t cold yet it would probably get chilly in the middle of the thing and they could use it to heat some food for their dinner.

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 03-23-2017, 01:04 AM

"Allllright! Sounds good to me!" Carl replied. "Yeah that would be a good idea. We don't want a wild Pokemon jumping out at us in the middle of the night!" Carl threw back his head laughing aloud at his joke. When he finally stopped laughing, Carl saw that Stacy had already started walking away. "Hey wait for me!" He hollered at Stacy, running after her.

"Yeah! *HUFF* This looks like... *Wheeze* A great spot!" Carl managed to get out between his gasping breaths. Stacy had picked a nice location in a sheltered stand of trees. She was already setting up her sleeping bag and had started gathering wood by the time Carl had gotten his wind back. I can't let her beat me! Carl said to himself, thrusting his fist into the air.

While Stacy was wandering around the outskirts of camp gathering wood, Carl wasted no time and started digging into his expansive backpack. First came the tent, a specialized, one motion model that required him to simply fling it into the air! He flung the tent up and in seconds it landed on the ground, fully set up! Next, Carl pulled the ripcord on his sleeping bag. A simple set of strings and loops allowed the sleeping back to be quickly unfurled. With his sleeping quarters arranged, Carl quickly pulled out his camping lanterns and set them up on polls around their campsite to illuminate the area. Lastly, Carl grabbed his folding shovel and quickly made a fire pit, complete with berm, in the center of camp. "Done!" Carl cried, jumping up from his crouch. He looked around and proudly surveyed his quick work. "Now we just need the firewood!"

Last edited by Car'a'Carn; 03-23-2017 at 01:46 AM..


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Old 03-24-2017, 03:52 PM

Stacy walked around the outskirts of the campsite picking up large and medium sized sticks and dead grasses for kindling. Despite the numerous trees it took her a while to gather a sufficient amount of branches to get a fire going. When she returned to the camp about 10 minutes later she stood dumbfounded for a moment. It looked like Carl had raided an entire outdoor supply store. Their campsite was now completely outfitted with a tent, lanterns, and fire pit. Where did he store all the stuff she wondered and Stacy had to admit that Carl must be a lot stronger than she thought to carry around not only her heavy duffle bag but also all this extra gear.

”I brought the firewood…” Stacy said, setting her heavy burden down next to the freshly dug hole she was careful not to dirty her skirt as she began setting up the campfire, kindling at the bottom followed by small sticks which she covered with larger pieces. Rooting around in her bag she located her lighter and set the pile ablaze. Sitting back she waited for the flames to catch before backing away.

”You must really like camping…” Stacy said to Carl, commenting on his gear. Either that or he was paranoid of “roughing it” in the wild though she didn't get that feeling from him. From all outward appearances, Stacy looked like a “girly girl” who would be afraid of getting dirty or wet, of bugs or other creepy crawlies, or sleeping outside under the stars without protection but in reality she was a strong girl who wouldn’t be cowed by new or scary circumstances. Most of her traveling so far had been done between towns, stopping at hotels along the way or sleeping in pokemon centers but on the few occasions she had slept outdoors she had come to enjoy laying in her sleeping bag and looking up at the stars, her pokemon cuddled around her as the all fell asleep together.


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