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Cursed_by_the_sirens is offline
Old 12-07-2010, 03:41 AM

Azomie went to bed early she ussually showed up at school just as the assembally was satrting she snuck in the back her teacher ms. Kai didn;t mind her doing so. after all she knew all to well what the rest of the town thought of her

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Sakiko123 is offline
Old 12-07-2010, 03:45 AM

The woke up, got dressed, felt bored, and went to school anyway. Once there he hid in the shadows in the farthest top corner of the gymnasium arms crossed as he watched the assembly, still without a care. The teachers have given up on telling him how to behave in one. At least that was the only thing at school that day, he hoped.

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Cursed_by_the_sirens is offline
Old 12-07-2010, 03:50 AM

Azomie sat at teh back of the gym, hoping not to be noticed by anyone. the princaple was already on stag drowning on and on about something or another she wasn't really listening instead she was wondering what that odd shadow was yesterday

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Sakiko123 is offline
Old 12-07-2010, 03:57 AM

Being himself, he never listened during these things. He would rather read or swim. Even go to work even though it was still annoying.
It didn't take much longer before the students started hurrying out the doors pushing and shoving each other everywhere. Even he wasn't fast enough to dodge even though the door was right next to him at the time. He tried not to curse though as the head of the school had visited the school to see how it was doing. Chances are if the information got spoken by the teachers to this head of school guy, it would probably mean trouble... A quick escape was required, but nearly impossible.

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Cursed_by_the_sirens is offline
Old 12-07-2010, 04:02 AM

Azomie simply stayed abck she waited untill everyone left before sliping out unnoticed by some others ahd notcied her and decided to trail her home one was clutching a bag of sorts

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Sakiko123 is offline
Old 12-07-2010, 04:11 AM

He noticed it, too, the bag of sorts. It looked suspicious and he couldn't have the same thing happen again where the girl got emotionally hurt. Best to stop it before it happened. Keeping to the shadows for a bit like he always did, he kept his eye on the guy with the bag while waiting for anything to happen. He wondered if it was the same gang from the festival...

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Cursed_by_the_sirens is offline
Old 12-07-2010, 04:16 AM

the gang was indeed teh same however teh person leading them today was differnt, somehow the whole situation felt off as they veered off going down a forested path instead of continueing to follow her home

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Sakiko123 is offline
Old 12-07-2010, 04:25 AM

The guy sighed and turned around to start heading for his own home when he tripped over something. "Damn it!" He managed to regain his balance quickly then walked away quickly before anyone heard that, hoping no one did. Another quick escape.

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Cursed_by_the_sirens is offline
Old 12-07-2010, 02:02 PM

Azomie went back home, Drake was yet again out workign so no one was really there. ocne she was home she went around to her back yard and sat by the water

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Sakiko123 is offline
Old 12-07-2010, 10:20 PM

Glad no one had, not even the girl, he went back to walking the same direction he was while almost following her. Not sure why however as he didn't care much for anyone, but the memory of the old woman and her powers and this girl having that nickname... It almost seemed to be adding up to something... Connected maybe.
He decided against the whole thing, though figuring it was just a coincidence as he walked right past her house from the back, hands in pockets while looked down at the road as he walked.

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Cursed_by_the_sirens is offline
Old 12-08-2010, 12:34 AM

Azomie sighed as she stood up it had been forever since she had last visted her pearnt's graves. she should do that tonight. for now however she simply went inside and ordered some take out food not reallly in the mood to cook.

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Sakiko123 is offline
Old 12-08-2010, 12:39 AM

The guy, out of the corner of his eye, noticed the same girl going back into her house as he walked by, but paid no farther attention as he headed back to the beach. His orca friend was not there today and he wondered why for a minute before heading for home. He had the rest of the day to do whatever he wanted before school started again the next day.

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Cursed_by_the_sirens is offline
Old 12-08-2010, 12:59 AM

Later that night Azomie sneaked out of her house, she walked down the road to the same forested path the gang of boys had gone down ealyer that day. the path was long and curved one could get lost if they didn't know it well. which she did she had been making the same trip all her life. for in the middle of these woods was an old graveyard Drake had chossen to bury they're pearnts here after the fire thinking the towns folk wouldn't mind...after all he knew they didn't like they're mom the so called 'sea witch'. however when Azomie got close she heard voices comeing from the grave yard. she hid behind the low wall and peeked out. the same gang of boys where still here
" can you belive the dead bitch has been here teh whole time?" one said while throwing a drunken kick at her mother's head stone.
" yeah I know I thought that guy threw her into the sea" another said as he shook a spray paint can he then procedded to write sea witch in big bold green letters on it.

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Sakiko123 is offline
Old 12-08-2010, 01:21 AM

Luckily for that, the guy was also in the same graveyard looking for something himself. Something he'd never been able to find as the stone was either misplaced or never there. A very old grave at that.
He heard the noise and figured the guys were back as he sighed. Did they ever give up?
Walking in the shadows again like always he sneaked up behind the guy with the paint and tackled him before the paint was released. The pinned him down as the can rolled away toward the girl. "You again? Do you ever give up?" He held him down very hard and glared at his comrades. "Make a move to save him and he'll be in the hospital for quite a while." He smirked at them as he was quite serious about it this time, not caring who saw this side of him. The caring side.

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Cursed_by_the_sirens is offline
Old 12-08-2010, 01:32 AM

Azomie blinked she wasn't sure what it was she was seeing. the guy how had tackled the spray painter was from her school she knew this however. he had quite the reputation for causing trouble like this, why was he stoping them? for what reasons? Azomie decided to stay in the shadows for the tiome being she was maindly frightened of what the otehr boys might do to her...out her in the woods all alone. she would wiat for the boys to run off before she came out of hiding to thank him. however the boys in teh gang wheren't going anywhere with out they're freind
" hey man let him up and well leave" one said as teh rest was bakcing away from the grave kicking discarded beer cans as they did so

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Sakiko123 is offline
Old 12-08-2010, 01:46 AM

"Now how can I trust you? Especially since this is the third time I've seen you do or try anything stupid to a girl. I know your type. Always causing trouble." He did, too at school but it wasn't the same thing. He didn't just randomly pick on a student for being different. To him, it was the teachers. Substitutes were the worse and easiest to toy with. It's fun then, but this... "You guys oughta be punished for this instead of being let go, but I'm actually in a good mood today so I will. If I catch you again... Be warned of your upcoming punishment." He got off the guy and shoved him before standing up himself as he watched to make sure they'd leave the sacred area in peace.

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Cursed_by_the_sirens is offline
Old 12-08-2010, 01:58 AM

the boys all but ran from teh grave yard. they didn't even stop to grab the last of they're beer. when Azomie was sure tehy where gone she came out of hiding " Thank you" She said softly unsure of it was safe to reveal her self yet at the same time he had just stoped them from defilling her mother's grave.

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Sakiko123 is offline
Old 12-08-2010, 02:18 AM

"It was nothing..." He felt awkward as someone was talking to him. He didn't know what else to say. Nor did he turn around to face the girl he pretty much "saved". Being nice to people wasn't really in his blood. Unless he had to like at work. "So... Uh... Why?" He wanted to ask her why she wouldn't defend herself, but didn't want to seem rude so instead he crossed the field and picked up the paint, tossing it toward the garbage can in a somewhat angry-like way. Those guys really pissed him off for some reason. He stood there in awkward silence.

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Cursed_by_the_sirens is offline
Old 12-08-2010, 02:23 AM

Azomie kneeled down at her mother's grave and started to clean up the mess they had left she was carefull as some area's looked wett. she wasn't sure if it was beer or pee. she avoided those and any garbage near it she would have to come back with rubber gloves.

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Sakiko123 is offline
Old 12-08-2010, 06:05 AM

After a while of watching, the guy stepped in to help her. Something he never did before. "It probably won't harm anything to just leave it. I'm sure animals do that here all the time without anyone knowing. And a lot of people drink beer here and spill it from time to time. I'm sure this isn't the first time this has happened to any grave here. It dries quickly so people don't notice." This was the first time he'd spoken so much to anyone, but he was just reassuring the girl that there was really nothing to worry about when it came to graves as he picked up the garbage without gloves on. It didn't bother him much.

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Cursed_by_the_sirens is offline
Old 12-08-2010, 06:40 AM

She frowned but didn't dignify that with an answer instead she asked a qustion of her own " why did you step in?" she aksed him she wasn't angery that he did in fact it was the oppisate she was simply cuirouse on the way he was helping her.

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Sakiko123 is offline
Old 12-08-2010, 07:05 AM

"To be honest, those guys piss me off." He hated guys or people in general like that. Always picking on anyone who was different just to get a good time out of it. "Plus, well..." He shrugged. "This is a sacred area that even I need to visit sometimes and can't have anyone like them interfering."

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Cursed_by_the_sirens is offline
Old 12-08-2010, 08:44 PM

Azomie listened then nodded in understanding. she hadn't known that he had reltives buryed in here. she had always assumed he was new to the town since she didn't recall him in any of her elementry school classes. " well thank you again" She said ernestly

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Sakiko123 is offline
Old 12-09-2010, 12:11 AM

He really didn't have anyone buried there, but said nothing more about that. He wasn't even sure he should ask this girl anymore either. He'd said enough for that whole day, more than he really wanted to. "Again it was nothing." He checked his waterproof watch and figure he'd spent enough time outdoors. "Well, I've gotta get going. Lots of things to do." He started walking towards the beach again. "Later."

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Cursed_by_the_sirens is offline
Old 12-09-2010, 12:37 AM

Azomie noddded " se yeah" She said cassually adn went back to fixing her mother's grave up. she stayed out there in that grave yard for some time before finally heading home


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