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Akuxrin is offline
Old 05-09-2008, 06:52 AM

Akurin turned, taking the broken butterfly out again.

"That was Ramon Salazar. Apparently, I'm in trouble for some reason,, I believe."

Akurin would point at Leon with a thin finger, her eyes suddenly troubled and worried.

And then she would walk towards him, grab the front of his shirt and kiss him again. Hard.

Seth the Muse
Seth the Muse is offline
Old 05-09-2008, 07:00 AM

Leon blinked and made an odd noise. A noise that seemed to be halfway between a grunt and a snort with just a bit of a growl to it.

"Probably because you didn't kill me.. He's like tha--mmh..."

Leon was cut off by the kiss. He put his arms around Akurin immediately and kissed back, rubbing her shoulders and back slightly with one hand and toying with her hair with the other. He was certainly happy about the kiss. In fact, he rather wished that they were back in the US, in a coffee shop or a bookstore or a club or a bar or--god, why did his mind come up with this one?--a hotel room. But they weren't...they were in Europe. The thought made him sad. Although WHY he was sad was beyond him.

Akuxrin is offline
Old 05-09-2008, 07:03 AM

Akurin had rather wished they were back in the US as well. In her apartment, hopefully...any of the others would do just fine, however. Akurin pulled back slightly, attacking him with small kisses for a few more minutes, her eyes sad and empty for once.

"I think we should part ways, now."

Seth the Muse
Seth the Muse is offline
Old 05-09-2008, 07:19 AM

Leon sighed happily during the kisses. However, the look in her eyes was close to a punch in the stomach to him. And when she suggested splitting up, he was immediately worried. Mostly for her...but there was that twinge of fear from previous endeavors where someone had suggested the same thing and he had no idea how they were or what was going on or if they were even alive. He remembered what happened during the Raccoon City incident...Claire and Sherry...and often he was separated from them and how relieved he was when they turned out to be okay.

" you honestly think so? I don't know my way around here at all...and if my observations serve correctly, you don't either...if we do split up, we should trade communicator numbers so we can contact one another if we need to. careful," he finished lamely. He'd meant to say something else, but...he couldn't force it out. Not yet, anyway. Besides...he didn't know if it was honest or not, plus there was the fact that it had been less than a day 'since he'd met her. "'s my number if you need me."

He gave her a slip of paper with said number on it. As well as spare ammunition for the guns she had with her already and a few first aid sprays. And then he gave her a hug. If she honestly wanted to head off on her own, he wouldn't stop her, but he WOULD make sure she at least had enough supplies before she left. As a last thought, he offered her a piece of gum.

Akuxrin is offline
Old 05-09-2008, 09:11 AM

A slow, soft, nervous smile came across Akurin's lips and her eyes filled up with sudden worry and...adoration for the male. She listened as he talked, offering him small nods and a few mumbled OKs. She would accept all that was offered to her, and look up at him one last time--for now, hopefully. She felt very sure they'd see each other again-- and kissed him again, hugging him tightly and giving him more confident smile. She'd also hand him a slip of paper with her communicator number on it.

"I promise, once I figure out what's going on, I'll help you find Ashley, alright?...Pinky promise?"

She held out her hand, extending a pinky. This was rather childish, sure-- but it had always made Akurin feel better. She knew she was probably giving Leon some sort of false hope. All she wished that was that if she were to die, that he would never find her, that he would never have to see her dead, mutated or parasite-ified. Now noticing the gum, she took it and laughed softly.

Last edited by Akuxrin; 05-09-2008 at 10:08 AM..

Seth the Muse
Seth the Muse is offline
Old 05-10-2008, 12:52 AM

Leon kissed and hugged her back. He pocketed the paper quickly--apparently afraid of LOSING it. He sincerely wished that she wouldn't leave, but...well, it very well could be for the best. He could actually be putting her in danger, after all. He nodded when she spoke and held up his own hand--and pinky--and pretty much making the promise.

"As soon as I find Ashley and get to the bottom of what's going on here, we can all go and me. And Ashley, because she kind of needs to get home. But mainly you and me. I mean, she IS kind of important because she's the President's daughter, but she's not important to me. that way. Just like...for my job." He hoped she WOULDN'T die. However, her laughter about the gum made him smile. "When we meet again, I'll give you more of that. Okay?"

Akuxrin is offline
Old 05-10-2008, 12:56 AM

Akurin listened to Leon's mindless rambling, holding back soft giggles. She'd hug him and kiss him again --last time-- and wave before disappearing out of a door and leaving Leon to himself. She looked around the corridor. It was...oddly quiet. No cultists or anything. Maybe Salazar had called them off.

Just as she started to relax, and walk more calmly, something caught her and dragged her off, and if Leon would have been listening closely, he probably would have heard a muffled scream and a faint noise of a large, heavy metal door closing.

Seth the Muse
Seth the Muse is offline
Old 05-10-2008, 01:05 AM

Leon sighed as she walked away, leaving him there. He waved goodbye to her as she shut the door and wondered why he always got stuck with the ones who wanted to split up or run off. He wasn't listening very closely to what was going on, however, and missed the quiet noises that meant Akurin was being taken. He did, however, notice odd--louder--sounds coming from outside the window of the room he was in and went outside to investigate, finding himself in a hedge filled with those dogs, no doubt.

He made his way through the maze, collecting two pieces to a tablet that opened the door on the balcony and stepped through, hoping to--possibly--find either Ashley or Akurin inside the room. Or, however unlikely, both of them.

Akuxrin is offline
Old 05-10-2008, 01:10 AM

Leon should have known he was being followed by now. Ada had guessed he'd forgotten all about her saving him from Mendez with the appearance of this new...flame, he had found himself. Really, the way the two pawed at each other had tested Ada's nerves. Deciding to play a little bit with Leon, make him slightly jumpy, Ada finally came out from hiding, walking up behind the male, putting her gun against his back. A soft smirk appeared over Ada's features, her eyes suddenly dancing with mischief.

"Put your hands up where I can see them."

Seth the Muse
Seth the Muse is offline
Old 05-10-2008, 01:16 AM

Leon managed a small jump before he took a step forward and spun to look at Ada. "...well, hi. I don't suppose your a ghost?"

He didn't know why on earth SHE was here. Unless she was a figment of his imagination. Although...a figment of his imagination wouldn't be able to poke him in the back with a handgun. Nor would it be so least that's what he thought.

"...what brings YOU here?"

Akuxrin is offline
Old 05-10-2008, 01:23 AM

Ada let out a small laugh, her voice STILL as seductive as the day they had met. She put her gun away and crossed her arms, stepping closer.

"A ghost? What have the years done to you, Leon? Made you a supersitious asshat, I suppose? But anyway, no...I'm not a ghost. And, I'm here for...well, it's a secret."

Ada smirked again, and put a hand on Leon's shoulder, examining him.

"You have some lipstick, right here." Ada pointed at his mouth, hands moving to rest on her hips.

Seth the Muse
Seth the Muse is offline
Old 05-10-2008, 01:28 AM

Leon shook his head and put his hands on his hips, shifting his weight to his right foot. "Well, I am NOT a superstitious asshat. I've seen more zombies and horrible abominations and 'fairytale' monsters than I care to count, so I'm pretty much ready to accept almost anything within reason now." He looked slightly annoyed. "It's always a Lipstick?"

Leon turned red and wiped his mouth off with a sleeve...which probably just SMEARED any lipstick he might have gotten from Akurin across his face. Smooth.

"...well, what do you want? Have you seen Akurin? ...or Ashley? It's kind of my job to bring her home."

Akuxrin is offline
Old 05-10-2008, 01:34 AM

Ada rose a brow at Leon.

"Touchy, touchy. And no, I haven't seen Ashley. And, who is Akurin, now? The girl you were pawing to death in the corridor a little ways back?"

It was obvious that Ada had become very bristled at this subject. Sure, she keeps running away from him, but that wouldn't be an excuse for Leon to suddenly drop his fanboy obsession with her all of a sudden. She had things to do, stuff to see--even if it wasn't necessarily something SHE wasn't to leave to do or see, most of the time she would have rather stayed with Leon.

Seth the Muse
Seth the Muse is offline
Old 05-10-2008, 01:41 AM

Leon made a noise that resembled a half-stifled laugh that almost came out as a snort. However, when she mentioned the 'pawing to death in the corridor' part, he nearly fell over. Why? Nobody would ever know.

"Eh? You were watching? I feel so VIOLATED. ...why do you look angry? Did I do something wrong?"

He blinked, not understanding why she would be upset with him. He hadn't done anything wrong.

Akuxrin is offline
Old 05-10-2008, 01:45 AM

Ada's voice changed tone. It was cold, mean and unloving.

"No, nothing is wrong, Kennedy. You better start moving, however. They're probably preparing your...girlfriend and Ashley for the 'ceremony'."

Ada put her hands on her hips and moved to leave again, hoping that Leon WOULD ask her to stay again. This time, she would.

Seth the Muse
Seth the Muse is offline
Old 05-10-2008, 01:53 AM

That just confused him more...until Ada mentioned Ashley. " you know where Ashley is? And...what 'ceremony'?" When she turned to leave, Leon got angry. She KNEW something and she wasn't telling him. AGAIN. He took a few--very long, mind you--steps and grabbed her by the shoulder then spun her around to face him.

"What do you know that I don't, Ada? Why are you always running off and leaving me behind to hope your okay? And why is it okay for you to act like this? I don't even know what your angry about. Am I keeping you from something important? If so, why did you even stop to bother me?"

Akuxrin is offline
Old 05-10-2008, 01:57 AM

Ada was surprised by Leon getting psychical. She had only expected the usual 'Ada, wait!', not the literal grabbing of her shoulders and yelling at her.

"....Leon, I don't always choose to leave. Sometimes I have other matters calling me. Don't take it as an insult. And...I only know that Salazar is planning some sort of a Wedding Ceremony.I don't know who all is involved. If you want, I'll be willing to go with you."

Ada looked him straight in the eyes and offered him a true smile.

"Maybe we our relationship when we get back home."

Seth the Muse
Seth the Muse is offline
Old 05-10-2008, 02:02 AM

Leon was surprised that she didn't shout back at him. That was how he was used to people reacting. He was also surprised that she used the word "wedding." Who was getting married?

"...uh. Well, I would like you to come along. Two sets of eyes are better than one, plus you can shoot a gun which is a bonus. Ashley just sat there and screamed and clung to the back of my shirt, which made it kind of hard to fend off the hordes and hordes of villagers..."

Leon blinked. 'Re-evaluate our relationship'? What did that mean?

"Uh...maybe. Do you know where we need to go? Because I'm lost. I'm honestly surprised I got this far." was true.

Akuxrin is offline
Old 05-10-2008, 02:10 AM

Ada nodded.

"Just follow me, Leon."

She would touch his shoulder to get his attention, stopping briefly to talk to the merchant and write down her progress on a typewriter. She would grab Leon and drag him through a door, shooting at any cultists that came too close.

She really hoped he didn't mind her touching him constantly.

Seth the Muse
Seth the Muse is offline
Old 05-10-2008, 02:31 AM

He nodded back...while she was using the typewriter, he ALSO talked to the merchant...who he had upgrade most of his guns. He sold his handgun in favor of a more...powerful...gun. The Blacktail. He was SO happy about fact, he nearly did a dance when he got the new gun. The only thing stopping him? He was worried about Akurin and Ashley. The merchant had seen enough of his happy dances for getting a gun. It wouldn't faze the merchant to see another. In fact, the merchant was probably worried because Leon WASN'T dancing around like a fool.

...truth was, he DID mind. But he was too 'polite' to say anything about it. Plus, he was busy using the Blacktail to pop the occasional Cultist's head. He did follow her, however.

Akuxrin is offline
Old 05-10-2008, 03:25 AM

Ada dragged Leon through a door, leading him down the side of the rocks and onto a boat.


She would look around before jumping in and looking up at him.

"Coming, handsome...?"

Seth the Muse
Seth the Muse is offline
Old 05-10-2008, 03:32 AM

Leon stared at Ada after being dragged through a door and down to a boat. He was confused...

"...what about Ashley and Akurin? Aren't they still here?"

Akuxrin is offline
Old 05-10-2008, 03:34 AM

"They're on that Island over there. I can promise you that. Get in!"

Ada's voice was raising, she was getting more irate.


Seth the Muse
Seth the Muse is offline
Old 05-10-2008, 03:36 AM

Leon raised his hands above his head, signaling defeat, and climbed in the boat.

"As long as your sure..." He was just thinking about his mission. And the wellbeing of his new friend-that-could-be-more-than-a-friend.

Akuxrin is offline
Old 05-10-2008, 03:40 AM

Ada speeded towards the Island.

"I want you to reload all of your weapons. Now. It's VERY dangerous up here."

Ada slowed down a bit, looking over at him.

"Well?! Get to it!"


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