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demona jay
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Old 07-07-2011, 04:53 PM

Anna sat down in the middle of the floor by the entrance to the ice cave. She took her knife out of her pocket and once again the markings appeared on her body and her knife started giving off a white glow. She put the blade to her lips and kissed it. She said something that couldn't be understood but her name was said first and Justin's name was said last. Justin's voice then could be heard coming from the knife itself it seemed. " What's going on? Something must have happened if your doing this. Did Luca do something stupid?" Justin's voice asked. Anna said something to him only he understood. " Fine let me talk to him." Justin said. Anna looked over at Luca and handed him her knife. " she says you know what's going on better then her so better start explaining." Justin said.

Heart_Beats_For_Love is offline
Old 07-07-2011, 06:39 PM

"Here, I am here." Luca was scared to have to answer to Justin. "I am sorry, we were waiting where you said, when a man came and asked what was wrong with her. I gave him, what I thought to be a decent explanation, but it didn't seem to suit him. He walked off and dialed three numbers and put his phone to his ears. I thought he was calling the police, what would I do if they came, and with her knife, who knows what they would think. I thought it best to move somewhere else." He paused before he worked himself up and became defensive. "It's all I could think of at the moment, I am sorry. I can leave you guys if you want." Luca put his head down. "But not until you come back, I can't leave Anna alone.

demona jay
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Old 07-07-2011, 06:55 PM

" no no it's fine you did fine. Are you in any kind of trouble now? Keep an eye on Anna she might stop breathing soon. If that happens you gotta stab her with this knife. Can you do that without being terrified? If not I need to know right now." Justin said. " I'm ok big brother." Anna said softly but it was easy to tell she was lying and she was in horrible pain.

Heart_Beats_For_Love is offline
Old 07-07-2011, 06:57 PM

"Hrm, I will do whatever it takes, if it ultimately saves her." Luca was still a little scared to do it. "I promise I will do it if the time comes. I promise! We are in no danger at present, and I can't hear anyone nearby." Luca was still on edge though.

demona jay
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Old 07-07-2011, 07:04 PM

The knife stopped glowing and the marks on Anna's body turned from white to blood red. Anna started screaming in pain and the knife became so hot it burned Luca's hand instantly. Whatever was going on it sure wasn't good. Anna stopped screaming suddenly and looked around as if confused.

Heart_Beats_For_Love is offline
Old 07-07-2011, 07:09 PM

"What is wrong Anna? What do you hear? Are you okay?" Luca knew he needed to calm his nerves, to prevent being a nuisance, but just now he was too worried. "What is going on? What happened?"

demona jay
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Old 07-07-2011, 07:32 PM

" who are you?" Anna asked looking at him. " would you stand still your moving way too much." Anna said. She must be dizzy and she wasn't acting like herself at all. The markings weren't disappearing either which was weird. Anne was acting like a completely different person.

Heart_Beats_For_Love is offline
Old 07-07-2011, 07:38 PM

"It's me Luca, don't you remember?" Luca was terrified, but knew he had to keep cool, for her sake. "We just met today, you were with your brother Justin, and I had ice cream." He was pulling out any memory he thought might get her to remember him. "You saved me from those..scary guys. "How do I call Justin with your knife? do it again, call him!" Luca was shaking with fear, but started to calm himself. He didn't even want to lend a comforting hand to Anna for fear that it would alarm her. He had already seen what she could do, not only would he be dead if she did it again, so would she probably.

demona jay
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Old 07-07-2011, 07:50 PM

" oh I see. Your the reason I got woken up from my nap." Anna said. Justin could be heard yelling for Luca and Anna close by now. " Luca! Anna! Where are you?! " Justin yelled walking along the beach as he searched for them. He only knew they were here not where. Anna hadn't been able to send their exact location before she started freaking out.

Heart_Beats_For_Love is offline
Old 07-07-2011, 08:00 PM

"We are in an ice cave!" Luca screamed, this holding onto Anna in his arms. "I don't know how to direct you, just follow my voice!" Luca cradled Anna like an infant, and kept screaming for Justin to hear. "I am so sorry!"

demona jay
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Old 07-07-2011, 08:12 PM

Anna didn't like being held like that. In fact she didn't like being held at all so she bit Luca's arm hard. Justin had found them just as she bit Luca. " I thought you said you could stab her if you needed to." Justin said. Justin grabbed Anna's knife off the floor and stabbed her in the back which made her release Luca's arm and calm down completely curling up into a ball on the floor now just being completely quiet.

Heart_Beats_For_Love is offline
Old 07-07-2011, 08:24 PM

"You said if she stopped breathing for me to stab her!" Luca was hurt and confused. "I'm glad you found us though. Things would have gotten much worse, I know for sure. Thank you!" Luca was rubbing his arm now, he had long since let go of Anna, or what felt like a long time to him at least.

demona jay
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Old 07-07-2011, 08:32 PM

" It's not easy to notice unless you watch for it. Guess I should have figured you wouldn't notice." Justin said. Anna was now whining like an animal that had been hurt. Anna's wound was healing itself already though at an amazing speed. Anna said something in a language only Justin understood. Justin sighed. " yeah I know it hurts but your the one that used your powers too much without resting." Justin said.

Heart_Beats_For_Love is offline
Old 07-07-2011, 08:35 PM

"I guess, I am just sorry. I wish I could have been more help." Luca looked down at his feet, like a puppy might put his tail between his legs. "At least she is still alive, and by the looks of it, not too hurt. I am getting the feeling I am unwanted here, maybe I will see you guys another time." Luca started walking off, turned around and waved, even if no one returned his gesture, he meant it.

demona jay
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Old 07-07-2011, 08:42 PM

Anna forced herself to get up even though it hurt and run after him. When she caught up with him she grabbed his arm and hugged him close to her. " sorry Luca...Stay?" Anna asked looking into his eyes before turning her look to the bite mark she had given him. Anna sighed. " big brother fix it." Anna said with a big smile for Luca hoping he would stay.

Heart_Beats_For_Love is offline
Old 07-07-2011, 08:47 PM

"I wish it were that easy, but look at the condition you are in," Luca gave her a once over and stared into her eyes, "you are exhausted, wounded, and now running when you should be resting. I think Justin want's me to leave anyways." Luca made a feeble attempt to pull away, he didn't want to do anything too sudden or forceful for fear of her biting him again.

demona jay
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Old 07-07-2011, 08:53 PM

Anna held on when he pulled her away. " Luca ok that's all that matters. Justin likes you. He just don't tell you yet." Anna said softly. Anna then saw the fear in his eyes. " you scared of me. Alright you wanna go go ahead leave." Anna said letting go of Luca and starting to walk away she started crying as she walked away.

Heart_Beats_For_Love is offline
Old 07-07-2011, 08:56 PM

"Wait, Anna, wait, remember when I said that I wouldn't leave you anytime soon?" Luca had decided to stay now. "Well I wasn't lying to you. I won't upset you like this again." He began walking back after her.

demona jay
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Old 07-07-2011, 09:10 PM

Anna turned and looked at him. " you look at me and see monster just like everyone else. I really thought you were different. I thought you wouldn't see me that way because I know your not normal either. I don't know what you are but not human I know that. Like me. I thought you friend. You ended up scared just like the humans." Anna said then started walking away again thinking now that he knew that he would think twice about following her.

Heart_Beats_For_Love is offline
Old 07-07-2011, 09:14 PM

"I am not scared of you, don't you see," Luca cried a little, "I am scared for you, for what you have to suffer, for what you have to deal with, for the weariness you are in now." Luca reached his hand out in a touching manner, and began swiftly walking towards her before she left forever. "I am different, I won't abandon you, I understand you. Believe me."

demona jay
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Old 07-07-2011, 09:39 PM

" I can deal with all the pain. The endless fighting. All I want is someone to look at me and not see a scary monster. That's all I've ever wanted." Rose said she stopped walking and started crying even more just standing there looking at him.

Heart_Beats_For_Love is offline
Old 07-07-2011, 09:42 PM

"I can be that for you!" Luca was so sincere in what he said. "I mean it, I am not here to judge, and I am not afraid. I mean every word that I say." And he did mean every word that he said. He ran up to her to embrace her. His eyes were full of tears too.

demona jay
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Old 07-07-2011, 09:59 PM

Anna sighed softly as he put his arms around her. " Your right." Anna said softly. Justin was watching the whole thing but was keeping himself from being seen. " Guess he really is perfect for her. Guess I'm gonna have to stop being so hard on him for her." Justin said to himself before he walked away going back to sitting in the cave like they had left him so they wouldn't think he watched them.

Heart_Beats_For_Love is offline
Old 07-07-2011, 10:10 PM

Luca could feel the warmth in her embracing him. "I wont leave you," he whispered into her ear. They held like this for a while, he knew that this meant a lot, coming from her. He felt a real connection to her. "Don't you worry." He nuzzled his chin into her hair, and shed a single tear that went down to her head. He was sure she felt it, she could feel things like that. He also did not miss Justin's presence. He ignored it, or at least didn't care about it. He had every right to care about his little sister. Assuming that was their relation. Luca was still not sure what to make of it.

Rose howled with delight as she gathered follower by follower. As her speech went on, her voice boomed even more, even over the roar of the fiery pits. "...and this," she used her hand and swept it in a 360 degree swath along the landscape, "will by mine, and each one of you will get allotted a just piece of it in return for you aid in the coming battle." Rose was too worn out to even bother thinking about counter plans and contingencies for runaways and spies. She was just basking in the glory of everything. She was hit this time from above, it seemed to be a seraphic bolt. For a light shone brighter than the sun and her body burned. She being a witch of the water was not able to be burned by fire, or even thunder magic. Again, she bore the blow knowing not to show weakness in the presence of others. She looked up and shrieked a cry so horrible that even some of the demons clasped their ears. She shot up faster than anything to meet the foe coming towards her.

demona jay
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Old 07-07-2011, 10:42 PM

" I trust you." Rose said softly. Rose had felt Justin watching them too. She wanted to yell at him but she didn't want to waste her power on that. The sad thing was he had been telling everyone they were brother and sister for so long he was starting to even act like her big brother. He actually followed her around because he was her doctor when she had been adopted one time. He was a shape shifter and seeing how much suffering she went through he helped her escape and they ran away together. He's been playing the part of her older brother ever since then and he really has gotten good at the act.


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