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Arc Angel
Sure, I'll play with you-- in ex...
Arc Angel is offline
Old 06-13-2012, 06:01 PM

True, true. Though we don't want anything godly, we would want at least a couple of demons (or people!) that are stronger than the other characters as they are now. That would definitely force them to work together.

people strive to be better me i'...
Temple is offline
Old 06-13-2012, 06:03 PM

well I guess my guy could do that he sure has the ack ground for it and the reason for them to work together

Smores is offline
Old 06-13-2012, 07:25 PM

Well, I mean, I have played my fair share of truly dark characters who are all fire and brimstone, wrath of god and not really all around pleasant. Her name was Aria and the role players I played with referred to her as a feral cat of whom would cause her chaos, leave her mark then be off on to her destination.

I could totally play a villain that is solely here to force us to work together if another is needed?
I also play them very unbiased so every character gets a fair beating. :yes:

If we need another, I am totally okay with playing one! ^^
Just let me know? :)

Arc Angel
Sure, I'll play with you-- in ex...
Arc Angel is offline
Old 06-13-2012, 07:39 PM

Well, I believe we'll need a few, but I won't ask it from anyone. ^^;;
I'll simply leave it up to anyone who wants to take the position.

perfect.imperfection is offline
Old 06-13-2012, 07:43 PM

I would like to play an evil villain! Is the profile for the character gonna be different?

Smores is offline
Old 06-13-2012, 07:46 PM

Well I am kinda excited about a characters whose entire purpose is to be a tool and just get into fights. I mean, come on, when do people get to play a character like that?

Often. But thats not the point, cause I don't.

So I am pretty pumped.
Same skeleton?

Im ready. If not? Ill fix it. No worries. :yes:

---------- Post added 06-13-2012 at 03:57 PM ----------

My name is Tanya Ashalai Bergonyan
I am a Holy Knight from the Human race.
I am 21 years old.
I am a woman.
I possess seven fragments of the sacred jewel.
I prefer neither sex, for my faith is what guides and comforts me.
I intend to see this jewel reformed and destroyed. It is an abomination and those who seek it out, unfit of their existence. I will hunt these shards and their wielders and bring an end to this blasphemy. My faith is strong and my resolve even stronger, I fear no opponent and as next queen of my people I take this on as my first royal act. My gift to this world is salvation in His name - and so it is said as it is done. My spirit in His hands as I wage His war on evil, let no man, woman, beast or child stand in my way. For my call is greater then any single life to be found.
Weapons/Abilities : Unsurpassed skill with a sword and unparalleled power over purification abilities and demon slaying. My spirit is relentless and my will unyielding. My sword arm never tiring and passion for righteousness unquenchable. In His name do I wield my strength, and in His name do I beget my weakness.
I adore religion.
I despise those who stand against me, for they stand against my Lord.
In the mirror, I see:

---------- Post added 06-13-2012 at 04:00 PM ----------

Okay, I kinda like this bad-ass religious villain.
She is 'tectonically' a good guy I guess for wanting to destroy the shard... she just needs to take it down a notch.
But where would the fun be if she was mellow?
No where. :no:

Last edited by Smores; 06-13-2012 at 07:58 PM..

Arc Angel
Sure, I'll play with you-- in ex...
Arc Angel is offline
Old 06-13-2012, 08:04 PM

S'mores is right, the profile is the same with the exception of the shard count. :)
The only guidelines for them is under the 'skeletons' section.

Haha, she's amazing! Accepted.
The less mellow, the more fun-- I agree.

Smores is offline
Old 06-13-2012, 08:07 PM

Thank You Arc! ^^

I am really anticipating the opening of this thread, I think you said, earlier today? If so...
I will probably try to stay awake until I can post at least once. Oh...

Im brimming with excitement! :squee:

Arc Angel
Sure, I'll play with you-- in ex...
Arc Angel is offline
Old 06-13-2012, 08:22 PM

No problem, thank you all for joining! :)

Ooh, I hope I don't keep you waiting too long then.
I'm actually working on the first post now.

Smores is offline
Old 06-13-2012, 08:37 PM

I actually have a post ready that may make it easier for others to post? It brings Tyler to a village full of people...etc.
So if you needed a location... My post can do that?

But If you have one that is fine. ^^

I will edit mine if I have to in order to make it work. :P
And I am eagerly awaiting your post. :3

Arc Angel
Sure, I'll play with you-- in ex...
Arc Angel is offline
Old 06-13-2012, 08:42 PM

Ooh... Gah, if I'd read your reply before posting, we could've used that. ^^;;
I did get the first post up though, you can all reply as you'd like.

Well, I laid out a location near a village, so I hope what you had still works. :)
There's just... A large beetle coming its way.

Smores is offline
Old 06-13-2012, 08:53 PM

Tyler made his way to a village as well ^^
Though its brimming with life at the moment xD

Ill go read your post and see if I should do some tweaking :3
Or maybe they are at different villages....

Though a beetle may strike him as 'fun' so we will see. Hahaha.

Arc Angel
Sure, I'll play with you-- in ex...
Arc Angel is offline
Old 06-13-2012, 08:56 PM

They could definitely be at different villages, I'll leave that up to you, haha.
I didn't know you had something written up, else I would've just let you start it. XD
I hope you don't have to tweak much.

Ah, well. Beetle = fun? Really?
I guess he does kinda sound like a nutcase. :lol:

Smores is offline
Old 06-13-2012, 09:16 PM

Oh no, it was great. ^^
I even ended up writing a bit more... and well, its a lot more then I intended.

So lets not expect this much writing any time soon. Or ever again.... >.<"

Its kinda fun. Tyler is like those kids that likes to kill ants with a magnifying glass Hahaha.
Likes the struggle xD Hahaha.
He has some problems... :sweat:

Arc Angel
Sure, I'll play with you-- in ex...
Arc Angel is offline
Old 06-13-2012, 09:29 PM

Ah, that's good, I'm glad. ^^

Haha, I understand the length thing.
Sometimes I can bust out about twelve paragraphs, but that's like... Once a month, randomly. ^^;;
Not letting myself go that far here, but I might slip in a few posts about the length of yours if inspiration really hits me.

He seems fun, I liked reading your post, haha,
Ai would love to set magnifying glasses to ants with him, though she's far tamer than he is. XD
Girl just hates bugs. I can imagine her now, walking up and being like, "What the hell?" to Tyler, then joining.

Going to wait for everyone else to post before doing so though, of course.

Smores is offline
Old 06-13-2012, 09:40 PM

Exactly - Depends on the vibe of the role play too I think. :)

Im glad it wasnt a chore. Haha. I know its not always riveting to read long posts like that. :sweat:
He just wants to have fun - poor guy. :/
Every psycho needs someone crazy, but mellow to keep them sane-ish. lol

Just keep him from eating things he finds on the floor and such and Ai would be doing a service. ^^ lol
And keep him on track :sweat:
Those shiny things... I swear. Haha.

Ah, that would probably be a nice thing to do. :P

Arc Angel
Sure, I'll play with you-- in ex...
Arc Angel is offline
Old 06-13-2012, 10:54 PM

Agreed. :) It's usually the ones I'm most enthusiastic about.

Haha, well, I don't mind reading lengthy posts.
In one-on-one's, I usually look for the longer post length. ^^
True, true, keeps them in check.

Ah, well, she'd likely look after him some if they get along.
I'd assume they will, but we'll see.
Hahaha, well I hope he doesn't try to steal her shiny things. XD

Smores is offline
Old 06-14-2012, 04:35 AM

Haha, I think one x one's are so hard for me because its kinda hit or miss you know?
I either like my role play partner - or dont.
I think thats why I try to avoid them in general :sweat:

Well if she is okay with his rambunctious self, he does like company. :yes:
He will just nag....nag...and nag some more about why she cant just give him her shiny things.
He doesnt like to fight cause its hard for him to kill things.... his powers are great for incapacitating an enemy...but his powers are not directly lethal - not like a weapon at all. lol

Plus he just wants fun...maybe he needs company to keep him entertained. :yes:

perfect.imperfection is offline
Old 06-14-2012, 05:19 AM

Hey Angel I was thinking of making a fake kami villain, like the one in the series, where a corrupted spirit took hold of the position of god. You think that would be alright?

Arc Angel
Sure, I'll play with you-- in ex...
Arc Angel is offline
Old 06-14-2012, 05:27 AM

S'mores; Yeahh, I agree with that. It's never just 'okay' even.
I typically get involved with too many of them, actually. I should stop that. ^^;

I think she'd be alright with that, she may just get mildly annoyed with the nagging. :)
Of course, she'd share most things shiny except her katana and jewel shards, so hopefully there wouldn't be much to nag over.
Haha, well at least he can do that. She's pretty weak outside of water, truthfully. Maybe just average.

Perfect.imperfection; That should be alright as long as they aren't all-powerful and whatnot. :)

Oh! As a note to everyone, I'll be coming up with a jewel shard counter to keep track of the number as time goes on. It'll be up near the top of this thread.

Smores is offline
Old 06-14-2012, 05:31 AM

I always thought I was too extreme on the matter...glad I am not. Its a common thought. :yes:
I think I join - and then within the first 10ish posts of real dialogue know if I wanna continue or not. :sweat:
And yeah, I join too many...well, cause I can. xD

I cant blame her. :P
Yeah I am sure they would be fine - they can bound over her disgust and his ADHD like personality. xD
That poor girls never gonna get a moments rest :sweat:

Excellent! That is a wonderful idea - very practical. :)

Arc Angel
Sure, I'll play with you-- in ex...
Arc Angel is offline
Old 06-14-2012, 05:49 AM

Yes, very common supposedly. :)
Haha, yeah, it's almost the same here. After the first page, I'll decide whether I like it.
I just join them when I have too much spare time. XD

Eh, seems that way but that's alright.
She also probably won't be able to rest with the jewel shards everywhere anyways. :lol:
That, and she has a soft spot for cute things, including children. So his boy-ish form would help that, haha.

Thanks, but what got me thinking about that was your post asking about jewel shards earlier.
The total number could still change depending on how many characters we get, lol.
Don't want our characters to have all the jewel shards or it wouldn't be as much fun.~

Smores is offline
Old 06-14-2012, 05:54 AM

I join a bunch while they are all starting - but then when they start posting I realize that, "Hmm, maybe I went and over extended myself..." And then I feel guilty being like, "I have to quit cause there are too many...etc" and get stuck trying to do them all and then get burnt out... :sweat:

Then after a while I get bored and do it all again... vicious cycle...

Hahaha, that is true. :)
Yeah - Hes adorable...looking. And has falsely naive eyes ^^
Who wont love him? :O lol

That makes sense. ^^
Maybe we can come up with a ratio? Like...add up all the jewel shards currently 'claimed' and consider that to be, for example...umm...30%?

Then find what the other 70% represents number wise and then - voila? Hahaha.

perfect.imperfection is offline
Old 06-14-2012, 06:01 AM

My name is Laine.
I am a fake kami [fake god] from the spiritual being genre
She had been an koi fish water spirit of a fresh water lake who had grow jealous of the goddess who resided in the lake. The power, the beautiful humanoid form, the many people worshiping her every day and night, yet the goddess found no pleasure in any of it. The fact drove her mad, she deserve that spot then if the actual kami didn’t find joy in the perks she got! So she tricked the goddess and had sealed her into a gigantic clam, and took the goddess’ trident and all the power of a kami flowed through her body for the first time. From then one she was the kami of the lake, she decided the fate of the villages that surround her lake, and she would enjoy the power and benefits of being a kami.
I am unknown years old.
I am female.
I possess nine shards of the sacred jewel.
I prefer neither, a kami must not have feelings towards anyone, and I will become a kami.
I intend to use the jewel to become a true kami!
Weapons/Abilities : The kami trident is her primary weapon of choice, and she can manipulate the weather and water with in and around the lake.
I adore being a kami, seeing my new humanoid reflection in the water, being praised.
I despise the original kami.
In the mirror, I see:

How is she?

Arc Angel
Sure, I'll play with you-- in ex...
Arc Angel is offline
Old 06-14-2012, 06:07 AM

S'mores; That's usually the case for me too. Either that or all of my partners suddenly get very busy and the RP's all simultaneously die... :sweat: Haha, I think most RPing ends up being that vicious cycle. *shrugs* What's an RPer to do?

Lol, the falsely naive eyes are what'll get people. :)
Mmh, not sure, though I wonder which characters will actually end up getting along.

Ohh, I like how you figured that out... 30% seems about right to me, too.
I might just use that once the characters stop coming in. ^^

Perfect.imperfection; She's wonderful, I like her.
I'm actually curious to see how Ai takes her, haha. Water-dwellers and all...

Accepted! I'll add her now.


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