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Chibiruler1990 is offline
Old 01-13-2008, 02:22 PM

i love that series. . . and i used to collect the manga till i sadly asked for a spoiler one of my friends had for the ending. . . i didn't get another manga ever since. but i thought the anime was good ^-^

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Old 01-13-2008, 09:57 PM

I loved the anime, and I'm currently looking to purchase the manga, because every time I have money the bookstores don't have the first book. But it's wonderful. The art is simply gorgeous and Light is made of win. He's my favorite character, and I love all of his sides, even the evil one. ; D He's just too cute. I bought the L and Light nendoroid figure, and I can't wait until they arrive. I hated the ending; they made Light look ugly. D: That was my only regret. ;o; How can such beauty look so ... hideous? It's just not fair. I wish Matt didn't have to die- he's made of win and is sooo cute. I can't believe he had such a small part, though. : O Oh well, he's still amazing even after death lol. They shouldn't have killed him like that. ;o; So, yeah. C:

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K A D O is offline
Old 01-14-2008, 01:48 AM

It's a great anime/manga, however, the fans have taken fandom to the next level. People brining "Deathnotes" into a public school and writing down the names of kids they wish harm would befall. Then there is the "Kira" case going on in Belgium where they found half a dead body and a piece of paper next to it reading: watashi no Kira. Wich literaly means "I am Kira". This is a bit off the obssesed scale...

Rinali Lee
Rinali Lee is offline
Old 01-20-2008, 05:28 PM

Well, I'm sure Death Note wasn't the only one that inspired copycat murders D: It tends to happen with popularized series or something.

But I agree.

I mean, it's one thing to fantasize about the world of Death Note and love the characters, but it's quite another to actually act it out. That's just retarded.

First off, they'd get the series banned, like it is in China (is it still banned there? I heard something about DN was banned.)

Secondly, it's just stupid to throw away your life/freedom just so you could imitate your favorite character. Just stick to cosplays.

I question the maturity and intelligence of kids who bring Death Notes to school and write down names. I don't care if it's a joke or "done in good fun"; there's a time and place for that. I mean, I have a Death Note and I haven't ever used it. I put it up for decoration on my shelf; if I ever DID use it, it'd be as a homework pad. D:

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Old 01-22-2008, 11:41 PM

Rinali just basically said what I wanted to say. -nods-
My friend has a Death Note and only uses it for decoration too. I need to find vol.10 of Death Note now, stupid stores only have 1-9. >.<

kawaiialien is offline
Old 01-22-2008, 11:54 PM

I'm gonna start watching it soon but I read one of the manga volumes and I hated it cause they talked WAY to much so I'm hoping that I like the anime better

Foxhunt is offline
Old 01-23-2008, 05:28 AM

omg, i LOVE this anime. its my second favourite. i like mello, matt and L the most.

k i t s u n e
k i t s u n e is offline
Old 01-24-2008, 03:02 AM

I love Death Note. <3
(you may be able to tell because of my signature O:)
Haha... I rememeber I started reading/watching it about a year ago. My favorite character went from Light, to Misa, to Mello, to Matt, and then back to Misa. Now it's a tie between Misa, Mello, & Matt. xD

It's an amazing series. It's my absolute favorite series, I think. ^^

MeLuvIero is offline
Old 01-24-2008, 03:38 PM

i havent seen the anime, but i read it ._. :] Mello and Near ;o; so cute xD i like L too, but when he..yeah ;-; i cried xD i dun like Raito D< that bastard. uh, k' <.<;; its a great manga, i really love it. i think i have it again ;o;

CupCake Fairy
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Old 01-26-2008, 12:51 AM

Death Note is my Favorite Anime.
L's My Favorite. Little Cake eating Friend.

Ive seen all the episodes and the ending is Dramatic. Well i think it is.
All the Characters are funny. Real Amusing to watch

I Was Realy Sad when L Died. Alot of cool people died in the Anime. Like Matt and Mello D:
I guess its a good thing Misa Dident die she was a good character also.(even if She had the Brain compasty of a Rubber band)

Fullmetal Phantom
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Old 01-26-2008, 03:16 AM

Originally Posted by Alumia
"Yagami= I am Gay" *scared*
Technically..."Yagami" spelled backwards would ACTUALLY be 神夜. :D *brick'd*

@K A D O: Actually...*followed that case like an L copycat for a while XD;;* The note said "Watashi wa Kira dess." Which makes me CERTAIN this person wasn't mentally sound and NEVER should have been exposed to the series in the FIRST place, because the note was so FAR from right...and if this was supposed to be anything serious, wouldn't someone mentally sound actually make sure they were SAYING the right thing?

For one, such a sentence is so OBVIOUSLY a declaration that "desu" is unneeded. It doesn't make it INCORRECT, but in this case, state of being could be easily understood. And...who in the hell misspells "desu?"

For two...the form of "I" that Light uses is actually 僕 (boku), NOT watashi. I would expect that a copycat would (if they KNEW what they were doing) use the same form.

Three, the note was romanized. It would take maybe TWO MINUTES to figure out how to write it properly, but SOMEONE didn't bother.

So the way I see it...whoever this person was, he or she was DEFINITELY not right in the well as very hasty and careless, but most importantly, mentally unsound. I liked L, but I'm not about to actually try and SOLVE said case because he went after Light. I may be fascinated by said case, and I may try and follow it and figure something out about it...but I know where to draw the line., that ended up longer than I epected. XD;

Scott Zombie
Scott Zombie is offline
Old 01-26-2008, 09:06 AM

I simply love death note.
its literally my Anti Drug
Rem and Misa and Mr Lawliet are all of my favorites
Im going to Marry Misa Lol.
ima guy btw

CupCake Fairy
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Old 01-26-2008, 09:09 AM

Originally Posted by Scott Zombie
I simply love death note.
its literally my Anti Drug
Rem and Misa and Mr Lawliet are all of my favorites
Im going to Marry Misa Lol.
ima guy btw
Yes Lawliet is. :3 Not a Crazy insane Fangirl but i love L to Death and will show it. But i can controll my actions. Cake Eating Friend -Dances-

Scott Zombie
Scott Zombie is offline
Old 01-26-2008, 09:09 AM

Shinigamis are so cool most people would be scared if they saw one but I honestly don't know what I would do. but if i was walking around town and I randomly saw Lawliet I would flip out and give him a delicious piece of cake.

Otohime is offline
Old 01-27-2008, 10:05 AM

Originally Posted by Scott Zombie
Im going to Marry Misa Lol.
Too bad she's dead. ;o

Cable Induced Coma
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Old 01-29-2008, 01:16 AM

I watched it a while back. Was a good show! L was my favorite for sure.

It just kind of annoyed me that right when I finished the anime..reading 36 episodes of subtitles, that Adult Swim comes out with a english version like a month later!

I watched the second movie on it..I thought it was pretty cheesy and sucked compared to the anime.

Aliesier is offline
Old 02-01-2008, 02:09 AM

Protagonist-the main character of the story(Light)
Antagonist-the person against the protagonist(L)

Sometimes I think that they mean good and evil too, so it's a easy mistake to make.

My favorite character is Matsuda. Sure, he's an idiot, but I still adore him.

I'm exicted that they are making a spin-off movie for Matsuda.

\ (•◡•) /
katyasha is offline
Old 02-01-2008, 02:18 AM

It's ok weird but ok even the live action movie was good.

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xemsax is offline
Old 02-01-2008, 03:54 PM

I loved the Death Note (edit omg)manga, but I honestly had a hard time watching the anime. It's a little wordy, and I found it took a long time for things to happen. Well maybe that's me. Personally I think Light and L should have duked it out in GIANT ROBOTS, or something like that. Haha, just kidding. <3

Rinali Lee
Rinali Lee is offline
Old 02-03-2008, 02:36 AM

Live action movieeeee. xD Man, Kenichi makes a great L.

:< I never thought they'd do a third movie, but now I really want to see it. Like...really really.

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morinae is offline
Old 02-09-2008, 05:06 PM

I love the manga and the anime both. <333 I think I slightly prefer the manga, because the hand motions in the first episode of the anime were totally uncalled for. xD;

I love Light, and I don't really like L much.

I think at the beginning of the series, Light really wanted to make the world a better place...but nearing the end, I think he's crazy... ^^;

I just adore him. <3 It's kind of sad, but I think Light's a really good person. >.>;

d2hiriyuu is offline
Old 02-12-2008, 05:34 PM

I always found the manga better. Does anyone love the plot after a certain someone dies? Just curious. Also yeah, manga better, but they did the anime quite well for the series.

Rinali Lee
Rinali Lee is offline
Old 02-12-2008, 10:54 PM

L.Lawliet: I love your name. xD Noice.

Mm. Iwas hella pissed too D:<

d2hiriyuu is offline
Old 02-13-2008, 01:34 AM

I think when the certain someone died we all were, The series should have ended there more or less for me, like put in the last series or soemthing, but yeah, after that, the series wasn't as much fun.

Fullmetal Phantom
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Old 02-13-2008, 01:55 AM

In my opinion, the whole story kinda went downhill after that certain person died. :( I still liked it, but it wasn't as good. And it didn't help that I ended up in the emergency room a few hours after I read that chapter. >.<; (long story)

@xemsax: Death Note + giant robots = Code Geass. XD

Seriously, the two series are alike in a lot of ways. Though oddly enough, I'm anti-Kira and pro-Zero. I can easily explain why, too...but I'm not gonna go into that, because it's kinda off-topic.


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