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See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 08-04-2011, 05:20 AM

Clingy. "I noticed," Gideon whispered. The tall male narrowed his eyes as the other household female came into view. His brown eyes seemed to fill with discomfort before he glanced back to Scarlett. Keeping her in sight made him feel much better.

As Alice passed them, she whistled. "Keep at it, Valentine. You might actually have someone who will pay attention to you." She waved back to Scarlett as she disappeared (this was, of course, before she passed out in exhaustion).

When she was finally gone, Gideon let out a breath he hadn't known he'd been holding. "Yes. Tonight. Come see." His buzz from the drink was gone . . . but it felt nice to be someone else for once. Giving her hand a slight tug, the dark-haired male led her through the hall. Coincidentially his room was the second one with a balcony near Scarlett's. He made no mention of it as they entered his room.
The door was closed quietly behind them as they entered. Gideon took one look around before moving to sort through a pile of paperwork. The sheets of paper were so thin you could practically see through them. "You know the technology they use to power small toys?" he asked, his voice low and husky. He was . . . pleased. Brown eyes more lively than they had been all night, he sent Scarlett the beginnings of a smile (the first one she'd seen, no doubt). "I've been working with it since I was a child."

He seemed to find what he was looking for. Gideon slowly stacked a few papers and moved to the lamp. He set them down on the bedside table so Scarlett could see them. It was some sort of animal . . . and upon closer inspection, it looked to be some sort of kitten.
"This is Tali," Gideon whispered as though sharing some hidden secret. Honestly, that's what it felt like. He'd never shown anyone his work: no one ever asked anyway. "She has had many upgrades since I drew this, but this is her." His soft voice was full of barely contained pride and compassion. He really loved his work.

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 08-04-2011, 05:25 AM

"Aww.. She's cute." Scarlett said, her eyes looking over his work, and at a few of the papers. "This is really amazing work.." She said, her eyes showing that she was being completely honest and serious as she looked at it all. She glanced back to Gideon, smiling at his small smile. "Do you plan to actually make her?" She asked, her green eyes looking over at him, they had brightened.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 08-04-2011, 05:48 AM

"I have."
He knelt beside the bed, withdrawing a suitcase. When he opened it there was something metallic shifting . . . and a few moments later Gideon had coaxed the kitten from its sleep. It acted like a real animal - in every manner. Tali began a purr that sounded almost real - and she even had soft paws and a whiskery face. The only difference between this mechanical being and a real animal was the eyes: Tali had golden orbs with no pupil.

"Tali is one of my favorites," Gideon admitted, sitting on the bed. Tali gingerly hopped up onto his lap and started rubbing her black head against his stomach. Gideon hesistated before patting the bed beside him. "She hasn't met a stranger before. I don't know what she'll do."
The black kitten's golden gaze looked to Scarlett for a moment before she gave an intelligent-sounding mew. "I think she'll do alright."

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 08-04-2011, 03:47 PM

Scarlett sat next to him on the bed, reaching out and petting the electronic cat. It looked so... alive. She smiled. "Its so cute.." She said, patting its head and then looked up at him. "If you made more of these you could be a millionaire! They're perfect for kids that can't have pets because of their parents or apartment complex.." She said, smiling at him. "I knew you were smart but I didn't know you were this smart.." She said, petting the purring cat.

"One of your favorites? So you made more?" She asked excitedly, looking up at him with her green eyes. Her blonde hair then fell behind her shoulders and swayed gently. Suddenly there was a large bang in the hallway that made Scarlett jump. "What was that?" She asked wide eyed, knowing the others were asleep.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 08-04-2011, 11:48 PM

Gideon's features slowly began to display the beginnings of a smile. "No one's ever cared," he said quietly, watching as Tali plopped herself into Scarlett's lap. The kitten rubbed her soft, non-shedding furry head all over the girl's lap and hands like a real cat would have.
"I've made a few more, yes." He was just about to reach forward and brush a stray hair from Scarlett's face when there was a sound from the hall. Tali, appropriate to her feline nature, let out a squeak and flew back under the bed. Gideon's eyes were wide as he stood, staring at the closed door. "The others are in bed," he breathed, scarcely daring to breathe. Slowly stepping forward, he sent a glance back to where Scarlett sat. I should go alone. With that thought in mind, he placed his hand on the doorknob and turned.

((:rofl: This has me jumping in my seat already. :squee: Should he see something?))

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 08-05-2011, 01:32 AM

((Yeah! xD Something that freaks him out enough to not want Scarlett to leave.))

Scarlett blushed when his hand went up to either caress her face or move a strand of her hair behind her ear. But the scare made him get up and head for the door. "Well, I care." She said, standing up. "What if its a burglar?" She asked,wide eyed. She went with him towards the door, but was too scared to follow him out. She went back towards the bed, bending over and picking up Tali.

((The story behind this house is that a young couple that were very much in love through a party to welcome all their friends and family to see their new home since it had just been built, but in the middle of the party the lights went out and something killed everyone. The government sent previous people to stay at the house for two months but they died too, and now their here xD And since many people died in the house theres a ton of evil things.. and some good ones lol ))

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 08-05-2011, 08:09 AM

((*shudder* I just got this idea from a preview I saw on youtube. . . . Let me know if I take things too far.))

"I don't think it's a burglar," Gideon said as he pried to door open. He took a few breaths before opening it and looking out into the hall. It was dark. Much darker than he remembered. The light from the lamp behind him left his shadow stretching toward the opposite wall, but there was only a soft glow of yellow light from his bedroom. He was still . . . but after a few moments he began to calm down. "A picture fell from the wall."
Gideon breathed a sigh of relief. It must have been disturbed when they passed by earlier. He stepped out into the darkness of the hallway and froze when he heard something skitter across the wooden floor to his right.

Tali, who was safe in Scarlett's arms, let out a yowling hiss. It set Gideon's nerves on fire. Out of the corner of his eye he caught sight of movement. It was low to the ground, whatever it was, and he could have sworn he'd heard a whisper. Backing away from the picture, forgetting it even existed, the youth felt his heart race. He heard the clicking of something hitting the floor again. It was getting closer.
There was a brief moment of sheer panic - it was childish, perhaps, but Gideon didn't think about it at the time. Stepping back into the room swiftly, he closed the door just in time to hear the whispering getting closer. He saw the vague outline of something low to the ground and more lanky than any starved animal he'd ever seen.
A trick of the darkness, perhaps? Maybe one of his mechanical creatures had been jostled and was roaming the building. Convinced that it was the only option, Gideon began to mutter under his breath about rewiring his creations. He didn't say anything about what was outside the room . . . but he sent a few glances to the now-locked door as he moved to grasp Scarlett's arm.

"Stay here tonight?" he asked, shuddering a bit as the lamp flickered. Gideon looked . . . a bit freaked. Reaching for the other light switch, he was sure that there was very little darkness in the room. Gray eyes wide, he tried to keep his breathing to a reasonable rate. He didn't need to have a heart attack.

Alice slowly lifted her head from the pillow.

We just want to be friends.

The whisper sounded . . . small. Childish, almost. It reminded her of a childhood friend . . . but something was off. "Wha?" The young woman slowly sat up and blinked groggily. The small light she had on by the nightstand was flickering . . . and finally died with a fizzle.
Unreasonable fear suddenly clawed at Alice's chest, and she was wide awake as she heard something moving in the room. "A-Andrew?" Clutching her blanket to her, she forced her feet to the floor. With a squeak of fear, she raced to her door, threw it open; Alice darted through the hallway and across to Andrew's room, knocking heavily.
She heard it again.

Just friends. Just friends this time.

Her knuckles were scraped by the time she knocked again. "Andrew, can I come in?" Her voice sounded panicked. There was something in the hall with her.

((DEAR GOODNESS. This is not something to write when you're sitting in a room alone with the light off. *shiver* I now have to leap to my bed in hopes of making it there alive. *glances at the bed*))

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 08-05-2011, 03:18 PM

Scarlett seemed a little more relaxed when Gideon came back, though she could tell he was frightened. When he grasped her arms she gently ran her hand over his, letting Tali hop into his lap and calm him down a bit. "Of course. But what did you see?" She asked, slipping off her shoes and crawling up to the other side of the bed so that she could lay her head on a pillow. She laid on her side so that she could still talk and look at Gideon.

Her attention then looked to the door when she heard a slight scratching noise on it, and then Alice yelling for Andrew. The lights flickered for a moment, then turned off and Scarlett literally jumped into Gideons chest, sitting Tali on her lap. A few moments later the lights came on. But Alices yells stopped.

Andrew woke up and ran over to the door. "Yeah, Sure, come in." He said, ushering her in.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 08-06-2011, 04:02 PM

((Whhaaaa!?!?!?! I could have sworn that I posted! *sniffle* It must have eaten my post. :cry:))

"It was probably just one of my machines," Gideon said quietly, muttering as he slowly calmed down. Feeling Scarlett's hand run over his seemed to have a huge impact on his emotional state. He felt Tali nudge his hand as he sat there for a while. After stroking the cat a few times, he sighed and looked down to where Scarlett was resting. "Perhaps it's the drink." That was a far stretch; they both knew that the alcohol wasn't effecting them any longer.
Just as Gideon sighed and closed his eyes for a moment, there was a sound from the door. Tali's black fur rose, and she let out a yowling hiss that was followed by her flight to scramble up near her owner's chin. Gideon shuddered as he heard Alice's voice: she was yelling. That was something that made him even more jumpy than ever.

He gasped quietly when the lights died. Gideon let out a startled sound when Scarlett suddenly appeared in his lap. Frozen with hesitance the male stared at Scarlett when the lights flickered back on. "What was that?" Alice was silent: the silence was even more unnerving than the young woman's yells.

Alice practically leaped into the room when the door opened. "Ohmygosh, did you see that?" Breathing fast, she was sure to make the door slam behind her. With a lithe step that most runners would have admired, she shot over to the bed and jumped up onto it. "Tell me you saw that?!"
Shivering in fear, Alice pulled her blanket around her as though it was the only thing protecting her from whatever was in the hallway. The whispers still echoed in her mind.

Don't leave us!

Taking a shuddering breath, Alice turned her gold eyes to the corners of the room in fright. "I-I'm sorry for this. I must have had a nightmare or something." The voices were like children - like the noise of her childhood friends begging for her to come out and play. Father had never let her . . . so perhaps it was a dream that played with her mind.

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 08-06-2011, 04:15 PM

((Haha it's fine lol ))

Scarlett was still in his lap when the lights came on. The silence was what scared her the most.

Dont Leave Us.

Scarletts eyes widened when she heard that voice in the hallway. It was like a childs voice.. had there been children in this mansion before? But that still didn't explain the scratching. Scarlett turned when she felt Gideon touch her shoulder, but when she turned Gideon hadn't even touched her. She jumped up, obviously freaking out. "Something touched me!" She said, jumping back in his bed and going under the covers. "Let's just go to sleep.. I'm scared.." She frowned, biting her lip as she looked up at Gideon and Tali. "We didn't drink enough to see whatever you saw.." She said, reaching her hand out of the covers to pet Tali. "What did you see?" She asked softly.

Suddenly she heard a loud shattering noise in the room. She sat up, looking everywhere to see if something was broken.. but nothing was touched. Just the chandelier swayed softly, flickering at the sudden movement. She laid back down and curled up next to Gideon who was still sitting up.

Andrews eyes were wide. "What the hell was that thing!" He yelled, locking his door and making sure it was shut as much as it could be. He had seen a black mass, crawling up the stairs with very..very long nails. And its eyes.. well it had no eyes. Just empty sockets with blood pouring from them. Then right as he had shut the door he had seen a woman in a rather pretty dress that looked a lot like his sister, dancing in the ballroom downstairs.

The ballroom was the room that the grandstaircase led you into. So you could see from Andrews door which was right next to the steps. "Did you see that woman?" He asked, going over to her in the bed and getting under the covers. He laid beside her, looking at her. "What'd you see?" He asked, his green eyes looking curiously at her.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 08-08-2011, 11:55 PM

Gideon shook his head. "I didn't actually see anything," he said. When she started, saying something touched her, he shook his head again. "There was nothing." Trying to make sense out of the whole thing, the youth let Scarlett leap from his arms and curl up under the blankets. He was a bit freaked out, but he merely moved slowly as he shifted so he was leaning against the headboard.
Taking a deep breath, he moved Tali away from his shoulders and into the small space that was between Scarlett and himself. It was then that the shattering made everyone jump. There was, once again, nothing physical that they could see. Gideon swallowed dryly before forcing himself to lay down beside Scarlett. Moments later he was under the blankets. The distance between them was marked only by Tali's lithe form curled up between Gideon's stomach and Scarlett's body. "Just try to rest. I'll stay awake to make sure nothing happens." He didn't feel as bold as he sounded, but the male lifted a hand to gingerly press it atop Scarlett's hair momentarily. "The others must be playing a trick on us." That had to be it. It was the only logical explanation.

Alice shook her head once, a jerking motion that betrayed her sense of fear. She'd seen it. She'd seen those eyes . . . the blood. Shivering as she opened her mouth, the young woman spoke. "I-I saw something else. I d-didn't see a woman." Her golden gaze was wide as Andrew came to the bed and laid down. She was lying down as well, her blanket pulled tighter than her form-fitting t-shirt and short sleeping trunks. "I saw this . . . thing coming up the stairs. I thought I heard it behind me, but it was right there." Her words came faster as she continued. "It was whispering. Saying stuff that came from everywhere at once. The claws-" She let out a squeak as she heard something in the hallway. "They wouldn't stop coming!"

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 08-10-2011, 02:35 AM

Scarlett moved as close as she could to Gideon, letting Tali sleep up by her breasts. The robotic cat seemed to like Scarlett's fast heartbeat. When he touched her hair, she blushed. "I'd rather have you sleep at the same time as me. That way neither of us are freaked out.." She said, sitting up a little. "Besides, You don't need to be big and bad in front of me." She said, giving him a gentle kiss on the side of his face that was closest to hers.

"Thanks for letting me stay in here.. this house really gives me the creeps." She said, petting Tali gently. "My brother knows not to scare me.. we both have a fear of ghosts and all those creepy things.." She said, smirking a little. The blonde looked at him in the dim room, her hand reaching over Tali to take his hand. "Do you think something bad happened here?"She whispered.

Andrew curled up beside her, looking towards the door. "Whispers? What'd they say?" He asked, wondering what she heard. He bit his lip. "Really? That's freaky." He said, laying his head down on the pillow beside hers. "Well.. if you'd like you can sleep in my room every night." He said, looking over at her. "I don't mind. I don't really like haunted anythings so i'm up for a roomate." He grinned.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 08-10-2011, 06:39 AM

"Then we can both sleep." Gideon's features filled with startlement as he blinked rapidly. "I'm not trying to act brave. . . ." He was completely distracted by the kiss she pressed to the side of his face. The male blushed immediately, swallowing a few more muttered protests before tunring his gaze to look across the room. It almost looked as though he was uncomfortable.

It was when Scarlett thanked him when Gideon brought his gaze back to his friend. "Alice is evil enough to do it on her own," he whispered in return, the slightest of smiles tugging at his lips. When he felt her fingers tease around his, he almost pulled his hand away. Instead, he forced his hand to relax . . . and slightly tightened his hold on Scarlett's hand.
"I think we were brought here on circumstances that were too good to be true." He was silent for a moment before speaking. He didn't want anything taking advantage of their quiet moment. "Something must have happened." He had no idea what, but it had to be terrible.
Completely distracted by Scarlett's gentle form under the blankets beside him, Gideon tried to look elsewhere . . . but found himself staring at her. All the while it was Tali's rather loud purring that kept the room from complete silence.

"They said . . . they wanted to play." Alice looked disturbed for a moment before starting when Andrew rested his head on the same pillow as her. Hearing what he said, she reached forward and smacked his arm weakly. "I don't plan on being in here at all, you goof. It isn't proper." She shuddered, but was glad for the distraction. His words had kept her from hearing the shattering of glass across the hall.
"My father would be apalled to know that I'm in the same bed as some boy right now." Her golden eyes were still wide with fear, but her tone was evening out. Despite her words, Alice was too frightened to back off or move . . . so she edged her way closer to Andrew and kept her face a few inches from his as she lowered her voice to a whisper. "You said you saw someone. What did she look like?"

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 08-10-2011, 03:24 PM

Scarlett smiled at his remark about Alice. "Well, I'm not sure how she could've made the lights flicker.. maybe its just an electric problem." She said, releasing his hand after a few moments. She didn't want him to feel strange. She blushed when he stared at her, pulling the covers up to her chest."Really, they told us they'd pay us to stay in this house for two months. Which means there has to be something wrong with it and were just test dummies." She mumbled, the blonde looking nervously at Gideon.

"Maybe we can figure out what happened here. I'm sure that there has to be something that shows a bit of the history.." She said, looking at the ceiling as she thought. "Maybe theres a book in the library? Or something in the gardens?" She questioned, frowning. "I just don't see why all this is happening unless theres something haunting this house."((Oooh should we have Gideon or Scarlett find like newspaper articles in the basement that says what happened the night of the couples party?))

Andrew smirked. "Fine. My parents wouldn't really care if I was in a womans room." He chuckled, but then his tone turned serious. "Well.. she looked like my sister. Except she had dark almost black hair." He said, thinking about what he saw. "She was dancing, her hair was up.. and she was calling out to someone..I think the name was Damien?" He said, running his hand through his blonde hair. "They wanted to play? Thats creepy.." He said, looking down at his pillow. "I think something bad happened here. Something that the governments trying to hide under the rug.." He said, laying back down.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 08-10-2011, 06:22 PM

((Yes! We should do that!! :eager:))

Gideon turned his gaze to the ceiling as well once his hand was released. He nodded when Scarlett brought up the history of the building. "There must be something. In the morning we can look." Gideon was still for many moments, only letting out a breath when he felt Tali slip from between them. The black kitten moved first to Scarlett. She crawled all over her, searching for a place to settle. She did . . . and then got up about two minutes later.
Gideon felt the pinpricks of Tali's claws as she kneaded his chest, choosing to settle there for a while. With the warmth on his chest and the wear from the day's events finally pulling him into sleep, the male sighed quietly. "We'll look tomorrow," he repeated in a whisper, slowly finding it harder to stay awake. It wasn't long before he finally drifted into unconsciousness.

"Darrien?" Alice frowned. "That's creepy." She then nodded as best she could with her head still on the pillow. "Just about as creepy as child voices asking you to play." The pale girl yawned into her hand quietly before agreeing with Andrew. "Did you know that I totally believe in hauntings?" The bed moved when she shivered. "I wouldn't be surprised if that's why we were paid to stay here."
Alice wrapped her blanket around her so it would cover her feet again before curling up a bit. "We should sleep. I was sleeping when all this started, and I'm not about to lose the night because of a scare."

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 08-10-2011, 07:12 PM

((Both my charries fell asleep xD Next morning! :3 You should have Gideon wake up and see that theres blood all over the sheets and then see that Scarletts all scratched and written on o . O ))

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 08-10-2011, 08:02 PM

((*shudder* Poor thing.))

A small meow nudged his consciousness. Gideon took a deep breath and tried to block it out. Tali, go on. He pushed the furry muzzle away from his chin. Another meow, this one sounding more desperate. The youth finally opened his eyes and lifted the kitten from him. It was then that he realized something wet was pressed against his upper arm. Since he was wearing a t-shirt he felt it hit bare skin.
Gideon frowned, thinking that perhaps Tali had done something . . . but when he looked over he started and gasped in shock. Blood. "Scarlett," his voice was weak as he reached out to touch her bloody arm. There was crimson everywhere - the navy blankets were stained dark with her lifeblood. His brown eyes were wide, and he looked for her breathing in alarm. What the hell?!

Tali leapt away and scurried under the bed while Gideon stared at his bloody fingers in alarm. "Scarlett!" The blood was overwhelming . . . but the words were worse. Every bit of the girl's bare skin (and some of the covered as well) had words. We want to be friends. Save us. He's coming. Leave now! Panic built in his mind as Scarlett didn't respond. He reached out to touch her cheek, wishing his hands weren't as red as her bare skin. "Scarlett, wake up!"

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 08-12-2011, 03:15 AM

Scarlett woke up at Gideons touch, but when her eyes flickered open and she only saw red.. she instantly started screaming. She sat up, the pain feeling like knives sticking in every inch of her skin. She grimaced when the bloody sheets stuck to her pale body. She jumped out of bed and ran over to the full length mirror, pulling off her bloody tank to, and sliding off her pants to the point where she was in her zebra bra and underwear. She ran her hand over her carved skin, crying at all the words and scratches that were deep in her porcelain skin. "What happened to me?!?" She sobbed, running over to Gideon and falling into his arms. She was feeling faint from blood loss. "Put me in the tub.. You can't let Andrew see me like this.." She said softly, biting her bottom lip. She slowly got up and went over to the door, locking it. "Whatever you do, don't let anyone in until I get cleaned up a bit.." She said, leaning against the door. "I feel sick.."

((Andrews at the other end of the hallway and hes a deep sleeper guy xD So he's still asleep.))

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 08-12-2011, 05:21 AM

Hearing Scarlett's scream made the male shudder. It was like something from a horror film. Gideon was on his feet faster than ever before, his hands offered to her as though trying to calm her down. His brown eyes were full of confusion and horror as she looked over her own body in fear. He flinched when she fell into his arms, allowing his hands to hold her carefully to him. The blood on her smeared onto him, but Gideon didn't react to it. He was far too stunned by the fact that she was covered in carved script.
"I won't let anyone in," Gideon whispered, his eyes wide. He was staring at the words. The dried caked in her hair made Gideon's hands tremble as he brushed it behind her shoulders. The male carefully led her toward the bathroom adjoined to his room, looking as though he was going to be sick as well.
"We'll get you cleaned up," he breathed, watching as Scarlett weakly sat on the bathtub's wide rim. It was a ledge instead of just a thin ridge. "You're going to be alright." Gideon sounded far more comforting than he felt, and his cold hands were swift as he went about gathering a few washclothes and handing them to her. The search for bandages was rewarded with a few medical supplies that they could use. Dear Lord. What had happened?

"Do you remember anything?" Gideon asked carefully pressing a damp cloth to a rather nasty gash along the middle of her shoulderblades. He helped Scarlett reach where she couldn't . . . and ended up taking over once she was too weak to do much of anything.

Alice's eyes flashed open. Was that a whisper? There. Another noise. It was coming from across the hall. For a moment she forgot the previous night's horrors and stepped out of the bed. She carefully edged around Andrew before opening his bedroom door. Just as she finished looking both ways Scarlett screamed.
Slamming the door in front of her, Alice began to panic. "Andrew!" she sprinted across the room to shake his shoulder roughly. "Andrew! I think Scarlett's in trouble!"

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 08-12-2011, 02:07 PM

When Scarlett was led to the bathroom she already was going to the verge of unconciousness. She laid in the tub, helping Gideon clean her off. She wasn't about to take her bra off or anything, not wanting to make him uncomfortable. "I'll clean the clothed areas later once i'm able to move more.." She said, laying down in the tub completely to wash the blood out of her hair, using shampoo and conditioner. Though there was still a faint stain in the blondes golden locks. She sat up when her hair was clean and looked down at her body. "I remember falling asleep." She said, tears still running down her face as she looked at him. "I'm hideous now! I'm covered in words and scratches.. And Andrew will think either I did it or you did." She said, frowning. "Wherever I go something bad happens to me.." She sighed, watching as her blood went down the drain. She then continued to get thesmeared blood off of her, hearing banging on the door. "I'm fine Andrew! I just saw a spider. I'm sorry to of woke you two up." She called, hearing him then apologize and leave the door alone.

"I'm going to have to borrow a long sleeved shirt from you if you don't mind.. I already have jeans in here but I don't have any shirts that will cover these. And then make up will cover the ones on my face.." She said, leaning her head back. "Thank you. I know we just met.. but I already admire you greatly for doing this when you didn't have too." She said, seeing that all the blood wasoff ofher and now she just needed to be bandaged.

Andrew got up and ran to her room, flinging open the door to see that the bed hadn't even been slept in. He then ran down the hall to Gideons room, beating on it to be let in. When he heard his sister was fine, and in there.. he rolled his eyes and stepped back. "Sorry you two!" He said, heading back to his room. When he saw Alice he gave a small chuckle. "Shes fine, but she stayed the night in Gideons room.." He said, collapsing on the bed.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 08-12-2011, 05:40 PM

"What kind of decent human being wouldn't help you, Scarlett?" Gideon carefully pressed a dry towel to the woman's arm, slowly moving along to pat her dry as best he could. He reached for some bandages, his pale face pulling into a scowl. "You couldn't be ugly if you tried." Gideon immediately grew busy with trying to unwrap a bandage, his face turning red as he did so. Now that the initial shock was over with, it was starting to become all too obvious that this girl was sitting in a tub before him wearing the bare essentials.
Clearing his throat, Gideon started to cover the biggest of the cuts. "I'll get you a shirt," he said, trying to ignore both the blood and the fact that Scarlett wasn't even half-clothed. Tali waltzed into the room with a mew, moving to sit on the edge of the tub and stare down at what was going on.

"She's . . . fine," Alice repeated. Her golden eyes slowly returned to their normal size. "And she stayed in Gideon's room?" Her jaw dropped. "Oh. My." Alice gave her shorts a glance before pulling her blanket around her again. A tank top and short bottoms was now on her mind concidering the sun had finally risen. "Well . . . I'm in your room. Maybe something like this happened." Her voice trailed off as she realized the odds of that were slim. It was more believable that Gideon and Scarlett had headed to his room immediately after Alice and Andrew went to sleep.
"You don't think anything happened, do you?" Alice tried not to think of what she suspected.

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 08-12-2011, 05:56 PM

Scarlett frowned. "A lot of people wouldn't help me." She said softly, blushing when he said she wasn't ugly. "Thanks.. but I doubt i'm pretty with all these cuts that are bound to be scars." I already had enough before this.." She frowned. The blonde looked up at him. "Thanks." She said once again, slipping out of the tub and drying herself off. The blonde stood up slowly and when he left she dried off her under clothes and wrapped the towel around her. She'd have to use a lot of make up to cover up the marks on her face.. but it would work. She walked out of the bathroom and slipped on her skinny jeans, happy that Gideon had bandaged all her wounds. She then dropped the towel and took the shirt once Gideon gave it to her. "I know i've said this a billion times already, but thank you for all of this." She said, sliding the shirt on over her head. She then looked to his covers. "Theres a spare comforter, sheets and everything you need in your closet. I know because I have some in my closet too. I'll help you make the bed and then i'll dispose of all the bloody blankets later.." She said, going over to the bed after patting Tali on the head.

She started to pull the covers off the bed, tossing them onto the floor. "If my brother asks anything about why I was in your room I suppose we'll need a cover story? I don't want him thinking i'm insane if I tell him about all the spooky things I heard.." She said, then looked down at herself. "And if he sees the scratches then I have no clue what to say.." She sighed.

Andrew sighed. "Well, she could've done things with Gideon.. but shes a grown girl. It's not my choice who she ends up with or what she does." He said, frowning. "Though I wish it was." He chuckled. "Maybe. She sounded alright when I went down there, though I didn't see her. The door was locked.." He said, smirking. "Though Gideon doesn't seem like the type to sleep with my sister or anything."

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 08-13-2011, 03:28 PM

"If scars are the reason someone is ugly, then both of us are." Gideon seemed to keep himself from touching Scarlett as she got out of the tub. He offered her some privacy by stepping into his room again in search of a long sleeve shirt. It didn't take him long to pull a black one from his bag (which he still hadn't unpacked yet). While waiting for Scarlett he moved to check on his other mechanical creations. There were three in total: Tali, a small squirrel and a mouse. All three were still in the room . . . so it nixed his thought about seeing one of them in the hall the previous evening.
As he was frowning and contemplating what he did see, he heard Scarlett step back into the room and thank him once again. Gideon nodded, tossing his dark hair out of his eyes before helping her get the shirt over her head. "You're welcome." No one ever thanked him for anything . . . so her gratitude was different from what he considered normal. He enjoyed it, but wasn't quite used to the warm feeling that bubbled up inside him whenever he was thanked.
Gideon frowned, wondering what kind of cover story they would need. "We could say that we lost track of time last night." He blushed deeply. "And mention that I slept on the couch." Since the room was so large there was a couch. The tall male cleared his throat as Tali leaped up onto the dresser to watch as Scarlett started stripping the bed. "We can say that Tali malfunctioned and attacked you. . . ."
He trailed off, slowly reaching over to pull new bed clothes from the closet. "I . . . don't know."

Alice frowned, shaking her head. "Well, I suppose she's fine if she says she is." The dark-haired girl slowly sat on the edge of the bed, fingering the corner of her golden blanket wrapped about her. "Do you . . . trust what she says?" Looking hesitant, Alice swiftly spit out her thoughts. "Not that she's not trustworthy, or anything, but hasn't she been abused already?" She swallowed and started to finish. "Gideon is . . . really odd. I mean, freakishly odd."

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 08-13-2011, 07:11 PM

Once Scarlett got the bed stripped she went over to her purse that she had brought into his room and got out her makeup, slowly covering up all the scratches on her face and hands, then slipping on her flats. Once she was done she looked normal. She smiled, putting it all back in her purse. "There. How do I look?" She asked, posing for Gideon. She nodded and winked. "I'll be sure to mention that we didn't sleep together." She said, giving a small laugh. "If worse comes to worse I'll just say I did it." She said, shrugging. She would never purposefully hurt herself,but if it kept Andrew from thinking Gideon did it then she'd say she did.

She bundled up the bloody clothes and hid them in his closet. "I'll take them in the woods later and hide them." She said, knowing she'd probably just bury them. She then started to help him put on the clean sheets. Once they were done she went over to Gideon and gave him a hug, kissing him gently on the lips in thanks. She then stepped back, blushing and went back to the other side of the bed to put the pillowcase on the pillow.

Andrew sighed. "Not really. I mean, she has lied and said before that nobodys hurt her.. so hopefully Gideon didn't do anything. I'll check and see if she has any bruises or anything once she comes out of his room." He said, sitting up in the bed. "Hey, want me to make breakfast for everyone? I'm a pretty good chef." He chuckled.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 08-13-2011, 09:14 PM

"You look . . . good," Gideon said when Scarlett asked. He looked a bit uncertain about how he said it, but it didn't seem to matter much. Turning his attention back to the bed, they finished it rather quickly. When Scarlett mentioned what she'd say to her brother, the tall youth licked his lips and nodded. If necessary, it . . . wouldn't matter. It wasn't true after all. It was just a lie that would save them both in the end.
He lifted Tali off of the freshly smoothed bed and set her on the ground again. Just as he stood, he found Scarlett's arms about him. The soft, warm feeling of her lips on his made Gideon pause. He blushed brightly, but he wasn't about to say he didn't enjoy the show of affection. He tried to ignore the pleasant feeling that radiated through him before Scarlett pulled away and forget the image the flit into his mind of her in just her undergarments.
The two of them were blushing furiously as the pillows were covered and set on the bed. It seemed that every bed was big enough for at least two people and had a surplus amount of pillows. It was a while before Gideon excused himself to change in the bathroom. When he returned his entire look hadn't changed too much: he was still wearing his crimson sweater, black pants . . . and he was barefoot.

Tali suddenly rushed at him, flying into the air and flumping against his chest. A little mew came from the kitten as Gideon moved her to his shoulder. "I'm . . . sorry this had to happen to you, Scarlett."

Alice looked pacified when Andrew mentioned examining his sister. The golden-eyed woman seemed to brighten upon hearing about food. "Really? The only thing I can cook is cake," she said with a grin. "Breakfast sounds great. Let's go see what we have here." She got out of bed with the blanket wrapped about her shoulders like a cloak. When they finally got to the hall, she laughed. "I'll go change. Meet you down there in ten minutes, Andrew."
With a wink cast over her shoulder, Alice headed for her room.


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