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Yeah, how does it feel to get a ...
Arechi is offline
Old 12-04-2009, 03:38 AM

Kuna continued to stare up at the man and notice that his smile had vanished. He knew that for Seruth it was probably hard for him to allow the fox girl to go to a school, based on what he had said. Although it was that same reason that the Master had for not wanting Luna to go to school was the same reason the serval demon remained quiet. "Yes compared to the other children there she is a bit...different. If it would possibly ease your worry though I can look out for her while she's there to ensure no one harms her" the little serval offered. He may have been small, again not something he would outwardly admit, but he did have some rather nasty claws and teeth to use. He didn't think he would really have to use them though, considering the Master was going there himself to delivering the fox's lunch to her. He figured that most of the kids would probably avoid her out of fear mostly.

Sinsue Hoshigo
It's better to have loved and lo...
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Old 12-04-2009, 12:25 PM

Luna bowed almost as if she had practiced it a thousand time when she saw the master "Hello Master." Luna said as she bowed "What is you will that you have come to do?" Luna said praying that he had not changed his mind.

"Rise Sayory, I came to bring your lunch and to syngh you in." Seruth said as Luna rose and gently took the bag from his hands. obviously this had caused a commotion among the students as a few were staring.

Yeah, how does it feel to get a ...
Arechi is offline
Old 12-04-2009, 06:34 PM

Kuna had walked quietly the rest of the way beside the Master. He knew for him it wouldn't cause a commotion among the others since to them he was just a 'normal kitty who didn't know what Seruth was capable of'. His greenish gaze went around to the other students that were staring at the fox girl. 'It appears the Master's appearance has been noted...Hmmm I don't want her to go around the school without any friends, perhaps I can use my little ruse to Luna's advantage...' he thought quickly as he immediately left the man's side and went to the fox girl. He gazed up at her and let out a meowing sound as he rubbed himself against her legs and began purring. He figured that since he was considered 'normal' rather than a servant for the Master, the others would see that he didn't believe her to be a threat. After all weren't animals suppose to know instinctively if there was a threat and stay away from it?

It's 11PM, do you know where you...
Hresvelgr is offline
Old 12-04-2009, 11:23 PM

Sage waited for her husband where he had left her. A small breeze blow, taking her hair for a short ride. Some rustling came from the woods, then a sudden crack. sage whipped around gasping. A nearby bush near her caught on fire. Her attention thus turned towards the bush. "Not again!" She said putting her hands over it to try and control it and bring it down in size. It started to work after a bit of concentrating. "Seruth is going to laugh.. I know it" She said to herself quietly.

Last edited by Hresvelgr; 12-05-2009 at 02:39 AM..

Sinsue Hoshigo
It's better to have loved and lo...
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Sinsue Hoshigo is offline
Old 12-05-2009, 02:19 AM

Luna leaned down andgently stroked Kunas back "Hello Kuna,are you going to join me today?" Luna asked knowing he was not going to answer since he was trying to be 'Normal'

Seruth was back to the house in a very short piriod of time. He started to chucle to himself as he saw Sage trying t cuntrol the small fire. "Hello love." Serth greated Sage as he came up behind her trying very hard not to burst out laughing.

It's 11PM, do you know where you...
Hresvelgr is offline
Old 12-05-2009, 02:46 AM

Having Seruth suddenly come up behind her did not help. The flame in the bush shot up, incinerating the entire plant. "Opps, Hi!" She said rubbing her head and turning around. She examined his face, seeing his expression. "Shut up" Sage said coldly. Knowing then he would probably just laugh even harder. It was true, Sage had trouble controlling her powers when she was scared. It drove her nuts at times. In her own village, she would have been ridiculed over the small factor.

Last edited by Hresvelgr; 12-06-2009 at 02:50 AM..

Yeah, how does it feel to get a ...
Arechi is offline
Old 12-05-2009, 02:57 AM

Kuna merely meowed up at the fox girl. He began purring as he felt her stroke his back. He figured he would play it up a bit as his purrs were much louder than normal. He figured the more at ease he appeared with Luna the better off the fox girl would be with the other students. He glanced up at her and meowed once more. If he could he would have informed her that he would be keeping an eye out for her, but he hoped that his actions would inform her at least a little.

His gaze went to the Master as the serval saw him leave. He meowed a goodbye to him, rather than his typical verbal one, but figured the man probably wouldn't hear him. He appeared to be moving from the area rather quickly. The little serval assumed that Seruth was returning back to his home, but he couldn't be sure if this was the case. Either way he was sure he would see the man again later on, after the school had let out and Luna was dismissed.

my life is surrounded by music
Mischa is offline
Old 12-05-2009, 03:45 AM

As Aiko walks to her classroom. She looks all round her and studies the surroundings. She's never really been to school before, so this is her first time being around regular kids. She is a very smart girl and hopes to learn a few things along the way of her journey.

Sinsue Hoshigo
It's better to have loved and lo...
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Old 12-05-2009, 05:22 AM

Luna smiles down at the serval deamon seaming to understand. Luna stood up and started to head to her first class.

Seruth smiled at Sage "Shal we go my love." Seruth said holding out his hand for her to take

Last edited by Sinsue Hoshigo; 12-05-2009 at 04:26 PM..

Yeah, how does it feel to get a ...
Arechi is offline
Old 12-05-2009, 06:47 AM

Kuna's eyes followed Luna for as long as he could before she was out of sight. As an animal he technically wasn't allowed to enter the actual school building. Instead he had two options left to him: assume his human form and impersonate a student, or conveniently watch the fox girl at windows that were connected to her classroom. He figured the window approach would be more practical since his human form was mute. Besides sometimes he found he could sneak in through the window as a serval if things got too out of hand for the fox girl.

His gaze locked onto his targeted window. It was a good ways off of the ground, but serval's were known for their high jumping and Kuna was no exception to this. He stood back a little ways from the building and began rushing towards it. Once he felt he was at a right angle he lept upward and managed to get his front paws hooked onto the edge and dug his claws into it as best he could. With a bit of effort and the use of his dangling back legs he was able to make it safely onto the ledge. He peered into the window and found that it was a perfect perch to watch. He could see the entire classroom and as an added bonus the sun was shining down at just the right angle for him. Carefully he paced around on the ledge until he felt comfortable enough to lay on a spot he designated on it. Now the only thing he had to do was watch and wait.

Sinsue Hoshigo
It's better to have loved and lo...
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Sinsue Hoshigo is offline
Old 12-05-2009, 04:46 PM

As Luna’s class seamed to start without a hitch it looked as if there were a group of preppy girls in the back of the classroom who seemed to be laughing at her. One of these girls walked past Luna’s desk dropping a note on it which Luna did not read until after class. Luna along with a few other students only had two classes each lasting for an hour and a half. In between these classes there was a thirty minute lunch period where the student’s could have lunch wherever they wanted on campus.

Yeah, how does it feel to get a ...
Arechi is offline
Old 12-05-2009, 07:00 PM

The little serval watched the whole proceedings of the class. His eyes narrowed at the preppy group of girls as he could tell they were laughing at her. His large ears only helped to prove his correct hunch as he could hear a bit of what they were saying. He had never liked the group, as they usually treated him like some doll and would try to put things like bows, ribbons and doll clothes on him to make him look 'cuter'. They also seemed to lack the common sense that would tell the group that he was a male rather than female which only added to his aggravation when the doll clothes they attempted to put on him were floofy dresses.

For now there was nothing he could really do to assist Luna, since they hadn't physically tried to harm the fox girl yet. Instead he had to patiently wait for the lunch period that he knew would come. His ears twitched when he heard the dismissal that signaled the end of class and didn't waste any time in pushing the window with one of his paws and slipping in. There were a few advantages to being cute and a cat. The teacher usually left the window unlocked and made it easy for him to push it open. So long as he came in after the class he could usually come inside for a short time even though it was technically against the rules.

As soon as he was in he immediately made a beeline for Luna's desk, ignoring the callings of other students. Once he was beside her desk he nimbly leaped onto the top of the desk and meowed at her while batting his paw in the air. If it wasn't for the fact that there were still a fair amount of students around as well as the teacher he could have simply spoke to her, but because of their presence that wasn't possible at the moment. He hoped that if the note was bad that his 'cute' display would cheer her up some.

my life is surrounded by music
Mischa is offline
Old 12-05-2009, 08:02 PM

It was nearing lunch time when Aiko notice that she didn't cover up the tattoo symbol that represented her mother. " Oh, well I wish my mom could see me right now and to know I'm okay." As she walked out to campus to eat lunch she saw this awesome spot a little bit off campus, but still able to see the school. Aiko wasn't the type to be apart of groups. Once she got there, it was very relaxing and quiet enough for her to think about how she misses her mother. "This place is beautiful, I'm going to sit here for lunch everyday!"

Sinsue Hoshigo
It's better to have loved and lo...
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Old 12-05-2009, 09:50 PM

Luna wished verry much so to speek to the several demon so picked him up in her arms hoping it would not bother him and walked outside to a spot where no students were. "why are people so mean to me?" Luna cryed as she hugged Kuna

Yeah, how does it feel to get a ...
Arechi is offline
Old 12-05-2009, 10:59 PM

Kuna didn't mind being picked up by Luna. Again he was a rather touchy feely sort of cat so any sort of contact was welcomed so long as it didn't end in pain. He purred and rubbed his cheek against the fox girl's as a sign of comfort until they were away from the other students. The little serval demon waited until they were in an area that was void of other students. "Shhhh it's alright. They're just jealous of you that's all. Don't let those snobbish girls get to you, they're just jealous" he purred as he tried to comfort Luna.

my life is surrounded by music
Mischa is offline
Old 12-05-2009, 11:01 PM

As Aiko was eating here lunch and humming one of her favorite songs. She saw a strange girl, a mile away from her crying. Aiko was going to see what was wrong, but decide not to because the girl probably wanted to be alone. Something a wrong and Aiko could feel it, she also noticed that she was sensing another demon, a close one too. It could have all been in her head, but she could make it out because she sense that it was half a demon. She didn't know what to do so she just sat there. Aiko never met another half demon before so she was scared.

Sinsue Hoshigo
It's better to have loved and lo...
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Sinsue Hoshigo is offline
Old 12-05-2009, 11:24 PM

"Then why is it just me? there's nothing special about me except for these stuped ears!" Luna truly did not seem as herself when she was around non demons. Luna looked up as she herd the light song that Aiko was huming. Lunas ears twitched as she listend to the sound she new that becase of her rather large fox ears she herd things that sometimes she was never ment to hear.

my life is surrounded by music
Mischa is offline
Old 12-06-2009, 12:04 AM

Aiko could feel that she was being watched, but didn't know what to do. She just sat there hoping it was nothing. She started to notice it was that girl named Luna, the one that was crying. Then it hit her, she was the half demon! Aiko could not believe her eyes, but knew she could because of her ears. This was the first time that she has ever saw someone like her. She kept looking at Luna knowing that they were both confused because she could read minds and knew everyones thoughts. Aiko can sometimes control her mind reading wen she is in a safe distance.

Last edited by Mischa; 12-06-2009 at 12:15 AM..

Yeah, how does it feel to get a ...
Arechi is offline
Old 12-06-2009, 12:56 AM

Kuna's ears also twitched at the sound of the hum. His gaze went around trying to locate the sound. His eyes fell onto what looked like another person. Once he knew where the source of the sound was he felt he could again turn his attention to Luna. "It's because your fox ears are what make you unique from the others. They envy you because they are different from them. Even some small difference can make them envious and thus they try to segrate them. It's up to you then if you wish to endure it or not to, but you'll never actually be alone. You have good friends in the Master, his mistress and even I, so cheer up" he said with a smile and nuzzled her cheek once more.

Sinsue Hoshigo
It's better to have loved and lo...
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Sinsue Hoshigo is offline
Old 12-06-2009, 02:20 AM

Luna smiled "I know and I'm verry thankfull for all three of you." Lna couldn't help but cudle the severa; demonas she spoke. :una stood up and started walking with the several demon in her arms. She was verry curiuse about the girl who she has not met.

Yeah, how does it feel to get a ...
Arechi is offline
Old 12-06-2009, 02:54 AM

Kuna purred at the fox girl's cuddle. When he felt Luna rise he didn't struggle in her arms. His gaze wandered up to the fox girl's and notice that she appeared to have her direction directed somewhere else. Following her gaze he noticed that it was directed towards the other girl that he had seen a little further off. He decided he would revert to simply meowing, purring and acting like a regular cat just in case. "Be careful she doesn't smell like the others so it's possible that she's a demon or at least a half demon too" he purred quietly before they were too close to the other girl.

It's 11PM, do you know where you...
Hresvelgr is offline
Old 12-06-2009, 02:58 AM

Sage nodded and took his hand. She knew her touch would feel very hot to him. It happened whenever she used her power. Though it was a good thing to have when it was cold. Seruth and Sage walked into town. Many of the shops were already opened. As well as a few people entertaining in the streets. Sage stopped to watch one man. He had a small monkey doing tricks as he played music. Sage clapped along with three other people, but as soon as the man looked up, he stopped playing and just walked away.

((Sorry sorry! had to work overtime))

Last edited by Hresvelgr; 12-06-2009 at 03:14 AM..

Sinsue Hoshigo
It's better to have loved and lo...
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Sinsue Hoshigo is offline
Old 12-06-2009, 03:12 AM

(It's ok)
Seruth fround knowing this must have hrt Sages feelings "Don't wurry Love. Hey today's our day out and we can do whatever you want I'm not in charge today." Seruth said holding Sage close and kissing her cheek

"I know she is" Luna said as they got closer "Hello" Lna said verry politly with a friendly smile

It's 11PM, do you know where you...
Hresvelgr is offline
Old 12-06-2009, 03:20 AM

Sage turned to her husband and raised an eyebrow. "What is the occasion?" The man had been acting weird all day. She asked taking his hand and walking more so down the road. More and more people started to fill the streets, forcing them to blend in with the villagers.

Last edited by Hresvelgr; 12-06-2009 at 04:52 AM..

my life is surrounded by music
Mischa is offline
Old 12-06-2009, 03:30 AM

Aiko saw that the girl was getting up and walking towards her. She just kepting starring until she noticed that Luna was close to her. " Uh... Hey, I'm Aiko." she said in a scarce way. "You're a half demon aren't you and the cat is a serval demon isn't he? I have a high sense of smell, I was taught to sense other demons or people just in case they were evil or good."


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