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Lost soul
Erailea is offline
Old 12-28-2009, 07:26 PM

That was the only reason I wanted the film Sailor Star. Haha. The fight scenes withe the bots were epic and really well animated. I was rather amazed when I saw it in theaters because of that aspect.

Now the Mule of Kin-Akari
LadyKnightSkye is offline
Old 12-30-2009, 01:17 AM

I agree Erailea. An artist over on DeviantArt put it perfectly when he said that the scene where Optimus took on three Decepticons should be played on loop in Heaven.

@ Sailor Star: Yeah, I love Cybertron, even though I know a lot of fans pick on it. I was actually watching the entire series earlier this week. I miss having a Transformers cartoon to look forward to on Saturday mornings since I got so used to dragging my butt out of bed to catch Animated. T.T

Lost soul
Erailea is offline
Old 01-03-2010, 04:42 PM

I never liked Transformers: Cybertron because the distinct difference between the 2D human and landscapes and the 3D bots bugged the crud out of me. It had nothing to do with story or character design, just the art direction. I saw a few episodes to give it a chance and just couldn't deal with it. Just my perspective though.

I want to watch Animated. But I didn't have cable at college >__< I've watched about a dozen episodes online, but I want to get my hands on the DVD's when I can afford them <.<

Now the Mule of Kin-Akari
LadyKnightSkye is offline
Old 01-05-2010, 01:07 AM

Honestly Erailea, the animation is wonky, but it's something that I like to make fun of. It's Energon I can't stand, but that's because the human sidekick annoys the hell out of me. And I can't wait until they finally release the third season. I haven't seen it out yet.

Lost soul
Erailea is offline
Old 01-06-2010, 03:42 PM

Do you mean the animation in Animated is wonky? I just find it cartoon. Haha. They took the bots out of their standard rigid form and played with them, which is really what made me interested in the series. The got rid of the boxy-ness of the designs too. Not that I don't like the standard art direction, but Animated was a different view on something that's very popular. Sort of a breath of fresh air I guess you could say.

In Energon I'll agree. Kicker was pretty annoying. Wasn't his Autobot friend Ironhide or something... whoever he was he was really pretty stupid -___-

Now the Mule of Kin-Akari
LadyKnightSkye is offline
Old 01-06-2010, 05:56 PM

When I call it "wonky" it doesn't mean I don't sort of like it, but yeah, I consider Animated's animation wonky. But then again, I prefer the older 80s style of animation overall. I'm not enamored of the current trends in popular cartoon animation anyway. I got used to Animated's style and I'm okay with it, but I still call it "wonky".

I dunno who his Autobot buddy was because I couldn't get past the first five minutes of the first episode. >.>

Seer of the Past
Seer of the Past is offline
Old 01-09-2010, 11:43 PM

I love this movie. The part where his mom gets high is sssooo funny, and when the friend says "Swine Flu not cool" I about died laughing.

BalledKalilee is offline
Old 02-05-2010, 03:07 AM

;____; What did they do to all my old favorites.. and why the heck was Arcee.. triplets?

unforgiving_soul is offline
Old 02-13-2010, 07:49 AM

transformers 2 is really bad
the first was better

Now the Mule of Kin-Akari
LadyKnightSkye is offline
Old 02-14-2010, 06:38 AM

Originally Posted by BalledKalilee View Post
;____; What did they do to all my old favorites.. and why the heck was Arcee.. triplets?
Actually, technically Arcee was supposed to be sort of like the Constructicons. As in sometime in the movie you were actually supposed to see the three "sisters" become one robot. It's in the novelization but was left out of the movie. A lot of awesome things were in the script but left out of the movie. >.>

As for the reason would be the Transformers shows/movies' original purpose: To Sell Toys. It's why all of the favorites from Seasons 1 and 2 of the original series died or were "upgraded", to make room for the new robots. Logically, Arcee was revamped to either provide more opportunities to create more toys or to give both sides of the war a combiner team. I think that the three Arcee sister toys are supposed to actually be able to combine, but since they're sold separately, you have to buy all three.

And anyway, I'm quite sick of all of the female Transformers dying anyway! Everytime a female Transformer is introduced anywhere in the movie-verse canon, she always ends up dead!

Seer of the Past
Seer of the Past is offline
Old 02-20-2010, 03:04 PM

I love when the little transformer was humping Megan Fox's leg. Yeah sorry I don't know the names yet.

Now the Mule of Kin-Akari
LadyKnightSkye is offline
Old 02-21-2010, 03:01 PM

The lil blue bot's name is Wheelie. ^^

Runes is offline
Old 02-24-2010, 04:07 AM

I was very disappointed in this movie. The first one was wonderful. This one had little story more explosions.
I do like that there is fun poked at Obama.

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Sasha1985 is offline
Old 03-01-2010, 11:18 PM

I loved the second one I thought it was great! they matched the first ones greatness without making it cooler lol.

Megas2point0 is offline
Old 03-03-2010, 04:34 AM

Epic movie. Epic in every sense of the word. My only con about the movie: Megan Fox. Who the hell needs her. We all know it's about the Cybertronians!!


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