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Warning: Unrestrained Audiophile
KageShio is offline
Old 04-23-2011, 02:00 AM

((*facepalm* Gomen, I don't know where my brain has been. I'll edit my post, ok?))

Kilia is offline
Old 04-23-2011, 07:35 PM

(O.O i honestly can't think of soemthing to post)

Purple magic swirls and undulate...
kionaredhawk is offline
Old 04-25-2011, 03:49 PM

No worries Kage :) It happens to all of us :P Ameika, you can find people to interact with...even if they are already interacting with each other XD With the exception of Omut and Kale though. They're leaving... :P
And I apologize for them being brain stopped working. At least they can be replied to :XD)

Omut chuckled and locked his door. He quickly caught up with her, threw an arm around her shoulder and whispered closely, flirtatiously in her ear as they walked, "I think you'd like that too much." He grinned at her as he removed his arm and put a little distance between so that she couldn't just hit him.

Kiela laughs, an odd sound coming from her. She rarely ever did it, even then it "No, no. I was just seeing how it went." She nodded her head towards the book. "I suppose thats good then, since your reading it?"

Kar grinned at his friend before heading towards the open door. Just in time for Kai to leave, which meant that Kiela might not be in there. Instead of interrupting Kiela if she was busy, Kar dragged Zoe after him and he caught a hold of Kai's sleeve. "Hey ya Lord Kai." He managed to say before catching his breath. "Is the missus in her office? Er, I mean is Ki, uh the Sareen Baud available?" Kar put a hand behind his head with an embarassed smile at the how informal he used Kiela's name.

Kilia is offline
Old 04-26-2011, 12:21 AM

Selena sighed heavily as she made her way out of her classroom, having looked over her class list already, deciding to see if she could find Kai anywhere and see if he would like to teach the class with her while Xypher was out on his mission. She knew that it seemed like she was in love with the guy since she was nearly always with him, but the truth is that it wasn't like that, he was family and she felt safe being aorund him and not only that well it was far easier to talk to him.

As she made her way down the hallway, well that is when she saw two of the students talking to the man that she was looking for outside of the head's office. "Well if it wasn't the person i was looking for." she said with a smile as she walked towards them, pushing her colored glasses back up to where they weren't slipping down her nose, she knew that people always asked her what her eyes color was but since they were basically white themselves that sunlight hurt them unless she had some clored glasses. She looked at the three people with a smile on her face.

(Ascadellia: don't forget about in here now)

Warning: Unrestrained Audiophile
KageShio is offline
Old 04-26-2011, 04:55 AM

Kai had heard the children long before they approached him, and was not surprised when he turned to look down at the them, his cold crimson eyes seeming severe, though his voice was soft and low. "Good morning Kar, Zoe." He said, looking them both over. He could tell by the smell that Zoe was suffering from the normal poison temperance training, and did feel a tinge of pity. "Sareen Baud is not in her office at the moment, perhaps it is something I could help you two with?" he said, ignoring the child's dangerously casual use of their leader's first name.

Before Kar could reply, Selena's pale form rounded the corner. Kai turned his gaze to her, giving a slight nod of the head as she spoke. "Good morning Selena... what is it you wish of me? I am sure I can attend to it after I help the students." he said, deep voice nearly empty as usual.

Kilia is offline
Old 04-26-2011, 06:27 AM

Selena smiled softly at them, being a happy person, well she always thought that her smile was contagious even if it wasn't. So it was wierd to actually see her frown in front of people, and that is what she did as she looked at Kai through the teal colored lenses before looking down at the kids once more, a smile back on her face.

"Good morning, Kai. You see Jerik is off on some buisness and i was wondering if you would like to help me teach the class. Since it is easier to teach body language with two people then one." she said with as smile as she looked back at him, not trying to interrupt what him and the kids were talking about, but knowing fully well that he could muilty task.

Angels dont come better than tho...
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Daeman35 is offline
Old 04-26-2011, 02:04 PM

(Sorry guys... im brain dead and visiting my sister. Ill reply hopefully later today but if not maybe tomorrow when im not working.)

Purple magic swirls and undulate...
kionaredhawk is offline
Old 04-26-2011, 08:37 PM

(no worries Daeman :) And again, sorry they short. Brain is fuzzled too >.<)

Kar looked thoughtful for the moment it took Selena to say her piece to Kai. He turns and looks at Zoe, smiling a little bit. "It's up to you if you want to ask Lord Kai or not. If not, I'm sure we can leave a message with him to ask K-Sareen Baud if we can talk to her soon. What do you think?"

Warning: Unrestrained Audiophile
KageShio is offline
Old 04-26-2011, 09:47 PM

Kai considered the woman's request for a moment, running down the list of things he had to do that morning before giving a nod. "I have a few more chores to attend to, but I shall be done in plenty of time to help you." He said, glancing out the window to see how high the sun was. He made a small noise, a bit too quiet for most to hear. The shining orb had crawled it's way higher than he had thought. If he wanted to get his work done, he had to solve Kar and Zoe's problem quickly.

He turned to look back at the two as he heard Kar speak to Zoe. He casually put his hands behind his back, forearm clasped as he waited for the somewhat shy girl to speak. He wanted to get it over with, but did not push her, instead keeping a pleasant, yet indifferent look, red eyes resting on her small form.

Angelo is offline
Old 04-27-2011, 01:31 AM

"Well, he might know, right?" Zoe asked, still a bit disoriented from Kar's rough handling. "Lord Kai, do you know what I am? Like Kar is a Denithan? I would like to know what I am and why I have to go through these treatments." She took a deep breath at the end of her rambling, having said it all in one breath due to nervousness. Imploringly, her eyes met the older, and more experienced, assassin boldly, despite her obvious anxiety.

Purple magic swirls and undulate...
kionaredhawk is offline
Old 04-27-2011, 05:29 PM

Kar squeezed Zoes hand encouragingly. Hopefully, Kai would know. Or at least know a way for them to find Ki and talk to her. Either way, he just hoped they could find answers to Zoe's questions. It would be nice.

(Ew, that paragraph was ugly...sorry :/ hopefully soon we'll keep moving and a potential plot might come out XD)

Angels dont come better than tho...
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Daeman35 is offline
Old 04-27-2011, 10:48 PM

"I think you would like it more..." Kale purred to make it seem like she was flirting then took a claw and wiped it gently on the mans face even though she had to get closer to do so. It was fun messing with the flirt in their little tight net family of qualified assassins. "So what's the plan for this one? Its weird having a partner on an assignment." And it was true. Kale had never had a partner before on an assignment. She had always preferred to work alone. As the couple walked along, she wondered if the assassin knew that he was going to be hunted. It would be an awful shame if he did since like Kar, she loved to freak people out. "So ill let you take the lead."

Kilia is offline
Old 04-28-2011, 11:36 PM

"Thank you so very much Kai. Your a life saver." Selena said in a happy way as she hugged him, kissing his cheek before letting him go and moving back down the hallway, only to stop in her tracks when she thought about what the children where asking Kai. She was about to say something but shook her head as she continued to smile, trying hard to stay out of it considering it wasn't her buisness and her interferring was out of the question at the moment. She watched the three of them for a bit before she turnned, pushing her dark hair back over her shoulder as she made her way back down the hallway, heading to some place to do anything before she had to head back to her classroom.

Last edited by Kilia; 04-29-2011 at 06:01 AM..

\ (•◡•) /
Graxdon is offline
Old 04-29-2011, 01:25 AM

Atsuo Oshiro stepped through the main doors of Death's Door, his hood up and a small bag on his bag. He looked around, thinking, "Well... here I am. However, the letter neglected to mention where I was supposed to go once I got here. Maybe I'm supposed to figure it out myself as the first part of my training?"

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Ascadellia is offline
Old 05-07-2011, 01:04 AM

Jared had smiled and taken his food before heading out of Death's Door. His mission was supposed to be a retreival one. Apparently someone wished to get some form of animal back from this high classed person. Why they didn't do it themselves he didn't know. Nor did he wish to know. It was easy enough. The trip would take a few days. Or less. Depending on how fast he did the job. And then he'd be back with said animal and inform the original owner to come for it. They didn't wish for a shady person to be around their establishment.

Rayne made her way out of the forest surrounding the establishment. Wearing a dark green dress and hair tied back away from her face, she was carrying small basket filled with different types of plants and herbs. She'd been hunting down new ways to improve her inventions. And to make more powerful poisons. Since they were in the works, she still had yet to make working antidotes. Good for her, but bad for the people getting poisoned.

Warning: Unrestrained Audiophile
KageShio is offline
Old 05-07-2011, 07:49 PM

Kai allowed Selena to hug him, and his lips twitched into a smirk slightly as she kissed him, but he just replied with "It is not a problem, I consider it part of my duties." He watched her walk away and caught the look on her face as Zoe spoke, giving a slight frown as he turned to the lilac-haired girl. He gave a small shake of his head, and a discreet sniff of the air. The scent was slightly familiar, but it was probably only because the girl had been living at Death's Door for some time now.

"I am sorry to say that I do not know, though I am sure there is something in our library that could help you. I will give you permission to be in there, only if you treat all items within the room with utmost care and respect. There are some tomes that are ancient and irreplaceable, and I am sure Sareen baud would be more than furious if they were to come to harm." he said, soft voice stern as he looked from one child to the other. he knew that if anything did happen to one of the books, he would be blamed, but he simply did not have the time to supervise them as they searched. He would have to trust that the respect and responsibility they were being taught, along with the fear of Kiela's anger, would force them to behave properly.

Purple magic swirls and undulate...
kionaredhawk is offline
Old 05-09-2011, 05:30 PM

Omut shrugs as they continue on. "I'm still working out the details. No matter what though, we have got to remember that nobody finds out. Absolutely nobody." He frowns. Why they were going after another assassin, he had no idea. It could start a full out war between the two guilds and he knew Kiela did not actually want that. "It is weird that she wanted us to partner on it. Likely, she felt our different skills will help us accomplish this the way we are supposed to. Let's just get there, now."

Kar grinned and nodded. "Thank you, Lord Kai!" He turned his head to look down excitedly at Zoe. "Didja hear that?! We can look in the library. We sure to find somethin' there!" He started to lead his friend towards the library, excitement dominating his bouncing steps.

Angels dont come better than tho...
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Daeman35 is offline
Old 05-12-2011, 01:28 AM

The cat woman sighed. "I remember. You dont have to tell me twice." She watched where she was stepping, making sure it was quick and quiet enough for the assassins to get to where they needed without being heard. "It is really weird that she would use two of us. I mean we do have different skills but it just seems too weird for two to have to kill an assassin from another clan quickly. If the job was going to be so quick than only one would be needed right? Oh well. Lets just do this quickly so that we can get you back to your classes." She walked along side the man not letting any attention be drawn to the pair of them. "Tell me when you have a plan. Ill try to formulate one as well."

\ (•◡•) /
Graxdon is offline
Old 05-12-2011, 01:32 AM

(would anyone be able to approach my character? he's just standing at the entrance because he doesn't know where he should be going... and I don't know what's going on either, lol)

Angels dont come better than tho...
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Daeman35 is offline
Old 05-12-2011, 01:49 AM

(Try having your character walk inside and run into a couple people. Everyone is doing something at this point except your character so that would be the best way to get into the rp. Kar and his friend are running across the courtyard. Two people just came back to the place from what i can tell. Kar and Kiela are in their office and you could just stumble in on it. Theres a million possibilities)

Purple magic swirls and undulate...
kionaredhawk is offline
Old 05-12-2011, 03:10 PM

(Kiela actually is technically on the roof talking to Forever... I'll post again when Angelo replies again. Grax, Daeman's got it right. Try involving yourself with the other characters because their all already doing things.)

Angelo is offline
Old 05-13-2011, 01:45 AM

Zoe yelped in the middle of her thanks to Kai as Kar dragged her off in the direction of the library. Honestly, her tiny size made it much to easy for her to be manhandled in such ways, something that wasn't good for an assassin. If she were to face an opponent even Kar's size, she'd probably get the crap beat out of her. Supposedly that's what the tolerance training was for, though Zoe figured that there was something more to it than that.

Anxiously, Zoe watched as Kar dragged her up to the door of the library, holding her breath in irrational fear as they passed the threshold. When they were safely across, Zoe shook herself loose of Kar's grip, standing and looking around in awe at the vast number of books and scrolls adorning the walls. "So, where do we start?" she asked quietly, body shaking with coughs.

((Sorry, I've had some serious writer's block lately. :())

\ (•◡•) /
Graxdon is offline
Old 05-13-2011, 11:28 AM

Atsuo, spotting Zoe and Kar heading for the library, followed after them, hoping that they would be able to help him figure out where he was supposed to go. Once in the library, he looked around, appreciating the size of it, before approaching the two of them, saying, "Excuse me, I'm a new student here and I was wondering if you could tell me where new students should go?"

(Btw, if any of you are interested in superheroes and/or batman, check out the RP i'm trying to start :) there's a link in my sig and a mini-description)

Purple magic swirls and undulate...
kionaredhawk is offline
Old 05-13-2011, 04:17 PM

(No worries Angelo. It happens :) )

Omut shrugged again. "I don't find it that weird. Having the both of us doing it means less chance of it being discovered. Speaking of which. We should find the man first, don't you think?" Then it seemed he had a pause in thought. "Or woman. The file didn't actually specify gender and the person's name is gender neutral." He frowned, looking at Kale as they kept going. "It would be strange for her to send us after a woman. That really does not happen very often." Omut took a turn that lead them off the main road but to a small game trail he used often on his assignments. It helped so that they could move more freely and be less seen. "I found this trail a while ago. Don't tell anyone about it, or I might have to kill you." He grins at her to show he was kidding.
"I was thinking, once we find our mark, I have a few fast-acting poisons that completely disappear from the system as soon as the victim is dead. In that, you could use your resective skills, flirting of course, to get him to tell you were he or she hides." He paused again and gave her a nasty little look. "If you think you can seduce a woman, of course."

Kar put an arm around Zoe's shoulders and squeezed a little. It always worried him when she coughed and shaked. "Well, I dun know. Mayhap we could try ta-" He turned his solid eyes on the new boy. His smile suddenly looked a little...warped. His voice was just the tiniest bit deeper when he responded, "Back the way you came. There was a man standing in the hallway we just left. He's second-in-command here. He'll help you." Then just as suddenly his smile and voice were normal again. "Lord Kai ain't so bad. He'll help ya. I'm Kar by the way. This here's Zoe. Welcome home."

Angels dont come better than tho...
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Daeman35 is offline
Old 05-13-2011, 05:49 PM

"You would most likely have your way before the kill but of course i would never tell your secret." Just the thought of her being killed by him brought laughter to her mind, but she wouldnt dare think he couldnt do it. Kale smiled happily at the thought that it would be a woman. She loved seducing a woman. It was so much more fun than just getting naked to seduce a man. Her smile had grown wide and looked at Omut. "You would love to know how i would do that wouldnt you? Sounds like oh so much fun dont you think?" Following the man happily, she decided to play a little game, and danced with each step. Of course it might not work on him, but she always did like to have fun and mess around when he was with her. It was just too hard to pass up.


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