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Bird Brain
Kiarash is offline
Old 08-28-2012, 03:32 AM

Kayao relaxed more with every foot he placed between himself and the main room. The harpy always seemed to walk just a little faster then anyone he might be taking a stroll with, constantly eyeing his company's steps as to slow himself down. Blindly leading Aub through the castle, though they were closer to the back of the building now as they entered the barracks. As he lead Aubrey deeper into the living quarters of the palace, they passed a large room which was filled with the guards who had been out all day. Currently, the men were sitting around on large plush cushions, smoking and laughing with each other. Meanwhile a handful of women were dancing throughout the hazy room, a few in the laps of the men, others getting a little carried away with their dancing. Kayao stayed quiet for the most of their walk, though a soft chuckle of amusement escaped his lips as he watched some of the guards being entertained. Shaking his head he stepped over a cushion which had been thrown, paying little mind as he did so.

Kayao walked into what seemed to be an abandoned corner of the living area. Grinning to himself, he made his way to the end of the hallway and stopped in front of the last door. "This will be your room." He said as he opened the door, stepping in and looking around a bit. There was a rather large bed, a desk and a dresser. Though they were very basic and quickly thrown together, some might actually find them cozy. "If you have anything, you're free to have it relocated here." He spoke as he stretched his wings, looking back to Aubrey as he smiled. "Everything you ever dreamed for, huh?" Snickering as he asked, shaking his head and thanking the gods that his own room was much larger than Aubrey's.

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Old 08-29-2012, 04:42 PM

Aubrey kept quiet as they went, though as noone instructed him otherwise, his eyes roamed freely over everything and anyone. The few he made eye contact with seemed somewhat startled when they were met with an unyielding green-flecked glance; and as he read their expressions he would give a huge grin and amble on after Kayao. He had no trouble keeping up, his lanky form covering ground easily. His eyebrows shot into his hairline as they passed the ladies entertaining the guards, and Aub's grin reappeared.

Just as quickly it vanished, as it became ultimately clear that yes, indeed, he was to sleep in the palace. He sighed inwardly as he glanced around, but he couldnt help the tiny smile lifting the corners of his mouth. It was still better than sleeping on the straw in the stables! "I think I can dream a bit more." Aub chuckled quietly, but there was no aggravation in his voice as he said it. He turned to face Kayao more fully, his tone changing slightly. Aubrey did not like being in the dark. "So now that I'm all patched up and with these luxurious new quarters- what is it you actually require from me?" Referencing the fact that throughout the whole day, Kayao had not yet said what this newest promotion entailed.

---------- Post added 08-29-2012 at 12:03 PM ----------

Meanwhile in the side rooms from the main hall, the entertainers for the evening were readying their costumes, songs, and props. The scene was, as usual, complete chaos as the Master Entertainer tried to direct the songstress, stop the jugglers from peppering the jesters with their balls, halt a quickly escalating argument between two dancers, and manage not to trip over the trailing robes of the court's magician.

There was much more activity tonight than most, for the Master Entertainer had planned a small feast for the arrival of a few visiting nobles and their daughters; prospects for a match with the young prince. As befitted the celebration, he had more jesters, jugglers and singers than he knew what to do with. The entertainment tonight would open with song and skit, followed by the main courses whist the jugglers & jesters walked through the tables, creating a pretty distraction to amuse any guest not involved in a conversation. A brief respite with more singers, then desert and the main entertainment. A very brief smile crossed his face as he thought of that.

Master Detmi reprimanded a jester severely for trying to use the Empress's portrait in a small skit. Finished and with the portrait restored to its former place on the wall, he continued through the room, checking costumes, tweaking bows, and fixing mussed hair as needed. And he thanked the gods that feasts did not happen every night.

Last edited by Whimzica; 08-31-2012 at 02:43 PM..

Bird Brain
Kiarash is offline
Old 09-01-2012, 03:34 AM

Smiling to Aubrey, Kayao gave a playful shrug before eyeing the other. "Need someone to keep my horse in shape. With wings, it's rather ironic that I am given a grounded mans form of transportation." Speaking as he turned to the door, he rubbed his chin while looking over his shoulder to the other. "As for exactly what I want of you, that's to be determined." He said with a laugh as he stepped out of the room. "But, I am quite hungry and late dinner should be served very soon. Along with a smoke possibly.." He said looking down the hall to the corner of the entertainment room, smiling to himself as he slowly plotted his night out in his head.

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Old 09-01-2012, 04:03 PM

Aub seemed amused, if not quite satisfied, at his answer. (And the horse didnt help- even though he didnt think the stallion would be trying to take a bite out of him for a while.) "Dinner huh?" Aubrey instantly perked up at the mention of food. He didnt bother to hide another grin. Palace food! Now, that might be a perk. "Where would dinner be served exactly?"

Bird Brain
Kiarash is offline
Old 09-02-2012, 07:04 PM

"You have your choice of three places. Meals can be taken in the main food hall, in the entertainment room, or in your own quarters." He said watching the other grin, ignoring his stomachs demands for food. "I choose to take my meals in the entertainment room, along with a smoke." Smiling to himself at the thought. He began to pick and choose his dinner along with other enjoyments for the evening. "If you'd like, you may join me. A show and a meal is hard to beat." Laughing as he started to make his way to the large room at the end of the hall.

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Old 09-03-2012, 03:23 AM

Aub nodded decisively almost before Kayao had finished speaking. "I'll tag along with you then. Dont know my way about quite yet!" He stepped out, shutting the door quick like behind him as he bounded after Kayao.
Master Detmi shouldered through the bunched up entertainers gathered by their exit, turning to eye them severely. "You will not poke even a nose through this door until your set is called for." The man's icy glare was intensified by his unusual blue eyes, and it was enough to make most of the superstitious ones drop their eyes. He chuckled to himself and swept out the door to announce that the festivities were going to begin, could they all find their seats. Pages escorted anyone who needed it, trying to hurry the chattering nobility along.

Bird Brain
Kiarash is offline
Old 09-05-2012, 05:04 AM

Chuckling as the other quickly followed him, Kayao made his way into the entertainment hall. "Looks like things should be getting started any minute, I should have had a snack today.." He said lightly to Aubrey, with a hand over his rather vocal stomach. Crossing the large room he eased himself into his favored corner. He kicked a pillow about a few times before deciding it was fluffed properly and sat himself down. His wings wrapped around the pillow beneath him, turning the supporting bones in his wings as arm rests. Smiling to Aubrey, clearly in his happy place, he motioned for the man to sit with him.

In front of the harpy stood a rather tall hookah, which was already prepared for both the Forerunner and his new friend. A coal burned atop the water pipe and the sweet scent of cherries and strawberries filled the surrounding area. Not wasting a second, or bothering to see if Aub was getting comfy, his hand dove for the hose that was wrapped around the hookah and nipped the mouthpiece as he inhaled. Closing his eyes and slouching slightly, blowing the large cloud of smoke from his nose, before opening his eyes slowly and looking to Aubrey. "Ever enjoyed?" He asked with the hose still clasped between his canines as he pointed at the hookah.

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Old 09-13-2012, 03:12 PM

Aubrey grinned at Kayao as his own stomach seemed to answer the other man's with its own chorus of grumblings. Unlike Kayao, however, Aubrey spent no time at all getting comfy. He merely dropped onto a nearby cushion, stretching his legs out before him with a soft grunt. He eyed the hookah briefly, although moreso he was sniffing the scent in the air. The scent having none of his avoided undertones, Aub cautiously unwound the other hose from the hookah base. "Not for many seasons," he answered, his eyes crinkling with a smile. Aubrey inhaled slowly, and as he blew out, tension lines in his body eased, and the lanky man appeared to settle down from his usual activity.
Most of the various lesser nobility were seated now, most on cushions before low tables, such as Kayao and Aubrey were. The main table was at the far end of the hall, slightly taller than the rest, and with actual seating- for this was the Emperor's and his family's personal table when he chose to eat with his court. There was a small raised stage in the center of the hall, and it was here that Master Detmi was standing, waiting for the last of the hubbub to die down. As patrons quieted, he raised his arms, his colorful draping sleeves making an eye-catching banner. "Welcome all once more to our halls! Tonight we celebrate our Prince's coming of age!" Thunderous applause from the seated nobility, while the Prince, up at the grand table, merely looked smug. "Enjoy the festivities!" So saying, the Master swept the room a formal bow and took his leave, the cue for the refreshments to be served, and the first singers to come out.

Bird Brain
Kiarash is offline
Old 09-29-2012, 02:16 AM

Keeping his eye on the other as he continued to puff from the hookah, he smiled as he focused on the servers who were surely getting ready to bring food and drinks. Leaning back and relaxing he raised his hose slightly and nodded to the prince, who did the same to the harpy with a giddy smirk. Kayao returned his focus to his new friend, arching a brow and smirking as he could see the other relaxing rather quickly. "A day without this would certainly lead to quite the riot." He said with a chuckle as the rooms cheering slowly died down.

The harpy kept at the hose, almost making it seem as if the burning herbs were of higher priority than oxygen itself. His fingers never stopped fiddling with the hose, running along the velvet cover for the hose as well as tapping his nails against the metal mouth piece. He leaned to his side slightly as he grinned to Aubrey, his eyes glinting in the candle light. "If you have any preferred, or favored form of flavor.. scent.. you should let one of the servers know when they come by. There's plenty of tricks for these, to satisfy any taste." Tapping the hose against the vase of the hookah as he spoke, his smirk never diminishing as he was already feeling the heavier effects of the tobacco. "It can even be used to a meal if you know what you're doing."

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Old 10-03-2012, 04:39 PM

Aubrey, slouched comfortably on the pillows, allowed himself a very small, self-satisfied smile. Alright, so maybe dealing with Kayao’s beast of an animal had been a trifle showy, but he was content thus far. He wasn’t Kit after all- it had been absolute ages since he’d had to pass as a mortal man.

His eyebrow quirked as he followed the silent toast between Kayao & the Prince. "Can certainly see why it would." Aub answered dryly, smiling. He seemed not quite as spellbound by the hose as Kayao was, but far more interested in the potential approach of the pages carrying the first course. His eyes turned back to Kayao as the man spoke though, and he turned curious as quick as a cat. "Now that I had never heard before; a meal of smoke?" he didnt seem disbelieving, but almost amused.

Bird Brain
Kiarash is offline
Old 10-04-2012, 04:36 AM

Chuckling, the harpy shook his head with a grin as a server passed the two, settng down a loaf of bread and garlic sauce to dip it in. Diving for the bread, Kayao tore it in half before soaking one end of the bread in the sauce. His feathers ruffled, fluffing up as he bit into the bread, being quite the fan of this particular appetizer. Offering the other half of the loaf to Aubrey, smiling with cheeks puffed out from being crammed full of bread.

Leaning back with one of the two saucers of the garlic dip on his knee, he smiled with half lidded eyes as he switched between the hose and the bread. Every few moments he took a sip from his glass, looking over to Aub as he was curious if his new friend enjoyed his choice of appetizer.

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Old 10-10-2012, 04:49 AM

The proffered loaf was hastily snatched up, a large bite disappearing before anyone could blink. In that moment, the two men looked nothing so much as chipmunks with their cheeks full. Swallowing, his lips quirked up in a strange smile at the strong scent emanating from the dip, but his bread mimicked Kayao's, and into the dip it went. Another perk of being older than you can count, Aubrey mused silently as he popped the tidbit in his mouth, the scent didnt bother you as much, one had a tendency to overlook it. He looked at Kayao with a grin, leaning back into the cushions as he took a sip from the glass at hand. As the song ended, Aubrey looked back towards the entertainment taking place on the small central stage. At the moment this consisted of singers and a few dancers, while masked entertainers, fools, roamed the seated crowd with pretty tricks or small magics. This land's nobility enjoyed their luxury, that much was readily apparent. The bright colors, not just of the entertainers but of the guests as well spoke of rich lands and holdings. Aubrey's eyes suddenly sharpened, and he puffed absently, his eyes trailing one of the many masked entertainers about the room. The figure was too thin and wiry to be one of Kit's, she hardly had any body to her, and was at least three inches too short if not four. But she had purple eyes.. Aub grinned again, finishing off his half of the bread.

Last edited by Whimzica; 10-10-2012 at 05:16 AM..

Bird Brain
Kiarash is offline
Old 10-23-2012, 08:48 PM

Letting his eyes travel the room, he continued to peck at his bread. Looking over the entertainment as his knee bounced lightly to the music, the harpy picked up his glass and took a drink before setting his plate down. He had reduced the loaf to nothing more than crumbs in a matter of minutes, placing the hose in his hand once more as he continuously licked at his lips. Before long he realized how foolish he must have looked, as he dabbed his lips with his napkin before taking a drink. All the while his eyes continued to scan the dancers, watching a select few as he smiled. Noticing the other's grin from the corner of his eye, he cocked a brow and turned his head slightly as he studied the other's expression. For a moment, he was rather confused. He could see his new friend's attention being snagged, but the way he smiled and seemed to be more comfortable made it seem like he might have known someone. This thought further pestered the harpy, though he shrugged it off before he nipped at the hose in his hand. Following the other's line of sight as he wondered who the traveler could possibly know, and idly kept his curiosity in the back of his head for the time.

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Old 11-07-2012, 04:03 AM

Aubrey, unlike Kit, was no master at deception, and he was not personally aware of the slight clues to his thoughts that he gave away. For the most part he'd relaxed, tonight enjoying the slight haze from the smoke, good food and revelry. Settled in, he was content to watch and wait. If that was who he thought (and he couldnt stop the grin on his features at this), the Persian court was in for something spectacular.
Slipping easily between guests and her fellow entertainers, the tiny chit who'd attracted Aubrey's attention moved steadily towards the main stage as the dinner courses were finished and desserts brought out. She wore a silvery mask, and her clothes were a deep, shimmering onyx. Amethyst eyes danced merrily at the guests, and obligingly she tumbled through them, lithe form making it easy work.

Master Detmi climbed the steps once more, spreading his arms as the music softened, and began to pick up a deep rhythm that resounded in the bones. "Tonight for you all, I have the pleasure of presenting one of the few remaining Serpiente dancers." Detmi bowed low towards the royal family, then stepped away- the cue for his carefully placed servants to blow out the candles, leaving the room in darkness.

In the pitch, noone saw the girl smirk as several other females shrieked at the sudden darkness. She always was amused by that.. Of course, there was another reason for the darkness. In it, one could not be sure if the changes around the girl were merely show, or something perhaps more sinister.
When the light bloomed next, she stood in the center of the stage on a thin pedastal, lit from below, and dressed in flaming skirts of colors so vivid they burned the eyes like fire themselves. Her eyes were no longer laughing, but hooded, quietly looking over the company with a sly, almost coy twist to her lips. Skirts rose into a corset that did everything to draw the eyes to her curves, all of the same vivid fire coloring.

The girl no longer seemed thin, or short, or anything except fascinating. As the music began to swell, she took the first few steps. The beat pounded through the assembly, and when she saw the seated company beginning to move with it, suddenly she was no longer there. Eyes flicked in confusion around the room, searching. Skin that glittered and hair that washed down her back in waves of perfumed onyx suddenly appeared again among the guests themselves. Her dance was a swaying, sweeping motion that caught the eye and nearly brought one to their feet to join her. She crisscrossed the room, and into each pair of eyes she looked at, she held fast until they turned away, dropping their gaze under the blazing violet eyes.

She danced among them but was not one of them, the turns and bends of her body somehow ethereal and yet, earthy. There was grit and fire in the steps, and they burned and branded into memory. She brushed against them, turning insides to liquid fire for the want of her, moving away before they caught a second scent of her hair. The light seemed to follow her, almost as if it radiated from the steps themselves. Perhaps it did. She alone was illuminated, all the variated reds, blues and white of a fire flashing from her clinging skirts.
Aubrey, for his part, was not unaffected by the performance- but now, beyond a shadow of a doubt, he knew her for who she was, and it cooled him as it did not the others in the room. Masking this, he watched intently as the rest, for it was nonetheless a pleasure to see her truly dance. As the flickering, twisting form drew closer to the far corners where he and Kayao sat, Aubrey could not resist a glance at his newfound friend's face, curious to see his reaction.

Last edited by Whimzica; 11-07-2012 at 04:57 AM..

Bird Brain
Kiarash is offline
Old 11-08-2012, 05:32 AM

The harpy had finished his dinner and was now leaning back against the chair he had fashioned himself out of his wings. With his elbows hooked over his wings, he kept the hose between his lips, never releasing it as his breathing kept fluid. Pulling the sweet tasting smoke through his mouth and exhaling from his nose. Watching some of the dancers weave in and out of the audience, he bobbed his head side to side with the music as his eyes followed a pair of hips back up to the stage. His attention was caught as as Detmi spoke, the introduction causing Kayao's brow to raise as he tilted his head slightly. Following the candles being put out, his eyes swept over the room as they picked up on movement, he could see servants scrambling to quickly assemble the stage for the featured performance. A smirk held his face as he knew he was the only one capable of sight in the absence of the candle's glow.

As the stage was flooded with light, Kayao's eyes slid over every inch of the girls build as he fought to keep his lips from curling. His foot began to tap against the cushion below him lightly with the music as he watched the girl leave the pedestal and make her way around the room. Being easily entranced by music, the harpy's wings trembled as his feathers ruffled and he dropped the hose into his hand as he had nearly forgot to breathe.

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Old 11-09-2012, 04:05 AM

The dancing woman gravitated to the outside corners of the room as the music beat through the assembly. She showed no sign of recognition as her gaze finally slid over Aubrey and his companion, but she ignored Aubrey as she did not Kayao. A last spin put her squarely infront of Kayao, and her lips had lifted into a smile. She looked down at the seated harpy as she had the others, holding his eyes fast. The beat nor the steps never stopped, her twisting form inviting him up. She bent low towards him, skirts flaring out, the light emanating from them blocking out anything behind her for their brightness in close proximity. Her eyes twinkled, and there was a faint shimmer as a bright cherry red flower settled into his lap, the large star-shape glowing as if it had retained some of her own spark.

She actually paused in the steps, a split second, and when he looked down, eyes drawn to see what she had placed in his lap, she vanished again in a swirl of red and gold silks.
Again the darkness held for only a moment before she had resumed her place on the pedestal, and the music swelled, flaying notes across the listeners as she became once more the focus of every eye in the room. The girl bent forward, and as the first strains of the crescendo crashed over the listeners, tawny wings heavily decorated with gilded trinkets and chains seemed to burst into sight, carrying her several feet upwards. The last, pulse-pounding steps were completed on air, and as each movement blurred into the next, rays of light shot out from her swirling figure, making it appear as if she imitated the sun.

And then- nothing.
The sudden silence and darkness left ears ringing and eyes dancing with spots.
Slowly at first then with resounding volume as people recovered their senses, cheers, shouts and praise rang from every corner of the room.

Bird Brain
Kiarash is offline
Old 11-09-2012, 10:31 PM

The harpy's heterochromatic eyes were locked onto the woman as she moved, keeping track of her every movement as the steps of her dance were printed into his memory. Feathers flaring up as she neared, his grin kept hold of his face as she made her way to the Forerunner. Relaxed against his wings, a glint of tooth shown through the crack formed in his lips as she leaned over and dropped the flower while keeping her movements fluid. Looking down to the flower he ran a finger along the underside of the petal, knowing full well the affect such a plant could have on someone like him. His smile softened for a moment as he examined the flower, but the focus was broken as he knew full well it would have been quite a challenge to get this particular plant to grow in the barren desert.

Raising his gaze as the lights went out, his eyes finding the pedestal in the darkness with ease. His grin returned as he watched her movements and he tapped his foot a little more enthusiastically with the music. Kayao's ears twitched slightly as the music grew, head bobbing side to side as his finger continued to run along the petal's veins. His brow raised and his eyes widened slightly as the woman's wings came into sight, searching over every inch for some form of assistance in her flight. Failing to find a wire he leaned forward as he studied her wings more, peeking at his own wings from the corner of his eye as his curiosity began to get the best of him.

Snapping from his concentration, his eyes jumping from head to head in the darkness as he reset his posture to a more relaxed and eased position. Questions began to eat at him from the inside though he silenced them quickly. After a few minutes, the candles were lit again and the room was filled with the soft glow. He looked back to the flower in his lap before he looked to Aub, noticing he had completely forgotten the man was just a few feet from him. Kayao's eyes still had a hint of awe in them as he smiled to his friend and chuckled softly. "I'm almost upset that this was your first experience, I doubt any of our dancers could better such a performance."

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Old 11-13-2012, 03:58 PM

The girl had disappeared into an empty side room while most of the guests were still dazzled and cheering. She smiled softly to herself listening to them, as she shed the illuminated reds and golds of her show outfit, redressing herself in the same silver and black she had been in before. Her wings were tucked behind her, indistinguishable underneath the black feathered cape she wore to disguise them. Running a hand through her hair, she replaced her mask and moved back out among the guests, once more blending in.
Aubrey turned his gaze to Kayao again as the lights came back. He'd watched Kit with interest as she'd approached Kayao, and he knew her games here had begun. Though why.. He cleared the thoughts out pensively as the other man spoke. Aubrey grinned crookedly at that, glancing once more around the room as he leaned back, considering an answer. "I have heard of the Serpiente- and I doubt any dancer in the mortal world could compete with one trained by them." It was truth, and theyd just seen the proof of it. Idly he puffed at the hookah in front of them, his gaze drifting to the flower in Kayao's lap. A teasing note entered his voice as he commented, "She certainly took a shine to you!"

Bird Brain
Kiarash is offline
Old 11-15-2012, 04:22 AM

Kayao eyed his friend as he spoke, a select few words sticking in his head as he masked his curiosity. Taking his last few drags from the hookah as his wings neatly folded themselves behind him, he settled the hose around the vase as he hooked the handle over the opposite end of the hose. Lifting the flower while being careful not to touch the leaves he knew fully well not to he nodded with a chuckle. "Uncanny really." He spoke softly as his face hid any emotion, though his words were meant for both his new friend and the star of the night's entertainment. While he did find the flower to be one more precious to him, receiving it as a gift could be taken as a friendly gesture or a concealed threat. Looking up and finding the masked woman, he gripped the flower as he stood slowly and dusted a few crumbs from his clothing. Wings folded tighter as he stood and watched the royal family disperse while idly tucking the flower between the scales of his right shoulder's armor.

Last edited by Kiarash; 11-15-2012 at 04:25 AM..

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Old 11-15-2012, 02:48 PM

Aubrey couldnt help the wry smile that appeared as Kayao seemed to nip his curiousity in the bud. He volunteered nothing further however, as the harpy hadnt asked. He lifted a brow at Kayaos comment, remarking as he followed his gaze across the room, "A favorite of yours?" Clearly, he was no botanist and had missed any deeper meaning in the flowers petals. Aub stood up slowly, unfolding his lanky body with exaggerated, joking attention to joints sore from the day's activities.
Halfway across the room, she found him watching her, and behind the mask her eyes acquired a distinctive sparkle as she smiled. It was the work of a moment to slip through casually through the crowd, and she stood now merely a few feet from them, entertaining a child with a few glass baubles.

Bird Brain
Kiarash is offline
Old 11-16-2012, 03:20 AM

Kayao nodded slightly as he kept his eyes on Kit while fixing his clothing and robes, making sure he was still presentable. "Very much so. However, they are poisonous to animals." He spoke softly as he foxed the rings around his pinkie's, flexing his fingers slightly to assure himself he was ready if need be. "This usually is harmless to someone like yourself, but seeing as I have avian traits.." Trailing off as he relaxed his hands avoiding the point that stuck in his head, his thumb's idly running over the stubs that were his ring fingers. The harpy slipped his hands into the folds of his robes as he smiled back to Aubrey removing the thoughts from his head. Looking back to Kit, who was just a few feet from the two, he rolled his shoulder positioning the armor to show off the flower as he watched the child. His head swirling with questions as he studied the woman before taking the few steps required to close the gap, a smile holding his face as he traced the woman with his eyes before she had a chance to look up from the child. "That was quite a show, surprising in more ways than I expected, breathtaking really." He said as he gave a slight nod to the flower now fixed to his armor.

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Old 11-18-2012, 05:33 PM

Aubrey glanced at the girl as Kayao told him about the flower, lifting a brow slightly. He didnt follow as Kayao approached her however, watching for a moment before engaging in light banter with two ladies nearby instead. It wasnt more than a few seconds before feminine laughter could be heard, Aubrey perfectly at ease as he charmed them both.
The lady straightened up from the crouch shed been in, the child running off with one of her glass baubles, shrieking in pleasure for her mummy to look at what shed been given. Although most of her face was covered, the twinkle in her eyes gave away her smile. There was a prickling sense that he was being examined, although she never looked away from his eyes. She bent slightly, dipping into a slight bow to the man who most certainly ranked higher than her in the persian's eyes. "I'm glad you enjoyed it, it was a long time learning." Her eyes glimmered again as she straightened, glance deliberately pausing on the flower settled on his shoulder. "You surprised me simply by your presence here." Her eyes strayed to his wings to indicate what, exactly, had surprised her.

Bird Brain
Kiarash is offline
Old 11-19-2012, 05:01 AM

The harpy smiled as he waved a hand slowly before returning it to his pocket, relaxing slightly as this woman clearly had no ill will, at least for the time being. "No need to be so formal as I never gave you such a gesture, in this room we are equals." He said in response to the bow, his eyes fixed on hers as they wandered about. "It was indeed a pleasure. Though I've never heard of such a place in which you studied, I sure wouldn't want to learn first hand what you are capable in means of defense." Laughing as he spoke, he followed her eyes to the flower and smirked as he returned his gaze to her hidden face. "As for these dusty things, I've not had such a positive reaction to them." Kayao relaxed his wings letting them droop, his flight feathers tracing circles in the ground with his breathing. While lesser ranked members of his battalion would be forced to have their wings bound when not on patrol, he was granted the option of letting his stay visible when not tending to his responsibilities. "However, I am quite curious as to your performance with your wings." Though the harpy had unbeatable sight, he was still unsure if what he had seen was real or some sort of illusion. As he was not used to seeing anyone but humans, harpies and the royal priestess, his curiosity was getting the best of him while he attempted to keep himself composed and not firing question after question at the woman.

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Old 11-21-2012, 03:16 AM

The waif straightened fully as he gave her permission to relax, as it were, and her stance became more welcoming. "The Serpiente are the true masters of their arts, and my dance would pale in comparison to even a child in their courts." She accepted the compliment and yet ignored the hidden question flawlessly, though a small smile touched her eyes again, a glimmer of steel flickering in them.
Her eyes followed his moving wings briefly before returning to his eyes as he delicately phrased a statement as a question.. She seemed to deliberate, mentally, a moments silence ensuing between them. "Master Detmi," referring to the colorful man in charge of hiring the entertainment, "Is under the impression they are merely props." She paused again, adding delicately, "Your people seem to fear the winged."
Aubrey, in the background, had surreptitiously angled his lady companions so that their backs were to the chatting harpy and masked girl. This way, he could keep an unobtrusive eye on the goings-on between them, without craning his neck around. He studied Kit as he could, beginning to see that she was not Kit, per se, but one of her many facets.. And judging by the performance, a fun one. He couldnt help but grin, adding a half-hearted chuckle as one of the ladies said something supposedly funny.

Bird Brain
Kiarash is offline
Old 11-21-2012, 04:20 AM

Kayao's brow arched as his ears flicked to keep the woman's voice his main focus among the many voices in the hall. "It's not so much fear as it is discrimination." He said softly as he kept his voice just loud enough for the other to hear. "Those of us who pass the many tests are allowed to live as second class citizens. However, those who fail are banished, killed, or worse, grounded." The words had a sour feel which made it hard to keep his pitch steady as he shuddered at the thought. The conversation seemed to make the harpy uneasy even though no matter what he said he himself would remain an exception to these rules. "It's the reason my many squads are forced to have their wings bound when not on duty." Now that he actually focused on the subject and thought about it, he could find fear as a motive for this strict ruling. "They just do not take kindly to that which they can not control."

The harpy's eyes concentrated on the females shoulders, seeming to pierce the flesh and scour for information. "Though you seem to have an odd way about you." He said as he referred to his unexplored ability to feel things beyond the physical realm. "You have wings one moment and then you do not."


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