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Old 10-29-2008, 06:41 PM

Javiera; Haha, that would be rather entertaining. P:
&& Thats the one ! P: I might get one ! D<
O: ! I completely forgot about traditional art!
I just like art in general ; ~;' <3
It does it does! D<
One day i'll be AMAZINGGGG.
Hopefully soon im lazzy P:
> .>; crazy.
Thats good though! Charitable people are awesome. D<
I fail at replying. x]


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Old 10-29-2008, 06:45 PM

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Old 10-29-2008, 06:46 PM

Haha i never went through a phase. xD I did things like you just named -high five- We rule! Man i miss the show Afraid of the dark! It was the bomb. They really are, and my nephew can punch pretty hard. D ; Sounds like something i would do. xD " I HAVE MORE FRIENDS!" hahahaha Legos are awesome, i haven't played with any if like ever though. Getting along with little kids is always a good thing. I can for the most part.

Spanish Leek Squared
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Old 10-29-2008, 06:52 PM

Attack; Well, it is for meee. xD It's much better than this one time when a teacher tried to correct me on the pronunciation of my name.
It's dropping in price so i'm happy. Only 2k more and I can get it! xD
Yes, all art is good if it's done well. @__@ Or if it's free! xD
xD lol. All artists I seem to talk to are all lazy. <3
Yes, yes it is. It is a list that fills many with envy and disbelief.
They are very awesome, and i'll have to chat to them HEAPS after the exam period since I haven't lately, since i've been so busy.. and gaia kinda kills my net. xD I only really chat on Mene intensely when theres an event. @__@ but if I try to chat in both i'd die/lost track of time/get lost.

But your the head slave, you get to boss all the other slaves around.

Mirth; xD lol. -high five- So do I! That was a kickass show! Aw, poor you. *pat pat* My friend is evil, when I was trying to draw on him with marker he kept pressing the nerve on my bicep that makes your whole arm go reallly painful -cry-. Dx He was being so mean, but then I made him fall to his knees and beg the next day so we totally know that I WON! xD Well, maturity is for the old, so I refuse to grow! xP Thats why you need small children! Small children have lego! xD and you don't look weird playing with it if small children are playing too. You can just be all "i'm helping him build a fort.. >_> IT WAS HIS IDEA."

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Old 10-29-2008, 06:59 PM

Wtf ? XD They tried to correct you? lol.
XD ! Exactlyyy! and and. you should qoute that m&m up there.
> .>' Maybe it's a trend ?
Exam ? Ickkk. I hate tests/quizzes/work.
I pretty much stick with msn, and even get lost there sometimes. XD !
I've been all about solia the past few weeks, but idk.
Mene is bringing me back slowly.

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Old 10-29-2008, 07:01 PM

Agreed. Oh i wanna learn where thats at so i can do that to people. xD Sounds like you won to me also. xDD Pfft who needs to be mature? Mature = gray hair and bad hips! Oh i know, little kids are great for that. Haha it's so awesome. I use to use my little cousin for that during church. I would be like oh look he is cranky...i'll take him to the play room. >.>

Spanish Leek Squared
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Old 10-29-2008, 07:11 PM

Originally Posted by Attack View Post
Attack; Yeaaah.. he thought just cause he'd been to Spain.
o_o what? Oh. XD I got distracted cause I just realised I could play the gaia MMO. O___O OH GOD YES
xD lol, nah. I think they're all just lazy.
Who doesn't. Dx
Haha. xD I'm so slow now. I can't keep up with my old usual hang out anymore. @__@
I've heard alot about Solia, is it good?
Wow.. this MMO actually is pretty good. .___.

Mirith; xD So do I. I was mostly pissed cause I wanted to know how he did that.
lol, exactly! D: No grey hair here!
LOL. xD Yeah, that works great unless the kid is all "but.. I don't wanna" Dx then your like "You don't want to play with lego!? whats wrong with yoou?"

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Old 10-29-2008, 07:14 PM

He didn't teach you? -le gasp-!
Woot! -booty bumps-
Thats when i just play by myself and i am like "finnnne, be that way" -sticks tongue out at them- xD

Spanish Leek Squared
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Old 10-29-2008, 07:24 PM

Originally Posted by Mirith View Post
He didn't teach you? -le gasp-!
Woot! -booty bumps-
Thats when i just play by myself and i am like "finnnne, be that way" -sticks tongue out at them- xD

Well, I didn't ask. D:
xD *falls* -doesn't have a booty-
Lol. >w>; I'd just pout until they give in. XD

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Old 10-29-2008, 07:26 PM

Lol. Thats great.
I WANNA PLAY THE MMO! T_____________T
I'm to lazyyyyyyyyyyyyy.
But yes Solia is awesome. o3o

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Old 10-29-2008, 07:29 PM

Oh well you should!
Haha you should eat more gravy. >.>
Kids are easy to guilt into things.
What common do you want? xD

Spanish Leek Squared
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Old 10-29-2008, 07:36 PM

Attack; xD Lol, can you play it though, you need to be 4 years old to play. x3
I see. I don't think I can be bothered starting a new site.

Mirith; Next time I see him, I will. D<
I love gravy! D: but the fat disappears. xD
Yeah, they are. xD but some of them are just evil.
You mean regular common or event common? o__o

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Old 10-29-2008, 07:39 PM

Nooo im only 3 : [

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Old 10-29-2008, 07:40 PM

Gewd...and then you gotta show me! I demand it! : 3
Me too, gravy is like so yummy. Haha damn...i wish my body fat would just disappear. xD I have to work out, and i think i have lost a few pounds since i started! : 3 I mean i am not huge, i am mainly just out of shape. D ;
Event. xD I am too poor to supply regular.

Spanish Leek Squared
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Old 10-29-2008, 07:49 PM

Attack; xD You can probably play in a few days?

Mirith; I shall!
I know. <33 I'm out of shape too, xD out of shape for me is being not-muscle. I'm a huge jock and I have the metabolism of crazy. xD; I can't gain weight. It's so bad.
Awesome. -goes to look- The black and green scarf. o__o <3

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Old 10-29-2008, 07:51 PM

GIVE ME YO METABOLISM! xD Oh my leg muscles are coming back, it's awesome. I am starting to work on my upper body though. I want to start playing soft ball.
Okies i will go get it in a sec xD <3

Spanish Leek Squared
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Old 10-29-2008, 07:58 PM

O: Whooooaa. xD 500g on Mene seems like so much to me, since you could get a CI set for that. The CIs here are so cheap. @__@
Thankyou!! x3

Mirith; xD neevaar. I want to abuse it some moar. I want to play basketball again, it gives me a full body work out.. with all the throwing and running, or netball. Maybe soccer, or fencing. x3 Mm, fencing would be good, I love fencing.
Yay! xD

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Old 10-29-2008, 08:04 PM

Haha meanie! D < I played basketball my freshman year of high school. xP Yea i was in good shape back when i played. D ; Do you know how to fence? : o

Spanish Leek Squared
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Old 10-29-2008, 08:10 PM

Basketball is lots of fun. x3 I love it. I've played since I was 9. xD
Yes, for about 2 years I fenced. It was so much fun. I got to stabs things!

I'm going to go for a bit. xD See you again soon!

Last edited by Spanish Leek Squared; 10-29-2008 at 08:45 PM..

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Old 10-29-2008, 09:59 PM

Javiera, no problemo~
I was like she's so close to 7k. ; 3;
So i figured why not.

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Old 10-30-2008, 02:41 AM

I'm so bored.

Gory Little Horror
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Old 10-30-2008, 04:46 PM

*Yawns* Afternoon

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Old 10-30-2008, 04:56 PM

Howdy. ^^

Gory Little Horror
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Old 10-30-2008, 04:58 PM

Hello ^^
How's it going?

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Old 10-30-2008, 05:00 PM

Good, i am just waking up. xP I didn't have a ride to school. D ;


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