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Old 07-28-2011, 04:01 AM

Oh, I've never been to it. lol. I was speaking of another site that both me and GB are members of. It's an adult roleplaying site. We go there for our adult needs. lol.

That's pretty cool mene has something like that.

Irritated Scientist
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Old 07-28-2011, 11:07 AM

WTFRPG is alright. It has some interesting features, but there are some things that are a little cumbersome. Needs more members to really pick up I think. I'm only in two games on there- one "Adult" game and one regular game. I'm thinking things over there will pick up given time- especially among those people who are not into one x one roleplay.

I have been thinking about starting an Episodic Roleplay over there (instead of a location based one like most seem to be), but I dont think I'm going to have time to commit to it as I am hugely preggers and 'due' to pop on Sunday (you know, if the little grub worm feels like gracing us with his presence by then).

Scribbled Lore
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Old 07-28-2011, 11:36 AM

Good luck on 'popping' on time! I've found that having a kid does curtail how much time I can spend role playing and when in the day I get to do my role playing. I can get a turn written in the early morning before he wakes up, while he's down for a nap (sometimes) and after he goes to bed (if I don't fall asleep too). Weekends are usually a lot easier since we visit family and family takes care of him for us.

Shadow Panda
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Old 07-28-2011, 08:58 PM

I am a member of Blue Moon Roleplaying, which is an adult-oriented site for roleplaying. I haven't logged in for years though.

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Old 07-28-2011, 10:37 PM

Back in the day, I was fairly active on Play by Web. It had some nice features- like an automatic dice roller and archiving. I think WTFRPG has potential to be pretty cool. Just needs more people hanging about. I like that you can have adult games there so you don't have to worry about language/violence/sexual content. However, WTF is really more for free form sort of rpgs instead of anything involving a solid system (that requires dice).

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Old 07-28-2011, 10:46 PM

I've only ever done one forum game that involved dice and it was pretty complicated. There was a lot of waiting on the GM to let you know who won the matches and went pretty slowly. I do miss that game and the players involved - it was a lot of fun. Really creative too.

I haven't done much with WTFRPG yet; my partner and I are getting ready to set up a game on there this weekend since we'll both have access to a computer then. It'll probably just be the two of us in the game until we get a good grip on how WTFRPG works and get comfortable with the site.

Feast's Servant
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Old 07-28-2011, 11:06 PM

Hello to GB, Scribbled, Moxie(good luck with giving birth), Kiwi, diave & P W E E P

You can call me by my username, or Zee/Zed, however you pronounce that (Z) letter ^^

I am a 20 year old girl who MISSES role playing ;-;

I used to RP with some Subeta friends on MSN when I was around the age of 15-16.
As far as I can remember, it was already adult RPing back then, with violent language, adult scenes, etc.

No matter what it was, I MISS it.


and I was hoping to get back into it and make some new/old friends here on Mene, as this is the place I last remember RPing at :)

Last edited by Zernita; 07-28-2011 at 11:09 PM..

Scribbled Lore
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Old 07-28-2011, 11:14 PM

Hey there, Zee! Welcome to the thread and back to role playing! I'm sure role playing has missed you.

Now why does Subeta sound familiar? :XD

Feast's Servant
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Old 07-28-2011, 11:21 PM

It started out as a pet site, a little like Neop*ts. But I think that It might be a more avatar-based community now ever since they introduced clothing into their items.

(has to go pick up her love from work in a few, will be back in a little bit)

The only way you can love me is ...
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Old 07-29-2011, 06:21 AM

I know some people who moved from BMR to the site that I'm currently most active at. Guiltypleasures is the site I'm most active at. It's a pretty cool place lol. Never been to BMR, I heard nothing but bad things about it.

Moxie, oh! I hope all goes well!! Congrats! lol

I have no kids. <.< Can't really afford them.

Eh, I've been around all sorts of sites, but I like mene and GP best.

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Old 07-29-2011, 12:29 PM

It's not necessarily a bad thing to not be able to afford kids. :XD A lack of kids generally means that you have more time and money for gaming!

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Old 07-29-2011, 02:44 PM

I plan on introducing my kid to roleplaying and gaming young. My husband also agrees. of course, if he doesn't enjoy it, we won't force him. Knowing our luck,our kid will be the black sheep just like we are and completely un-geeky in his attempts to rebel against us.

And now for something completely different....

Do any of you guys play miniatures games? I play a game called HeroClix. It is basically a miniatures game with comic book pieces. Each piece has a dial that turns with stats on it. (It is an offshoot of the old Mage Knight game.) My husband and I collect the pieces.

Scribbled Lore
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Old 07-29-2011, 03:21 PM

I've never gotten into miniatures because it seemed like it would be an expensive hobby. I can pick up rule books for tabletops used and similar but I was always under the impression that you had to buy the miniatures brand new. Same with card flopping; I don't play games like Magic or Yu-Gi-Oh because of the cost of keeping up with new card releases.

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Old 07-29-2011, 04:02 PM

You can buy them new, but there is a big market for the miniatures on ebay and stuff. WE can pick up the generic bits for pretty cheap. It is the "super rare" and "chase" figures that are expensive. But you are right, it can be an expensive hobby. Usually we buy 1 case of whatever set is coming out (which can be around $150-$200), then do a lot of trading to get anything we're missing in the basic set.

Scribbled Lore
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Old 07-29-2011, 04:25 PM

How often is a set released?

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Old 07-29-2011, 04:47 PM

Well, lately Neca has been releasing a set 1 every 3 months or so. They also have what are called "Fast Forces" or "Starter" sets though. Which is basically 6 figures that form 2 300pt teams, a map, some dice and a rule book so people can pick up a set and play. They also do collector sets- there was a really nice Watchman set and they are set to release a Street Fighter set.

The last set was released last week and it was a Captain America themed set. (Lots of Hydra, Avengers, MODOK and what not.) The next set to be released is a Superman themed set and that will be in late September/Early October. Basically the sets sort of revolve around big themes in the comic universe and are split into Marvel, DC and Indy. So, they did a whole big thing around the Black Lanterns/White lanterns when Blackest Night/Brightest Day was being run in the DC universe.

More info: Heroclix – Wizkids/NECA, INC

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Old 07-29-2011, 05:02 PM

It looks like it could be cool. What's the basic goal of the game - win in combat scenarios?

Feast's Servant
Zernita is offline
Old 07-29-2011, 05:06 PM

Guiltupleasures, eh?
I think I'll check it out :)

On the other topic, I'm not really into miniatures..

But I AM a big fan of Magic :D
Building decks is so much fun!!

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Old 07-29-2011, 06:48 PM

Actually, you build teams at various point costs and play against other players. Each figure in HeroClix has a point value assigned to it based on how strong it is and what abilities it has. So, really strong pieces 'cost' more points than smaller pieces. So a Superman piece would be 200 (because Superman has all sorts of abilities and strength etc), where as a piece like Beast Boy would be more like 60 points due to his strength and abilities. So, you could have a larger force with smaller point pieces or a small force with powerful pieces.

There are combat scenarios, but mostly you play against other people. There are maps and such for the 'boards'- sort of like a grid like they use in the newer DnD stuff except there is terrain on the maps that mean various things.

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Old 07-29-2011, 07:54 PM

Wow, I think this will be my new favorite thread on here. Hello to everyone? room for one more?

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Old 07-29-2011, 08:06 PM

But of course Kia! we always have room :] Welcome!

But on the topic at hand... I've never really had a chance to play with miniatures, except for my one D&D campaign if that counts o.o

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Old 07-29-2011, 08:57 PM

I like the idea of having miniatures for a D&D game - at least as place markers. I know that they do have miniatures for D&D because I've bought some for my little brother but never for myself. As it is now, when I or my friends play D&D, we use dice to mark where mobs and players are. Sometimes it gets a little confusing.


And hi there, Kia! Welcome to the thread!

Irritated Scientist
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Old 07-29-2011, 09:06 PM

I have a decapitated Ringo Star Doll that I use for my DnD marker. I also have a little Beast Boy on a Moped that I use. I know they make miniatures you can buy for DnD, but I figure if you have toys or dice or even little gem tokens, those are fine. I find the miniatures good for battles in the new DnD, but I find them annoying for dungeon crawling. But I think how people utilize the Miniatures really depends on the person running the game.

What sort of GM/DM's do you guys like?

Welcome Kia.

Feast's Servant
Zernita is offline
Old 07-30-2011, 05:08 AM

I wish I had someone to play D&D with.

I've always wanted to play it in high school, but the boys never let me because they all already had advanced level characters made up and told me that it would take me too long to build a character :(

And now.. i don't really know anyone who plays D&D

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Old 07-30-2011, 05:27 AM

Aw, Zernita! Have you tried hanging out in the local gaming stores and getting to know people that way? I know that some gaming stores have public bulletin boards where you can post ads for games; maybe you could get in on a beginner's game that way.

As far as what kind of DM/GM/STs I like.. organized ones. Ones with a plan and the gumption to follow through with the plan no matter how bad it gets for the players. Now please don't mistake what I'm saying - there's a certain amount of flexibility required in running a game and if things get too bad you do need to be able to dial it back a little but I love it when it a DM/GM/ST has their shit together and comes to the game prepared.

The DM for my partner's Pathfinder game has his shit together but he's really excitable and I don't like his style of DMing because of that. He also doesn't give much on the detail and he's a power gamer so that's primarily what he, and his players, focus on which excludes me as a gamer because.. well, I just don't do power gaming.

But the ST for the upcoming Vampire: the Masquerade tabletop that both my partner and I are getting involved with is a little less collected but definitely has her head in the game and does have a master plan so I feel comfortable gaming with her. She's level-headed and keeps her cool and doesn't let the power gamers take control of the game. She makes sure that it's fun for everyone involved.


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