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Wynna is offline
Old 05-13-2011, 05:05 AM

I loved the guys singing Friday by Rebecca Black. Thought it was amazing.


I'm getting really tired of Finn and Rachel and Quinn drama, it is just getting old.

I hope that a relationship buds out of Sam and Mercedes though. I think that would be cute.

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colorsbold is offline
Old 05-13-2011, 05:07 AM

@ WynnaX

Yes! I hope that Mercedes and Sam develop into something too. They're both so genuinely goodhearted. It would be nice to see a relationship on Glee that isn't epically messed up. Blaine can't carry the prince title on his own! There need to be more nice guys and well-intentioned girls. :yes:

Wynna is offline
Old 05-13-2011, 05:17 AM


I just love Sam and his character. I was actually really excited two episodes ago when he was living in the motel, and that he and Kurt were rumoured to have a relationship with each other and such. (which turned out to be false of course). But I would have loved it!! I do like Blaine and Kurt, but Blaine...I don't know, I just find him fake. I love his singing and all...but you know.

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colorsbold is offline
Old 05-13-2011, 05:22 AM

@ WynnaX

I know what you mean! Blaine does seem a little fake, but that's because his character's pretty 2-d. They made him into the lead singer of a boyband/ prince charming... and yet, I don't mind it. Kurt gets such a bad hand in all other aspects-- he almost never gets a break. For his first relationship to be with Prince Charming the Cardboard Cutout isn't a problem at all for me, because I like that the relationship is still sweet.

Do you remember when it was rumored that Sam's character was being introduced to become Kurt's boyfriend? I was excited about the prospect in those days, but I don't mind how this turned out.

If Sam and Kurt had gotten together in that context, too, it would have meant Kurt cheating on Blaine; I don't want either Sam or Kurt to lose their blamelessness, you know?

Sam's character is such a sweetie! :heart:
And the jacket Kurt leant him was pretty adorable.

Last edited by colorsbold; 05-13-2011 at 05:24 AM..

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Bearzy is offline
Old 05-13-2011, 05:59 AM


Personally I think that Sam and Mercedes would be way better than Sam and Kurt could ever be. Just because Sam's character is so caught up with fitting in, or at least he was until after "Comebacks" I think that's when he started being nice at least. Can't remember, maybe it was later. I do think that Blaine can seem a little fake at times, but what do you really expect? Personally I think that once Karofsky comes out, (by the end of the season, I'd put money on it.) He and Kurt will at least consider it. Ah, maybe not, but I have hope. I like Karofsky's character. (at least, since "Born This Way.")

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Bearzy is offline
Old 05-16-2011, 10:32 AM

Guys! There are rumours of a death this coming episode, a female character. What do you think? True, false? Interesting plot twist or unnecessary drama? Who could the dead woman/girl be?

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Saisei is offline
Old 05-16-2011, 11:52 AM

I meant to bring this up, but was anybody surprised that the S&P people didn't edit "and I'll lay your shit bare" out of the Rolling in the Deep cover they did?

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colorsbold is offline
Old 05-16-2011, 06:48 PM

I'm glad that they didn't edit the lyrics.

As for the female death rumor-- Gods, I hope not. It's unlikely to be a major character, though, right? Then again, Glee is an ensemble cast: almost anyone could be considered a major character. Maybe it will be one of the guest stars?

Why do we think that it's a female character? (aside from the fact that it's Ryan Murphy we're talking about, so yeah...)

So long as it's not Santana.
It might be Karofsky. Please, please don't let this be a suicide/bullying episode. I do not want the heavy. Do. Not. Want.

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Bearzy is offline
Old 05-17-2011, 05:21 AM

I watched an interview with Max Adler yesterday where he said that although they had considered a suicide episode with Karofsky, they decided to cut it because it doesn't fit with the rest of Glee. The comments on that interview said that it'd been confirmed to be a female - Though I don't know who it was confirmed by.

Anyway, the only (really) main character it could possibly be at the moment is Tina. (Don't hate me!) The reason being - Tina has had MINIMAL drama this season. She's had a couple of good lines, like in Born this Way, and Silly Love Songs. But mostly she's become background noise. She's not in the middle of anything.

Also - Process of elimination. (Is really long.)


It can't be Rachel (as much as we want it to be.) Because... she's Rachel. How would they kill her off without all hell raining down from those people who like her?

It can't be Quinn - she's still in the middle of trying to keep Finn. Maybe once she either lost him or did something to guarantee him to be hers.

Britt and Santana basically can't be killed off for the same reason as each other. Santana still hasn't come out, so there would be major rage if she died, and Brit is crucial to that. (Unless.... Santana admits her love because of brits death? I only just thought of that...)

Lauren can't die because she's well... Lauren. There's no possible plot benefit to her death.. Only more angry Puck - Which we've had enough of.

And Mercedes is the token black. (I know, it's horrible, but it's kinda true.) That and she's entering a possible romance with Sam and you can't kill off a budding romance like that.

I feel like I'm missing one.. but oh well.

It might be someone's mother of course. And I've had horrible thoughts that it might be coach Beast. I like her.

Wynna is offline
Old 05-18-2011, 06:17 PM

Thoughts on this most recent episode:


I totally loved their rendition of the Willy Wonka song, (can't remember it right now), but it was done really well.
Also I always like it when we get to see the more 'human' side of Sue Sylvester, also I love Becky and I was really glad we got to see more of her. I can't wait to see what next season will be like with her being the captain of the cheerios.

I hate how this show just seems to drag out the whole, Rachel-Finn-Quinn triangle. It seems like almost every show includes relationship drama between those three. Now to add to the mix is Jesse St. James. :( Any way, it looks like Quinn and Finn are now finally quits (I hope so), so hopefully next season will be better storylines.

Also I was really glad that Will decided to go ahead with group songs, even though I Mercedes killed it. Just because I don't want to hear Rachel singing another solo. I know she's a great singer and all, I just hate her character completely (she reminds me of a girl from highschool).

Also thought it was really cute that Emma was wearing Will's sweater vest.

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Saisei is offline
Old 05-19-2011, 12:32 AM


I don't like Rachel, either, but she did a damn good job in the auditions, too. In fact, they were all pretty much first-equal (IMO)

I have a feeling that the Rachel-Finn-Quinn triangle is what's popular. I never envisioned myself rooting for Rachel-Finn, but Quinn has turned into such a rampaging bitchnugget that I can't help it.

It's so great when they throw out an episode where Sue actually acts like a human being. They even took it a step farther and made her vulnerable.

They need to iron out this Will-broadway-Emma thing, too. I don't like the hanging ominousness of it all.

Jesse still needs to die metaphorically in a fire.

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Bearzy is offline
Old 05-19-2011, 06:37 AM

All of what you said Saisei.... except.


I want Jesse St James to ACTUALLY die in a fire. The guy is a dick, but maybe he'll get better from working with New Directions?

Anyway, has anyone ever noticed that Sue actually seems to genuinely like Kurt? Their characters really seem to get along. For example, in "Furt" when she gives up being principle because Kurt was being bullied. In the episode after the Madonna one she actually asks him what's wrong! I wonder what's up with that.. she either hates or ignores everyone else on Glee.

As for Finchel... well - I think it's sweet. I know, I hate Rachel, and it's overdone, but when he had that flower and it drooped when he saw her kiss Jesse. I was just Awwwing. *Sigh* Maybe I'm getting romantic in my late teenagehood.

Becky - I'm happy about the fact that Sue took her back, and her mum was really nice. All in all, a pretty satisfactory episode. *claps* Good job writers - Good job. (Not even one mention of Santana or Karofsky's combined closet.. I thought that would take over in some way.)

Oh! I missed something. Did anyone else get that feeling of dread when Quinn mentioned her "Plans for New York." Freaky.

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colorsbold is offline
Old 05-19-2011, 08:35 AM


Little worried about Quinn's plans for NY, yeah.

Sue seems to have one or two people for whom she holds a soft spot-- including Porcelain and Becky. Oddly, given that most Glee folk try to claim outcast status , she has a very strong soft spot for outcasts. Her definition of outcast is much more stringent, though. Sue always seems to protect the ones who refuse to give up themselves to fit in. All of the other Glee club members try to submit to high school hierarchy. Not Kurt. Hence, like.

I love Sue's character, but not the 2-d automaton she's so often portrayed as.

Do you guys think we've seen the last of Terry? I hope so-- but the jealous look she gave the sweatervested Emma suggests that the character will never die out.

Death to Jesse. I hope he sings a rock ballad as he dies, don't get me wrong... but death to Jesse. :yes:

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Bearzy is offline
Old 05-19-2011, 09:07 AM

I like your point about outcasts Colours. That's very true. Also I lolled at your comment about Jesse.

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Old 05-19-2011, 11:53 AM

Originally Posted by Carzeebear View Post


As for Finchel... well - I think it's sweet. I know, I hate Rachel, and it's overdone, but when he had that flower and it drooped when he saw her kiss Jesse. I was just Awwwing. *Sigh* Maybe I'm getting romantic in my late teenagehood.


I'm just really getting tired of watching Finn get symbolically kicked in the nuts. The worst thing he's guilty of in this season is one lapse in judgment regarding Quinn, and he's been constantly run down, let down, and hurt for pretty much the whole season.

As for Quinn's "plan" I just plain don't care, and hopefully she either succeeds at whatever it is and goes away for a while, or fails miserably at it and is put firmly in her place. You'd think getting knocked up in season 1, getting bounced out of the cheerios, and being generally cast down the social heierarchy would force a little bit of humility down one's throat.

Last edited by Saisei; 05-19-2011 at 11:55 AM..

Wynna is offline
Old 05-19-2011, 05:49 PM



ya I'm a little afraid to see what her plans are going to be in New York.

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Bearzy is offline
Old 05-19-2011, 07:58 PM


Whatever Quin's plans are for New York, it means that New Directions will lose nationals, which we already know they will, because if they win.. then next season will be kinda sucky methinks.

Wynna is offline
Old 05-20-2011, 05:38 AM

@Carzeebear, yah I think you're right about that.

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Bearzy is offline
Old 05-20-2011, 06:13 AM

I do wonder what'll happen after season three. Everybody graduates next season don't they?

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colorsbold is offline
Old 05-20-2011, 01:30 PM

Originally Posted by Carzeebear View Post
I do wonder what'll happen after season three. Everybody graduates next season don't they?
I have this same problem with Degrassi!
Some options:
1. They start inserting younger characters.
2. They follow everyone to "college."
3. Everyone miraculously goes to college in Lima, just like Buffy and the Scoobies in Sunnydale.

In any case, it only gets messier from here.

@Carzee: :hug: Thankees!

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Old 05-20-2011, 06:51 PM

Hey, it worked for Saved by the Bell. :)

risforremy is offline
Old 05-20-2011, 07:54 PM

The latest episode of Glee made me cry like a baby!


When they sung the song from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory at the funeral, and Sue not being able to finish her speech, just everything. At the end, when she hugged Becky! I couldn't stand it! It was an amazing episode, but I cried so much. D: I did really like the auditions though, and I thought San was incredible, even if Jesse did spend the entire performance drawing a cat ;) He irritates me so. Santana should definitely lead at SOME point, she's wonderful.

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Bearzy is offline
Old 05-20-2011, 09:33 PM

Colours: I guess they'll start inserting younger characters. If they all go to college in Lima then it'll be kinda against the show's point, won't it? They're always going on about following dreams, and getting out of that town. And as for following everyone to college, how? They'll go to different colleges, they won't be a club anymore.

I think the best way to do it would be to double the size of the club for season 3, and get to know the new kids while the others get ready to graduate. (Also, a bigger club means no more bitching about not having enough members.)

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colorsbold is offline
Old 05-21-2011, 01:36 AM

@Carzee: Very good point about the dreams being followed. So long as nothing terribly corny happens-- a Broadway Show including the entire Glee Club post-graduation, for example. I think that either way we'll see a lot of the old characters, either coming back to help out or in snapshots of their new careers/attempts to establish themselves. It's kind of hard to carry a show without any character history/ built-in empathy.

And I really couldn't watch a show witch included Mr. Schue but no Kurt Hummel, y'know? :P

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Bearzy is offline
Old 05-21-2011, 03:38 AM

Oh yes. I know. Though no Finchel will be interesting... I wonder how they'll replace them.


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