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kimu is offline
Old 06-15-2009, 05:00 PM

Well...we only just got a cat about 10 months ago D ; He's mega awesome and cute!


...also sometimes weird.

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ladyceres is offline
Old 06-17-2009, 01:44 AM

I have a pet now named Luna she's a almost 5 month old little black kitten who causes non-stop trouble for me XD. Over the years I've had many animals as pets and I guess my favorite will always be my dog Hope who was a little stinker as well but she acted so much like me XD.

Loveless Angels
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FakeSunShine is offline
Old 06-17-2009, 02:41 PM

so the other day i found this frog in my pool and thn another and a nother a family of froggies isnt that cool and now they keep coming back into my pool and i keep having to take them out there so cute but if they keep going in and im not there they could dround or something which is no buneo!

iDemonBunnys is offline
Old 06-26-2009, 06:37 PM

I used to have like 10 I have 5. I also have 3 parakeets, 5 dogs, and 10 fish.
My cats... half of them are moody all the time and just sit there and hiss at people... the rest of them like attention and will follow me around and rub themselves on me and meow so I'll give them attention.
A pet I'd like to have... a snake. I really want a snake. But I can't have one.

It's getting harder... to see th...
Beryl is offline
Old 07-02-2009, 12:31 AM

I have a cat..
I once had alot of birds, and I dream of having frogs one day :D

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goldfishwishes is offline
Old 07-03-2009, 07:50 PM

lets see we have 14 ferrets 2 cats and 2 Dumpy Tree frogs right now and about a bajillion fish . we used to have 2 chinchillas and sugar glider. I too have had a hedgehog they are great pets. i used to have an iguana that lived to be 14 years . used to have a dog a mini collie but we had to get rid of him after our neighbor dog attacked him. we used to raise Love birds and cockatiels.

Id love to have another chinchilla or a rabbit or something. cause i moved recently and couldnt bring any of my pets with me except my frogs and miss my cats sooo much cause Abby is 14 and ROdchester is 13 and ive had them al their lives and they are like my kids. so i hope to one day go home and get them :)

Mesmerized is offline
Old 07-03-2009, 08:16 PM

I think the only pet I would really want to have would be a dog. Something like a golden retriever would be lovely <3 I've always thought they would make a perfect pet and friend.
I know for sure though, that I would never, EVER want to have any type of insect/reptile as a pet... something like a snake or tarantula=i don't think so.

whorsea is offline
Old 07-06-2009, 12:12 AM

I have three fish (which probably don't count) and a little Bichon Frise/Toy Poodle named Polar. Sure, my parents don't really like her, but they know if they ever give her away I will be so upset. My dad doesn't really like dogs, but my mom managed to persuade him into it. She's a little ball of fun. Hyper, but she can be a real brat sometimes. She usually doesn't listen to our commands.
I used to have two budgies; a green and blue one. The blue bird was mine, I named it Harley. Don't ask dad has a Harley Davidson. xD
My brothers was the green bird named Oz or something...Ozzie, maybe? Well anyways. Oz wasn't too nice to Harley and ended up dying before my bird. I was kind of happy, because he was a real bully to my little baby boy. Unfortunately poor Harley wasn't doing too well and died...
Though that was when I was around eight or something. I'm fifteen now. But I still miss my birdie. </3

[Nova Solanasea]
[Nova Solanasea] is offline
Old 07-06-2009, 10:48 PM

In the past we've had a
few hamsters, but they were my sisters

I remember the white one bit my second
eldest sister, and the black one (belonging
to my oldest sister) got stuck under the fridge

Then we hada dog named Katie, she
was a golden retriever. But we ended
up giving her to a nice family with kids,
cause we were all grown up and no one
really played with her as much D:

And now :'DDD I have my baby!
Suki, my pomeranian-chihuahua.
I love her to pieces and sweet-talk
her all the time. My family loves on
her too, but I'm her favorite C':
She sleeps with me at night & such

Plus, my family has a cat, named Ducky

phailing Ebil Dollie scientist
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TejinaShinsen is offline
Old 07-07-2009, 12:40 AM

I have two cats.

Used to have three dogs, a few hamsters and well gold fish, but they usually only lasted like a week. the fish that is.

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FAGGY CHAN is offline
Old 07-09-2009, 07:03 PM

I've had lots of different pets that have come and gone.
I've had a python, fish, hamsters, cats, dogs, and other stuff.

Right now though we have one cat and one guinea pig.
I hate the guinea pig cause he throws his poop everywhere and he bites.

I love my kitty however. <33
This is my bby, Elvis. We adopted him almost a half year ago. He's 2.

And now for a game...

Find the kitty!

"O fart, you found me."

The artist in training ;)
opalistic8 is offline
Old 07-13-2009, 11:16 AM

Well, I don't have any pets anymore... I used to have a dog and two cats, Tess (dog), Guppy (cat 1) and Ocelotte (cat 2), but Tess and Guppy had to be put to sleep because they wewre so old and they both had really bad arthritis, and Ocelotte got cancer, so... :(
Then I had another dog and another cat, Sandy (dog) and Pywacket (cat). Sandy was given to us by my mum's best friend, who couldn't take care of her due to the friend and her husband travelling around the country until they were 80. Pywacket was given to us by my older brother, due to the fact that my brother's next door neighbor had some issues with cats and had threatened to poison Pie if she evr went anywhere near his house. Yeah... >.>;
We had to leave Sandy and Pie behind when we moved house - we gave Sandy to a lady who'd once had a dog, but the dog had died, and she was really lonely... we gave Pie to my mum's friend's daughter... we don't really know how Sandy's doing these days, but Pie got cancer and had to be put down.
Over the years I've also had multiple fish, tadpoles, cockatiels, frogs, rabbits, mice and guinea pigs. All of them have either died, been put down or been given away. Though most of the fish, frogs and todpoles would have gotten eaten by the cranes... (mum insisted that they be put in the pond out in the back garden)

So yesh, the biography of my multiple pets... And now I have none ^^;

Kay is offline
Old 07-13-2009, 03:08 PM

I have quite a few pets at the moment. I have 7 fish, two dogs, 3 cats ( Soon to be more than three, kittens! Yay), 20 some chickens, and a duck.

D_Macleod428 is offline
Old 07-13-2009, 08:31 PM

Growing up I had cats, dogs, fish, hamsters, and Guinea Pigs

Since being out on my own I've had fish, and a bunny

Deadly Mango Kitty
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Deadly Mango Kitty is offline
Old 07-13-2009, 08:34 PM

I have a Boston Terrier. She's really muscle-y and hyper and she loves to lick people's faces, but when she does she punches you with her nose. And I have a chihuahua/pug who's obsessed with fish and bird clocks.

Last edited by Deadly Mango Kitty; 07-13-2009 at 08:43 PM..

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StripedSocks` is offline
Old 07-13-2009, 09:30 PM

I have two dogs and an empty fish tank. ;D
My dogs are Miniature Australian Shepherds. The older one is a red-tri and is named Rudy G. (after Rudy Giuliani, my dad knows him) and the younger one is a brown merle and is named Gracie M. (after Gracie Mansion, where Rudy Giuliani lives/lived.. I don't know if he still lives there. xD) Rudy has epilepsy and Gracie is a basket case and spins in circles. xD I LOVE THEM.

When I was little, we had two dogs, also. One was a mutt and was named J. Edgar (after J. Edgar Hoover) and the other was a Keeshond and was named Jenny Lynn (kind of similar to Jenny Lynd, some ice skater person. xD) J. Edgar lived until he was 17. /nods

I used to have lots and lots of fish when I was little. They all died. D: And then recently, all of our fish died. So we got two new fish, and they both died, like, a month later on the same day. D: I'm going to get more fish soon.

And I also have a stuffed penguin named Cuddles who sleeps in my bed that my boyfriend got for me. xD <3

NiccaWoodStar is offline
Old 07-16-2009, 11:15 AM

I have six dogs.

I have two Askals (fancy word for asong kalye, which means dog in the streets; but they're not ugly! They're actually very pretty and intelligent), one Basenji, and two pure blood Shih Tzus. I have another dog who's half Shih Tzu, half .... something. We don't really know. XD

There used to be nine dogs but three Shih Tzu puppies died. T____T They inhaled some cleaning agents.

I have two lovebirds but they just stay in their cage ... and break their eggs. :gonk:

My fish kill themselves by jumping out of their aquarium. o.o;;

Oh yes! And a month ago, I found a three day old kitten left by my evil neighbors outside to die. We named her Starkle ... But Starkle died a few days later. :( She was really weak and her mother, who kept on making babies (o.o;;) didn't take care of her.

Last edited by NiccaWoodStar; 07-16-2009 at 11:18 AM..

The warrior spirit calls me....
Sleipnir0815 is offline
Old 07-16-2009, 01:56 PM

I have a little black hamster and a dog :)

The hamster is called Gonzo and my dog's called Leo.

When I'm home, I'll post some pictures of'em ;)

How do I add pictures here from my computer!? :sweat::sweat::sweat:

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 07-16-2009 at 10:20 PM.. Reason: Double Posting

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StripedSocks` is offline
Old 07-16-2009, 10:14 PM

Please don't double post. D:
I recommend uploading your photos to and then using the [img] tags to post it.

The warrior spirit calls me....
Sleipnir0815 is offline
Old 07-17-2009, 04:05 PM

Oh sorry...I didn't know that...:sweat:

So....I uploaded the pics and here they are :yes:

My dog.... Leo:

My hamster.... Gonzo:

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 07-17-2009 at 09:54 PM..

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StripedSocks` is offline
Old 07-17-2009, 09:48 PM

Aw, is that a Keeshond? Your animals are so cute!

The warrior spirit calls me....
Sleipnir0815 is offline
Old 07-18-2009, 12:51 AM

@StripedSocks: Yes, it is. :) It's kind of weird....a lot of people never recognize that kind ;)

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StripedSocks` is offline
Old 07-18-2009, 12:53 AM

I had one when I was little. C: She was really big and fluffy. Supposedly Keeshonds are supposed to be really high-strung, but mine just kinda laid around and slept. xD

The warrior spirit calls me....
Sleipnir0815 is offline
Old 07-18-2009, 12:55 AM

Mine is growing. He's just about 5 months old :)

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StripedSocks` is offline
Old 07-18-2009, 01:01 AM

Awwww! I don't recall if mine was big because it grew or because it had so much fur. xD Or maybe she was just fat because she didn't get any exercise. One of my dogs right now is getting kind of fat because my dad gives her too many treats.


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