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Closet Shadow
Goblin Inkorperated ;P
Closet Shadow is offline
Old 12-23-2009, 04:04 AM

Mirin giggled at the fairy's sporadic mind. It was almost like hers. "Yes, there will be plenty of grapes." she answered in a giggle.
Mirin got up off her boulder and headed for the back porch. She walked up the dark wooden steps and opened the overly elaborate door.
The inside of the mansion was cool and the colors were warm and welcoming. The room that Mirin showed Emilie into was like a big, spacious lounge. Low-to-the-floor couches and tables were scattered about the large room and sunlight poured in from behind them. And that was because the mansion defied the laws of reality and the entire wall that faced the door Mirin and Emilie had just walked through was completely made of glass windows. The door itself was still that same mahogany over-elaborated door, bu everything else was glass.
Mirin picked up a bowl of multi-colored grapes and held it out to Emilie, "Each color is a different flavor. A new flavor. They're still grapes, but I bet you've never had grapes like these before," she said, popping a green one in her mouth and smiling.

MintyRey is offline
Old 12-31-2009, 09:08 PM

[Alrighty, I'm back :) I take it everybody else is still busy with the holiday parties an after parties and the upcoming New Year's party so I'll just go ahead and post. Hope everyone had a great time :boogie:]

The light from the screen was beginning to hurt his eyes. Hadrian had been on the computer all afternoon typing up his homeworks. He was thankful that the holidays were next week and embraced the thought of relief from school. The mountain of presents he expected for Christmas also made him smile. After dinner, he went straight back to his room to finish his work. Another three hours worth of studying and he was ready to call it a day. However, before he could close the internet window, he paused. Not a moment later, he found himself typing 'hospitals silver spring maryland' in the search bar. A list of hospitals came up and he would have looked through each one for the cat-girl's name if he hadn't remembered that patient files were restricted from the public. He huffed and placed his hands behind his blond head. He wondered why he was doing this anyway. 'It's just a weird dream.' he thought. Hadrian shut off the machine and promptly let himself fall on his bed. His green eyes fixed on the stars outside his window, and slowly his eyelids slid down like a curtain to block out the light. 'Still, I'd like to go there again.' His last thoughts melded softly into the stuff that dreams were made of.

"Oh man..." The dark haired teen nearly jumped for joy when he finally registered where he was. The mansion loomed behind him as he stood in the rosy backyard and stared at the hot spring pool. He quickly looked around and searched for any signs of the girls from before not knowing they were inside the great house.

Last edited by MintyRey; 12-31-2009 at 09:13 PM..


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