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Old 02-01-2016, 02:23 AM

"Yeah, she is," Maya said. She held Hope close, resisting the urge to keep everyone away from her. She knew she had to let others see the baby eventually. "But she's perfect."

Bucky could see how frustrated she was and nudged her.

"Come on," he said, tilting his head towards the open floor space. "Ten bucks you can't put me on the floor inside of a minute."

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Woofie267 is offline
Old 02-01-2016, 07:09 AM

"And not going anywhere," Tony said, unconsciously echoing Maya's thoughts. "For at least three years, we can totally do kid-sitting here between all of us."

Colbie didn't reply, just stalked over to the floor space and settled into a ready stance, waiting on him. Clint and Natasha actually sat up and paid attention, leaving their own work-outs for the moment. (Here meaning Natasha stretching and being productive while Clint whined at her.)

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Old 02-03-2016, 01:58 AM

That surprised her enough that Maya just looked at him for a moment.

"I thought you didn't like the idea of children," she murmured.

Bucky went out to the floor space as well and did the same. He'd let her have the first shot; she definitely looked like she needed it.

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Woofie267 is offline
Old 02-03-2016, 06:39 AM

Tony shrugged. "I had time to get used to the idea," he said. "I mean, no kiddos in the lab, that's just a terrible idea. But in general?" He shrugged. "Six or so months of finding baby stuff changed my mind."

Colbie waited a few extra moments before she rushed him, going for hard and fast rather than necessarily technique this time. She wasn't even trying to win, she was just trying to wear herself down some. And if that meant being thrown on the mats a few times, so be it.

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Old 02-04-2016, 04:52 PM

Maya studied him for a moment longer before nodding. She could accept that.

"Then I'm glad you're okay with her, then," she said.

Bucky was ready for her, but he still had to work to keep the upper hand. He put her on the mats twice, and barely had time to step back before she was on her feet again and he had to parry a few blows. Oh yes, she clearly needed this.

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Old 02-04-2016, 07:04 PM

Tony grinned a bit. "So, dinner tonight, celebrating, bring the kids, it'll be fun."

Colbie pushed herself, and subsequently him, harder than she had in a while. She definitely needed this.

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Old 02-05-2016, 12:10 AM

Maya blinked.

"Celebrating?" she asked.

Bucky dished as good as he got. He was pretty sure he'd have some impressive bruises later, and she probably would too.

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Old 02-05-2016, 12:12 AM

"Isn't that what people normally do with a new addition?" Tony blinked. "Jarvis, that's what people do, right?"

"Indeed, if the internet is to be believed," Jarvis confirmed.

It took a good half hour before Colbie finally didn't get up from where he'd thrown her on the mats. She just laid there and panted, slapping the mats to signal she gave up.

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Old 02-05-2016, 01:48 AM

"I..." Maya trailed off, looking down at Hope. The baby was sleeping contently. "I didn't know. I thought that was something families did." She hesitated on the word 'families,' knowing how sensitive a word it was. "I didn't..." She shook her head. "Never mind. Celebrating will be nice."

Once Bucky was sure she was through, he helped her to her feet.

"You're vicious today," he said.

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Old 02-06-2016, 06:26 AM

Tony nodded, sidestepping the matter of families for right now. "Excellent. It'll be fun." He stood and stretched, popping his back. "Oh, and kid?" He looked down at her briefly. "Pretty sure we're all family now." And with that he wandered off to go Science! again.

"Mm." Colbie nodded. "Accurate assessment." She shrugged a bit. "Felt nice." She grimaced a little but didn't elaborate.

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Old 02-07-2016, 02:34 AM

Maya watched him go, considering that. She hadn't realized that he considered them family, especially not after his rather impressive reaction to finding out they were related. So his words were surprising.

"Feel better?" Bucky asked, handing her a bottle of water.

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Old 02-07-2016, 04:34 AM

"Tony doesn't like to tell people he cares," Steve told her quietly. "He tends to just throw money at people and do things like buy them anything they need."

"A bit." Colbie accepted the water, taking a sip.

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Old 02-08-2016, 01:06 AM

"I just don't think I understand," Maya replied, rocking Hope a little when the baby started to fuss. "He seemed upset when he learned that he had relatives, before."

"Good," Bucky replied. He grabbed a water bottle for himself, and snagged a towel off the rack.

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Old 02-08-2016, 01:55 AM

"That was about four months ago," Steve said with a shrug. "He got used to the idea. He needs time to think things through. For a genius, he can be a right idiot sometimes."

Colbie nodded a little and shifted her focus to Clint and Natasha, since the two were still pretending to be productive watching.

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Old 02-09-2016, 01:04 AM

"I suppose," Maya murmured. She shook her head a bit. "I'm glad he's acknowledging Hope, at least. It's good that she has that kind of support."

Bucky glanced at them and raised an eyebrow. Nat just raised an eyebrow right back, giving them both an appreciative once-over.

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Old 02-09-2016, 10:49 PM

Steve chuckled. "You won't have to worry about her having a support system," he said, shaking his head a bit. "I doubt she'll ever not have people around, besides us."

Colbie blinked at that and tipped her head to the side, considering. There was something about the look Natasha had given her and Bucky, something she'd seen in Steve's eyes, but not something she really got yet.

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Old 02-09-2016, 11:41 PM

"It's not just the support system," Maya said softly. She looked at Steve. "I don't know what it's like to have real family. People who are related to me." She cuddled the baby. "She's it. But now that Tony's acknowledged her, she has more, and I'm glad for that."

Natasha flashed Colbie a bit of a smile as she passed, heading upstairs to clean up. She'd planted the first seed in Colbie's mind, now time to see what would come of it.

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Old 02-10-2016, 05:22 PM

Steve nodded. "Yes she does." He shifted a bit and settled in there, content to wait for everyone else to come up to dinner.

Colbie shrugged off those thoughts for now, instead going to clean up herself and change before she headed into the common area for dinner.

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Old 02-11-2016, 01:51 AM

Maya settled in with him, tucking herself against his side. Hope whimpered a little, but just looked around and grabbed Maya's shirt.

Bucky went and cleaned up, too, and headed upstairs. He was still thinking about what had happened in the gym, though. There was something significant in Natasha's look, he just knew it.

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Woofie267 is offline
Old 02-11-2016, 02:16 AM

It didn't take long for everyone to assemble in the common room, and loads of food was brought in. Tony, having already seen Hope, magnanimously let the others go first.

Colbie stood off to the side, uncertain and unsettled, just watching everything for now.

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Old 02-11-2016, 02:40 AM

Maya waited for one of the others to come closer to see Hope. She was willing to let them see the baby, just not all at once.

Bucky went to stand with Colbie.

"Alright?" he asked her quietly.

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Woofie267 is offline
Old 02-11-2016, 07:18 AM

Thor was the first to come forward, grinning from ear to ear, though he was very gentle and he just cooed over Hope without trying to take her.

"So far," Colbie muttered, watching Thor carefully.

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Old 02-16-2016, 12:03 AM

Maya smiled as Thor cooed over Hope, although it was just as well that he didn't reach for her. Maya honestly wasn't sure what she would have done if he'd tried.

Bucky followed her gaze.

"Big guy's been excited as a puppy ever since he heard the girl was born," he murmured. "Thor loves kids."

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Old 02-19-2016, 01:23 AM

"She is darling," Thor muttered, grinning from ear to ear and offering Hope a finger. A few sparks drifted from him in his excitement.

Colbie saw the sparks and froze. Not because she was concerned, but because sparks meant electricity, which was Bad. A single hard shiver wracked her frame, and she swallowed hard.

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Old 02-20-2016, 02:22 AM

Maya flinched at the sparks, holding Hope closer and backing away from Thor a bit.

Bucky immediately knew what had happened.

"Hey, it's okay," he murmured. "There's no Chair here. You won't get wiped." He touched her arm gently. "Not you, not Maya. And Thor won't hurt you, or her."


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