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Ultimate Hater
Ultimate Hater is offline
Old 01-25-2012, 06:50 AM

(laughing while imagining what I am writing lol. Yay for sexy stalkers lol)

There was a slight tap at the living room window as Nightwing was outside waiting for an invitation to come inside by Raven. He didn't say anything as his blue eyes just watched her, of course to a normal person it would be creepy, then again even others non-normal could find it creepy. The stars were out amongst the midnight blue sky, the full moon quite big and bright shining it's light down upon him, and yet he never took his eyes away from hers.

Rei Ann
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Old 01-25-2012, 07:02 AM

Raven had her face in her hands, she was crying slightly. She wasn't ready to deal with Robin...Nightwing again. It would unleash to much pain and heartbreak. She knew tomorrow, he would try to convince her to let him do the right thing. Though, she wasn't going to let him convince his self to marry her for the sake of their kid. She knew she had no choice to let him in Elizabeth life, but it didn't mean she had to rejoin his life...right? Could she really stay away now that he was going to be around. She looked up when she heard the knock on the door. She turned to her window and found her self staring at the man plaguing her thoughts. The light from the moon, and his eyes had her breath catching and her heart pounding. She walked over to the window and opened it. " What part of Tomorrow don't you understand?" She asked, sounding exhausted.

Ultimate Hater
Ultimate Hater is offline
Old 01-25-2012, 07:07 AM

(Going to sleep after this post)

"What part of 'I just want to see you' do you not understand?"
Nightwing smirked stepping through the open window and standing next to her. He was taller than when he was younger and it worked out it in his favor. Without saying another word Nightwing wrapped his arms around Raven holding her to him in a couple moments of silence. "We'll talk about it later, we don't have to talk now, I just wanted to say I've missed you these five years" his eyes were closed as he held her and waited for her to say something. He could feel her body's temperature as well as her tension.

Rei Ann
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Old 01-25-2012, 07:16 AM

Raven went tense an old part of her was rejoicing, but she couldn't let him break he walls down again. " Don't, Don't" She said trying to shove him away. Trying to keep her tears at back. She couldn't fall again, he didn't want her once, she couldn't take the risk again. It nearly killed her when he dumped her, and she only kept going cause of Elizabeth she wasn't sure she could make through heartbreak again. Tears were falling down her face, and she was convinced he was only like this because he knew about their daughter.

Ultimate Hater
Ultimate Hater is offline
Old 01-25-2012, 07:30 AM

(okay i lied lol one more, i was watching a movie)

Nightwing didn't let Raven push him away, he slipped off his mask, dropping it to the floor, nothing else could be seen around them to him because he only saw her. "Rae Rae, please, I'm not here to hurt you again like the in the past. Before I found out about our daughter, I was convinced in the past I hurt you, and I promise on my life I won't ever do that again" Nightwing's voice was soothing but honest and it showed pain from years ago up to now. "I will understand if you don't want to see me again, or for any of us to come into your lives again, all you have to do is say the word and I will leave" Nightwing waited while looking at her with a caring look. Back then he was childish and wouldn't have been able to handle a simple thing like she had, she carried on with her life, and yet he dwelled in the past until about a year or two ago.

Rei Ann
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Old 01-26-2012, 04:11 AM

[[Whoot whoot, guess who is posting from her college campus, and on her new computer.]]

Raven looked up at him, she wasn't sure if she could believe those words. Why would he think he had hurt her, he hadn't done anything wrong during their time together. " No, you can't leave. I won't push you away, Elizabeth knows who you are now, I can't take that away from her" Raven said. She would do anything for her little girl. " Why do you think you hurt me, back then? The only time you did anything to hurt me was when you ended it" Raven said, her voicing dripping with sorrow.

Ultimate Hater
Ultimate Hater is offline
Old 01-26-2012, 04:18 AM

(lol I see thats a good thing yay oh and I made an account not only on Solia, Knuffle, but, also unifaction. I'm loving their avatars)

"I thought you left because of me, I thought it was because I broke up with you, and acted as if nothing happened afterwards. I didn't think about how you felt or would've felt, I'm sorry"
Nightwing spoke back quietly, but, to where she could hear him. He knew back them that somehow it was his fault and now he was convinced that he did something wrong, hint Elizabeth, and he was fine with it as long as he could hold onto Raven longer.

Rei Ann
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Old 01-26-2012, 04:29 AM

[[I haven't heard last one.]]

" I had to leave, I couldn't stay and I couldn't tell you. You would have wanted to do the right thing, and more so. I couldn't let you throw your future away on me, and I you didn't want me, so I just couldn't tell you. Also, a pregnant teen can't fight crime" Raven said. She hadn't known what to do back then, so she did the one thing she was good at which was run.


Ultimate Hater
Ultimate Hater is offline
Old 01-26-2012, 04:40 AM

(its really good, easy to use and get around, easy to post, and dressing up is fun too lol)

Nightwing held onto Raven, so that they weren't looking in the eyes of eachother. He knew she was right. He would have kept her from battle to protect the baby. He would have taken responsibility back then and did whatever he could for the kid. But, running away was never the answer, at least not to him. "I'm so sorry you went through all of that for five years, I'm sorry you had to go through it at all and alone" this could also proved she was stronger than most would think. "But, I can't change the past, only the future, so this doesn't have to do with the fact Elizabeth was born, this has to do with...I love you" Nightwing quit rambling on and said those three words which he meant fully and honestly. He made Raven look up to him and when he would get her attention, he kissed her on the lips, passionately.

Rei Ann
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Old 01-26-2012, 05:03 AM


" You don't have to say your sorry, it's not your fault. It's the choice I made, you didn't know. It's not your fault" She told him. Raven then heard his words, a blush spread across her face, and her heart pounded loudly. She felt him moving her face upwards, she then felt his lips on hers. She couldn't help but kiss him back, and her eyes fell close. Even after all these years apart she was still in love with him, she had never not been.

Ultimate Hater
Ultimate Hater is offline
Old 01-26-2012, 06:20 AM

After the short moment passed, which felt like forever to Nightwing, it felt so right, wonderful, just like it should have felt all this time and which it did years ago. But, now it felt greater than five years ago. "Rachel, please come back to us" Nightwing spoke, almost begging for the return of her back on the team. Without her Beastboy hardly tells jokes and sulks. Starfire is off alot around the ocean and Cyborg just watched tv or does tune ups on things. So without her to be the mature and responsible one, it makes things less interesting.

(sorry so short, heading to bed, will be up at 6am just for the hell of it)

Rei Ann
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Old 01-26-2012, 06:46 PM

" I..I don't know. Here Elizabeth has a house, the tower isn't safe for a kid. What would I do if the tower got taken over again? " Raven said, worrying about the environment Elizabeth could be in. Her friends were could people and would keep her safe, but still the Tower wasn't exactly made to be kid friendly. She wanted to be with her friends again, and more importantly Nightwing, but she had a daughter to take care of. Though it's be nice to give Elizabeth more adults to rely on, for her to met her grandfather, the non demon one. She blinked and her eyes went wide," Did you tell Batman yet.?" She asked.

[[I figured, since the got so close, she know about batman being his mentor, since she knows his real identity.]]

Ultimate Hater
Ultimate Hater is offline
Old 01-26-2012, 11:48 PM

(yup that would make sense)

"Actually I did, that's what took me so long to get here, he wanted the whole story in person. He wants to meet her soon and you know how he is about getting things done"
Nightwing spoke "Though, he didn't hate the idea of a granddaughter since he doesn't have any kids himself" Nightwing almost felt bad for him, but, knew he sometimes really didn't care as it would be a pain or get in the way of his job. Now that he was older, he had to find someone else to take over his spot. He wasn't that old though, not yet.

Rei Ann
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Old 01-27-2012, 02:15 AM

" Wait you told him and he didn't skin you alive?" Raven said. " Well even if he doesn't have biological kids, he sees you and the other robins as those kids" Raven pointed out. " But what about the Tower? For Elizabeth she just a little girl she going to want sleepovers, friends over, parties and someone has to always stay with her. That's going to be hard, for crime fighters" Raven said.

Ultimate Hater
Ultimate Hater is offline
Old 01-27-2012, 03:18 AM

"I wouldn't say skinned me alive, more like gave me that talk about 'safe sex' and 'babies are made' that's why I sat there for two hours before he told me to tell you he wants to see his granddaughter soon" Nightwing admitted. It was odd to have someone older than you about having safety during that time and how kids are made when you were in your twenties. "Maybe we can talk to Bruce about letting her stay over there for sleep overs and such? Maybe have Alfred watch her while we go off and fight? But, I don't want to make the choices here without you, so it's up to you" Nightwing answered.

Rei Ann
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Old 01-27-2012, 03:30 AM

" That must have must of been one awkward talks ever" Raven told him. It sounded like it would be. She thought about it, that would work. "Would he really be alright with that though?" Raven asked. She wanted to give her daughter a chance to live with both parents, but she also liked their little home together. She wanted to fight crime again, but she wasn't sure if she wanted to let go off the normal part of life. Yet she didn't want to be away from Nightwing again.

Ultimate Hater
Ultimate Hater is offline
Old 02-04-2012, 04:24 AM

(sssh i aint supposed to be on)

"I can't see why not, he wants to be around his grandchild more often, it was one of those glares you don't go against"
Nightwing spoke chuckling a little. "You know, you've grown into a beautiful and wonderful woman" he was complimenting her, they were alone as long as Elizabeth was sleeping and Cyborg made sure to keep the others at home...okay Starfire was out still, she hardly came home early.

Rei Ann
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Old 02-04-2012, 06:18 AM

[[*sees and hears nothing* But if your still flu ridden get back to resting!]]

" Well you would know that. I'm lucky that I hadn't had to deal with those glares" She said. She felt her face flush," thank you" She whispered. She stared at him for a few moments," Your still just as handsome, if not even more so" She whispered, he was breathtaking, that how she would describe him. She felt nervous that they were alone together.

Ultimate Hater
Ultimate Hater is offline
Old 02-08-2012, 06:37 PM

(lol I'm over it for now, excuse slow posting, still getting used to the site)

Nightwing took off his mask dropping it the ground, his long hair framing his face with his blue eyes brighter than when he was younger. "You're always welcome" he was blushing a tad bit as well, the feeling was going awkward. "So she knows who I am, she knows who she is, and all she has to do is meet her grandfather and Alfred" yes Alfred was still alive. (lol) "I think you should get some sleep though" he smiled.

Rei Ann
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Old 02-08-2012, 09:03 PM

[[ Alright, but yay!]]

Rachel looked up as his mask dropped to the ground. She felt her breath catch in her throat. Even after all these years, he could make her feel like a teenage in seconds. " Ah yes she had to do that. I would say this weekend, she does still have school to attend." Raven told him. She still didn't know about the school, actually there were a lot of blanks about the day. She still wasn't sure how Nightwing came into contact with her daughter. Maybe this was a dream, she was having. She blinked when he mentioned sleep," But-" Rachel started to say.

Ultimate Hater
Ultimate Hater is offline
Old 02-16-2012, 12:59 AM

(now im half asleep)

"No butt's, I will stay if you want me to, I'm not due back at the tower for any reason, and the sooner I go back the sooner I get grilled for details"
Nightwing laughed "And as far as name without the mask, just call me Richard" He added smiling at her then picked her up and carried her to the empty room that wasn't where Elizabeth was and placed her on the bed. "And wait, which school? the one where she was waiting at that got destroyed about half of it?"

Rei Ann
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Old 02-16-2012, 02:00 AM

[[Aw.. give you coffee?]]

" I know your name silly." Raven said with a slight smile. Raven was a bit surprised as he carried her to her room. " Yes, stay" she mumbled. She didn't want him to go, she shot up when he mention Elizabeth's school. " Wait what happened?" She asked alarmed.

Ultimate Hater
Ultimate Hater is offline
Old 02-20-2012, 11:13 PM

(lol I would take coffee only if its a latte, now THAT wakes me up haha)

"All I know is there is an enemy out there named "Copper, we don't know her relations, but, she is always talking about Slade and things that have happened in the past. She destroyed the school as a way to get us distracted to sneak off" Richard answered laying in bed next to her, making sure she would lay down with him, and keep her very close to him.

Rei Ann
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Old 02-21-2012, 12:41 AM

[[*gives you latter*]]

" Copper? They news has mentioned her before. So that's how you met Elizabeth. Knowing you guys, you got everyone out safe" Rachel said. She smiled slightly, snuggling into him, laying her head on his chest. " Maybe, she's related to him? I'm sure I'm not the only one from the old days who's had a kid" She mumbled.

Ultimate Hater
Ultimate Hater is offline
Old 02-21-2012, 01:25 AM

"True, anyone could for any reason, though it would be interesting to know who her parents are, then we could put two and two together, for now just sleep my Raven" Richard said whispering almost unsure to call her Raven or Rachel. Though he pulled the covers over her to keep her warm and waited to know when she would be asleep. He figured he would sleep next to her until the next morning.


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