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Seer Of the Future
Live Breathe Art
Seer Of the Future is offline
Old 01-16-2014, 05:24 AM

((I will talk to bloody and see if we can get this rolling again!))

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 01-16-2014, 05:50 AM

((<3 Yay! Well, sleep time for Es. Will post in the other one later!! ))

It is impossible to make explici...
Bloodyrosethorns1 is offline
Old 01-16-2014, 09:26 PM

((I apologize, I have neglected this RP. Let us continue.))

Jazereth's spirits stabilized when she heard Landon's commitments. Knowing that the person who she trusted the most stood by her side gave her strength. Realizing that a warrior had been trying to link with her, the fire alpha quickly strengthened the connection. 'My apologies Roulan, as it seems, the alphas are in a bit of a tangle right now. I would appreciate your thought on this matter.' Sending her recent memories of the situation through the mind link, Jazereth showed the male the proceedings. Turning back to the task at hand, the teenager merely watched Navi's presentation. The pale-eyed alpha did have good grounds for her argument, not to mention she was the most unbiased person there. Speaking out, the alpha stated,"We have seen for ourselves that indeed the warriors are much stronger together, but do their positive traits outweigh their negative? I fear this is an area we know little about. How can we put so much faith in a system that is as unreliable as fate? What good will come from dabbling in the dark arts? And even if we do decide to go through with this "teamwork" plan, we will be inexperienced and unprepared. The Vengeance Clan has had years to prepare and we only have weeks at the most. Also, how do you match the pairs up? What if there's a highly experienced warrior who has to team up with a newer and weaker warrior? Not to single you out Coventina, but your pack isn't exactly known for its warriors. There are too many cons and unpredictable odds. I cannot see this ever working out. And do we have enough time or resources to fall back on if this plan backfires? Unless you can somehow convince me that this won't be a death sentence, I will not allow my pack to participate. I will not lead them to their deaths."

Last edited by Bloodyrosethorns1; 01-16-2014 at 09:28 PM..

Seer Of the Future
Live Breathe Art
Seer Of the Future is offline
Old 01-19-2014, 07:30 PM

Coventina watched as Navi tried out for herself the idea she had come up with when with Noctis. If it ment fighting her family to keep her people from dying, she would do it. Though it was going to be a ruff time trying to get everyone on the same page. Especially her niece, Jazereth. The Fire alpha meant well, but she was always hot headed and refused change. The fire clan was rooted deeply in years and years of tradition. Which was quite the opposite of her own clan. They had tradition, but they advanced and changed, like the ocean tide. It was hard to think that people so opposite could work together in harmony, but her brother mated with Jazereth's mother. And even now they have two children and a pack stronger then they ever could of imagined. Hearing the stab at her pack for their fighting ability, Coventina nodded. It was true. Her warriors were good, but her entire pack did not dabble in fights and wars as much as the other clans. They thrived in peace. Looking to her warriors, they obviously looked pissed, and ready to show Jazereth's words their true strength.

"I agree, we are not known for our warriors." she admitted and then looked to the packs standing there, watching in anticipation. "But vengeance has taken something from all of us, friends, family, honor, and lives." she added, stepping forward. "We all have something to fight for, Jazereth. And you will find my pack is ready, to fight with every ounce of energy. We are ready to sweep aside the enemy like a tital wave!" she growled and barks and growls of agreement came from her pack. "I sware to you Water clan will give everything to see this threw. All that is needed is trust. Trust in the hatred we all have for Vengeance. Trust that the wolf standing next to you wants to win and see them dead as much or even more then you do!" she snapped, more and more of the other clan's wolves agreeing and getting rialled up. "Together, we can destroy them! The Wind clan and Water clan did it years ago. We destroyed them and gave peace for almost 50 years. Now, with Earth clan as well we could double that! And Jazereth, your people could triple that. But we need you with us." she said and held out her hand.

"Figuring this out together, is what must be done. Two minds are better then one."

LonelyOtaku97 is offline
Old 01-21-2014, 01:38 AM

(haha seems I'm neglecting this roleplay now)

Roulan had let out a sigh of relief upon hearing from Jazareth. He smiled and said "Its ok Jazareth I was making sure you were ok" he successfully received all to memories of what occured while he was with Sona, he had to focus on every detail of what she had sent him Well this is a difficult dillema" Roulan sighed and wondered what to think of everything. "Then that must mean..." he whispered then shook his head and turned to Sona. Roulan first closed his eyes [B]"I will meet with you Jazareth once the celebrations are done. He then grabbed Sonas hand and proceeded to lead her away from the chaos between the Alphas.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 03-27-2014, 01:03 PM

Navi lifted her hand to silence Noctis as he drew a breath to respond to Jazereth. "I am against the joining of packs through blood and marriage," she said, not even looking in the Earth alpha's direction. "But if our packs were to train together, we would receive an advantage that we have never had before. Vengeance would be hard-pressed to receive the same results they forced the last time we met."

She slowly frowned as she considered Jazereth's further considerations. This was a dangerous line they were walking. Without Jazereth's support, the packs wouldn't have the power needed to defeat Vengeance, even if the other three packs joined forces.

At this point, Noctis butted in. "This is the time to rank our warriors. We know our kin more than they know themselves. Pair the strongest with the strongest, and the weakest will provide support from the sidelines." The Earth male scowled. "Two completely untrained wolves just beat an alpha. Vengeance will have more experience, but they won't be expecting this move. We have the advantage."

Coventina began to speak, rallying her pack. Noctis straightened, mentally doing the same for his own pack. It was true. If Wind and Water could do it, then adding Earth to the mix would strengthen the results by double. "We outnumber them." Noctis was about to continue speaking when he realized Navi was looking at him.

"Wind clan agrees to join forces until Vengeance is destroyed." The dark-skinned alpha clasped her hands behind her, smiling grimly. "I won't ignore the potential to win this fight."

Sona looked slightly confused as she was led away from the gathering. She heard Coventina's words. They were joining forces. The air about the girl suddenly chilled. It was her reaction to the stress and uncertainty of the moment. The Water wolf pulled her hand away from Roulan, suddenly realizing that her friendship toward him might cause ripples with Jazereth at a later date.

"Do you think Jazereth will join the other packs?" she asked quietly, hearing her own clan suddenly start their shows of approval and battle-zeal.

LonelyOtaku97 is offline
Old 04-01-2014, 06:42 PM

( So sorry for not replying I've been busy with school glad the rp is back up

Roulan felt Sona's hand slip from his and turned around slowly. He bit his lip nervously and shook his head "I don't know" he paused and shrugged then continued "Jazareth does what is best for the pack"as he said this he could sense that she was unsure. He had hoped that this wouldn't affect the relationship with her. "Theres no way of telling with Jazareth but I will find out soon enough" he sighs and looks turns his eyes downward away from Sona's.

It is impossible to make explici...
Bloodyrosethorns1 is offline
Old 04-06-2014, 06:31 PM

Jazereth seethed at the ignorance of Coventina and Noctis. But when Navi proclaimed her stance on the matter, she respectively listened. Navi was merely trying to do the best for her clan and yet she was in the middle of an alphas' spit. Raising her head, the Fire Alpha turned her bitter words towards the wretched lovers. "You, who dwell in the sea of the other's affections, are ignorant of the basic facts. You have chosen to make rash decisions and denied the evidence in front of your eyes. All you have done is try to persuade me of the fact that your clans can fight. I care not, of the abilities of your clans at this point. Merely the desolation of our race. Do you not hear your own words? Navi is the only alpha besides myself who has even cotimplated the consequences. It's not your lover that is at stake! It is the lives of your kin! How dare you be so rejective towards their well-being! Hath you no deductive powers? Your decisions shall be the downfall of your clan. But, arguing with you is like talking to a frozen river, trying to coax it from tis slumber. I grow weary of hearing your wretched words. Begone! I have nothing more to say to thee. The only ones I have yet to address is my people." Completely ignoring the other alphas, Jazereth turned toward her clan,"Since the day you accepted myself as alpha, you trusted that you could confide in me to make the right decisions. In my own mind, I will stand by my decision until my last breath. But, you do not to follow my ambitions like mindless puppets. This is not a dictatorship, I do not pretend to know the best for each one of you. So, I trust in you, as you have trusted in me, that you will now make the right decision. You have the option to accept their plan, to become a soldier in their army and receive a partner. Not only will you be in charge of your own fate, but of theirs as well. Those who join will still receive the burial befitting their clan, and will be accepted back after this battle. But one thing still remains set in stone as it forever shall be. You are not permitted to joining blood with another from a different clan. This law is absolute. Now, I bid those who intend to join this plan to come forward." Post the speech, four Fire Clan members advanced towards their leader. Only one was a warrior, and a very low- ranked one at that. Turning once towards the alphas, Jazereth said,"There. These are the willing recruits from my pack. Take them if you will, and leave us in peace." Before the three scrappers and warrior advanced, Jazereth embraced each with a tender hug. "Long live the courageous, lion - hearted, strong, and meek. Those who aid the whole of the clan shall indeed receive glory," chanted the Fire Clan. In her mind, Jazereth felt as if she had just given those members as sacrifices to the enemy. Her inner wall staring shake, she contacted Landon and tried to gove off an air of confidence. 'They'll be fine,' she told herself. But somewhere within the recesses of her soul she felt the death call upon their forms. And those instaincts had never before been wrong. Regaining her stature, Jazereth now addressed the whole crowd. "Let us complete the final days of the ceremony before plunging into the depths of hell." Then, turning away from the leaders, she glided to her throne at the table, and sat, waiting for the celebration to commence.

LonelyOtaku97 is offline
Old 04-06-2014, 08:27 PM

(Wow that is going to be tough to reply to)

Roulan had heard the words of his clan leader and was unsure of what choice to make. Seems her judgement is final" he sighed and shook his head slowly. "I'm sorry Sona I have to be alone for awhile" he turned and ran off towards the woods, when he was really lost he slowed to a walk to catch his breath. "This can't be" he murmured to himself and bit his lip nervously trying to think of what to do or say to his Alpha and to Sona.

It is impossible to make explici...
Bloodyrosethorns1 is offline
Old 04-09-2014, 12:28 AM

((Sorry, I just finished reading Frankenstein, so my english is kind of old right now. Lol.))

LonelyOtaku97 is offline
Old 04-11-2014, 02:01 PM

(its all good how was frankenstein?)

It is impossible to make explici...
Bloodyrosethorns1 is offline
Old 04-12-2014, 08:07 PM

((Not as blood-chilling as I thought it would be. I thought it was the oldest horror story, but it was more of a psychological melt-down. It was actually about how Frankenstein coped with the monster he created and the book itself was meant to be more psychologically affective. I think it raised my I.Q. level quite a bit! Lol. It's a good read for anybody willing to use context clues to understand the old language. ^_^))

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 04-21-2014, 02:54 AM

Noctis looked ready to pursue Jazereth. It was Navi's growl that held him in place. "Let her go. She has made her choice, and no amount of brute force will change her thoughts." The dark-skinned woman looked ... different. She seemed unsure of what was going to happen, and as her white eyes focused on the warriors that had just fought her, Navi seemed ... upset. Was this why her son had left her? Was this why he'd moved on to Vengeance?

She was lost in her thoughts as one of her warriors approached and began to speak to her in hushed tones. Somehow, Navi hadn't noticed it before. But now... now she did smell it. Gently touching her warrior's arm, she silenced him. Pupil-less eyes lifted, and she scanned the gathered wolves quickly. She smelled him. That one scent that she'd caught earlier - her son.

Frozen, the Wind alpha's gaze locked on Landon. He was here. Her son ... was here.


Landon moved closer to Jazereth, his arm brushing hers as they moved. It was the outward show of his support. He most certainly agreed that the clans should be mixed. And the fact that there was conflict would please Pathose and the others in Vengeance.

His blue eyes lowered as the warriors approached the Fire alpha. It was only instinctive as a scrapper. It wasn't until he recalled his sudden promotion when the youth straightened his shoulders and lifted his gaze. He was their equal. He was not lower than them, and he knew that now. Jazereth had chosen him as her warrior. He hadn't gone through the training, but ... he would.

Glancing to one of the warriors known for his fighting skills, Landon made a mental connection with him. At first, the other was hostile - he didn't want to speak to the alpha's pet. He relented only after Landon persisted. He wanted to improve. If he gained rank, he wanted to be strong enough to hold it.

As Jazereth headed toward the festivities, Landon followed closely at her side and slightly behind her. He was brave enough to force himself into walking beside her, at which point he offered a slight smile. "I think you made the right choice."


Sona glanced at Roulan, and nodded slowly as he walked away. "Okay." Her blue eyes were full of uncertainty as she moved closer to her alpha and her new mate. "We are bonding clans for the battle, then?"

The girl was still giving off a distinctly cool aura as her distress heightened. "I heard correctly?" Glancing at Noctis, who was obviously her alpha's mate, she swallowed quietly. She wasn't sure what she thought of the joining of families between clans. This was a huge step. But ... if her alpha thought it was best, then perhaps it was.

Seer Of the Future
Live Breathe Art
Seer Of the Future is offline
Old 04-21-2014, 03:11 AM

Coventina was more hurt then she was anything else as she moved to put a hand on Nocits's shoulder. He needed to remain calm, and keep his cool. Her gaze turned to Starfish, and she beconed the warrior forward. "Because you show understanding of how to move in time and work with another warrior, I want you to devise startegies on how to teach this to the other warriors, as will I. If you want revenge Star, I will give you the position of my head warrior on this." she said and the purple haired woman looked at her alpha a bit surprised before bowing her head. She had nearly lost her lover to the fight, Vengeance would pay, no matter the cost. "I would be more then honored Alpha." the warrior said and lifted her head. She met the eyes of the Earth alpha and let out a growl. "Our Alpha is the only one left of royal blood in our people. As her mate I expect no one to touch her. If I see any type of scratch, I will hunt you down." she growled and turned and walked back towards the other warriors. It was obvious, even if the warriors didn't seem to show it, Coventina had won over all their hearts, and was truly something precious to their clan.

Hearing a familiar voice, the alpha turned around and offered a warm smile to Sona. "Yes you heard right. We are stronger fighting as a unit of different clan wolves. You don't have to fully bond, but bond in fighting styles and technique. There is no need to be worried." the blonde haired woman said with a smile wide. "I believe that this is maybe the answer we truly have been looking for to reach a peace that is not stressed like the last one was... I believe that this could be the answer to heal the anger and hatred between packs." Coventina continued before looking to Sona. "I apologize if it seems that I went behind your back, as well as the pack's back. I meant for it to be brought out in a different light, but I will put my life on the line if it means our packs will thrive, and I found my happiness." she said softly. Her pure blue eyes gazing at Noctis with happiness glowing in her eyes.

LonelyOtaku97 is offline
Old 04-23-2014, 02:25 PM

(sorry for late reply finals are next week)

Roulan let out a deep sigh and decided that pouting about this issue with the clans wouldn't help him at all "Guess I'll go back" he mumbles to himself. He starts to walk out of the woods and back to the celebration to find Sona and bites his lip nervously "I hope shes not to mad at me" he says quietly.

It is impossible to make explici...
Bloodyrosethorns1 is offline
Old 04-24-2014, 10:23 PM

Jazereth gave a tired smile to Landon in return. "Thank you, Fire warrior." She knew that Landon was anything but ready to be called his new title. Even she had a hard time recalling the new name. As she sat with him at her side, she started to converse with him through their mind-link. 'I don't know if I made the right decision. Is there no other way? I feel as if I will have to watch my kin die before my eyes one way or another. I can't afford to be weak, now in their time of need. The proceedings have just made another excuse to swirl up a commotion. We were already hanging from a ledge, but now I think it's starting to crumble. I can't think of anything else to do. Am I being naive? Selfish? Childish? Or am I making the right decision? I'm sorry, Landon. I know it's not fair of me to burden you like this. Do you have any magical words of wisdom?'

Jazereth wanted to bury her face in her hands. Right now, when her pack needed her the most, she was being weak and showing emotion. What they needed was a leader that they could put their complete and utter faith into, not a spoiled brat like she had been acting. But what, she wondered, could she do to stop this war? There had to be another way! If not, everyone would die, and the souls that once bonded these fields in joy would litter the ground in decay. She could just imagine the pools of scarlet blood settling into the valley, and splashed across the rocky paths. Of course she wasn't afraid of blood and pain, but the thoughts of her peoples' screams of agony and their descendants cursing her, she...she just couldn't.

Then, a plan came to her. Each side would have it's fair share of casualties. The Vengeance clan must have stomachs of steel...or a secret weapon. But the Clans had four aces up their sleeves. Each Clan had their own secret magics, not to mention the ones they invented themselves. But the Water Clan's scroll had been stolen...but there was no way that they could've opened it to utilize the contents without an Alpha. An alpha... Oh hell! That's why they stole it! They had previous alphas! There was no other reason for them to steal the secrets without a way to open them. That meant, that the odds of the Clans leaving victorious was dwindling.

Turning to Landon she thought,'You know the leader of the Vengeance Clan right? Well, this may sound crazy, but I need you to help me meet with him. I just want to talk to him is all. At a neutral location. I'll bring you and he can bring one of his own, but no armies for either of us.'

Rifke is offline
Old 04-26-2014, 02:30 AM

Username: Rifke
Name: Chenoa
Rank: Warrior of the Wind
Abilities: Incredible speed (50 mph for long periods, approximately 60 mph in short bursts)
Powers: Great agility, long endurance, can blow a short, powerful gust of wind from her mouth that can blast the average size wolf several feet onto its back
Appearence: Human -
Wolf (drawn by me C;) -
Bio: Chenoa was born from two former warriors of the Wind Pack. Her mother, Tannua, passed away several years after she was born from complications with her heart. Her father, Ankil, raised her to be strong and healthy, and their bond was close for all of her life. At the age of seventeen, her father left to serve their alpha, and was sent with two other members of the pack. They never returned.

Chenoa has since given herself to their alpha, Navi, to serve her and her pack as her mother and father once did. She holds onto the hope that her father may one day return, but in the meantime, she serves her leader fully. She is as loyal, honest, and trustworthy as they come.

Chenoa, while not brutally strong, is very agile, and can make moves that heavier wolves could not. She can run at great speeds for long periods of time, but she can run in incredible bursts for short periods, as well. She has an average bite, and average strength for a small wolf. Her main form of offense is her ability to blow a strong gust of wind from her mouth, which can knock back the average wolf or man several feet onto their backs. This often gives her advantage, time to attack, or time to flee.


Chenoa circled the large perimeter of the Wind Clan's territory, her dark, violet-blue pelt rolling over her slender shoulder blades. The recent events did not interfere with her duties. This was her responsibility, until her leader, Navi, gave her a new assignment.

Her cornflower blue eyes enveloped every tree, every hill, every creature within their territory. She moved fluidly, as if she took on the qualities of wind itself, weaving between trees and over shrubs as she did several times each day. This was part of her routine. She hated a break in her routine.

Which is why her brow furrowed at the sight of something unusual in her path. She caught the scent first, following it until a small brown sack came into view. As her pace quickened, she seamlessly shifted from her wolf form to that of a woman, coming to kneel beside the bag. She slipped her hands around the straps, shifting the bag to open and reveal its contents.

There was nothing inside, but the smell certainly was foreign. Her eyes narrowed, and she began to look over her shoulders, pausing to listen to her surroundings. Whoever left it, they were gone now. But the scent was strong; they could not have been here too long ago. Navi had to know about this, and possibly, the other tribe's leaders.

She shifted back into her wolf form, taking the bag between her teeth. She would check the perimeter once more before reporting to her Alpha. Whoever had intruded may not have left their territory just yet.

((OOC: Would someone be so kind as to refresh me on where everyone is? Or at least where Navi or some of the other Wind Tribe is? I read a lot of the previous posts, but I was so excited to introduce myself xD))

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 05-18-2014, 09:20 PM

Listening as Coventina spoke with Starfish, Noctis finally reigned in his anger. When he heard the Water warrior, however, a growl built in his chest. It was a threatening sound, and in his pack Starfish's little taunt would have earned her a fight. In fact, it did.

Noctis lunged forward, his hand catching the woman's shoulder before she could retreat to the other warriors. Starfish received a loud growl that caught the attention of plenty of his own clan. The Earth pack knew that this was an alpha's way of showing he was still dominant. They expected Noctis to act in such a manner. If he didn't, they would rise up and find someone stronger to become Earth alpha. It was what Noctis had been trained to do, so he reacted in a brutal way.

"If she is harmed," he growled, his grip on Starfish's shoulder leaving a bruise, "then this is all for nothing. She will not fall, woman." Noctis released the purple-haired warrior and backed away, turning back to Coventina and the newcomer who had approached.

Sona smiled slightly, and nodded when she heard Coventina's explanation. "I understand. It does appear we are stronger if we bond with the others." Her soft blue eyes still lingered on Noctis, though not in an accusing way. Instead, it was a very gentle look - more of an observation than a judgement. Sona's smile grew as she heard Coventina speak of Noctis.

The Earth alpha had returned to her by then, and slipped an arm about the woman's waist. Noctis met Sona's gaze defiantly. Sona returned his look with sheer acceptance. It startled him.

"Some of the clans will never understand," Sona said quietly, "but you would never do anything to harm us, Coventina. I trust you." The small-framed girl stepped forward and offered a hand to Noctis, who slowly accepted it. "If you are her mate, then I serve you as well."

Just then, Sona turned her gaze to where Roulan stood. He'd just come in from the woods. "I would like to speak with my friend." Bowing her head, Sona excused herself. Approaching Roulan, she offered a small smile. "The clans are fighting together." She paused. Every clan except his clan, of course.

Noctis frowned, and turned his gaze to Starfish. It seemed that one of his warriors, Fenris, was watching the head Water warrior as well. "Fenris." Noctis held the broad-shouldered male's gaze as the large warrior approached. If anyone were to take over the pack from Noctis, it would be this wolf. "Work with Starfish. You will head up Earth clan's warriors, and start training with the Water clan as soon as the celebration ends."

Noctis' green eyes left Starfish and locked on Noctis. "Fine." His gaze returned to the purple-haired woman who was with the Water warriors.

Noctis raised an eyebrow. He'd been expecting a push back. Shaking his head, Noctis tightened his hold on Coventina's waist. "Earth and Water will work together well. I'm hoping Fenris' brusque demeanor doesn't destroy everything." He smirked. "He's just like me, but ... bigger."


Landon sat beside Jazereth, feeling very much out of place beside the alpha. Still, he did an excellent job of putting on a neutral expression. The male glanced to Jazereth as their mind link opened once again. The alpha's worries were warranted - there was too much happening and too much at risk for such things to be occurring. Yet, that was just what Vengeance wanted. Chaos among the clans, and knowledge for Vengeance was all that was necessary for things to just crumble in all the right areas.

The youth stayed silent as Jazereth's mental link stayed open. She voiced all of her worries to him. Landon's expression stayed neutral, but his heart felt burdened. He wanted to tell her that by joining the other clans, it would get rid of the tension between the packs. Instead, he kept silent.

"People will die no matter what you choose, Jazereth." Landon's blue eyes moved up to the woman, and he carefully brushed her arm with his. "You can't stop the war from happening. You can only choose what you think is best."

Something changed in Jazereth's expression. Landon frowned, watching her as her thoughts took form. The look she fixed him with made Landon's eyes fill with wariness. For once, the expression wasn't part of his mask - it was real. "You want to talk with Pathose?" Landon felt his own mind writhe with the thought. It would cause more tension between Jazereth and the other packs if they found out. It would also set Jazereth up for an ambush. This idea she had ... she was placing herself in Landon's hand. She was trusting him.

"I ... will see what I can arrange." Landon blinked guiltily, and suddenly stood. Apparently he wanted to do this now and not later. The dark-haired youth stepped away from the festivities as soon as he was able to without being noticed. Why was he dreading this so much? With the Festival happening, no one would notice the extra energy put into creating a mind link with Pathose.

Landon situated himself a ways off in the woods just to ensure he wouldn't be caught by scouts. Sitting, he raked a hand through his hair. Fine. He'd contact Pathose. He was loyal to Vengeance after all, wasn't he? He'd said the opposite to Jazereth, but ... of course he had. This was starting to wear on him. If only there were a way to head back to Vengeance and speak with his best friend in person.

"Pathose. I need to speak with you."


((Welcome, Rifke! :D Currently, all four packs are gathered together on Earth and Water clan's territory. There is the Festival - a time of peace for all the clans - going on right now. All four clans have just had a confrontation about joining clans - it's against the law, yet Water and Earth have married and are now fighting together and are quite strong.

All the alphas and warriors are likely gathered for this Festival. :) So we're all in the same place! Except the bad guys, Vengeance. Vengeance clan is off doing dark things. Not sure what. Haha

Feel free to approach anyone. :) We're a friendly bunch! haha, Navi is sitting with the alphas at their table right now, I believe.

Also: Just to clarify, I found these pictures and REALLY wanted to share. LOL

This is what Noctis looks like. And what he looks like AGAIN. I love him.

This is Landon. :3 Cute guy, and obviously not the girl. xD



And then there's Fenris. ♥ Dear goodness, I'm excited to have another guy in here. LOL))
Es apologizes for any delays - she has just moved and is piecing things together again. If Es is behind on something, feel free to poke her.

LonelyOtaku97 is offline
Old 05-21-2014, 04:30 PM

Roulan stepped out of the woods and smiled and waved at Sona. "I hope shes not to mad at me" he thinks to him self as he slowly walks toward her. He was still looking down due to being upset over the news about their clan not fighting. I was really hoping to fight with the other clans he sighs and shakes his head then hugs Sona tightly once she approaches him.

Last edited by LonelyOtaku97; 05-21-2014 at 04:32 PM..

It is impossible to make explici...
Bloodyrosethorns1 is offline
Old 05-22-2014, 12:53 AM

Jazereth could feel Landon's aggravation and worry. She didn't blame him. There was a lot at stake and riding on Pathose's cooperation. Watching him leave, she gave a silent sigh. There was too much on the line to fail, and failure was almost impossible to elude in the current situation. The young woman decided that she need to relay the currently known information to a close ally, a person she could trust with her life, (besides Landon) Navi. Making a mind-link with the Alpha, Jazereth told her everything, from the beginning of the Feast, to the realization that the enemy had Elder Alphas. 'I know that if my plan doesn't work, everything will be lost. But right now, I see no chance of our salvation. If Pathose cooperates, I can gain information and get us a foothold in this battle. Then, we might have a fighting chance. I know that if this doesn't work, my Clan will be leaderless and discord will ring through the Clans like a plague. Please, do not confer this information to anyone, I plan to work it out with just Landon and I. If anyone else gets involved, things might become a lot more complicated then they already are. If I return with information and know I will be able to fight against the odds, I will personally oversee my Clan's participation in the "bonding" plan the other Alphas have.'

Seer Of the Future
Live Breathe Art
Seer Of the Future is offline
Old 05-22-2014, 07:38 PM

Pathose stood as he felt a tug on his mind. Turning his gaze to his mother, mate, and sister. He had told them to come to the feast and celebrate his sister's return. But feeling his friend link minds with him, he smirked. Hopefully it was news that the clans were falling apart, and that they would soon become weak enough to conquer. Stepping out of the room, he moved to walk out the back of the castle, looking over the cliff. Extending his link to his friend, he felt that the male was alone, and decided to send a shadow clone to make things more personal. His bright red eyes glowed deeply, and the shadows in the forest before Landon began to stir.

The shadows, began creeping forward, and rustled the grasses and trees. They then began moving faster, and faster, stirring up around Landon's form. The shadows gave a happy purr, being with their master's close friend again was something that had them happy and pleased. Stepping forth from the cloud of pitch black stood the shadow form of the Vengeance alpha. He grinned and looked around before meeting his glowing red eyes with his friend.

"You called?" he said lightly and chuckled. "Are they falling apart? Grasping at straws to try and figure out our advantage?" he chuckled and then put his hands behind his back. His hair moved in the breeze, as if it was truly his physical form before his closest friend. Though he could tell his friend was tired, worn, from this job. Looking to his friend, he searched his face. When he didn't respond right away, the male could tell something had changed. Not just as an alpha, but as his close friend.

"Landon...." he breathed and searched his face, he may have been good at hiding things from everyone, but he couldn't hide it from his pack brother. "Please don't tell me you have grown fond of these wolves...." he then said, his voice almost a snarrle. He wouldn't let these people corrupt his brother. Not when they had thrown him away like he was some worthless being, and had treated him that way from the point he rejoined them. "You can't forget what they have done to us. The hatred for us! You're own mother threw you out!" he snapped and then calmed himself slowly. He would approach this calmly. His brother's alliance couldn't be compromised, their bond ran too deep, but he worried. Things in the clans were changing and it was causing things to happen that never happened before.

Turning his gaze back to the male, the shadow folded his arms over his chest. "Why have you contacted me?"

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 05-26-2014, 08:25 PM

Sona smiled slightly as Roulan reached for her. She looked completely startled when she was suddenly pulled to him for a tight embrace. With a muffled sound of surprise, she froze ... and then hugged him back. "I think our clans know what they're doing. Everything that happens is meant to happen, no matter how good or bad."

The blue-haired girl bumped her head against Roulan lightly, then pulled away from his hug. It felt strange to have so much contact with a wolf from another clan. "Are you one of Fire clan's warriors, Roulan?" Sona tilted her head questioningly. She knew that not everyone was a warrior. Take her for example. Sona was no fighter. She was a healer and comforter. A caretaker.


Navi was silently conferring with one of her warriors when she felt the Fire alpha's pull on her mind. Dismissing the man she was speaking to, her pupil-less eyes flickered to Jazereth. They sat a few feet away from one another, as they all sat at the alpha's table. Listening to the woman, Navi was silent. It wasn't until the very end that she spoke.

"If Pathose cooperates, then you have an advantage. If he tricks you, then all of the clans are destined to fall. We cannot win this war without the strength of the Fire clan." She was right. Jazereth was very right. If Pathose took advantage of this, then Jazereth would disappear and Fire clan would fall apart at the seams without their leader. Navi bowed her head, thinking. "Be careful trusting your new friend, Jazereth. I believe he became involved with you for purposes beyond friendship. It was no coincidence that Landon has become your friend so suddenly."

That, and he was her son. Navi paused, but eventually nodded. "Hopefully things will go smoothly for you, Jazereth. If all ends well, the other clans will welcome your participation in the bonding of elements."


Landon waited as patiently as he could. He was distracted by the worry that someone would stumble upon him speaking with Vengeance. If he were caught ... Jazereth wouldn't be able to save him. It was a miracle that he'd been able to protect his own mind by scrambling his memories and forming new ones for the mind-readers to be distracted with when he'd been questioned. Proof like this would overthrow any "memory" that Landon could have suggested to the mind of whoever saw him. It wouldn't matter.

The soft rustling of the world around him was comforting. Landon's blue eyes opened, and he let the shadows toy about his fingers as they passed him. The sound they gave off made Landon take a deep breath and relax. The youth stood the moment Pathose's familiar form detached from the darkness, appearing before him. His best friend stood before him, his chuckle making Landon's mouth quirk into a smile. Still, he took many moments to choose his words. What should he tell? Shouldn't he be telling Pathose everything?

"They are fighting to understand what they should do. Three clans have joined together and are blending elements. As predicted, Fire clan is not participating." Landon broke off suddenly, and then a cold smile returned to his lips. "You knew she would be obstinate."

Landon admired the grace with which Pathose moved his clone. It looked and moved just like him. Pathose must have gotten stronger since they'd last been together. Even the wind was toying with the false Pathose! His power had grown.

The dark-haired youth felt his own spirit grow heavy suddenly. He would soon be much weaker than Pathose. As Pathose grew in power, Landon continued to question himself and his loyalty. How was this possible? Weren't they supposed to be friends for the rest of their days, wreaking chaos and revenge upon the other clans?

Uncertainty flickered through him, but Landon pushed it back. Pathose hadn't missed it. He held the other male's gaze, and Landon felt a defensive wall slowly forming in his mind. Pathose's snarling accusation made Landon's eyes narrow ever so slightly. "Am I not talking with you now, Pathose?" The cold feeling he began to feel grew hot with anger. "I came to you, didn't I?"

Landon turned his gaze away from his friend momentarily. Why was he so angry that Pathose had pointed out his own worries? Of course he would be worried that Landon was changing sides. Landon himself had felt himself slipping, and though he denied it the young wolf wasn't sure how he could stop it. The only thing he could do was stay strong until the war hit off in earnest. He could then rejoin Pathose, and he would never have to worry about his wavering loyalty.

"Jazereth suspects that you have old alphas that will be able to access the scrolls." Blue eyes shot back to Pathose, and Landon stepped closer to the male as though trying to convince himself that he was working for the right side. "She knows of my link to you, Pathose. She told me to come here and arrange a meeting between you and her."

He ignored the dread that was building in his stomach. The more he thought about it, the less Landon wanted Jazereth to be near Pathose. It was strange, this feeling welling up within him. It was small and distant, but it was steadily gaining a footing.

"She trusts me, Pathose. She thinks I will find a way to help her resolve this before it blows over to war."

LonelyOtaku97 is offline
Old 05-27-2014, 04:12 PM

Roulan late her go when she said that and smiled "I'm sorry Sona hopefully that wasn't uncomfortable for you since you don't have much contact with other clans" he bit his lip and shrugged his shoulders [B]"Your right no matter what happens it happens for a reason, I was just hoping to fight against the Vengeance Clan".[/B he then kicked his shoe out kicking up some dirt.

"I am a warrior" Roulan smiled and looked around "what about you what do you do in your clan?" he sighed due to still being unhappy about not fighting and was curious as to what Sona's role would be in this.

Seer Of the Future
Live Breathe Art
Seer Of the Future is offline
Old 05-28-2014, 06:15 PM

Coventina smiled hearing Noctis and leaned against his warm form as he spoke of his chosen warrior. "Yes, but I believe that Starfish can keep him in place... She is our toughest warrior, and lost her soon to be mate to Vengeance. I know she wont let failor be an option." the water alpha said and hearing the music she looked up into his eyes. Leaning up, she placed a soft kiss onto his lips. "Lets dance." she said lovingly, pulling his hand and leading him to the dance floor. Twirrling slowly into his arms, she looked up into his eyes and offered a bright smile. She truly loved this man, and was so happy to now be with him. Hopefully the packs would see their happiness, and understand that the individual packs didn't have to hate each other. There could be peace, if only they were able to work together for it.

Pathose's double stared intently at Landon as he spoke. He had contacted him, but Pathose had a feeling that it was not by his own accord. Frowning as he heard his good friend's words, he shook his head slowly. Turning his back to Landon as he spoke his eyes narrowed. Hearing his step sister's name made his blood boil. Turning his blazing gaze to his friend his hands balled into fists. How he hated that girl, for what she had done to his mother.

His eyes snapped over to Landon as he spoke of Jezereth figuring out that they had the other alphas to read the scrolls and gain he powers they needed to completely conquer the packs. Shaking his head, he looked to Landon and paced.

"Jezereth is the one I want dead more then anyone.... The only other one I want to kill maybe as much is Noctis, for what he did to me..." he growled and turned his gaze to his friend. "If she comes to me of her own accord, I will kill her... I want nothing more then for her to leave the earth and spend forever in hell." the alpha growled and turned his gaze to his friend. It was always his dream to end these corrupt alphas and bring peace. With his best friend and family at his side. "Will you help me end her?" he asked seriously

Last edited by Seer Of the Future; 05-30-2014 at 04:19 PM..

It is impossible to make explici...
Bloodyrosethorns1 is offline
Old 05-30-2014, 05:27 AM

((OMG!!!!! Talk about a climax! Things are getting hot in hur!!!!! I can't wait for Landon's reply!!! Good work everyone! :3))


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