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Scarce Menewshan
MoodyBats is offline
Old 09-22-2010, 04:14 PM

Steven nodded."okay."She said as she looked where the bathroom was and stepped into his room."its very nice in here.My room..i usually have bad memories in them."She said blushing a bit and went to his closet grabbing the extra pajamas."Are these the ones?"She asked looking at Akio with a small smile.

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Old 09-22-2010, 04:18 PM

Looking at the pjs that Steven had grabbed, Akio blushed a bit more when he realized how much bigger they were on her. He gave a little nod as he glanced back up toward her only to see that her feet were completely covered up by the long pj's pants. Damn...didnt think they'd be so big on here....and I dont have a smaller pair... he thought as he walked passed her and grabbed one of the towels in his closet and walked toward the room door. "G-go ahead a..and just make y-yourself at home...I'll be back.."

Scarce Menewshan
MoodyBats is offline
Old 09-22-2010, 04:24 PM

She smiled when she put them on but she knew they would fall off when they would go asleep.She sat on the bed and began to sketch in her sketch book while Akio took a shower.But her heart couldn't stop pounding.Am-Am i nervous?She asked herself.She took a deep breath.Why am i so nervous.After Akio was in the shower Steven took off her bra and hid it in her bag and placed her bag on the floor un-noticing part of it was hanging out of the bag.

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Old 09-22-2010, 04:58 PM

Once Akio was in the bathroom, he took little sigh of relief knowing that he was safe and alone in the bathroom. "Why am I contiously blushing around her? just trying to help me.." he said, as he undressed himself completely and hopped into the shower. While in the shower, he kept the water hot as he had one hand on the wall and his head was lowered so all the water would pour onto his head. The whole time he stood there with the water he kept thinking about Steven and why he was always acting so strange around her; suddenly a thought came into his head which made him nearly fall forward. Wait...dont tell me...I like her!! he thought, just thinking this made him blush uncontrolably as he shook his head trying to deny it.

Scarce Menewshan
MoodyBats is offline
Old 09-22-2010, 05:18 PM

Steven kept her hand onto her chest.N-No way!Why am i nervous?Im only helping a friend out.She thought in her head as she took her long sleeved shirt she had on.She had a tank top underneath it luckily.Though now most of her bruises scars,and cuts were revealed from today and her past.Oh yeah thats why i always wear sweaters.She said to herself looking at her worst scar by her heart.

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Old 09-22-2010, 05:37 PM

After a long shower, Akio stayed in the bathroom as he grabbed a comb and began to straighten his hair as best he could so that it wouldnt be all over the place when he finished drying it. He didnt leave the bathroom immediatly, Akio stayed there still thinking about the fact that he might've really liked Steven. "But how? can I like her?..w..we just met today.." he said to himself trying to deny it within his head, but it seemed the more he thought about the fact that he could possibly like Steven the more his mind was leaning toward actually accepting it and knowing that he did like her.
Slowly he left the bathroom with his head slightly lowered still thinking about it, but when he came into the room and saw how she was already sitting on the bed in the pjs he let her borrow his eyes widened when he saw all the brusies and cuts she had all over her body. Quickly he ran over toward her side and held onto one of her hands and looked all over her body. "W..we..were all th-these from your parents?.." he asked with a scared tone. How can her parents do this to her?! Whether or not their her real ones or not!! This is inhuman!

Scarce Menewshan
MoodyBats is offline
Old 09-22-2010, 05:53 PM

Steven blushed a bit and nodded."Y-Yeah...."She said looking at him from the corner of her eye."Ever since my mother went missing as well as my father......they've done this ever since i was 5.Since i was in grade school i always wore sweaters with long stockings hiding all of the scars cuts and bruises.My twin brother.....he use to try to stop them but now...he wont even try.I think im facing the fact no one in that house can protect me.Everyone in that house is pure evil."Steven said looking down."You don't have to worry though Akio...they don't hurt too bad."

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Old 09-22-2010, 06:09 PM

Akio slightly began to release his grip onto Steven's arms as he clentch down onto his own fists tightly. He didnt want her to be hurt anymore by her parents, but what could he do? Suddenly though a thought popped into his head again as he thought about asking her to just stay here with him; but the thing was, what could he do for food? Even though Steven could cook, he didnt have a job or anything to pay to buy the supplies for food. "Well...St..Steven...j..just can always count on me..I..i'm here for you." he said with a little small smile slowly appearing on his face; he may have been smiling on the outside, but on the inside he was feeling like he was dying from trying to hold down telling her to stay with him, forever.

Scarce Menewshan
MoodyBats is offline
Old 09-22-2010, 06:17 PM

Steven hugged Akio."Your the nicest guy i have ever met."She whispered to him and looked up at him."So how was your shower?"she asked."You smell good."She said with a chuckle."sorry im probably making you feel so uncomfortable by saying all this weird stuff."She said with a laugh."So....are you tired?"she asked.Steven wasn't tired but she would usually lay down for a while to see if she could go to sleep or not.

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Old 09-22-2010, 06:31 PM

Suddenly when Steven hugged him, Akio gasped as his hands went to sides quickly letting her hug him closely. He began to blush extremely after hearing how she said to him that he smelt good and slowly wrapped his arms around her as well, hugging her back. He slowly looked down at her bag on the floor and when he saw a little strap hanging out, it confused him a little. Whats that?... he thought as he leaned his head slightly over and noticed it was her bra. His eyes widened even more then usual as he looked away from it immediatly with his face brightened up like a red cherry. " am n-..not that tired." he said kind of quickly trying to stop stuttering after seeing her bra within her bag. Wait!! Does that mean shes not wearing one?!

Scarce Menewshan
MoodyBats is offline
Old 09-22-2010, 06:38 PM

Steven smiled."im not all that tired either."She said with a giggle."Your face sure is red you okay?"She asked putting her forhead on his to check if he had a fever." don't have a fever."She said."Maybe you should sit down."She said scooting over and patting the side of the bed where her bag with her bra was.Once he sat down she hugged him more letting her breasts press against his arm and his side.

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Old 09-22-2010, 06:56 PM

When Akio sat down near the bag, he made sure his eyes didnt look down at it; but it seemed no matter what he still kept glancing down at it once in a few minutes. So he just turned to the side and hugged Steven with his other arm. "D..dont worry...I..I..I'm fine." he said laughing still a little nervously, knowing that she'd obviously know he was lying; but what was he supposed to say? that he was blushing from seeing her bra hanging out of her bag? After a while of not looking at the bag he began to slightly forget about it which made his blushing stop slightly. "Umm...St..Steven...?...I...I think I..I need to lay down.." He said with a little nervous smile still as he began to let go of her body.

Scarce Menewshan
MoodyBats is offline
Old 09-22-2010, 07:26 PM

"okay."Steven said as she got herself off of his side and layed down herself.She hoped she wouldn't be talking all night that she would be pestering Akio."im not bothering you am i?"she asking looking at him.

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Old 09-22-2010, 07:41 PM

When Steven had finally let go of Akio's side, he stood up and walked over to the other side of the bed as he sat down at first and looked over at the clock seeing how it was only 10pm. Hmmm...I thought for sure it was later then that.. he thought as he just shrugged off the thought of why it was still so early, so he just laid down onto the bed next to Steven and turned to the side so that he'd look into her eyes a bit. "Hmm?...oh no, of course your not. Why would you think that?" he asked with a little confusion; he hadnt thought it at the moment since he was talking but being on the bed like this he wasnt even thinking how close he was to her.

Scarce Menewshan
MoodyBats is offline
Old 09-22-2010, 07:46 PM

"im usually...bothering every person i come across..."She said looking at him."Your the nicest person i have met in all the years i have lived here with my brothers and my step parents.Every other person i've met....they were always rude to me and mean because my family was and for other reasons too."

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Old 09-22-2010, 08:12 PM

Akio heard what Steven said as he slightly gave a small frown and at first he had a little thought of just hugging her close to try and comfort her but another part of him denied that since they had just met and they were laying in the same bed together so it would've seemed a bit weird, right? Suddenly though his thoughts came back of the same question if he liked her or not. Oh no!...n..not again!! he thought as he didnt want to go through this arguement with his own mind anymore and slowly reached his arms around Steven and hugged her anyway; no longer thinking about whether this seemed weird or not."Well just remember..." he said with a whisper into her ear. "I'll always be here for you.."

Scarce Menewshan
MoodyBats is offline
Old 09-22-2010, 08:49 PM

Steven smiled and let him hug her tightly."thank you Akio."She said hugging him back."I know we just met and it might be weird but...i really think that your the only person i can trust.All of my brothers betrayed me as did my step parents and i have no one else in the world....but you."She said hugging him tightly.

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Old 09-22-2010, 09:15 PM

Akio kept hugging Steven the whole time as he began to smile softly when he heard that she could only trust him now; she couldnt even trust her family. But suddenly hearing that she had nothing else in the world but him, his eyes widened for a bit but quickly came back to being calm as he kept hugging her closer. Just hearing this made his thoughts of asking her a certain question increase as he couldnt hold it in anymore and decided to ask. "Steven...i..if thats true...wh..why not just stay here?...w-..with me?" he asked with his voice seeming really nervous that she'd reject that and call him crazy. Maybe I shouldnt have ask that... he thought, slightly regretting he said anything.

Scarce Menewshan
MoodyBats is offline
Old 09-22-2010, 09:19 PM

"Would you allow me to?"she asked sitting up and looking at him with great joy."i want to so bad Akio!Can i?Please?"she asked as she hugged him even tighter."living with you...would be such an amazing experience.Your the best person in the world."She said cheerfully.

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Old 09-22-2010, 09:44 PM

Seeing how Steven sat up, Akio looked at her and sat up with her and nodded. He was in a little shock when he heard how she said that she'd love to stay with him here. At first he just nodded and slowly after he began to smile brightly. "Yeah, of course you can stay here." He said wrapping his arms back around agian and hugging her closely once more. At first he may not have realized it because of his demonic energy still inside him giving him a little more strength from being shocked like that but later on when he began to calm down he felt how much tighter Steven was hugging him and smiled softly. Sh...she must really be happy... he thought.

Scarce Menewshan
MoodyBats is offline
Old 09-22-2010, 09:49 PM

"thank you so much Akio!"she said hugging him."i will probably have to sneak some important things out of the house though.."she said blushing and laying next to him looking into his eyes with a smile on her face."you really are the best...Akio..."she said stretching a bit."well im really tired now so i think im going to go to sleep now."she said kissing his cheek.

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Old 09-22-2010, 10:43 PM

Suddenly hearing that Steven had to get important things from her home, Akio tilted his head, the only few things he thought of importance to get from the house at his point would probably be her clothing. So thats what he thought she meant but he wondered, could there be more she needed to get. When he heard say she was tired he just nodded and gave her back a little kiss onto her cheek as well and turned to the opposite side to get some sleep.

Scarce Menewshan
MoodyBats is offline
Old 09-22-2010, 10:57 PM

Steven closed her eyes and fell asleep soon.She was very excited how tomarrow and the rest of her life with Akio would be.She did have a crush on him but she thought it was only a crush.And she didn't think Akio liked her the way she hoped he did.She assumed he only saw her as a younger sister or something of the sort.While she slept she did kick a bit but only to get the pants off of her since they were a bit large on her and annoying.When she got the pants off she groaned.But she had a very seductive tone into her groan.

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Old 09-22-2010, 11:12 PM

While Akio was sleeping, he had felt a bit of kicking in his sleep as he slowly woke up and looked over at Steven seeing how she was groaning so much and especially in such a seductive way. "What the--?" he asked, lifting up the covers and looking under he noticed how Steven wasnt wearing the pants anymore and the shirt was just covering her now. His eyes widened as he quickly covered up with the sheets and blushed brightly red. Besides from the way she groaned and not wearing pants; this little sleeping together thing was going a lot further then he thought it was. He didnt bother to wake her up but he just scooted near the edge of the bed so that he wouldnt accidently touch her down there.

Scarce Menewshan
MoodyBats is offline
Old 09-22-2010, 11:21 PM

Throughout the whole rest of the night she slept pretty good.Steven normally slept in her underwear or just a long shirt.Pants actually made her too hot.Though especially when she was sleeping it made her do weird things and act weird.When it was around 7am in the morning,Steven was on her back but turned and hugged Akio a bit close to herself mumbling words very cutely.


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