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Snark and Sarcasm Expert
Woofie267 is offline
Old 08-18-2011, 05:22 PM

"We can always take off tomorrow on a camping trip," Quinn said quietly. "Or just go out after we're done for the day, say we're not feeling well so maybe Ciel will stay with Arianna." He shrugged. "We've dealt with this before, I'm not too concerned."

He did want to make sure they got far enough away from town, though. They were mostly harmless on the full moon to humans, but pets weren't always safe. Besides, idiots with guns trying to be vigilantes were never a good thing. He knew from experience.

Arianna blinked, not having expected to be ordered to eat, but she got a simple salad and settled with that. It arrived fairly quickly, and she ate quietly, observing Akio and the people around them. She really wanted to get home and take a quick shower, but what could she do? Oh well. She'd shower after she got home.

Aoi Kazuya
"I'm nobody, who are you?"
Aoi Kazuya is offline
Old 08-20-2011, 12:16 AM

"I feel bad though...making Ciel have to explain our sudden decision to disappear without her." Kei murmured back. Ciel had found out by accident about the two brothers' condition many years ago. She hadn't run off though, in fact, the experience probably brought the three of them even closer than before. Ciel was like the little-sister-they-didn't-have. It was rare to see her without one brother or the other.

"Maybe we should discuss this with her later? Or maybe you can talk to her, she might listen to you more than me right now."

Ciel wiped her mouth with her napkin before setting her chopsticks down with a satisfied sigh. "I love eating here, neh Akio?" The male gave a nod, finishing off the last of his own meal before waving over a waitress. Before Ciel could protest he'd produced the necessary money to pay for all three of them and sent the waitress off.

"You didn't have to do that." Ciel said, slightly miffed. That only elicited a laugh from Akio as he stood up from his seat. "So a quick tour around my studio and you can come by at a later date to discuss work schedule and pay. Does that sound good Arianna?"

Snark and Sarcasm Expert
Woofie267 is offline
Old 08-20-2011, 09:31 PM

Quinn nodded. "Sure, I'll talk to her." He usually had good luck with Ciel. She generally listened to him, or at least didn't get mad at him and do the exact opposite of what he said to spite him.

Their food arrived, and he took his time eating, already thinking over what he'd say to Ciel, how they could explain to Arianna. Arianna had never been around for a full moon, yet.

"Sure." Arianna smiled at him. "Thanks for lunch, by the way. You didn't have to." She looked over at Ciel, raising an eyebrow just a little. She had no idea how she'd gotten so lucky to have a friend like Ciel, but she was glad she did.

Aoi Kazuya
"I'm nobody, who are you?"
Aoi Kazuya is offline
Old 08-21-2011, 03:34 AM

Kei nodded before turning his attention to his food, stabbing at the noodles listlessly and taking a bite every so often. he was always like this during the days leading up to the full moon, he'd get lazier during the day and find himself unable to sleep during the nights. It was one of the parts he didn't really like. At all.

Soon, his food was done and he reached into his pocket with a defeated sigh, rolling his eyes slightly as he pulled his wallet out. He waved the waitress back over to get the check and quickly paid.

"So I'll see you later than Quinn. I'm gonna take a walk for a bit. I'll just call one of my bandmates to give me a lift later or something. Sound good?"

"It's no problem. A friend of Ciel's is a friend of mine...did I say that already? I can't quite remember..."Akio wondered aloud. A second later he shrugged, "Doesn't matter." Ciel shook her head, missing the look that Arianna gave her and stood up from her seat. "So Akio and I will be taking my motorcycle..." she trailed off for a moment and then started over. "Actually maybe it'd be better if Akio took a ride with you. I already know where I'm headed, you still need directions...that should be fine, yea?"

Snark and Sarcasm Expert
Woofie267 is offline
Old 08-22-2011, 12:24 AM

Quinn looked over at him and nodded, knowing the feeling. "That's fine. I'll see you later at home." He nodded that Kei could go, putting money down for the tip and making sure everything got paid before he left.

He drove back to the office, taking his time, his mind miles away, running through the nearest forest.

"Yeah, that's fine. I've got room." She smiled a little. She had a little car, an old Mustang two-door that she drove, so they'd both fit. She really wanted a new car, though. This one didn't exactly get the best gas mileage.

She glanced over at Akio as she led the way to her car. "How long have you known Ciel for?" She was just curious, not trying to interrogate him or anything. But she'd done the same thing to Kei and Quinn when she'd met them, as well.

Aoi Kazuya
"I'm nobody, who are you?"
Aoi Kazuya is offline
Old 08-24-2011, 12:34 AM

Kei gave a final nod before turning and leaving the restaurant, his hands in his pockets. He directed his steps towards the nearest park. Along the way though, he spotted a music store and his steps slowed until he was still in front of the modest store's window.

One would think that after spending so many hours slaving away at music, Kei might not want to have anything to do with the subject during his free time. That wasn't the case. Kei loved music, it was as much a part of his life as his brother and Ciel were. It was something he just happened to be good at and loved, so he decided to make a career out of it. It was just coincidence that Ciel ended up in the same band as him.

Taking a quick look around, Kei stepped into the store and was quickly swept away down the lanes of memory when the smell of old music sheets and rosin filled his sense of smell. A small bell above the door jingled to announce a patron to the store but no clerks or store workers appeared. Kei put it to the back of his mind as he wandered through the small store, looking through music sheets until he saw it.

There was a grand piano set up in the back corner of the store. It was too tempting a sight and Kei quickly sat himself down on the piano bench, running his fingers over the ivory keys. He pressed a few to test the sound and was delighted to hear that it was perfectly tuned. He stretched his fingers, looked around again to make sure no one was around, before taking a deep breath and letting his fingers fall naturally over the keys, playing from memory.

Ciel smiled as she walked ahead of her two friends, pulling her helmet on over her head as she swung her leg over her motorcycle and settled into her seat, searching through her pockets for her key. Soon, she was going at a steady pace down the streets, checking behind her every so often at lights to make sure that Arianna and Akio were still behind her.

"Only a few years, though sometimes it feels longer." Akio answered simply as he followed Arianna out of the restaurant, he gave a half-wave to Ciel as she pulled her helmet on. He settled into his seat and pulled the seat-belt on, waiting for Arianna to start the car. "How about you? Ciel isn't that easy to approach what with those two brothers she's always hanging about. How did you meet her?"

After hearing Arianna's answer, Akio sat in silence, staring out the window at Ciel's back as she rode in front of them.

It was a few streets away from Akio's studio did Ciel suddenly freeze in her seat, faint strains of music somehow reaching her ears over the roar of her motorcycle's engine. She slowed to a stop and cut the engine, pulling her helmet off and running a hand through her locks quickly. She closed her eyes a moment later and sat still on her motorcycle, listening to the sound of a piano being played.

Snark and Sarcasm Expert
Woofie267 is offline
Old 08-24-2011, 02:02 AM

Quinn sighed as he settled himself back to his work, flipping through the papers he had to sign and review, or rewrite, or look over for plans. He really, really didn't want to do this. But he made himself buckle down, pulling his mind back from running and hunting and going through the paperwork quickly and efficiently.

He knew, logically, that it wouldn't be that long until he was done with work, and not long after that until sundown. But he didn't want to wait. The first night was always the worst, the longing to go run so strong he usually had to leave work early. But he had to finish these things first, and then he could go vanish for a few days.

Arianna glanced over at him. "Actually, she approached me. I work in a bar, and I was serving drinks when she started talking to me. She seemed interesting, so I would wander over to talk to her more whenever I had a free moment. I've known her for maybe six months now." She shrugged.

She glanced over at him before Ciel caught her attention, pulling over to the side of the road. Turning on her signal, she pulled over behind Ciel, rolling down her window. She was about to ask what was going on, why she'd stopped, before she heard the music. She blinked a few times and ended up just listening, rather stunned.

Whoever was playing that was really, really good.

Aoi Kazuya
"I'm nobody, who are you?"
Aoi Kazuya is offline
Old 08-24-2011, 02:31 AM

Kei gave a satisfied sigh when the song ended and he rested his fingers on the keys for slightly longer than the music called for, just reveling in the sound of the piano which he hadn't played for at least a few years now. Clapping from behind him made his eyes snap open and he spun in his seat, eyes wide. "I'm sorry!" He exclaimed when he saw an old man standing behind him. "I didn't mean to- it was just so tempting and i didn't think anyone was here- not that that's a good excuse or anything bu-" His mouth immediately snapped shut when the man held up a hand. "It's alright. I think it's nice to finally hear someone play that old thing again after so long. My fingers aren't what they used to be and I can't play as well anymore. It's nice to see young people such as yourself still playing."

Kei smiled crookedly. "Yea. I guess it is."

When the music stopped Ciel reopened her eyes, raising a hand to quickly swipe away the bit of moisture that had collected there. "It's nice to hear his playing again..." she murmured to herself. Making up her mind in that split second, she got off her motorcycle, leaving the helmet on the seat and sticking the key into her pocket before swiftly heading into the store.

Akio watched her enter the store with a strange look in his eyes, a scowl appearing briefly on his face before disappearing again. "I wonder what dear Ciel is up to now..." he mused aloud.

Kei was in the middle of having a conversation with the man he found out owned the store when he felt two arms wrap around him from behind and a voice happily shouting "Congratulations on playing the piano again!" The old man chuckled and shook his head, saying something about kids these days before walking away, but not before extending an invitation to Kei to come play again in his store.

"Hey Ciel. What are you doing here?"

"I was helping Arianna find a new job when I passed by and thought I heard something familiar. I'm happy for you Kei." Ciel said, giving Kei another squeeze before letting go.

((I figured I'd just go ahead and make it such that Akio was part of the other clan :)))

Snark and Sarcasm Expert
Woofie267 is offline
Old 08-26-2011, 06:47 PM

((Hey, sorry it took me so long to post. Things have been kind of hectic around here...

And I love that idea! ^_^ Akio being a bad guy in the end when he's so likeable. Love it!))

"Looks to me like Ciel's on one of her random rampages again," Arianna said with a little, indulgent smile. This had happened before, where Ciel would get distracted and run off and go do something. Normally it was very entertaining. "You want to go take a look?" She was rather tempted to look herself.

And then she decided that, screw it, she would go look. She turned off her car after rolling up the windows again, and grabbed her keys and her purse before she got out. "You coming?" she asked, looking back in at Akio.

Aoi Kazuya
"I'm nobody, who are you?"
Aoi Kazuya is offline
Old 08-26-2011, 07:07 PM

Akio looked over to the woman Ciel had introduced him to and smiled, shrugging good naturedly, "Sure. i don't see why not." He unbuckled his seatbelt and got out of the car, closing the door behind him. "After you." He said, gesturing to the store doors that Ciel had just disappeared into.

Kei chuckled softly at Ciel's words. trust her to pop up at the most random moments and still have a good reason for why she was there. "Yea...I'm happy too." He ran a hand along the piano's keys, a smile playing on his lips.

"Maybe we should think about getting a piano for the house..." Ciel whispered, more to herself than anything as she watched her friend's expression. She was truly happy for him. Anything to do with Kei or Quinn always elicited the most emotions out of the girl, they were the closest thing she considered a family, since she didn't really keep in touch with her actual family anymore.

((it's fine :) take care of real life before worrying about things here :)

and yay~ i had a good idea~ XD))

Snark and Sarcasm Expert
Woofie267 is offline
Old 08-27-2011, 06:30 PM

((I love having good ideas. It's so much fun! XD))

Arianna nodded and walked into the store, looking around curiously. Apart from playing clarinet in middle and high school, she had no musical talent or experience.

It took her a few moments to realize that was Kei sitting on the piano bench. Wait. Kei. In front of the piano. After having just heard someone playing.

Ohmigod that was Kei playing.

For a moment Arianna couldn't do anything but stare at him. Then she cracked a grin and said, "Hot damn, Kei. Keeping secrets now are we? Since when have you played the piano?"

Aoi Kazuya
"I'm nobody, who are you?"
Aoi Kazuya is offline
Old 08-27-2011, 06:51 PM

At the new and definitely unexpected voice, Kei jumped in his seat and looked past Ciel to see Arianna making her way over. A light pink flush covered his cheeks as he chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his head. "I learned when i was younger...started the same time Ciel started the violin...I just...haven't had time to play much in the last couple of years." He answered, embarrassed at having had an audience to his playing. "i mean it probably didn't sound that great with all the mistakes I made but uhm...yea..." he laughed awkwardly. "So uh...what're you doing here Ari?"

Ciel covered her mouth with her hand at Kei's reaction and shook her head at how silly he looked, all flustered up and everything. Now if only Quinn were here the moment would have been picture perfect. Ah, but alas, he wasn't. Ciel considered going outside to call him up and see what he was up to, but as she turned to leave the store and give the two some room, she walked right into somebody's chest.

"Whoops." A familiar voice said, arms coming around Ciel's waist to keep her from falling. "You've got to start watching where you're going Ciel." Ciel laughed "Yea I suppose you're right. Excuse me Akio...I've got to go make a phone call." She broke from his grasp and stepped out of the store, pulling her cell out and hitting speed-dial for Quinn's number.

Inside the store, Akio stared at the door and beyond that, Ciel's back with an unreadable expression on his face.

Kei's eyes darted to Akio's expression suspiciously and he kept his peripheral gaze on the other male as he returned the majority of his attention to the female in front of him.

Snark and Sarcasm Expert
Woofie267 is offline
Old 08-29-2011, 05:54 AM

Arianna snorted and shook her head. "Yeah, I may not be able to play anymore, but even I can tell when someone's good, Kei." She shook her head, walking over closer to the piano, running her fingers lightly along the edge. It really was beautiful, and she couldn't help but smile. She'd always liked listening to people playing piano, especially ragtime music or jazz on occasion.

"Well, Ciel was leading the way back to Akio's place when she heard you and pulled over." Ari shrugged. "You sidetracked us." She sent him a playful glare, the corners of her lips twitching. She really didn't mind that kind of distraction.

"Oh, I don't know if you two have met." She looked between the two males, quirking an eyebrow.

Quinn slipped his phone out of his pocket when it started vibrating at him. He didn't even bother to check who was calling, he just picked up. Because yes, he really needed to be done so he could get out of the office.

"Hello?" he asked quietly, glancing at the door to his office. He had no more appointments, and the paperwork was almost done. Just a bit more, maybe twenty more minutes, and he'd be all ready to be done for the day.

Aoi Kazuya
"I'm nobody, who are you?"
Aoi Kazuya is offline
Old 08-29-2011, 05:19 PM

Watching Arianna run her hand over the piano, Kei smiled faintly. "I could teach you how to play again if you want." he offered. As he listened to her explanation, he shook his head slightly, it sounded exactly like ciel to get distracted in the middle of driving. "I'm so sorry for sidetracking you." he replied sarcastically, ruining it by grinning widely at the end of his statement.

When Arianna asked if he knew Akio, Kei was caught between glaring at the guy or acting indifferent.


Akio forced a smile onto his face. "Ciel introduced us a year or so ago."

"Hey Quinn~" Ciel greeted her friend happily. "Is now a bad time?" she asked, noting the quiet tone of his voice. "I can call again later if you want."

Snark and Sarcasm Expert
Woofie267 is offline
Old 08-31-2011, 02:03 AM

Arianna looked between the two, her eyes narrowing a little. Something between them wasn't kosher, but she let it slide for now. "Ah, I see. Well, that makes things easier."

She looked back at Kei and couldn't help but snort. "Nah, that's okay. I was never any good at piano. I couldn't even play Chopsticks right." She grinned, letting her fingers fall from the frame, looking back at Akio.

"You want to wait for Ciel, or head over on our own?" She raised her eyebrows, leaving the choice up to him.

"Nope, now's a good time." Quinn scribbled something on the piece of paper in front of him. "What's up?"

Ciel so rarely called anyone that he was rather curious. But he really needed to finish this paperwork, and he could multitask, no big deal.

Aoi Kazuya
"I'm nobody, who are you?"
Aoi Kazuya is offline
Old 08-31-2011, 02:56 AM

"I caught Kei playing the piano just now and I was wondering how against having a piano in the living room you were." Ciel said, rocking back and forth on her feet with a smile on her face. "I think it'd be nice change from the sounds of a guitar or bass...or the tv." She added. And another way for the three of them to relax together~ Music was good for the soul after all...or something like that anyway.

"Aww, but you're dismissing me so think I'll be a bad teacher?" Kei asked teasingly, a small flicker of emotion in his eyes was the only indication that he had a problem with Arianna turning her attention to Akio.

"I don't mind waiting. It's your choice Arianna." Akio answered coolly, a more natural smile on his face now.

Snark and Sarcasm Expert
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Old 08-31-2011, 08:35 PM

A grin stretched Quinn's lips at her words. Kei played the piano? That was unusual, and very good. So he didn't hesitate to answer her next question.

"Not at all. I can pay for it. Did you have one in mind already or did you want to go browsing?"

Arianna looked between the two of them again. She could feel a little tension in the air, but she didn't know why. So she looked back to Kei again.

"No, I just think that's too much multi-tasking for me. I can't make my hands do two different things at the same time while focusing on music." She shook her head. "Clarinet was the best I could do, and even that was... challenging."

She shot a quick smile to Akio and decided to wait for Ciel. Things would be easier for her to have Ciel around for the tour. Just in case she needed someone to hide behind, literally or figuratively.

Aoi Kazuya
"I'm nobody, who are you?"
Aoi Kazuya is offline
Old 09-01-2011, 02:22 AM

"Awww...I wanna pay for it. You always pay for everything..." Ciel complained, frowning aty the sky as she spoke. "But we can discuss it later i guess...maybe split? Early birthday present for kei or something? Anyway...we should go browse together~ Uhm...when there's time of course." Ciel concluded, nodding now to emphasis her point, though Quinn couldn't see it.

"Well if you're sure." Kei replied, putting the cover back down over the keys and resting his arms on top of it. He glanced outside and wondered what Ciel could be discussing with Quinn, it only made sense that his brother was the one that ciel would call. Hmm...speaking of his brother...Quinn still had to talk to Ciel about their lunch chat..."Hey Arianna, you wanna get dinner with me later?"

Akio turned his eyes to the music sheets around him and scanned them, nothing making sense to him. He just wasn't a music person. He mentally sighed...just how long did it take to get to his studio anyway? Not to mention...his eyes darted back to where Ciel was...

((I figured it was about time Akio got his own color XD))

Snark and Sarcasm Expert
Woofie267 is offline
Old 09-01-2011, 10:18 PM

((lol yup. Poor guy, he's being totally ignored right now XD))

"Yeah, sure," Quinn agreed. "We can browse, and then we'll discuss our payment options." His lips twitched. He really couldn't help making it sound more serious than it was. It was just way too much fun.

"Oh, Ciel? I was thinking of leaving the office early, heading home for a bit before the, uh, long weekend." He gave her a second to think about that and realize exactly what he meant. "You think you could explain to Ari why we'll be gone for a few days? Brotherly camping trip, or something like that?"

Arianna blinked at the question. That was... kind of out of the blue. "Sure," she agreed after a moment. She'd already finished work today, and she didn't have anything else to do after she saw Akio's place. "Six thirty work for you?"

Aoi Kazuya
"I'm nobody, who are you?"
Aoi Kazuya is offline
Old 09-02-2011, 05:07 AM

"Oh uhm...yea, sure. I think i can come up with something." Ciel answered. She thought for a moment. "So you want me to go make dinner or something for you then?" She asked curiously. What was she going to do over the couple of days the boys would be gone? She'd have to work on Kei's leftover songs and probably inform the band that it was that time again, the monthly brother-bonding trip that Kei and Quinn always went on....hmm...she could probably manage then...

"Yup. Any time is good." Kei said. And as long as it got his mind off of the upcoming...long weekend...he was good. "So I'll come pick you up then." he added, wondering what restaurant would be a good place to visit.

Snark and Sarcasm Expert
Woofie267 is offline
Old 09-02-2011, 05:18 AM

"Or I can cook, before we go." Quinn shrugged. He didn't cook often, but it was something he did for fun. Normally Kei and Ciel didn't mind. "It's up to you. I'll probably be home in twenty minutes or so."

Arianna nodded. "Sounds good to me. I'll let you pick the place." She grinned at him briefly, rather pleased at the prospect of going out with him. It was a rare occurence that she go out with the brothers, and with only one of them even less. Quinn had taken her out to dinner once a month or two after they'd met, and they'd never tried again.

She turned her attention back to Akio once everything was settled with Kei. "Alright, I'm ready to go whenever she is. Little chatterbox."

Aoi Kazuya
"I'm nobody, who are you?"
Aoi Kazuya is offline
Old 09-03-2011, 02:02 AM

Ciel bit her lip. Twenty minutes? "I feel bad making you cook when you'll be going on a "long weekend" though..." she muttered. Maybe is she hurried they could get to Akio's place and get the basic tour out of the way in fifteen? That left her about five minutes or so to get home...ergh...maybe she should just let Quinn cook...ah...decisions, decisions...

"M'kay. I'll try not to disappoint." Kei laughed out, getting up front the piano bench. "let's go see what the two lovebirds are talking about why don't we?" he joked, motioning towards the door, effectively ignoring Akio in the process.

Akio himself didn't miss the dismissive tone in Kei's voice and would have growled at him except they were in the company of one he was sure did not know about their...conditions. He also knew that Kei had purposely used the term "lovebirds" to provoke him...well, he wouldn't let that useless rocker get the better of him. Akio moved to the door and held it open. "After you."

"Don't mind if I do." Kei said as he went through the door. "hey Ciel! how long you going to talk to your lover in secret? You're keeping Arianna waiting!"

Ciel's face immediately flushed at Kei's comment and she turned, eyes glaring at her house- and band-mate. "I can't believe you Kei! You know your brother and I aren't like that!" she bit out, though her reddening face contradicted her statement rather badly.

"Doesn't look like your body agrees with what your mouth is saying~" kei teased. It wasn't weird to see the two bickering like siblings, they were close enough to be siblings at any rate.

Ciel gave up on trying to beat kei as she was sure he'd be able to twist anything she said into his advantage. "I-I'll see you later Quinn." She said quickly, she knew he'd probably heard everything Kei had just shouted. "I have an idiot to take care of right now."

Snark and Sarcasm Expert
Woofie267 is offline
Old 09-06-2011, 05:29 PM

"Really, I don't mind cooking. Might have some more meat than normal, though." Quinn grinned, knowing that Ciel was trying to figure out a way to make it home before him so he wouldn't have to cook.

Then he laughed outright at Kei's comments. "Just don't do anything irreparable," he said to her with a grin. "I do need him still, sort of."

And with that he hung up, shaking his head in amusement as he finished up his paperwork so he could head home.

Arianna inclined her head to Akio in thanks, rolling her eyes at Kei and Ciel. Honestly, they were like children sometimes.

"Now, now, children," she said, moving to separate them a little. "I didn't mind waiting, and it looks like you're done now, so no harm done." She looked at Kei. "Besides, I personally think those two would make a great couple. And then you couldn't tease them anymore about it." She smirked. She could be devious when she wanted.


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