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*crashing sound* oops... I drop...
Drakina is offline
Old 07-30-2012, 04:38 AM

Evangeline finished her morning stretches, standing upright in her little living room and pulling the table back to where it usually stood. The apartment, while far from the spacious suburban home she was used to, was still perfect for what she needed. The fire escape stairs were right outside her second-story window, and it was in a safer area of the city. The college was also just within walking distance, nearly eliminating the need for a car or carrying bus money. She glanced at her clock, noting the time. "Oh, no! I have work today!"

Eva quickly ran into her room, changing out of her exercise clothing and into her work clothes, then headed for the door, snagging her bag on the way out. At least she'd managed to get a job at the gas station on the corner, and made it there before she had to punch in. "Hey, Jerry! Not late, am I?" she asked the man standing behind the register, a grin on her face.

"Nope. You only got a couple minutes, though," he responded, waving her into the back room. She walked in back, punching in and setting her bag on the small table. She went to take her place at the register next to Jerry, letting her mind wander a little as she dealt with customers. It wasn't her preferred job, but it did help pay for her apartment. At least she didn't have to worry about tuition on top of it.

Last edited by Drakina; 08-02-2012 at 03:34 AM..

Warning: Unrestrained Audiophile
KageShio is offline
Old 07-30-2012, 06:21 AM

Aingeal woke with a start, his mouth falling open with a strangled scream as he sat bolt upright. Chest heaving, he gasped for air as his body shook and his pulse pounded in his ears. Another nightmare, another twisted reality where the umbra adored tearing at his sanity. Biting back a sob, he dropped his face into his palms and tried to steady his fluttering heart and spinning head. A few moments later, he rose to face the day with tired eyes and a sore body.

Speaking softly in his native language, he greeted his animal companions- Two cats, three rabbits and a feisty ferret. Just seeing them made the horrors of his mind fade, and a smile graced his lips as he picked up Metis, the stocky black cat that was curling about his ankles. Almost free of the Umbra for now, and surrounded by his furred friends, he was content to start his daily routine and about an hour later, he was out the door and on his way to the little cafe he frequented.

Last edited by KageShio; 07-30-2012 at 06:36 AM..

Mimeoh is offline
Old 07-30-2012, 06:50 AM

"Oh for the love of-" Amaryllis landed with a thud on her tiny kitchen floor. Waking from a hover dream was always amazing, but upsetting. The dreams themselves were always fantastical, but her landings when she awoke were never graceful. She glanced at the old apple shaped clock on her wall and stood up, brushing off a few crumbs from her pajamas. Readying herself for work was never much of a chore for Amaryllis. She was always eager for the one person she wanted to see...and every morning she told herself that today was the day she'd finally sit down and talk to him. If things didn't go as planned, she'd just nudge him in a direction that worked out a little easier...not that he'd need much nudging when he realized they were meant for each other.

The walk to work was brisk and left Amaryllis in want for comfort food. "Not yet," she told herself, "We have a cafe to help in the morning rush." She tied her frizzy hair into a high pony tail and set to work, hurrying through orders after memorizing them with ease. She had to watch herself this morning, she was already making the orders before they were asked for. Remember, keep it under control, only mind read when they're too stupid to say what they want.

It was nearing nine o'clock and she'd already been at work for three hours. "I knew it..." Amaryllis sighed lowly to herself, "He's not coming today." She steadied her shaking hand as she poured cream into an order.

She started to become irritable and busied herself cleaning the counter, lifting containers to wipe away powders and crumbs. The multiple tinkles and jingles from the door half caught her attention and she called out half-heartedly, "Stacy, can you get that." She dropped the sugar container when she heard his sweet, soft accent respond to Stacy's greeting. It was him, it was him, it was him. She looked over her shoulder and watched him in the way that a dog would a t-bone.

Last edited by Mimeoh; 07-30-2012 at 06:53 AM..

Most shy away from conflict. I e...
Andraus is offline
Old 07-30-2012, 07:10 AM

(um, what should I do o.o)


Staria is offline
Old 07-30-2012, 05:42 PM

"So you recognize me huh? My assistant seemed concerned and I was in the area..... But you don't look sick to me." She responded bluntly. She was watching him a moment, her vivid eyes narrowing in on him. She was uncertain what to do now that she was here. She couldn't just barge in and check on the girl but she wasn't hearing any cries for help or child like sobs. She shifted slightly as she gazed at him a moment. She as unsure now that it was such a good idea to just come like this... maybe she should have sent a golem creation to check the place out and stayed hidden.

"So since i'm here anyway, what's really up?" She finally said thoughtfully, even as she resisted the urge to run to her bike and leave. When she wasn't being stone, Brenna was actually a rather shy creature. Her childhood had been wonderful, blessed... but she spent more time with books and ruins then people. She was sure she was probably being rude but she didn't know else to say or to do...

((sorry guys, My hands have been really painful lately so my replies will be inconsistant for a while))

Angelo is offline
Old 07-30-2012, 07:29 PM

((Find someone to post with. :P And remember to keep OOC chat in the OOC thread. I'll probably post later today, and especially if Kage posts first.))

Warning: Unrestrained Audiophile
KageShio is offline
Old 07-31-2012, 01:23 AM

Samael simply blinked for a moment as Brenna spoke, his awe of the woman growing. She was always rather straightforward when dealing with things, but for her to be so brusque seemed bizarre indeed. Resisting the urge to shake his head, he started his act, bringing a weak smile to his face and placing a hand over his abdomen for a moment. "Ah, I have a stomach bug, I suspect it may be food poisoning. I only asked for a few days off because I am unsure of how severe it is." He explained, hoping his feigned illness would placate the woman and her suspicious eyes, sending her away before he became too nervous.

Did she know he knew she was watching them last night? What did she truly want? Elizabeth? To call him out as a mutant? These questions only brought more to his mind, setting it buzzing with possibilities.... just what was she doing up on that rooftop anyway? He was more than a little curious, but caution and care for the young psychic upstairs pushed him to refrain from taking the offensive in the unexpected conversation with his employer.

"I am flattered you would take the time to come and check on me, Ms. Kamon, you really do treat your employees well, but I assure you I will be fit and back at work soon enough." He said smoothly, hoping the tension in his mind and body did not show in his voice.

"Good morning." Aingeal said with a slight smile and nod, greeting the waitress. A clatter from the counter brought his attention to the other young woman working there, a sigh falling unbidden from his lips. It was her... the strange one. She always seemed to be awkward, and made him feel the same, her mismatched eyes watching him with uncertainty and... and... expectation? Is that the right word? Pausing, he glanced back to the door. Perhaps going to the bar early would be a better idea today...

Before he could change his mind, however, Stacy caught his attention and lead him to his usual table, giving him a bright smile before ducking back behind the counter to get coffee. Running a hand through his hair and biting back another sigh, he settled into his seat and pulled out the daily paper, half-pretending to read as he always did, the jumble of English letters and words not fully making sense. Still, he flipped it open to the obituaries, scanning it for the faces of the Umbra's victims. So far, they had all been chalked up to victims of gang wars and drug violence, but the most recent job was sloppy, that woman in blue having gotten in his way.

The thought of the short battle nearly made him cringe. The Umbra was unhappy with him, he had been too weak, too careless. He knew as soon as night came close, and the shadows grew long, his mind would be it's playground again. Even now, when the sun protected him from it's power, he could hear echoes of the shrieks and howls, the distant sounds causing him to swallow hard and close his eyes to suppress a shudder.

Last edited by KageShio; 07-31-2012 at 01:32 AM..

Angelo is offline
Old 07-31-2012, 02:42 AM

Walking into the gas station in the hopes of securing a Mountain Dew and some snacks, Lexi paid very close attention to her surroundings. The cashier, a fit-looking girl with a headband, seemed pretty bored with everything didn't do anything to dash the girl's hope of snatching her prizes, but she still lingered around for a bit to try and keep from being noticed by the underpaid staff.

She yawned a bit as she pretended to browse the various items, mostly chips and snack cakes and soda. The previous night had been rather hectic, what with the crazy man and his friend following after her. Thankfully, Ace had gotten to her before them and had managed to hide her away. He had warned her not to go back though, as they were probably stalking the warehouse where she had dwelt for the past three months, so that meant that she couldn't get any of her extra clothes, food, or money. Really, it was quite a bummer.

Regardless, she needed something to eat soon. So, mustering up her courage, she tucked two small bags of Doritos and a Mountain Dew into her bag and made to leave. Hopefully she had judged right, and the two staff members wouldn't have been able to see her. Still, as she walked by the counter, she could feel sweat dripping down her back as she struggled to keep composed and inconspicuous. Despite belonging to a gang, she had only ever stolen once or twice. It really wasn't something she liked to do too often for fear of getting caught.

Opening her mouth to protest, Beth was cut off by the look in Sammael's eyes and the tone in his voice. A slight part of her wondered if he was that way partially because of her using his abilities, while the more rational part realized that it was simply because he was trying to keep her safe. Frowning to herself as Sammael left the room, she sat down rather heavily on the bed, or at least as heavy as she could manage considering her light body.

Instead of dwelling on being kept in the room, she focused her telepathic powers on the mood below her, ready to act if need be. As the conversation progressed, she found herself at the door, propelled by Sammael's tension and her own anxiety. She began to shake slightly as her imagination gave birth to a hundred different reasons, each more terrifying than the last. What if they were taking him away? What if he was dying? Despite the fact that she knew her telepathy would tell her if someone died nearby, logic lost to emotion, which is why she found herself peeking around the wall at the top of the steps, ready to dart forward at the slightest sign of danger.

As she listened, she was slightly surprised by the odd warmth down her back that accompanied his lies. For some reason, the fact that he was willing to lie to whomever it was that was at the door was touching and helped to console her earlier fear that he was mad at her for copying his powers. A sharp stinging in her hands from the white-knuckle grip she had on the wall brought her attention back from her thoughts. Sucking in her breath from the intense pain, she scooted back into the room. Obviously the burn had been worse than she had suspected, but hopefully she hadn't revealed herself to the lady.

Most shy away from conflict. I e...
Andraus is offline
Old 07-31-2012, 09:41 PM

After loosing the Asshole's shooting Rocket's of him, Jason headed to a Nearby Gas-station to grab some small snack's. He still had some money left from his pawning of his gold good's, and wanted to stock up on some provision's. As if Odd's were kissing Jason's ass, He saw the girl from Yestarday. It looked like she was trying to sneak away with some chip's, and soda. he went over to the Coffee and Soft-drink stand, and tried to keep himself Incognito.

(hope this is alright)

Last edited by Andraus; 08-01-2012 at 05:17 AM..

*crashing sound* oops... I drop...
Drakina is offline
Old 07-31-2012, 09:43 PM

Eva lanced at the girl as she walked in, mind still wandering. She glanced at the clock again right after, sighing at the proof that only a little time had gone by. Classes were almost more interesting than here. She propped one elbow on the counter, leaning her head against it and letting her eyes just wander around the place. The girl seemed interested in getting something, another person walked in to pay for gas and went to Jerry to check out, and another maybe five minutes passed.

Another man walked in, one that seemed just a little off. Eva watched him for a few moments, trying to figure it out before turning her attention back to the girl from a few minutes ago. Was her bag bulkier than before?

Last edited by Drakina; 08-01-2012 at 05:32 AM..

Mimeoh is offline
Old 08-01-2012, 03:30 AM

Amaryllis watched Aingeal as he was led to his table. She nearly seethed with jealousy at Stacy and let out a breath of relief when she gave him his order and walked back to her work station. "I'm going on my break, I never ate breakfast." She helped herself to a danish and a hot latte. She smiled to herself and thought, 'I'll just walk by him..he's sure to notice me today...I saw him look at me earlier.'

With a small twirl, Amaryllis turned around and hung her apron on its hook and danced into the sitting area. She was in such a good mood, and nothing would get her down-except gravity, of course. Gravity loved bringing her down. She shrieked and tripped over a raised bump in a rug, dropping her breakfast. Amaryllis sped towards the ground, but she caught herself and hovered for a split second to ease her fall. She groaned and sat up, leaning over to pat the crumbs off her knees. 'that was graceful.'

Last edited by Mimeoh; 08-02-2012 at 02:29 AM..

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-01-2012, 08:18 PM

Karlin watched one of the waitresses walk towards an admittedly handsome man. She couldn't help but smile a little at the woman's clumsiness, while applauding her for her taste. The young woman sipped at her hot chocolate rather quietly, something quite unusual for the curvaceous woman, while waiting to see how things would unfold. Then of course she'd swoop in for some flirting of her own. It was after all quite the entertaining pass time. Not to mention that it made her, and those she flirted with, feel quite good about themselves.

Maybe later today she'd go out and practice her abilities on the darker side of town. It had been a while, and now there seemed to be plenty of new faces cropping up. Karlin grinned in anticipation and tugged her tight skirt down a little so it rested above her knees again. She really needed to get a new one that was more comfortable.

(may or may not edit)

Angelo is offline
Old 08-01-2012, 09:05 PM

Lexi was about halfway to homefree when everything went wrong at once. For starters, the appearance of the psycho man from the night before sort of ruined any chance at being composed. The girl who worked there had seemed a bit puzzled over something as she looked at Lexi's bag, something that also didn't bode well. Instead of worrying about getting caught, however, Lexi made a beeline for the exit. The appearance of the man had unsettled her deeply. Had he been stalking her? It seemed highly likely, causing her to shudder before she collided with the door and fell. The pain in her forearm felt rather intense, which signaled that she had probably stoved her wrist, seemed rather insignificant as she went about picking herself up off of the floor. As if the universe just hated her, her bag happened to be open enough for the stolen goods and several cans of spray paint to go flying.

*crashing sound* oops... I drop...
Drakina is offline
Old 08-01-2012, 09:43 PM

Eva watched the girl suddenly lose her composure, heading for the door and running into it instead of out. She quickly went around her counter, heading over to see if the girl was hurt. Her eyes went to the bags and cans that fell out of her bag, confirming her suspicion about it. A sigh, and she knelt by her. "Are you alright, miss?" Better to ask that first, then ask why she was stealing. Maybe.

Then again, maybe not. "And why were you trying to take these out of here?" she said, voice lower so that only the girl could hear her. If she had a good reason, Eva intended to pay for them herself, and maybe something healthier. Probably something healthier, growing teens needed good nutrition. Her eyes wandered over to the paint cans for a moment, noticing they had signs of use. Was she a graffiti artist? Was she any good at it? Wait, why did that matter? Eva shook her head to clear those thoughts, returning her attention to the girl.

Most shy away from conflict. I e...
Andraus is offline
Old 08-01-2012, 10:17 PM

Jason went over to Eva, and knelt down. "The Narrator was trying to Make sure that you Saw her with these bag's, and Made sure that you got to talking to her. There might be a a cool Story, which involve's High Explosive's, Giant spinning Blade's of doom, the Odd Violation of the law's of Physic's, and Express Delivery package's.........Whatever is going on, My Narrator, the Idiot he is, want's me a part of it........Yea, I'm talking to you narrator!" he said, shaking his fist at nothing.

( :P He is obviously Dead-pool's kid)

Angelo is offline
Old 08-02-2012, 12:55 AM

"Yeah, I-I guess so," Lexi mumbled, accepting the fact that she had been caught. Ace would be so disappointed, but hopefully he would understand when she explained that the psycho had come in. Otherwise, she probably would've gotten away with it. Clearly, the girl was far from pleased, and from her body language, had suspected it all along.

"I took them cause I'm broke right now. That guy over there is a creep! He snuck into my room and started following me around," she whispered, peeking over at him throughout her sentence. Still, she was surprised when he managed to get right up next to the two of them without her really noticing, which indicated some pretty serious ninja skills. Despite her admiration, she still bounded to her feet, a knot the size of beach ball growing in her stomach, while it's cousin found its way into her throat.

"You stay the heck away from me!" she shouted, climbing over the counter as fast as possible. She was getting ready to keep him away as she spoke, allowing Fury to form what looked like fingerless gloves on her hands. She was not going to let him get any closer to her at all, even if it would reveal that she had powers.

*crashing sound* oops... I drop...
Drakina is offline
Old 08-02-2012, 02:00 AM

Eva sighed, she had thought as much. "I can try to keep him-" The sudden appearance of the odd man made her jump, a reaction she shared with the girl. Wait, did he say giant spinning blades of doom? What did spinning blades have to do with any of this? "Um, sir, I'm sorry, but I think you're going to have to leave the premisis," she said, standing up and not quite looking at him. "That, or I have to call the police."

Jerry jumped, having not really been paying attention, and looked at the girl now behind the counter, blinking as he registered what she'd shouted. A gruff sound from him, slight beer gut heaving a touch, and he put a hand on Lexi's shoulder. He was doing his best to look intimidating, for all that he kind of wasn't.

Last edited by Drakina; 08-02-2012 at 03:34 AM..

Most shy away from conflict. I e...
Andraus is offline
Old 08-02-2012, 02:24 AM

"I wasen't trying to do nothing, but Every time I tried to talk with her, She ran away. I just wanted to see if she was A Mutant, like my Dear old Dad, deadpool "he said, really NOT caring what he was saying. I mean, come on, he's a Fugitive Experiment. What Difference did it make what he said? Would they throw him in jail? Already tried, Seven time's. Kill him? Regenerate. Talk sense into him? He was insane. He then looked at Jerry, with a calm smile, then stood up, taking 2 step's away from the girl.

Last edited by Andraus; 08-02-2012 at 02:40 AM..

Warning: Unrestrained Audiophile
KageShio is offline
Old 08-02-2012, 02:42 AM

Aingeal's eyes widened as he watched the red-headed waitress from behind his coffee. The steam had obscured her features, but did not prevent his sharp vision from catching the second of levitation before she hit the floor, the resulting thump being much softer than it should have been. Instantly an alarm started going off in his mind, instinct and a forced suspicious nature telling him to get away from her. However, the alarm was all but drowned out, and his body froze for a moment when a deep, raspy voice rang through his head.

She is one of them, Angel.... she could be useful.' it said with a deep laugh that made his hands shake and a chill run down his spine. Swallowing hard, he set down his cup and forced himself to relax as he got up from his chair and bent down a bit to offer his hand to the waitress. He knew that if he attempted to stay away from her now that the Umbra had taken an interest in her the consequences could be grave. "Are you alright, miss?" He asked, thickly accented voice sounding a bit off, with tension underlying his otherwise warm tone.

Angelo is offline
Old 08-02-2012, 03:04 AM

"You came into my room when I was sleeping!" Lexi shouted at him from the relative safety of the counter. "How does that not scream psycho serial-killer?" By this point, her whole body was on edge. The tension in her body was clearly noticeable, which is why Jerry really shouldn't have touched her. Even though she knew that the crazy man had teleportation, her mind didn't even process that fact, instead just acting on reflex at Jerry's touch. Turning, she punched him and sent him crashing into one of the displays of cigarettes.

Eyes wide and mouth open, Lexi watched helplessly as the man collapsed to the floor, glass scattered all over him. With her emotions so peaked, she jumped to the worst possible scenario: that she had killed him. The slight amount of blood behind him didn't do anything to contradict her fears either. Immediately, she was hauling him away from the glass with ease, despite his girth, and checking him over for more serious injuries. Several times, she had to wipe her eyes to be able to see what she was doing as she went about picking the shards of glass out of the poor man's back. Thankfully, he hadn't gotten any deep wounds, just blunt trauma, so he wasn't bleeding as badly as it had looked at first.

"I'm sorry, Mister," she muttered to herself several times, half-hoping that he could hear her. Fortunately, Fury was incredibly helpful as well, controlling strands of his tissue to sew up some of the bigger gashes. The "stitches" were therefore biodegradable, and wouldn't have to be removed at a later date. They would simply fall out on their own when they degraded.

Mimeoh is offline
Old 08-02-2012, 03:06 AM

She slid her small hand into his and stared with wide eyes, 'this is it...' How come he wasn't mooning over her in worry? He seemed almost distracted somehow. That wasn't right. Had he seen her?! Would he call someone? Was he scared of her? Did he know? She swallowed her fear away. If anything more seemed amiss she'd simply wipe his memory and start over with him tomorrow. It was a frightening situation, and she'd tell him about it someday when they rocked in matching wicker chairs and sipped lemonade while their grandchildren played on the la-'focus, Amaryllis.' She took a deep breath and cleared her mind. Her pupils dilated momentarily while she used her ability to calm herself.

'Much better' Amaryllis smiled as her bloodstream was filled with endorphins. She didn't often do this to herself in fear she'd become addicted, but this seemed like a special case. She didn't want the man of her dreams to think she was weird or anything. Being relaxed felt like the best way to handle this situation. Now if only she could convince her mouth to work to answer his question.

*crashing sound* oops... I drop...
Drakina is offline
Old 08-02-2012, 03:16 AM

He was a mutant? Eva had a slight thrill of excitement, knowing that she'd finally really met another one. Then the excitement died, as the one she had met was clearly insane, and not old enough to be the son of someone who had disappeared half a century before. "I'm sorry, sir, but you have to leave now or-" the crash behind the counter made Eva turn suddenly, eyes widen as she saw that Jerry was suddenly in the cigarette display. The girl moved quickly though, pulling him out and trying to help get the glass out.

"Wait, taking it out will only make it bleed more!" Jerry grunted, surprised at how quickly he had ended up covered in glass and hauled out of it. And such a small girl shouldn't have been able to tug him out like that. "Leave them in, call nine-one-one!"

Last edited by Drakina; 08-02-2012 at 03:32 AM..

Most shy away from conflict. I e...
Andraus is offline
Old 08-02-2012, 03:19 AM

Ignoring the Scene, He turned to Eva "I know, I know, I don't look like it, but truth is, I am Techneclly A clone. A Default one at that. All of Deadpool's ability's, I have them Halved. "he said, Teleporting over to Jerry, and offering him a hand. "Take my Teleportation for example "he said.

Angelo is offline
Old 08-02-2012, 03:39 AM

"I'm st-stitching you up too," Lexi said, having already gotten the biggest pieces of glass out of his back. Still, she obeyed, taking her hands off of his back after Fury finished up the gash he was working on. While she administered as much first aid as she knew, which wasn't much, she paid a little attention to the conversation going on between the creep and the girl. It was pretty interesting to hear that they were supers as well, but that information was sort of irrelevant to Lexi. She had bigger problems on her hands.

"You aren't going to p-press charges, are you?" she asked, voice quivering a bit. Ace would certainly not be happy with that. In fact, it would probably result in some serious punishment. Throughout the exchange, Lexi failed to move more than was necessary, feeling it more important to be able to provide any help the second it was needed. At least until the creep teleported in front of her. She bolted from him then, running over to the girl as fast as she could.

*crashing sound* oops... I drop...
Drakina is offline
Old 08-02-2012, 03:53 AM

Eva's expression went from worry for Jerry to utter confusion at what the crazy man said, then back to worry as he teleported to behind the counter. The security cameras were sure to have caught that. "Would you step out from behind the counter?" she asked, trying to sound in control, at least a little. How does one deal with a teleporting crazy man? She held a hand out to Lexi, protectiveness kicking in. "I have to at least call an ambulance, to make sure he'll be all right." She looked down at the teen girl near her, wondering if she was also something more than she seemed. The thought passed quickly, and she stepped forward to try and edge the man away from Jerry, and hopefully away from the girl, as well.

Jerry shook his head at the girl, "Naw, I touched you when you're obviously high-strung." Then he almost swore as the crazy dude suddenly appeared next to him, calling it teleportation. He was in the presence of some crazy mutant, and the phone was on the other side of the guy. The store phone, that is. "Eva! Get your cell out! I know you keep that in your pocket!"


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