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Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 04-23-2013, 07:19 PM

Anna jumped and missed judged her landing slamming into hunter with enough force to kill a elephant. "Oh i think i hit my head on something!" she groaned and then frowned "Theres something soft beneath me."
Finx dusted herself off "So which way do we go?" she was good at poisons but not so good at directions.

people strive to be better me i'...
Temple is offline
Old 04-23-2013, 08:14 PM

Marcus's eye's widened when he was grabbed and dragged to the edge but unlike other assassins Marcus fell with her confused and frightened he moved around while falling slowing him self as his team mate fell reaching the edge other assassins fell with them passing Marcus who hit the ground like a rock but when he arose his eye's were pear black and the vain's in his body were pulsating and sticking out "it's good to get some fresh air" Marcus said with a large grin as he turned strapping on his nero glove with small razor blade's sticking out of each finger on his left hand when the last of his teammate's jumped down as well he then heard the other team memeber talking about how she had a plan to get up the mountain fast "Your thinking to much all we have to do is go UP!" Marcus said not acting like himself for the small amount of time his team member's were with him

(Alex is standing around with his group as they come up with a plan)

Angelo is offline
Old 04-24-2013, 12:10 AM

((You're right Triquetra; those are the teams. :D))

The fact that Hunter hadn't let go of her hand after they had jumped confused Dani a bit more, though she quickly dismissed it for the present in favor of focusing on their goal. The map indicated that their cargo would be on the top of the mountain, and the group nearby was discussing ways to get to it using their own maps. Once her team was assembled, she pointed up to the top, indicating that they should simply climb up the side, though she was shadowed by Marcus's strange behavior. Nevertheless, she nodded and began jogging to the base of the mountain.

As she neared the bottom of the mountain, she paid close attention to the face, noticing that there were enough handholds for a person to climb up the smooth surfaces directly, though it was definitely a little perilous. The actual trek up the base of the mountain took a bit longer than she would have liked, as the slope was actually rather steep and made of more or less loose gravel.

Eventually, however, she reached the first cliff face, pulling on her black fingerless gloves before she began to climb. With the enhancements that all assassins had, it was fairly easy to get to the next plateaued area and trek up to the next face, though it got exhausting after a couple of the longer ones. After reaching the apex of the third cliff face, she sat down, feet dangling off the edge and waited for the rest of her team, occasionally looking up to see how much further she had to go. By her estimations, it would still take hours, though that was the case for just about every other path as well.

Gemini is offline
Old 04-24-2013, 03:39 AM

Gemini listened as Fernandez quickly assessed the fastest way to get to their target.She nodded at the simple logic of it."Works for me.It makes the most sense,and it is the quickest way.All in favor?" She looked at her other teammates to see if everyone was in agreement.

Hunter went down like a sack of bricks as Anna collided with him.She commented that she had hit her head on something,and he spoke up."Yeah,MY head!" And it's me under you." He informed her,trying to get up.He was struck by inspiration when Marcus spoke up,and grinned."Wait.That's exactly what we can do!" He said.Before he finished,Dani had taken off up the mountain."Or not.Well,might as well get climbing." He said,starting up.

((Oh,okay.Sorry I'll fix it.

Last edited by Gemini; 04-26-2013 at 02:10 AM..

people strive to be better me i'...
Temple is offline
Old 04-24-2013, 11:42 AM

(oh no not that kind the drug used by your clan allows you to change into someone from any race mainly humans and Orks)

I am the kinda person that runs ...
Triquetra is offline
Old 04-26-2013, 01:58 PM

"To the east." Fernandez said to Finx. Half wondering if she had even looked at the map. Still, she ignored any thing in her mind telling her to mention the little device on the girl's arm. Everyone in the group seemed to be in agreement, and with that she began to run in the direction of the mark. In her calculations, they should be there within twenty minutes if they ran. But it would be keeping up the running. Fernandez just hoped they would make it before the other team.


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