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Kaderin Triste
Resident Tiger Expert
Kaderin Triste is offline
Old 05-30-2008, 08:32 PM

*pops in*
Argh!!!! I so am pissed!
As it turns out my parents got my little extra tax rebate thingy because they were able to claim me as a dependent...and they used it to buy the computer that I'm not allowed to use!!!!!
They could have at least given me something! Maybe even let me use the internet!!!! Because if I hadn't been living with them that would have been my money!!!!!!!
*storms around*

Burnt Biscuits
Burnt Biscuits is offline
Old 05-30-2008, 09:06 PM

Aw, that sucks! ~huggle huggle~

I'm getting paid soon, and I'm so excited! I'm debating over whether to buy tablet laptop since I just got an actual tablet recently... <3

Kaderin Triste
Resident Tiger Expert
Kaderin Triste is offline
Old 05-30-2008, 09:12 PM

Hmm...well since you just got a tablet maybe save your money and then you can get a tablet laptop later....or get the laptop now and give me your tablet!!

On the upside, I'm editing my charity posts....though I've still got a lot of work to do before it'll be ready to open.......and hey, in like a week I'll have enough for a semi-cheap laptop!!

Burnt Biscuits
Burnt Biscuits is offline
Old 05-30-2008, 09:16 PM

Yay! Good luck! I've got at least a month before I'll have enough for a tablet laptop

Kaderin Triste
Resident Tiger Expert
Kaderin Triste is offline
Old 05-30-2008, 09:54 PM

Heh, thanks.
Hopefully I'll be able to catch a ride into town to do my laptop shopping....though I suspect my parents will be less-than-helpful with this as with everything else.

Burnt Biscuits
Burnt Biscuits is offline
Old 05-30-2008, 11:06 PM

Aw, sad. ~give you a piggy back there~ XD

Kaderin Triste
Resident Tiger Expert
Kaderin Triste is offline
Old 06-02-2008, 05:37 PM

Ooh...but it's 60 miles! Are you sure you want to give me a piggy back the whole way there?

Burnt Biscuits
Burnt Biscuits is offline
Old 06-02-2008, 05:46 PM

Psh, call a cab. XD

Kaderin Triste
Resident Tiger Expert
Kaderin Triste is offline
Old 06-02-2008, 05:49 PM

No cabs here....and to get one to town...I'd have to call one from there.....which translates into a huge fare as "town" is really the next semi-big city nearby.

Burnt Biscuits
Burnt Biscuits is offline
Old 06-02-2008, 06:00 PM

I'm at work... I would so rather be drawing right now... ;-;

Kaderin Triste
Resident Tiger Expert
Kaderin Triste is offline
Old 06-02-2008, 06:06 PM

Yeah...I'm at the library...and would rather be at home....but I don't get paid until Thursday.
So I won't be able to get a laptop until like next monday unless I order one online.

Burnt Biscuits
Burnt Biscuits is offline
Old 06-02-2008, 06:09 PM

I get paid Friday. ;-; I'm too impatient... I already spent $50 of it on books. XD But I figured I pre ordered several books over the summer, and I saved $30 by buying them all together, so I splurged. I'll get them a few at a time over the summer and I won't have to buy more. <3

Kaderin Triste
Resident Tiger Expert
Kaderin Triste is offline
Old 06-02-2008, 06:13 PM

Ooh..books.....I love books....
and that reminds me, the library just got in Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse....and I'm the first person to get them! The librarian cornered me as soon as I walked in so she could ask if I wanted to check them out.

Burnt Biscuits
Burnt Biscuits is offline
Old 06-02-2008, 06:17 PM

XD Great. n.n I haven't gotten around to reading those yet.

I bought a ton of manga. n.n; I'm so excited though, they're all books I've been really lookng forward to.

Kaderin Triste
Resident Tiger Expert
Kaderin Triste is offline
Old 06-02-2008, 06:20 PM

Ooh...what manga did you get?
I don't read much yet, but have been wanting to pick up some good ones.

Burnt Biscuits
Burnt Biscuits is offline
Old 06-02-2008, 06:41 PM

Wild Adapter 5, Hotel Africa 2, Godchild 8, SaiYuki Reload 8, and Martain and Jaimie or something... it's by an author I like. n.n

I know a lot about manga, I could recomend a few. What sort of stuff do you like to read?

Kaderin Triste
Resident Tiger Expert
Kaderin Triste is offline
Old 06-02-2008, 06:44 PM

Hmm. I don't know. As far as books I read a lot of fantasy stuff. Vampires, elves, magic. I also like midevial and sci-fi.
I've been recommended Fruits Basket, but haven't ever had the money to pick any up.

Burnt Biscuits
Burnt Biscuits is offline
Old 06-02-2008, 06:49 PM

Hmm... I'll go through a fw things and see... I'd Wiki fruits basket before buying it if I were you.

I'll list off a bunch when I'm off the clock. n.n

Kaderin Triste
Resident Tiger Expert
Kaderin Triste is offline
Old 06-02-2008, 06:51 PM

yeah, well I've checked out fruit's basket already and it sounds like it could be good though I've heared mixed reviews about it. Some people really like it and others just absolutely hated it.

Burnt Biscuits
Burnt Biscuits is offline
Old 06-02-2008, 07:03 PM

It's... sort of a noobish anime, predictable and cute with lot's of pretty boys with slightly stereotyped personalities... Personally I liked it. n.n

Deathnote's also a very poplar one, personally though, I'm not a big fan.

If you want some of the less well known stuff, Eternal Sabath, Hotel Africa, X-Day, Wild Adapter, and Confidential Confessions are all very good. ES is very scifi, it's a story about two geneticly created super humans, one raised as a human, the other isolated for research. Hotel Africa... is hard to explain, but amazing. X-day is just... <3 It's a two book series about four people that want to blow up thier school (when no one's in it of course). Wild Adapter's about two interesting character in a city where a drug, WA, is floating around. Confidential Confessions is a series of stories about young girls going through everything from suicidal tendencies to drugs, to sexual harassement. Very well done.

Godchild is another, the sequel series to Cain Saga, by Kaori Yuki. The artwork is flat out amazing, and the storyline is sort of an old Victorian setting with an earl and and and... it's hard to explain. XD Wiki it.

Kaderin Triste
Resident Tiger Expert
Kaderin Triste is offline
Old 06-02-2008, 07:07 PM

Hmm...they all sound interesting. I'll for sure have to check them out.

Burnt Biscuits
Burnt Biscuits is offline
Old 06-02-2008, 08:03 PM

<3 I'm eating sweetandsour. <3

Kaderin Triste
Resident Tiger Expert
Kaderin Triste is offline
Old 06-03-2008, 08:37 PM

Ha! Today's my brother's birthday, but he has to work until 9 tonight.

Of course I've gotten all melancholy about my own birthday (which is in a few weeks) and even told my dad I didn't want anything not even a cake.
He insisted there would be cake anyway.

Burnt Biscuits
Burnt Biscuits is offline
Old 06-03-2008, 09:30 PM

Aw, why don't you want a cake? Birthdays are fun. n.n

Kaderin Triste
Resident Tiger Expert
Kaderin Triste is offline
Old 06-03-2008, 09:32 PM

Because I have no friends to celebrate with, I'll probably be working 1-10pm that night anyway, and it's really just another day.
So I said no cake, no presents, nothing. Save for the big bash they're throwing my grandma in July as a late birthday/reunion.


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