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Wyrmskyld is offline
Old 03-11-2013, 03:52 PM

The Wizard finally finished chuckling long enough to speak. "Max, heel."

"He was running! Can't trust cats when they run. Or pounce. They can't even keep rats out of their own house." Max got off Sai and strutted back to his post beside the Wizard, obviously feeling pleased with himself. He had neutralized the threat and protected the Wizard! Protected the other cat, too, he guessed, but the Wizard was the important part. I did good! I'm sure to get that treat tonight!

The Wizard patted Max's hand, his eyes still sparkling with amusement at the incident. Why didn't any of my apprentices ever make me smile like Max has? None of them have even spoken to me in years. And the fools probably all think they'll be the ones inheriting my estate. Cain's assertion that Max would be joining the Clan drew the Wizard's attention from his own thoughts, and he smiled slightly. It was always fun to deflate the Clan's ego a bit. "I said you would be given the chance to prove yourselves. The Flock will be given an equal chance. I do believe in fairness, after all... In fact, I have an appointment to meet with their don this afternoon, also."

The vampire was nervous. There was something wrong, something his new senses were picking up, but he didn't know what. He felt watched. Someone was watching him... But there's nobody else here... I know there's nobody here. I killed all the ones I didn't feed on. I wish I'd kept them captive instead, I'm starting to get hungry again... I guess I'll have to go out. I don't want to go out! It's scary out there. I swear I saw a guy turn into a tiger last time I was out. This city is crazy... Dammit, in all the books the vampires have creators and clans and crap. I'm supposed to have someone to tell me what happens next!

Beau grinned to himself again, amused by the vampire's nervousness. Although... there was something in the wind... the vampire might not be entirely jittery because of Beau's watching. The possum shifted a bit further to sniff the air and try to identify the nebulous threat.

Last edited by Wyrmskyld; 03-11-2013 at 11:53 PM..

is Long

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~LONGCAT~ is offline
Old 03-12-2013, 12:42 AM

Jacky was quick on her heels, swiftly skimming through the underground halls up to the door and bursting out into the fading sunlight. She was a black whir as she darted in and out of the shadows trying to keep out of both Pre'ach'an and her father's sight, if either caught her now she'd have abandon the mission. Despite being a size-able bird she managed to make her way out of the Nest's visible range, knowing where this invisible boundry was she shot upwards into the sky.

From her current height she was able to catch a glimpse every so often of the dark blur she knew was Revy. It wasn't difficult keeping up, in fact it was the opposite she was having trouble not getting ahead of the assassin. After doing another aerial cartwheel she decided enough was enough and took off towards the bridge on her own. She knew Revy would get there in her own time, but in the meanwhile she could be using the time to scope things out better.

The bridge had clearly been abandoned by the vagrants, although an abandoned vehicle not too far away stood alone. Jacky took note before making her way down towards the water's edge. If it was a new vampire, then they probably didn't know that the Clan's territory butted up and in someplaces overlapped the Flock's territory and wouldn't think twice about a thirsty bird. By the smell of death, this certainly wasn't one of the Clan, they at least knew to clean up after themselves. Lightly landing down stream she hopped close to the water's edge, a glinting eye watching for movement in the underside of the bridge. She bobbed down a few times, miming the action of drinking, there was no way she would actually drink water this close to a vampire's hide. She caught the pacing movement of a single body before she took to the air again, that was what she needed to find out. Jacky found a building a few blocks over to land on as she waited for her partner to show up.

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 03-12-2013, 02:16 AM

Slightly winded from her hour run, Revy loped down the road and slowed to a walk. Slowly straightening up and allowing her limbs to return to human form, Revy's eyes pierced the night as she searched around her. The night was her playground. The dark her home. Suppressing the grin that came from the euphoria she experienced on missions, she kept alert. Smelling the scent of her friend drifting in the wind ahead of her, she walked quickly. No sign of ambush nor hints of battle were here. That meant any action that had occurred in these parts happened down at the river instead. Reaching a lone building, Revy turned and looked at it. The scent was strong her. Attuned sharply to her friend, Revy would have noticed her whereabouts even after a late fall rain. Walking into the dark building and having her green eyes quickly adjust, she leaned against the wall to let Jacky come to her from wherever she waited.

is Long

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~LONGCAT~ is offline
Old 03-12-2013, 03:00 AM

Jack nodded in approval, knowing that at least this one would listen to him gave him hope that his daughter might get some help when he turned it all over to her. Still he held out that the two of them would end up as nest mates, it was a lofty dream knowing his own daughter's preference of flirting to anything serious. But still he could dream. Making his way to llama girl he watched as Riley left the area, he tried to keep an open eye on everything, but he just missed the dark blur in the shadows that was his own daughter.

“Hello Miss... Palea was it? Would you care to walk with me for a bit?” He asked before starting to walk alongside the buildings knowing she would follow, “I know we haven't had many dealings face to face, I believe you mostly dealt with us through messages and drop points? And yet here you are, not only in the heart of our territory but at the door of our Nest. This is usually not seen as a smart move for those who are not either invited or part of the Flock, but you are neither and you are loitering. Which could be seen as suspicious at the least. Now I am going to offer you a chance to explain yourself before I find use for this.” He spoke even keeled and with a nuetral tone and yet there was the new presence of a light pressure at the small of her back where the kidneys lay.


A lurking shadow alerted her to the location of her friend. She dropped off the edge of the building and silently glided into an open window, transforming as she touched down. Deftly moving until she found herself in the same room as Revy. She didn't need to make any code to let the other girl know she was there, the lycan had a keen sense of smell. “Girly, I made my fly by. It reeks of death under there, you're going to lose that sense while you're fighting. It looks as if you were right. I'd put money on a new turn, there is no tact or grace to this one. Still keep your wits about; I'd say he's getting hungry by the amount of pacing he's up to, and you know how unpredictable the new turns are especially the hungry ones... Stupid, but unpredictable.” Jacky made her way to her side careful of where her own hands were, wing-blades in place she couldn't make any contact without fear or nicking or slicing something. Still she wanted to give a hug or something to share her echoing thoughts of 'good luck and good fight' without saying the actual words. There was a bit of superstition in uttering those words before a kill.

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 03-12-2013, 03:48 AM

Eyes lit with anticipation, Revy digested those words while leaning her forehead against Jacky's. It had been awhile since she had taken on an assassination job. Infiltrating and spying were more of her father's style when it came to her talents. Still, she was trained for this and nothing could suppress the excitement building in her. She would need to find a way to not lose her senses with all the death down there. Her eyes and ears would have to stay sharp to make up for that loss. Reaching a hand up, she stroked the side of Jacky's face. Another rare moment of tenderness in the normally quiet lycan individual. She could sense Jacky's apprehension. It was well-placed considering the circumstances. Still, to ease it was something she wanted to do before she ran out there to complete the job. "I'll be right back Jacky. Stay high. Don't get involved. You know how good I am with my blades and more natural accessories." Stepping back quickly, she turned and trotted into the night.

Rushing down the street and into the open, Revy decided that speed and surprise would have to serve her best. Newborns were so unpredictable. She didn't want to give the idiot time to think. Stretching out her limbs and half transforming, Revy dropped to all fours and gave the last of her speed towards a jump. Leaping high out off the riverbank, she flew through the cool night air. Lighting filtering from the sliver of moon gleamed off her green eyes. Below her by the bridge was her restless prey. Even before she neared the ground, a grin was spread already across her face.

spooky scary skeletons
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Q U E E N is offline
Old 03-12-2013, 09:32 PM

Sai's eyes flickered over at Max in annoyance, who had confidently strutted back to stand next to the Wizard like he was a war hero. Picking himself off the ground and brushing his hands off on his pants, he moved to stand next to Cain. It was a bit obvious that the Don was annoyed by his intrusion upon what seemed like a very important meeting, yet amused at the rolling around on the floor at the same time. "So..somebody want to catch me up on what's happening here?"

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 03-14-2013, 01:58 AM

Palea watched the people traveling away from the Nest, and would have continued doing so if the sight of Jack hadn't caught her attention. Her hair seemed to fluff up with her agitation, and her eyes fixed themselves upon the man. Maybe, just maybe, hanging around when nothing had been asked of her was a bad idea. Then again, the llama shifter had been bored.

Things had certainly gotten interesting all of a sudden. The young woman tugged at her overly large sweater as she fell into step beside the Don of the ravens. His words flitted through her mind, but halted as soon as something pressed against her side. Just great, he was holding a knife or something to her. "I was bored," said Palea with a shrug. "It's about time you noticed I was here. Do you have any messages for me to deliver, or anything else like that?" Sure, it was just a little risky to state things like that, but Palea didn't see any reason to hide her true intentions.


Wyrmskyld is offline
Old 03-14-2013, 08:05 PM

The vampire looked up at the sudden movement, and bared his fangs. This must be what he'd been sensing all evening. He didn't know what the wolf-bitch thing was that was hurtling toward him, but that didn't matter. The change had made him quite confident in his ability to take on all comers. Quickly he snatched up a length of pipe and had it ready to swing when Revy landed in front of him.

The vampire's sudden change from aimless pacing to action snapped Beau out of his lounging position. He gripped the beam more firmly with his prehensile tail, and leaned out somewhat to get an unobstructed view. He recognized the demi-lycan even before she landed in front of the vampire, and nearly laughed out loud with glee. I reckon Cain's got a bounty on the Flock's pet assassin-bitch... an' she'll be so busy with the bloodsucker she'll never see me. Heh, an' his funtime earlier'll keep her from smellin' me, too.

Careful now to be utterly silent, Beau crawled along the beam he'd been resting on until he was closer to the fight. The vampire was flailing away with his length of pipe. He had little chance of hitting Revy, but he was at least holding her attention. Even a newly-nibbled vampire could do a lot of damage if he connected, and the assassin was surely well aware of that.

Still, Beau was careful to keep as much of himself concealed as possible. It wouldn't do to spoil the element of surprise. Within moments, he was in position and easing the shotgun out of its holster on his back. It didn't matter to him how long the battle took, now. Even if one of the fighters looked up, the only thing they'd see was the dull black metal of the shotgun and two rows of needle-like teeth in a leering grin.

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~LONGCAT~ is offline
Old 03-15-2013, 02:30 AM

Just the soft touch let her know that Revy was ready for the battle ahead. She had been there for previous culling of new turns, it was never a pretty fight. But she was the shadow on this mission and had promised she wouldn't step in or show face. Still she was going to continue to be the eyes-in-the sky and watch out for any others who might show up at a fight. Running after the lycan she made a leap for the window quickly shifting back and flying after her.

Jacky could tell something was wrong the moment she neared the bridge again. But she was having trouble seeing under the bridge, circling back around she tried to find a spot she could watch from. She thought she could see the vampire swinging a stick or something at Revy but she wasn't sure. It was still hard to find a good spot to see, she would have to keep circling to know what was happening.


“You came into a mafia's known territory to loiter because you were.... bored?” Jack asked with a slight falter to his voice before he pulled his hand away from the girl's back and started laughing. His whole body shaking, it was clear that he was holding a very nice pen in his hand. “You were bored? That's ballsy girl. I like that. I'm sure there's something you can do around here. I am expecting a meeting later so there are a few things I won't be able to do myself. Hmm there is something I needed delivered. I was going to do it myself but eh. You're bored.” He searched his pockets before pulling out a large manilla envelope out. “Here this is for the good doctor, his office is down town. Knowing him he's probably bitching about his patients or making his interns cry.”

*crashing sound* oops... I drop...
Drakina is offline
Old 03-19-2013, 07:15 PM

Pre'ach'an kept quiet as Jack walked and talked with the llama-shifter. So she was telling the truth? Ah, well, it had gotten him to a place where he might stay safer... He couldn't see what the Don was holding to her back until his laughter shook the raven off balance. Giving a squawk of surprise and disgruntlement, he took to the wing, aiming for a nearby tree branch to watch the rest of the exchange. A message for the doctor? He usually came around at night, so what was so important that it made it to him before that? Or was he off tonight? Green eyes blinked as he tilted his head to the side a little, waiting to see if Palea would take the job and if it would be safe to sit on the Don's shoulder again. Or maybe he should just shift to a human form...

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 03-19-2013, 10:05 PM

She eyed the man for a moment, and laughed slightly after she saw the pen he'd been holding to her back. "I couldn't think of anything better to do. As for the message delivery, consider it delivered." A smile quirked up her lips as Palea accepted the envelope, and somehow managed to stuff it into the front pocket of her floating sweater. Her eyes caught on the white raven taking flight. Impulsively, the llama shifter reached out to catch the bird. She had no idea that the bird was a fellow shifter.

Palea knew it was going to struggle, and did her best to stop the bird's claws. "Hey come on, calm down you! I just wanted to look at those nice feathers of yours." The words were said as the bushy haired llama shifter started petting and scratching the white raven's head in a gentle manner.

*crashing sound* oops... I drop...
Drakina is offline
Old 03-19-2013, 10:15 PM

Pre'ach'an found himself suddenly caught, giving a loud and abrupt caw. Instinct took over for a moment, urging him to do anything to get away, claw peck, whatever. "Jack! Help!" he called, the squawks sounding panicked as his eyes widened. Then he felt the fingers at his head, and heard the llama talk. He quieted, settling and relaxing a little as it became apparent she didn't want to hurt him. Wide eyes closed, and he tilted his head so her fingers would hit a better spot. "Nevermind," he chirped, actually going almost still for the first time all day. She was being so gentle with him, though she honestly should have asked. He'd have said yes...

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 03-19-2013, 10:32 PM

The bird was a shifter, she should have known. "Well isn't this a surprise, I just thought you were a really smart pet raven. Sorry, my mistake." A white raven shifter? And people thought she was odd ... She giggled a little at the thought, all the while petting the raven lightly. "Your feathers really are nice and must come in real handy when you want to hide in the wintertime."
There was always something good about being the odd one out. Palea's nose itched. She wanted to lift a hand and scratch it, but she was holding her new acquaintance. O well, that could wait for later.

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 03-20-2013, 02:11 AM

Landing with a cloud of dust rising up around her, Revy grinned her feral teeth and let herself transform just a little more. A tail unfurled out. With each twist, dodge, swipe, and leap Revy stirred more dust up into the air. It created a smokescreen of sorts with the moon's rays unable to filter through. This vampire had snatched bar to block her first hit. She danced around it swiftly, never stopping for even a second. Always changing direction. She managed to get her claws to scratch at his hands where he held the bar, but never more than a graze. Mere scratches snagged past his defenses as they clashed catching his shoulders, his elbows, and at one point his knee. Her blood pounded in her ears, yet her hearing heard even the slightest weight distribution he made with his feet alerting to his next possible defense or attack. His blood drippled in small drops down his skin and soaking into his tattered clothes, mixing in the air with the scent of death. A smell she feared would cling to her for hours after she left here.

Light skirmishes at each other as they sparred, he with his tooth and pipe while she utilized tooth and claw, tested for power and weakness. He had one that she figured out right away. As a newborn, he had no strategy. The inability to think beyond the next movement. It was fine for dealing with humans. Those slain and devoured before were testimony of that. Yet despite his newbown status and strength, he could not utilize his simple movements against her. For until he actually caught her, he would not be able to crush her. Her speed kept her away from his grip while she planned how to use his naive inexperience against him. The idiot didn't need space around him while she did. She she feinted backwards as if his power was too much for her. Drawing him closer and closer towards the river, further and further from the wall that rose up to the top of the bank and road, she gained that extra advantage.

With that extra space to dance around him, Revy's dark hair and tail swirled the dust in the air around the fight. She knew that it most likely was driving Jacky batty to not be able to see what was going on. Still, it gave her another advantage over the newborn that she needed since her sense of smell was gone. There were only so many ways to kill a vampire. The sunlight wasn't an option. Fire, if she had just even a flicker of flame, would have been nice. For if a spark so much as touches vampire blood, his whole body would flare up in unquenchable brightness. His scratched body was going to waste. Still, he would have those precious seconds to jump into the river so it had not been prudent. That left beheading. Something she wasn't fond of but could do if necessary.

Having always stayed on the side of the river, when Revy swung up more dust into the air, she ducked quietly behind her prey. Back now to the wall behind the newborn, she was momentarily in that second safe from his powerful arms. In the next second, she stood and stepped up to him. Another second had her claws reaching towards his neck as if to twist it broken. The 4th second he realized her position and started to turn with widening eyes, her claws fully extended and sliced deep into his cold arteries and severing his spinal cord. Watching his head rolling on the ground as his dead blood spattered in clotted drops around him, she stepped back breathing heavily as the dust settled and moonlight filled the final gruesome scene.

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~LONGCAT~ is offline
Old 03-23-2013, 02:06 AM

Having the package no longer on his list of things to do gave him a small bit of relief. He really just didn't want to leave the Nest today, he was having an off day; although he did still need to see the good doctor about his aging aches and pains. Jack was prepared to turn back into the building when the sudden movement of the llama caught his eye again. He wanted to call out and protect his own, especially with the cry for help, but seeing the head scratches Pre'ach'an was recieving he decided not to. Just shaking his head in laughter he walked away, "Pre'ach'an you can follow her if you want. Oh and Palea, please be more careful in grabbing animals in the Nest's vicinity, you never know who is family and who is just a wild animal."


It was infuriating, first she couldn't see because of the bridge but now Revy was kicking up a dust storm. It hadn't rained in a while and the ground was dry enough that this dust would take a little time to settle down. She wanted to see what was going on, what kind of wing-gal was she if she couldn't even see her partner during the fight. Another circle around and she could barely see two shadows dancing in the cloud, it must be a grueling fight or some crazy tactic of Revy to create this much dust stir. Jacky wanted to call out in frustration, but knew better, any noise from her would be a signal for something. Deciding to make another sweep up the river and back she saw one shadow slump as the dust finally started to settle, someone won and from where she was she couldn't tell who. She would just have to make her way down closer to see.

Kilia is offline
Old 03-24-2013, 03:24 PM

(Wyrmskyld: this was to you hun)

Cain looked at his brother before rubbing his brow, he understood that his siblings thought less of him for the pure fact that no one has seen him in his feline form. The thought of that still being a secret caused the male's lip to twitch into a slight smile as he listened to everything that was going on in the room, he finally sighed after taking the signed paperwork back from the clearly older male and tucked it away into a safe. "We have rat shifters working here to taste our food for poison. Keeping them out is not something we are worried about." he said to the dog as he nodded his head to him slightly, thinking before his golden eyes narrowed to a deadly glare towards the wizard, relaxing once more in his chair as he looked up at Samhain before looking at Sai. "Sia.....stay there." he said to him simply, it was his way of letting him know that he had a job for him, he stood up once more, stopping as he smelt something slightly exotic, his eyes widening a bit at the thought of tasting it. "I have no doubt that he would be joining us, Wizard. Though you should know that if he does join the Flock. He shall have an unnatural death. Even if it is just so that the Flock can not get his inheritance." he said to him in a tone of voice that let him know that he was serious and that it was not a threat, it was a statement and they were going to make good on it. He even said it in Sai's hearing so that his older brother knew for a fact that Max was marked if he was not one of them. "In fairness.....i believe that a warning was do, considering you have given us a fair chance." he said to the wizard before waving at him slightly to dismiss him, he could not have such meetings running for so long, he had a million other things that he had to do and getting Beau here was one of the thing and to have the Flock's assassin killed was the other thing. After all they needed to stop stealing their work, then again while they were weak they were stealing their work.

Last edited by Kilia; 05-16-2013 at 10:15 PM..

spooky scary skeletons
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Q U E E N is offline
Old 03-26-2013, 02:00 PM

Just as Sai was about to leave the room and perhaps eat food that wasn't infested with wriggly worms, Cain ordered him to stay in the room. Ah, a mission. Sai thought, a smirk crawling onto his handsome face. Finally, would be able to get in on the action. "Yes, brother." He stood next to his younger brother and eyed the dog. He still didn't like him, even though this Max character was supposed to be working with them, if this deal was settled the way Cain wanted it to be. His smirk grew even wider when he heard that the annoying little bugger was to be marked as a target if he refused to be on their side.

*crashing sound* oops... I drop...
Drakina is offline
Old 03-26-2013, 06:49 PM

The white raven leaned his head into Palea's fingers, a churr of contentment escaping him. One green eye opened at the Don's words, a slight nod following. He'd go with the pasta llama, though maybe a human form would be better for the busier parts of town. Hey, then he could chat with her! Seeing as she probably didn't understand Raven-speak.... Oh, well, he could still chat. And maybe get a coffee or something else tasty, too. He was starting to get hungry.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 03-29-2013, 03:29 AM

"Don't worry, I'll remember!" She wouldn't be forgetting about how very many shifters there were around, nor that any of the animals nearby might just be part of the Flock. Glancing down, the blonde giggled a little at the sounds the white raven made. "So what do you say, wanna come along on this delivery of mine?" Palea figured having the raven along would prevent her from getting lost, besides he was kinda cute.


Wyrmskyld is offline
Old 04-06-2013, 02:43 PM

Beau hung quietly from the beams of the bridge, watching the fight with admiration. It was too bad the lycan was an enemy. It was such a pleasure to watch someone so skilled at bringing death. His grin widened as the cloud of dust rose to conceal the fight. She's a bright one. That idjit's used ta bein' the strongest and fastest, but she's almost as fast, an' now she's got 'im blind...

More dust was kicked up, and soon Beau was forced to guess what was happening from the sound and the occasional glimpse of an arm or a head through the swirling cloud. He caught a glimpse of Revy's tail as she moved around behind the vampire, and leaned forward in anticipation. The possum couldn't see the final strike, but he heard the wet organic sounds of separating flesh, and a moment later the vampire's head rolled out of the cloud.

The possum shifter readied his shotgun, caressing it like a lover as he lowered himself to get a better angle on the dark from within the slowly settling cloud of dust. Shame... she's such a purty thing. But there's a price on her head, and Ah'll never get a better chance.

The moment the dust settled, Beau squeezed the trigger and hissed with pleasure as the gun bucked in his hands. The sound was shockingly loud in the silence after the battle, especially amplified by the acoustics under the bridge, but the sound wasn't nearly as shocking as the visual effect of blessed silver shot against a lycan. The possum reloaded his shotgun and looked around cautiously. He wanted to collect a trophy from the body, but there was always a chance Revy hadn't come alone.

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 04-06-2013, 03:03 PM

Sudden cold peppered her skin and tore through her body. Revy's eyes widened in shock as her body went numb. Everything about her froze. Confusion filled her as she felt her lower legs give out beneath her. As she started to fall towards the earth, comprehension that she had been shot filled her. Landing with a thud on her knees, Revy looked down at the splattered warm drops of liquid blood that now covered her and the ground. Then the pain kicked it. Fire raced through her veins as her body started to tremble. Tilting her head back and letting out a cry of agony, Revy felt her body shifting back into that of a human. The pain was intense as it seared it's way through every nerve in her body. Places she hadn't know could feel so much now exploded, causing white lights to dance in front of her eyes. Then she lost control of the rest of her body and finished falling towards the earth. Her face landing in the dirt that moments ago she had commanded at a whim. Breathing growing shallow and heartbeat slowing, Revy felt a single tear falling. It was for her friend. Who would make sure Jacky felt loved and cared for... Needed and wanted? Everyone else still treated her as a child, never trusting her with that which would otherwise help her character and skills grow.

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Old 04-07-2013, 07:56 PM

Jacky was circling back around again to get a better view as the dust settled. She was finally able to make out the shapes better, and from what she could see it was the demi-lycan who had prevailed. Her half-shifted form standing over the slumped headless figure of the dead vampire. Jacky was elated to see that her friend had made it fine when a loud crack rang out. It echoed as if it had come from under the bridge; the sound startling her from an easy landing, her wings rocking back and forth as she circled around again.

She watched the surrounding area, carefully eyeing the bridge as she made another circle. Flicking her line of vision towards Revy she was shocked to she her fall and shift back to her human form. The pain in her face was visible from above and Jacky's heart ached as she watched her friend slowly dieing below. Anger flooded in replacing the shock and sadness, someone was going to pay she just needed to find her target first. She folded her wings in and prepared for a dive aiming herself at the bridge. It's where the sound had come from she reasoned that it was where the attacker was.

Her body was not meant for prolonged dives and a few feathers were pulled out as she reached higher speeds, her eyes narrowing in anger, tears flying backwards. Nearly on top of the bridge she finally saw the figure tucked in the beams, she didn't lose any momentum as she tilted her flying body slightly aiming for her target. Coming closer she made out the shot-gun, she knew she had to be quick and out of the way in case it still held live ammunition. Beak first she made contact with flesh, quickly tilting and bringing her wings forward the thin razor-sharp blades made contact as well. Warm blood splattered across her glossy feathers as she shifted forms, the new weight of a small human female bearing down and forcing both out from the beams onto the dirt ground below, gun knocked aside. Jacky held the wing-blades to the stranger's neck, taking in the damage she had already dealt to his face. “You have no idea what you have just started possum but you can damn well count on me finishing it.” Her eyes held no remorse as she nicked his neck pulling the blade up to remove an ear. “You are only going to live so long as to deliver this message to Cain, 'The Flock will fight back and we will have revenge.' Now leave. Don't touch the lycan, don't touch your weapon, you can return for it later. But know you are marked for kill, oh and poisoned too.”

She got off him and moved over to her friend, keeping a wary eye on the other as she did so. Her father couldn't handle the loss of his only daughter, neither could the Flock right now. Kneeling over she knew she needed to get her friend out of there, barely able to discern a heartbeat or breathing it was a slim chance to save her, but she would try. Revy wasn't much bigger than herself was but she was heavier and it took some effort to lift her prone body. Jacky knew she had little time to make it to the doctor, but it was her only hope.


The Flock father made his way back into the main building, he still had things that needed to be done prior to the visit of the wizard. Not too many but just enough to keep him busy. He pulled out a small list of reminders, relying on it more as his aging mind forgot more and more. Sighing heavily he knew it wasn't long until Jacky was to take his place, a grave though indeed. She wasn't ready, she was still far too childish to take things seriously or to give a presence that would command others. He worried about her constantly.

deimoni isos
Mythos is offline
Old 04-07-2013, 08:57 PM

Dr. Rhodes meandered into the hospital waiting room and eyed the television suspended overhead. It was, as always, one of the horribly depressing soap operas filled with death and misery that for whatever reason the desk staff couldn't keep themselves from watching, as if working within the front lines of a hospital weren't miserable enough. Kevin's particular fascination with the show was how even the patients ended up with their eyes glued to the near-muted glowing box. He had finished yet another round and was technically on a short break while his intern scrabbled for particulars. It had been relatively slow so far, but seldom did that mean the day would end in such a stride.

"Change it." He said, looking down his nose at one of the women sitting at the desk. She frowned at him and did nothing, feeling no obligation to take orders from someone she despised. Dr. Rhodes huffed and reached up to turn the television off manually. "This is hardly appropriate for a waiting room" Kevin shook his head, though none of the ladies missed the gloating tone his voice carried "...besides, don't you have work to be doing or is it let's fantasize about Dr. Monahan taking your pulse the hard way time?"

None of the ladies looked impressed by his comments, but they did open files and slowly start back to work while glaring daggers at the back of the cocky young doctor's head while he wandered closer to the window. The sunlight pouring in was just about golden now and at it's warmest. Dr. Rhodes' eyes closed slowly and the corners of his lips struggled to jerk upwards into a smile against his cat-ish need to remain dissatisfied around such lowly riff-raff. In no time he was just in front of the hospital's doors and nearly jumped out of his skin when they flew open.

MaxxR is offline
Old 04-18-2013, 01:30 AM

Giggling softly into his blood slicked hand, Jason hurries toward the hospital's exit. He'd had to wait nearly a half hour in one of the waiting rooms sat next to a stiff looking cop whom he knew had every intention of shipping him off to the nearest foster home once his nose was set. As if Jason was just some kid who'd never fixed his own broken nose before! Despite himself he could only really muster a little annoyance toward ol' Officer What-istz. After all if the patrolman hadn't come along when he did, than who knows just how mashed Jason's face would have ended up. Some drunken hobos just don't have any sense of respect for Shifters!

Not that he was one, but it was only the fake cat ears perched jauntily on the top of his head that kept people from giving him a hard time. Most of the time anyway. It worked well enough to keep the cop from getting overly handsy with him, so slipping away was pie-level easy.

The twelve-year old takes a moment to bask in his own cleverness, before he notices some sort of commotion up a head, and right in the way of his escape!

"Shit..." he curses under his breath, and backtracks behind the last corner to watch. He doesn't exactly know where the other exits are, and isn't eager to get himself caught again by going to look.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 04-23-2013, 07:18 PM

Palea shrugged, letting her shoulders rise and fall with the movement. "Well either way ... Up to you, I need to take this little package right to the doctor." Carefully, the blonde llama shifted placed the raven on a nearby ledge. Then she was off, letting her long legs carry her across the ground and through the streets.

She wasn't quite sure how long it took. The traffic lights blinked above, and the street signs certainly didn't help to tell time. Eventually, the young woman with the big glasses found her way to the hospital. The doctor was a doctor, and it was only one of two places where he might be. It was also a lot closer to the flock then the good doctor's office.

There seemed to be a commotion already brewing. Palea's eyes narrowed behind her glasses as she took in the scene. This wasn't good! With a frown and a shake of her head, the llama shifter sauntered inside to watch would happen next. All the while her fingers played over envelope carefully as she waited for an opportunity to deliver it. She'd seen the doctor of course, standing across the room by the window, but she didn't doubt that he'd be busy in but a moment.


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