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Velvet is offline
Old 07-16-2015, 07:49 PM

It was true that the pain was great. The female wolf was prepared for him to attack, she knew he would, and she knew she would stand no chance. She managed not to yelp when he hit her, but the kick was so foreful that it knocked the air out causing her to whimper. A few broken ribs were nothing, not when you were a lycan. Bruising was also nothing. Lycan blood healed much more quickly than human blood. Vera shifted forms, her face covered in her on blood and bits of blood was splattered on the white tunic she wore from being kicked. Her first attempt to stand was unsuccessful. She coughed, blood trickled from the corner of her mouth. Something inside was definitely damaged. She winced as she sttempted to stand once more, her arm held across her ribs.

"These humans are idiots for not running while they had the chance," More blood dribbled from her mouth. She glared at her master, her eyes on his, hate dancing in the green orbs, "Have it your way, Master." She spat the title with disgust. Her bones began to set themselves and she began wincing once more, nearly losing her balance. Her breathing was shallow and fast. She wasn't giving in to the ancient lycan, yes, she was in pain. Yes, he had hurt her, but she wasn't giving in. She was simply stunned at the lack of courage the humans had. In their ignorance a vampire had obviously been ruling over them. Did they even know?

Guards came barreling down the street, she could smell the scent of vampires on their skin. They must have been puppets for the blood suckers to feed on at will. She wondered how many vampires were in this town. Out of the frustration and hate the female lycan held for her master, she turned her anger onto the guards. Though she was still experiencing pain, she girl moved at lycan speed. She shifted forms and pounced. Her sharp canines digging into metal and flesh, the coppery taste of blood other than her own exploded into her mouth. She crunched down on one of the guard's windpipes leaving him gurgling his own blood and gasping for air. She backed off, glaring at the fools before her. They served a different kind of monster. The idiots.

Faded Beauty
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Old 07-16-2015, 09:52 PM

Slowly the lycan's eyes traveled up his slave. His anger and hatred clearly written on his face. One more remark from her and it would be her last. His amusement for her had disappeared with her foolish tongue. Even in her condition he could see the defiance in her. He was daring her to continue standing up to him. Her courage was foolish. He would break it before letting her die. That she could be sure of.

The ancient lycan turned his attention to the guards. He had better things to do than bother with them. A eere smirk came to his face. With the same speed. The lycan had clawed multiple wounds into several of them. Falling, they began to bleed out slowly. He calmly walked through the remaining guards. He would simply let the alpha deal with them. The vampires just moved out of the male lycan's path. The darkness around Adaza made them shiver as he passed. He just made his why to the decaying stench of the main vampire. There was a faint familiar scent to the walking corpse. He just looked at the vampire couple that stood in front of a manor. He turned his attention to the female. She was the original one. The one he wanted to eat. "Your blood is diluted, yet you still reek of him." He told the woman. She was distant bloodling of the Vampiric Elder that imprisoned him. He could smell the lycan he hunted the coast for on her. She knew where he was. The voices began screaming more within his head. This time he would listen to their request.


Velvet is offline
Old 07-18-2015, 04:37 AM

The black and white wolf dodged an arrow that was launched her way. Another aggressive growl thundered from her throat and she exposed her now crimson canines at the guards. There were five of them coming at her now, swords out. The wolf quickly darted and pounced on one more guard, killing him immediately with a crunch to the throat. The tip of a sword grazed her side, but she moved to quickly for it for do any real damage. The female wolf picks up speed, her large body barrelling down on two of the remaining guards at once. Teeth riped flesh and bones crunched loudly. Vera sunk her canines into two more windpipes and launched herself off of the falling bodies in time to face her last two opponents. The hesitated, staring wide eyed at the wolf.

Vers shifted forms, facing them in her human form. A smile played on her face, "You're not scared are you?" The predator side was showing and the female lycan was enjoying her kills. They were afterall, slaves to vampires. Vampire prey on innocence as well. If she can't take out her Master, then maybe destroying some other type of creature would help. She's been through too much lately. She giggled, her nails growing to claws, her regular human teeth becoming pointed. Her grin looked sinister as she casually picked up a sword from a fallen guard and launched it at one of the guards. It pierced him straight through one eye. His body crumbled to the ground, blood splattering. The last guard turned to run, but Vera was too fast even in her human form. She was suddenly on his back, her claws ripping his steel helmet off leaving his neck exposed. He screamed as she sank her teeth into his shoulder, tearing flesh from the bone. And with a quick twist, his neck snapped.

After the last guard fell, Vera straightened and stared at her master who was confronting two vampires. Her face was smeered with blood, her body also splashed with the crimson liquid. She slowly headed towards him. A lust for blood dancing in her green eyes.

Faded Beauty
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Old 07-19-2015, 03:40 AM

The male vampire was fast in moment. He was on Adaza within seconds while the female just stood there watching; smiling. The ancient lycan just dodged the claws of the corpse with skill, even imprisoned his body never forgot the moments needed to survive in war. One set of his claws had caught the vampire's throat, digging their way into him. With a quick jerk up then instantly down, crushing sounds could be heard from the hyoid bone and cartilage. Blood leaked from the cuts. When the corpse went to strike the lycan his arm was broken in multiple places nearly instantly. The ancient lycan just twirled the vampire around. His back facing Adaza. Slowly the lycan took his free hand in ran it up the vampire's abdomen, gutting him alive; to an certain extent.

The lycan just threw the vampire to the ground as he died and turned to ash. His red eyes fell onto the female vampire. Her eyes were wide. It took a matter of seconds for the lycan to kill her strongest bloodling. Panic gripped her as the lycan walked calmly towards her. She gasped in pain once he reached her, his hand had slammed into her chest. She could feel him clawing at her heart before ripping it fully out. Her still beating heart was in his hand. She watched in horror as he ate from the organ, he had fully eaten it before she herself turned into ashes. The lycan just licks his fingers from the small snack he had. Her manor would have the information he needed. If not, there was other towns and villages.


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Old 07-30-2015, 02:08 AM

The female lycan casually headed toward Adaza. She was following his movements and watching as he first killed the male vampire and then the female. Overkill. Vera smirked and narrowed her eyes as she continued to watch him. Blood had began pooling in sunken parts of the streets and killing cracks here and there. What a show off. However the female lycan felt about her Master, she knew as long as he wanted her to live, she wouldn't die. If she was to be overpowered by an enemy she felt sure her Master could easily save her... If he chose to.

With a small shrug, she stood next to her master. Blood was still smeared around her mouth and it had stained her white tunic crimson. Her green eyes still blazed with a wild look from the kills she just made. Vera glanced up at Adaza, "Your power sure is a mystery, sir." There a a tiny bit of awe in her voice. It was true. She envied his power, but at the same time remained terrified. No living creature needs that much power.

Faded Beauty
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Old 07-30-2015, 07:08 PM

The ancient lycan just ignored his slave. His anger with her still lingered in him. His red eyes traced the village's buildings. Much has changed in the architecture. He was slightly interested in the stones placed on the top of the buildings. He had never seen ones so flat or so many of them of the same color. Adaza just walked towards the building with the most smell of decay. Kicking the door off the hinges. The servants just cowered and ran from him as the lycan made his way inside. He just grabbed the nearest one, forcing them to take him to the study or where ever the vampires did their business.

He refused to let the servant leave the room. The lycan just flipped through pages of boring nonsense. Books scattered upon the floor, papers along with them. He was getting irritated with the servant who just stuttered in fear. He simply just killed the human male before searching the rest of the vampire's house. He knew there was a hidden chamber or cellar. They always had one.


Velvet is offline
Old 07-30-2015, 08:24 PM

The female alpha wanted to growl at Adaza, but she thought better of it. Damn him. Her eyes lingered on him for a moment longer as she watched him forcefully entered the manor. Her mind screamed at her to just leave. Run and find some way to cross the ocean. She had heard villagers talk of great lands across the vast body of water, new lands, but she also knew she couldn't leave. It wasn't out of fear of being hunted down. She still had revenge on her mind and perhaps once she has accomplished her mission she could discover some way to put a leash back on the one she was force to call Master now. That wouldn't be easy. She grumbled lowly to herself and began to slowly follow the ancient lycan. No, but there had to be some weakness she could grab hold of. Some way to put this monster back in his crypt. Or better yet, remove his immortality and permanently destroy him. Her mind bounced back and forth over different scenarios of freeing herself for only a minute until she willed herself back into reality.

She heard noises coming from a room she could only assume her master was in. She avoided it and casually explored the castle. She hadn't had any human food in a long while. The lords of this manor may have been vampires, but some of their staff was human. And humans required food. So Vera quickly discovered the kitchen and found a thick stew with roasted rabbit chunks and vegetables. She quickly ate from the ladle, scoop after scoop, until she was satisfied. The wondered if her Master would be angry that she wasn't at his heels. She shrugged the thought away and decided to go and look for clothing and perhaps a bag to pack a few things. Surely Adaza could appreciate cooked food sometimes or even something clean to wear occasionally? She could still hear pages being torn, doors being opened, a servant being slaughtered as she continued to explore the manor.

Faded Beauty
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Old 07-30-2015, 09:05 PM

The ancient lycan had found his way into a hidden room in the cellar. Obviously a torture chamber by the blood stains and tools scattered over the tables. A bathtub was in the corner of the room, rings from blood rusted onto it. Yet here vampires claimed the lycans were the pure evil ones. At least they didn't hide the monstrous sides. His red eyes instantly flickered on movement on the wall. It was a long shining surface facing the chains attached to the stone wall. The image moved with him. He had seen that image before in water. It was himself. He waved his hand in front of it, the image just mocked his movement. Curious the lycan walked to the surface on the wall. He sniff the air towards it but nothing seem different from the rooms foul odor. He tapped it with his fingertips. No movement. Lightly he touched the surface, it felt like touching a window but there was no image of the outside world. What was his odd water on the wall. It never fell to the floor or rippled when he touched it.

His eyes just traced the image in the still water. If not for the water in the cavern or lake he would not know what he appeared to look like on the outside. A dark growl came deep from his throat. He hated the monster in the water. He flared his teeth at the image before pulling the water off the wall. It shattered on the stone floor with great force. It was more glass than water, yet it showed him clearly.


Velvet is offline
Old 07-30-2015, 09:36 PM

Vera entered a large bed chamber and a small smile played at her lips. The female lycan pulled open doors to a large wardrobe and the familiar feel of soft silk brushed her hands. She may have been an animal in the eyes of humans and vampires alike, but she still enjoyed the feel of soft silk on her skin and these gowns were stunning. Must have belonged to the female vampire Adaza had killed. She then quickly pulled out a couple of them, a sky blue gown with a dark blue trimming, a deep red gown with black trimming, and her personal favorite, a pure white silk gown with gold trimming. All the gowns were made from the richest of silks and have long, see-through sleeves. They would be a well fit, Vera noticed happily. She then found a couple of pairs of slippers that would be a close fit and neatly stuffed them in a satchel she had found. The bed chamber also contained a large amount of jewelry in gold, silver, coral, and some even made of sea shells. The female lycan tilted her head and moved towards the stash. She didn't wear such things, but they could fetch a pretty price. Perhaps one day she could convince her Master not to slaughter every villager and to stay at a nice inn. A comfy bed was welcomed at anytime. The female lycan quickly shoved the jewelry in a small pocket on the satchel and sealed it tightly. Next she grabbed some soft white and black shirts made from fine linen and shoved them in the bag. Maybe they would fit her Master... but why should she care? She grumbled and shrugged and headed back to the kitchen when she heard a shatter.

Curious, Vera headed in the direction the sound came from. She discovered the door to the dungeon and entered, feeling herself bristle. The feeling this room gave her chilled her to the bone. Nothng good has been done her. She growled lowly until she spotted her Master. She noticed the broken mirror on the floor, it's reflective pieces broken in thousands of tiny, sharp shards. The female lycan tilted her head, wondering why the ancient lycan would destroy a mirror of all things.

Faded Beauty
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Old 07-31-2015, 01:36 AM

He just growled darkly when he saw his slave enter the room. Adaza just walked passed his slave and to another room. Similar to the other one, it too had the reflective water on the wall. Every room he went into had it. He hated the site of the clearly enchanted water. He shattered every one in anger. He knew he was a monster. He didn't want to see what he had become, what he was forced to be until nothing was left but it. Even shattered it mocked him by showing many tiny versions of himself. The last room had no water to his surprise. Only books and a desk greeted him. The lycan sighed thankful that there was no more monster staring back at him.

The voices in his head spoke to him as he searched the room. He tilted his head slightly, clearly irradiated at their words. 'Monster, does not like what he sees? Perhaps more blood will calm the beast.' More blood? He hit his head with his palm to silence the voice. Paper and books scattered the floor, there were no records it seemed. Not the ones he wanted. The lycan just sat on the chair at the desk. His time was wasted. This was nothing more than a vampiric brothel.


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Old 08-01-2015, 04:37 AM

Vera couldn't comprehend why her Master was shattering all the mirrors, she just watched in silence. Her green eyes followed his movements and red his body language along the way. Did she sense and see pain in his eyes? Distress of some sort? Did this ancient creature actually have feelings other than those of evil? The female lycan carefully stepped over the tiny shards that threatened to pierce her bare feet and stood in the doorway of the last room her Master had entered. She knew Adaza had learned nothing from this place and could sense his disappointment.

Though she was unsure of whether or not she should talk, the alpha blood made her bold and therefore outspoken, "There will be more leads elsewhere." She could relate to his impatience, "Seeking revenge is a nasty business. It will tear at your very being and eat at your mind." The female lycan spoke from experience, her voice soft. She knew her Master was still angry with her from before and dared not anger him further by saying something ignorant. It then dawned on her that Adaza had been locked away for centuries and everything in this world was new to him still. "You said you needed a guide for this world, I am here, regardless of the.. circimstances." She paused, "And if you didn't know, what you shattered in the other rooms were not items of magic. They are called mirrors. It's a reflective type of glass. No spells, no magic, no nothing. Just glass. Vampires and" She sighed, her voice was still soft and a little friendlier than normal.

Perhaps Vera has misjudged her Master. Evil, yes. Insane, probably. But he would also be confused in this new world. Whether she could actually help him or not, she hadn't the slightest idea.

Faded Beauty
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Old 08-01-2015, 05:46 AM

A blood chilling smile crept its way onto the lycan's face. "Revenge will tear at your being and eat away at you mind." He chuckled at her words. "I have over nineteen centuries worth of revenge planned. You do not know what it is fully capable of little alpha. " His amusement with her was back. The ancient lycan's eye fell on her when she spoke of the still water. "Mirrors?" He repeated her words. They weren't magic, just glass. He found that hard to believe. Glass could not reflect your image so clearly. "Magic, glass, reflective water. I don't like these, mirrors." He growled darkly at the word. He didn't like seeing himself. He hated it in fact.

"Silance!" He growled hitting himself in the head. "Monster, monster, monster." He repeated the voices. The ancient lycan's eyes closed tightly. His hands rested near his head as he spoke to himself. "Little human boy sick, oh how sad." The lycan's voice mocked. His head twitched slightly. "Look at him gargle in his own blood, how amusing. Little pathetic boy." The voices were dragging out his memories. He gritted his teeth from the memories flooding his mind. "Don't leave me alone, don't leave me alone." His words faded into soften cries. Adaza just held his head as he faced the floor. He could see the door closing leaving him in a small caged off room. His body began to shake from the memory as a child.

The lycan began to breath heavily. Without warning the lycan jolted from chair onto the floor. He had backed himself into the corner. Sitting holding his head, he felt trapped in the room. "Don't leave me." The ancient lycan whispered softly. He resorted back to when he was a child. Trapped in the old alpha's cage.


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Old 08-01-2015, 06:32 AM

The female alpha simply shrugged at Adaza'a response to revenge and the mirrors, but before she could respond his breakdown took her by surprise and silenced her once more. She listened carefully, picking up his ramblings and trying to make sense of them. She could hear the sadness in his voice and wondered why it was there. Vera had wondered from the start what had happened to her Master to make him the way he was. Then she noticed the ancient lycan shaking. Her eyes widened. "Adaza...?" She barely even whispered his name. She dared to inch closer to him. But why, why should she even care? The alpha tilted her head and watched for a second more before deciding. She continued to listen. Don't leave me.. His words echoed in her head. What was happening?

Vera edged closer until she was in front of her Master. He seemed much smaller now that he was huddled on the floor. Less threatening as he obviously recalled nightmarish memories. Vera knelt on the floor, just inches away from her Master. She was being dangerously brave knowing that the ancient lycan could snap back into the evil monster at any time. She sat the bag the was carrying on the floor behind her and spoke softly, "Adaza, you're not alone. It's okay." Her voice was a mere whisper, "You're not alone." Her green eyes studied him. His trembling caused her to be uneasy. Come on, Vera. This could be bad. Growling silently at herself, the alpha hesitantly places a small hand gently on her Master's arm.

Why did she even care about the ancient lycan being upset? Why did it bother her so much and why would she even attempt to help? The questions danced in her mind. She knew he was evil and could easily revery back into a monster, but she could see some of herself buried inside of him. She knew what it felt like to be alone and knew what it felt like to be trapped and tormented. Perhaps not on such a high level as him, but still..

Faded Beauty
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Old 08-01-2015, 07:23 AM

The ancient lycan flinched feeling a hand on him. He curled into a tighter ball. His body still trembling. Darkness all around him, screams and pain echoing in his mind. "Don't you look away boy." He hiss darkly. He could see his old alpha's dark eyes. Forcing him to watch every moment of agony he inflicted onto other living beings. Onto him. A deep hateful growl rumbled from the lycan's throat. Slowly his memories began to faded. He hated the voices. They mocked him. Mocked his pain. Mocked his suffering and sadness.

The lycan grabbed the person's throat that was touching him with such speed. He had pinned his slave by the throat against the floor behind her, he was straddling her. His red eyes glowing with such anger and hatred. His free hand was in the air about to be forcely slammed into her chest. His claws ready to penetrate her shin. However Adaza stopped himself seeing her. His slave was trying to comfort him. The lycan's face softened slightly before the releasing her throat. Adaza quickly stood up and left the room without a word. Why would she try to comfort him when the voices dragged his past to the present? He shook his mind free from the voices as he left the building.

Adaza just fell onto his knees in the middle of the street. He couldn't make sense on why she would do that. Why did he suddenly stop himself from killing her. He was confused on why he didn't just kill her. She was easily replaceable, wasn't she?


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Old 08-01-2015, 07:53 AM

The female alpha gasped and began coughing as her Master's powerful handsclutched at her throat. Her back ached as pain splintered up her spine from him throwing her down on the hard floor. Her eyes widened and panic started to wedge itelf in her body, but after a few attempts to breathe. She watched as Adaza hesitated. She had expected him to retaliate, expected him to hurt her, but she had not expected this. A puzzled expression lingered on her face as she watched Adaza backed off and leave the room. She slowly stood, smoothing her blood stained shirt and rubbing the sore spots on her back until the speedy lycan healing took away the pain. Collecting the bag from the floor, the female lycan hauled it over her shoulder and headed out of the room. She was confused. She didn't feel afraid even though the ancient lycan had nearly killed her, once more.

Walking through the door and feeling the warm air brush her cheeks was refreshing. She inhaled deeply and scanned the streets until she saw him. Inhaling deeply onc emore, Vera walked silently towards her Master. Should she leave him alone? She was unsure of herself, unsure of his reaction. Never had the alpha been so confused.

Vera approached her Master, butterflies racing through her body as uneasiness spread. She was nervous, but not scared. For the first time she saw her Master for what he truly was. A traumatized boy had shown itself, but what had happened to him still puzzled her. Once again she placed a hand on Adaza, this time on his shoulder, but only for a moment. It was a soft and delicate touch, her fingertips brushing his neck. A small smile spread across her lips as she looked at him, her green eyes finding his red eyes for just a quick second. Then she turned away and slowly headed towards the ocean, "Find me when you are ready. I will be enjoying the sea breeze." Her voice was kind and gentle.

The ocean was a short distance away and the sand squished between Vera's toes as she stood, letting the waves splash across her feet. By then the sun was beginning to set, casting stunning shades of orange and pink over the ripples in the ocea. For the first time in a long while, Vera felt at peace as she listened to the crash of waves.

Faded Beauty
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Faded Beauty is offline
Old 08-01-2015, 07:28 PM

The ancient lycan needed the air. In the building he felt trapped like when he was first turned. Thankfully he was able to breath the sea air and not the murky air of the dark cavern. His breathing was still heavy when he felt his slave's hand on his shoulder. Why did she keep trying to comfort him? He could see the hatred in her eyes when she looked at him at times. She saw the monster he was. He nearly killed her and yet she comforted him. He lycan just closed his eyes. Feeling the warm sea breeze. The scent of blood and death still filled the air.

Adaza never looked up when she left. Would he even go find her after what she witnessed? He knew the voices loved to play with his head. They dragged him into the past. Forced him to relive his life repeatedly. Even after he killed his old alpha, his eyes still tormented him. He would never be free from the one thing that frightened him the most. The ancient lycan refused to let the fear stop him. He would get his revenge.

He hit his head once more. The voices mocked him. Laughed at his weakness. He growled hatefully at the voices. He wanted nothing more than to rip them out of his head. He knew that even if he dug deep into his head that it wouldn't do any good. They would remain there until he died. Unfortunately the markings on his wrist would never let that happen. Sighing Adaza removed his wrist braces, clicking them onto his belt. His wrists were covered in scars from him chewing away at the markings. However no scars touched the burned flesh the marks were on. It was no use in trying to chew them off. Nothing could remove them.

Irritated he just went to the beach. Not for his slave but because he hadn't seen it in centuries. The sand sunk under his boots. The salt smelt good to him. His red eyes trace the beauty of the sea that melted onto the water's surface. How he missed the sea. He knelt down to touch the small waves rolling up onto shore. It was cool to the touch. A soft smile came to his face feeling the sand brush passed his fingers in the water.


Velvet is offline
Old 08-01-2015, 07:54 PM

The female lycan had her eyes closed when she heard her Master's boots hit the sandy beach. A small smile played at her lips, but she remained silent for the time being. She only barely understood why her feelings had changed for Adaza. She knew there was evilness lurking inside of him, she knew he would continue to kill and most likely continue hurting her. But there was just something more to him. She saw it and a strange feeling of understanding had been bubbling inside since. The alpha tried to shake the feeling, still angered by what he had done and a tiny bit of fear still lingered in her bones.

She opened her eyes and glanced down at herself. The white tunic was no longer white, but crimson and stiff with dried blood. The leather breeches were also stiff with dried blood and her long light hair had become crusted and tangled with the insides of dead human and vampires. She felt filthy and desparately wanted to change her clothing. No one else was around anymore, except Adaza. The remaining villagers that were not killed had long since fled, their scents still faintly remained in the air.

Sighing, Vera stepped back on to the dry sand and sat down the pack she carried. No sense in pointing on something nice, it would probably be ruined anyway. So instead the female lycan began walking out and into the cool waters of the ocean. The waves began turning a faint red as they washed away the blood. She stood, the water lapping at her chest, and enjoyed the cleansing feel of the salty water. The alpha dipped her head under the an incoming wave, letting the current whip out the blood chunks. When she resurfaced, she felt like a new lycan. The water was running it's normal blue now that the blood was washed from her clothes. Her near white hair was clinging to an almost see-through white shirt as she began to come ashore once more. Her eyes found Adaza and a hint of friendliness still remained in them.

Faded Beauty
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Faded Beauty is offline
Old 08-01-2015, 09:55 PM

The ancient lycan ignored his slave. There was no need to address the situation that played out in the cellar due to her doey eyes she looking at him with. He didn't even look at her when she emerged from washing the blood off her clothes. The salt water filling the small crevices on his wrist from centuries of tearing at them. Adaza's red eyes just watched the water. The foam tickled him lightly. He gently poked a crab that washed up onto the the beach near him. Instantly it flipped onto its legs. Readying itself for a fight. He just tilted his head at the crab. He remember these from when he was still a fierce warlord.

The crab ran back into the sea once it realized the lycan wouldn't fight it. He just watched it silently. The lycan was surprised that they survived for so long. Looking back at his wrist, the lycan placed back on the wrist braces. His scars once again covered. Adaza just made his way back up the beach before sitting on the sand, facing the water. He remembered the last time he was on the beach. Bodies filling the water and covered the sand. Blood has completely drenched the sands crimson red. The air filled with smoke and screams. Seeing it now so peaceful made him feel more of a monster. He pulled up his knees and rested his forearms on them. He looked at the sky. He could see the stars, though little few. It seemed they losts stars from his day in age. "Such little stars." He whispered plainly. He missed the millions of lights filling the sky. More stars then sky. Now it was reversed. It made him sad.


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Old 08-02-2015, 12:58 AM

The alpha wondered if she should bother her Master. She sensed his sadness and couldn't help but be curious to as what had caused such a change to take over him. Was the ancient lycan simply crazed with the adrenaline from being released and now that he has been out for a few days, he has calmed? No, Vera knew this wasn't entirely the case, his stories are legend. She had noticed the scars that marked his wrist. The stories also speak of the immortality curse placed on him and how it was symbolized on his wrists. She realized now that the true monsters were the ones that left him to suffer the way he had. His punishment for all the chaos and death he had caused should have been death. Whether it lingered or was swift, it was a fitting end. Just to rid him of the world, but instead they caused him to suffer for all those years. Did he deserve that? Vera was unsure of anything anymore.

The light haired lycan silently collected the bag and walked over to where Adaza was sitting in the sand. She quietly sat down next to him and stared at the sky. It wasn't entirely dark yet, but several stars had made their appearances. The moon was also starting to loom overhead as the sun made its final descent and disappeared beyond the horizon. After sitting silently for a minute, Vera finally tilted her head towards Adaza, "If you ever want to wear something other than what you have had on for....years, I found something clean for you. If not, that's fine." She kept her voice low and soft as she spoke, not wishing to disturb him much.

Faded Beauty
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Old 08-02-2015, 01:38 AM

The lycan just looked at his clothes. They weren't dirty, much. He washed them everytime he bathed in a small stream in the cavern. Yes his shirt tore and ripped til there was nothing left. His pants had patch works from the pieces of his shirt. Thinking about it he would eventually need clothes. He just growl plainly. So he wore his armor continually. It covered him didn't it? His coat had lost its sleeves and was tattered and over the place but it still serve its purpose.

Adaza just stood up. He didn't need to change his clothes just because they were as old as him and were covered in patches. That alone did not mean they were dirty. The ancient lycan just glared darkly at his slave before walking back to the village. She hit a nerve. So he was poorly dressed. He like to see her trapped in a cavern for over nineteen centuries and come out looking finely dressed. Although she was right. He could use new clothes. However he wouldn't admit she was right out loud. His armor held up perfectly at least. Perhaps he would find a blacksmith to repair what damage was done. The lycan stopped. He didn't see a blacksmith sign hanging up come to think of it. "Slave!" He hissed darkly to her. "Where are the blacksmiths!?" He hissed just as darkly as before.


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Old 08-02-2015, 02:08 AM

Vera wanted to chuckle at the sensitive lycan, but she decided better of it and returned an annoyed glare at her Master. She hadn't meant to insult him, just figured she would show some more kindness and make the offer. She had considered him even if he hadn't asked about it. The alpha shrugged her shoulders, the white tunic beginning to dry, the rough material becoming scratchy and irritating. "I didn't mean to insult you, Master. And I was not judging your clothing." She managed to keep her voice soft. Remember what you just witnessed, she told herself. "I just thought you might like something more comfortable is all."

She sighed and glanced around the town. She was unsure of where they were really. This town was unfamiliar to her. "I'm not sure where anything is here. I am not from around here. It can't be that hard to find." It was true that the town was large, but there must be some sort of weapon and armor crafter in this area. The female lycan walked int the town, smelling the air. The could smell the faint scent of smoke and hot coals mixed in with iron and steel. The headed in that direction.

Faded Beauty
Imaginary Friend
Faded Beauty is offline
Old 08-02-2015, 03:47 AM

The ancient lycan watched his slave sniff around the air. "For a proud alpha, you act more like a common dog." His tone was mocking her as she sniffed her way to the direction of the blacksmiths and armorers. He just stopped seeing dresses in a window. He tilted his head. Were women nowadays to lazy to make their own dresses. He looked at the other window. The lycan's face said it all. He couldn't believe this is what they were wearing. "Hn. You comment about my clothing." He found the clothes in the windows disgusting. The lycan would just make his own clothing if this is what they had to offer.

A thunderous noise filled the air. A sharp pain hit the lycan's shoulder. Blacken blood poured from it. Adaza just touched his shoulder, black veins began to creep from the circle like wound. He looked around curiously. What had hit him? The wound stung. There was something inside of it. Adaza just took out his rusted blade and dug the thing out of him. He held a small silver ball in his palm. He just looked towards a group of humans down the alley. He looked around to see what had caused the wound. "What's wrong lycan? Looking for an escape route?" The mob laughed at his words. Clearly a group of hunters. "I see hunters are as arrogant as ever." The fleeing villagers must had found them and sent them their way. The stick in the arrogants hunter's hand had smoke coming it. He narrowed his red eyes to the hunter. "I never seen a lycan your color before. Looks like we'll have a new pelt boys." The ancient lycan's wound just closed up. He was going to rip the hunter's throat out then find what made his wound.


Velvet is offline
Old 08-02-2015, 05:05 AM

Vera growled, but before she could make a comment she heard the boom. Turning around quickly, Vera spotted the hunters. Suddenly the world began spinning as a familiar rage rippled through her. Her green eyes danced with pure hate as she stared down one of the hunters. He was standing in the back of the group. A menacing growl thundered from her throat. Everything disappeared. Adaza, the bloody bodies, the other hunters, all except for the hunter in the back. The symbol that stood out brightly on his shoulder piece and on the breastplate of his armor. It was a bright red and yellow shield with swords crossed behind it and a black wolf head (that had been made to look cut off) painted in the center. A member of the hunting guild that had destroyed her life.

In the next instance, Vera shifted forms. The menacing growl continuing to rumble from her throat as she bared her canines, her muzzle drawn up in hate. All she could see was him. She didn't even hear the other hunters as they hooted in arrogance and made remarks on "the scary white wolf whore". She didn't even notice that her Master had been wounded. She didn't care, not at this point. Her entire focus was on that one hunter and the bad part was that he didn't even recognize her. Oh, but he would. Finally, after all these years she has finally found one of them.

Faded Beauty
Imaginary Friend
Faded Beauty is offline
Old 08-02-2015, 06:00 AM

The ancient lycan's eyes drifted onto his slave. As clear as day he could see the lust for revenge in her green eyes. Perhaps he would let her have it. He enjoyed watching her kill out of anger, it was rather attractive. Arousing really. Adaza's head twitched, his head tilting to the right slightly. The lycan closed his eyes hearing a voice inside his head. A low bone chilling chuckled filled the air. The lycan's red eyes snapped open and rested on the leader of the pack. A darkness surrounded him as he smirked at the frighten hunters. The top hunter swallowed and stood straight. Not wanting to back down to a target. Adaza could sense the fear radiating from them.

The lycan's demeanor changed dramastically within seconds. His eyes glowed darkly. His expression emotionless. 'Kill them, kill them all.' The rusted blade was spun skillfully in his hand as he readied for the attack. The air was cold around Adaza. Only death could come from challenging the lycan. A few hunters took a step back. "What kind of lycan are you?" The leader managed to say. He never ran into a lycan with such a aura. It screamed imminent death. The hunter grasped from sudden pain in his lower abdomen, he didn't even see the lycan move. Looking down the hunter saw he was missing half his stomach. The lycan just looked at him plainly. He had nothing in his eyes. No enjoyment. No signs of life. Just empty.


Velvet is offline
Old 08-02-2015, 08:08 PM

Vera had realized the demise of one of the hunters, but her eyes didn't shift from her target. Coldness and hate was still blazing in them and the hunter seemed to realize it now. She didn't care about the other hunters, she knew Adaza would kill them soon enough, but he wasn't going to take this particular kill from her. The white and black wolf launched herself with alpha speed towards the hunters. She pounced and was in the air above them all before they could even aim their guns. Annoying inventions. Her eyes never strayed from him. The other hunters were sweating with fear when they realized that these lycans weren't easy targets. One was an all powerful immortal and she was from a strong bloodline of alphas.

The alpha's fur bristled and she snapped her mouth open and jump, nipping at her prey drawing out dropplets of blood from his forearm. Her target still didn't recognize her. The wolf was suddenly on him, she had reared up on her hind legs and pinned him against the side of a building, her large paws pressing strongly into his chest, sharp nails tearing at the skin. Then she shifted into human, her lycan strength still holding the man against the wall, "It's been a long time." She hissed. Finally the hunter recognized her. His eyes widened.

"You are dead. I watched him kill you." His voice trembled as Vera held him tightly in place. He was immobile and could not defend himself. "You were dead.."

A growl of impatience and hate thundered from the alpha once more, "It's true. I was close to death. Very close, in fact." She other hunters couldn't decide what to do. Defend their friend or keep their frightened eyes on Adaza. They were paralyzed with fear now, their fingers shaking wildly as they began to fumble with their guns. "Now tell me, where is he?" Her voice was cold. Anger was swelling within her.

"I... I don't know." The man began shaking violently, "I don't know! I swear! L..Last I heard he was north. Making new deals with other hunters. But that was months ago!"

Vera was laughing now. A dark, deadly laugh, as if she had gone insane, "Making new deals, huh? That bastard! He won't be much longer, that I can promise you." Her voice was trembling with excitement, "After all these years.. Did you enjoy it? Did you enjoy what you cowards done to us? It wasn't a normal hunt, was it? Oh no, you filthy, disgusting humans!" Her hand had moved up to man's throat, her nails sharpened and penetrated the skin of his neck, more blood dribbling. The man squirmed, but it did no good.

"No, please! It was just a contract! I was just part of a group! New to hunting. Don't kill me! Don't, plea-" The alpha's hands tightened around his throat, cutting off his air and nearly crushing his wind pipe. The hunter was gasping and clawing at her, but it was useless. Her mind was replaying what happened all those years ago and nothing would stop her now. Her canines sharpened and let go of the man at the same moment as she lunged her teeth into his throat, tearing at the flesh. Blood poured, spraying the walls, the ground, and her. A strange laughter erupted from her as the hunter was finally dead in front of her. The remaining hunters remained frozen, but one of their fingers slipped over the trigger. An iron bullet grazed her arm, leaving a deep and bloody wound, but she hardly noticed as she turned her gaze on them.


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