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Broken Hearted fool
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Luna_Lust_Goddess is offline
Old 12-03-2007, 02:55 AM

Alicia opened her locker putting her stuff inside. She thought her self how she just wish her father would stop moving her around. "Lets get this day over with" She said as she closed her locker and walked down the hall alone.

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Old 12-03-2007, 04:12 AM

(Omg..What do i do now...? xD I don't know how to start it again.. >.< Sorry sorry!)

MaydayKoigo is offline
Old 12-03-2007, 05:47 PM

The period passed on quite monotinously, may hardly looked up at anyone from her textbooks and notes, But things were good.
"Bbbrrrreeeeeiiinnnggeeeeeeee" went the school bell indicating the end of the lesson.
"Ok kids, just read over that hand out I gave you then be prepared to answer a few simple questions on it tomorow morning" The teacher said packing up each piece of paper and book he was teaching with.
May collected all her things and placed them back into her backpack gingerly, trying to to bend any book corners or rip any bits of paper.
She walked out into the corridor behind everyone, with a sense of acomplishment.
"I got through class with no hitches what so ever!" She thought happily. With a new bounce in her step may walked through the crowded halls.
"Ok next lesson is..." She though, looking at the timetable again (she expected it would take her a while to memorise her new shedual)
*Gulp* "...gym!" She said outloud, a subject which would surely make the day less boring yet more stressfull....
"Maybe something huuuge or extraordinary will happen that will cancel P.E?" She said under her breath, hoping the words would make it happen.

((Someone create a extraordinary situation :lol: ))

Broken Hearted fool
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Luna_Lust_Goddess is offline
Old 12-03-2007, 08:30 PM

Alicia rolled her eye's at the site of the prep being mean to that one girl.

Scheming Socialite
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Old 12-04-2007, 01:25 AM

  • Standing from her seat and ready to leave the class, Altena tossed her hair over her shoulder and figured she would put it up in a messy bun later, hating that it always got in her way if it was down.

    Outside, her next class was A.P. Statistics but she just wandered the halls boredly. She wasn't exactly sauntering over, just walking slowly to see if any of her friends had actually arrived to school that day.

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Old 12-04-2007, 02:54 AM

Maiku had skipped a class accidentally. He stood by the lockers and waited for classes to finish.

Scheming Socialite
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Old 12-04-2007, 03:08 AM

  • She saw some guy standing by the lockers...he looked kinda cool and recalled seeing him all over the school randomly. Altena decided to introduce herself.

    Walking over at the same rate that she'd been at the moment, she stopped in front of this guy. "Hey, I see you around a lot here but I don't know you yet. Are you part of A.S.B? What's your name, huh?" Altena asked. Seriously, he just popped up all over the place at school so she decided to finally introduce herself. Plus this guy was kinda good-looking. 'We'll see if he could be part of the group sometime,' she thought to herself.

Broken Hearted fool
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Luna_Lust_Goddess is offline
Old 12-04-2007, 03:44 AM

Alicia just stood by the lockers watching the others just talk. She then noticed a girl talking to some guy by the lockers and decided to enter duce her self so she walked up to them. "hello" she said.

MaydayKoigo is offline
Old 12-05-2007, 05:15 PM

((No gym then? xD))

Scheming Socialite
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Old 12-06-2007, 03:12 AM

((I WANT me to follow?))

Broken Hearted fool
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Luna_Lust_Goddess is offline
Old 12-06-2007, 03:58 AM

Alicia didn't get an answer so she moved on and walked down the hall. She found her class and entered it was art. She enjoyed art class she walked over to a table and sat. The teacher explained what they were to do once she was done Alicia began to draw.

MaydayKoigo is offline
Old 12-06-2007, 07:31 PM

Originally Posted by Toffee
((I WANT me to follow?))
(('Doesnt matter lol, I just thought there could be an event that everyone could participate with (mine fr example, all the students go to class so eomthing could happen there), cos Luna_Lust_Goddess's charcter kinda got ignored and stuff, it would be cooler to have a big situation rather than smaller conversations between only a couple of characters (plus if someones posts gets ignored then they have to change it awkwardly or wait ages for a reply which may never come , I dont know though (That wasnt a complaint that was just a thought xD <3) I also thought y posts were getting dull lol, I'll just move on though ^^))


"Ooops" May said to herself
"I read my time table wrong again, its actually art class" May smilied, Art was her favourite subject; she didnt think she was very good at it but it was still her funnest hobbies.
She walked into the classs and spotted the locker girl ((Alicia)) and decided to sit down next to her, even if it it got awkward again it was better than sitting alone again.
May took off her backpack and put it at the back of her chair. She looked round the room wondering if they were supposed to be working already, her eyes bounced over to the desk next to her and saw the girl's drawing.
"Wow, did you draw that from scratch??" May said, shocked at how good the artwork was.

Scheming Socialite
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Old 12-06-2007, 09:48 PM

  • Altena left to go to class. At least there were textbooks readily available in the classroom so she or her other classmates wouldn't have to lug that heavy book around. She didn't even want to know how many pounds it was.

    "I just can't wait till cheerleader practice," she sighed. A.P. was hard, but at least Altena could tackle it.

Rion Nagase
Rion Nagase is offline
Old 12-06-2007, 11:30 PM

Name:Yuki Tokiyama
Looks like this but he's a vampire with silver hair.
Personality:He's kind, but he's somewhat silent which makes him seem rude. Loves all animals including cats. Very creative and tends to bite people he's attracted to.
Other:He's bi-sexual. Bad with directions sometimes.

Yuki started to walk around the school. "Where do I go? I'm lost.." Yuki said in sadness.

Broken Hearted fool
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Luna_Lust_Goddess is offline
Old 12-06-2007, 11:41 PM

Alicia was walking down the hall not watching were she was going when she bumped into a young man and her books fell to the floor. "I'm sorry" She said as she bent down to pick them up.

((Talking to you Rion))

Rion Nagase
Rion Nagase is offline
Old 12-06-2007, 11:50 PM

((Hehe..I kept my promise like I said, and I came for you.))

Yuki looked at the girl, his heartbeat fast, Yuki blushing, "I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention, miss, I was lost." Yuki helped grab some of her books.

Broken Hearted fool
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Luna_Lust_Goddess is offline
Old 12-06-2007, 11:52 PM

((I know you did like you promised))

"No no it's my fault I wasn't watching as she piled her books up. She then reached for a book that was near his hand.

Rion Nagase
Rion Nagase is offline
Old 12-06-2007, 11:56 PM

Yuki stared at her beauty. "Umm..I know this is sudden and I don't even know you, but I think you're beautiful." Yuki said. "Umm...I'm Yuki Tokiyama."

Broken Hearted fool
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Luna_Lust_Goddess is offline
Old 12-07-2007, 12:02 AM

Alicia blushed as she quickly picked up her book's and stood up. "I'm Alicia" She said shyly as she tried to hide her face knowing she must half been blushing.

Rion Nagase
Rion Nagase is offline
Old 12-07-2007, 12:13 AM

Yuki noticed Alicia was blushing. "I-I..uh.." Yuki was nervous to say any more to Alicia.

Broken Hearted fool
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Luna_Lust_Goddess is offline
Old 12-07-2007, 12:15 AM

"I think it's lunch time to eat lunch with me" she said nervously as she smiled up at him. She never acted like this before she liked that he thought she was beautiful he was really handsome looking and it shocked her that he even notices her.

Rion Nagase
Rion Nagase is offline
Old 12-07-2007, 12:21 AM

"Su-sure, I'm new here so I don't know my way around this school." Yuki said. Yuki smiled trying not to show his vampire teeth.

((Character is so cute!!))

Broken Hearted fool
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Luna_Lust_Goddess is offline
Old 12-07-2007, 12:25 AM

Alicia smiled she was happy he was going to. "I have to put my books in my locker then we can go" she said as she started to walk towards her locker.

Rion Nagase
Rion Nagase is offline
Old 12-07-2007, 12:28 AM

"Okay!!" Yuki walked close by Alicia.

Broken Hearted fool
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Luna_Lust_Goddess is offline
Old 12-07-2007, 12:37 AM

arriving at her locker she quickly opened it and placed her books inside. "ok lets go" She said smileing at him as she closed her locker.


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