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Ark Angel
ZeroUltimate is offline
Old 10-07-2009, 01:48 AM

The way Satoshi was holding Aiko's hand, he was able to rub the back of her's with his thumb to try and calm her down a little bit. He looked at Aiko, then Ai, then back to Aiya,"You know, I barely remember telling you that you were not allowed to do the stuff I did. Now didn't I say that?" He didn't want Aiya to go down the same path he did. Satoshi had killed the people who killed his family, with Arekkusu's help of course, and that was the reason they were sent to death by beheading.

Kai La Morte
Married to Daemosa!
Kai La Morte is offline
Old 10-07-2009, 01:52 AM

"they killed my father" she jumped down from ai's arms, ai was now unhappy tears flooding from her eyes when she watched her baby hop to the ground "i dont care what you told me uncle satoshi.. they took my daddy from me.. how could i let that go? how could i just let that go!?" her eyes were darkening in pigment, she truly resembled her father, even down to the mark of the dark one.

Aiko shivered, remembering her last episode, she shook her head and quickly pulled herself behind satoshi slightly further, the scar trailing over her left eye suddenly aching

"aiya!" ai wrapped her arms around her daughter in an attempt to calm her, which, failed. The little girl's breathing staggered while she stood there closing her eyes and gripping the several white glowing seals which trailed down her tan arm. They had been placed on her by a white mage, as an attempt to keep little aiya restrained "Momma..?" her voice was small, scared and wavering "he.. he's talking again.." a dark booming voice was echoing through the confines of the little girl's mind.

while ai attempted to comfort her child she grew, first inches then feet, facial features shifting from prepubescent into her teen years. She was 16 before anyone knew it, clothes barely fitting until finally she was in what looked to be a new outfit, bandaging across the chest, open yukata top, skirt, traditional shoes on her feet and two swords at her waist. Kakuro, her fathers blade, and satsuriku, her own "get off of me!" she shrieked pushing ai away with a gentle hand "mom c'mon! seriously!" her eyes were now a dark orange "uncle you wanted me to be noting like you.. and yet.. i'm more like you than you'll ever know.. i am my fathers daughter after all"

Last edited by Kai La Morte; 10-08-2009 at 11:00 PM..

Ark Angel
ZeroUltimate is offline
Old 10-08-2009, 11:25 PM

Satoshi grunted and crossed his arms lazily. He walked over to where their campsite had been, taking a quick glance at Kai, who was somehow asleep and floating at the same time. He started rummaging through a bag and went back to Aiya, place a dark orange opal in her hand,"Me and your father found that, he wanted to give to you."

Kai La Morte
Married to Daemosa!
Kai La Morte is offline
Old 10-08-2009, 11:40 PM

she slowly closed it in her fist and looked up at him, she was at a loss for words. it felt as though her heart was being ripped out of her chest when she held the slender stone in her hand "..thank you" were her only words when she kicked off her shoes, slipping the tabi off of her feet and standing in the ankle deep waters.

kai sniffled a few times before rubbing her eyes, when she stood to her feet she held a hand over her stomach she had slipped into a deep depression since watching her husband and children being captured then soon after killed by poachers. When she made her way over to the rest aiya was the first to notice her, she immediately slipped the gem into her chest wrappings and held her hands into a defensive position waiting for the strange creature to attack "who are you!?" she shrieked, when no answer came from kai, the ground under her feet began to sizzle and flame. The werepanther laughed, then snorted looking over at her "child, dont screw with me" she snapped

Ai blinked "k-kai? I.. please dont hurt her!" were the only words she managed to choke out before she felt herself loosing control "i.. i'll be back" she groaned and held her shoulder where there was a large, bulging scar from when aiya had first lashed out. The mother quickly ran to a secluded area, sitting indian style in the clearing. Letting herself soaking up the sun's rays.

Aiko had followed satoshi when he went to get the stone, but, remained there in fear of what little aiya would do. she felt the energy pulsating from her slender form, this scared her "s-satoshi..?" she asked in a small voice, when she did she felt the final wave crash over her "satoshi get away from her!"

Aiya's eyes shifted in color, the whites in her eyes were now black, the orange was now a blood red "yes satoshi" a deep, dark voice ripped from her throat "get away from me" it was the dark one once more, this time in a different form. Dark flames erupted from the ground under her, jetting at satoshi.

Ark Angel
ZeroUltimate is offline
Old 10-08-2009, 11:52 PM

Satoshi opened his eye's in horror and amazement at the amount of energy Aiya was using, he'd never thought she would become controlled by the dark one. He jumped back into the water, lowering his temperature so he slid across it instead of going under it. His left arm got caught in the fire, but not nearly enough to hurt seriously hurt him. When he came to a halt, he turned and positioned himself so that his left arm was behind him and his right hand was just over the handle to his katana. He took a deep breath, waiting for Aiya to make her next move. He didn't want to hurt her, but that was probably the only way to stop her,"Kai, don't do anything you usually would, this doesn't involve you." He took another glance at Kai with an expression of warning on his face.

Kai La Morte
Married to Daemosa!
Kai La Morte is offline
Old 10-09-2009, 12:01 AM

"what the hell.." were kai's only words when she watched aiya stalk toward satoshi. her small, bare feet slapped against the ice, when she did steam rose from under her. Her temperature lowered in just that section of her body, she stepped toward him attempting not to shiver but at the same time her hair streaked with black.

When kai's words reached little aiya's ears she quickly looked over at the cat woman "what is it? you didnt think i was like this? that such power didnt exist?" she laughed low and loud, letting the menacing sound echo into the hollow abyss. Kai stared in fright when the child stalked toward her, her eyes immediately shut, shoulders raised and in one fraction of a second she was a panther, shoulders haunched and hissing low in her throat

Aiya grinned when she narrowed her eyes, letting flames erupt all around kai, the panther hissed again letting the soil turn over, this was an attempt to extinguish the flames, though, when it didnt work this only amused the child more. She pulled out satsuriku, walking forward toward kai who, was stepping away from her in a narrow attempt to flee "here kitty.. kitty.. kitty"

Ark Angel
ZeroUltimate is offline
Old 10-09-2009, 12:23 AM

Satoshi had balled his hands into fists and was exceeding, what he thought was, his own limitations of power. His ice armor formed around his body, his hair grew about a foot, and a dark blue aura was now swirling around, licking at the water. He hoped Aiko brought the sword Ai gave to him on his eighteenth birthday, or else this fight wasn't going to last very long. As he drew his blade from it's sheath, a thick layer of ice covered his entire left arm. He was going to hit Aiya with his arm if he had to, he didn't want to risk slicing through her. She may have been strong, but she was still no match for Satoshi when he was at full power. Since he wasn't, or couldn't, able to get to full power in the forest without Touketsu, Aiya had much more power than him as long as the dark one controlled her.

When Satoshi saw Aiya stalking towards Kai, he threw blunt ice shards at Aiya. In a flat simple tone he stated,"Your fight is with me." He called over to Aiko,"Please tell me you brought Touketsu?"

Kai La Morte
Married to Daemosa!
Kai La Morte is offline
Old 10-09-2009, 12:41 AM

Aiko nodded quickly pulling out the blade and tossing it to Satoshi, which, wasnt the brightest idea. Aiya intercepted the pass and immediately threw the blade to the ground, embedding the blade within the dirt. She didnt say anything when several pillars of flames jetted at his knees, stomach and chest "silly girl for wanting to help her pathetic lover" the dark one hadnt grown powerful enough within his new host, but, he would try his damned best to make up for lost times.

She immediately stepped back onto the ice stalking toward him again. When she got close enough she felt a burning erupting from her chest, she gripped where the stone was as a pained expression set onto her face "dad.." she gasped out before her entire body erupted into flames, she had clearly lost all control which, was not to be regained until after she was beaten into submission. She launched herself toward satoshi, slicing from her uncle's shoulder to waist in a diagonal attack

Ark Angel
ZeroUltimate is offline
Old 10-09-2009, 12:47 AM

Satoshi easily parried the attack and jumped back away from Aiya. Just from that first attack though, he knew he could beat her. The dark one doesn't know it's own fighting style and since Aiya hadn't learned any, it was using Arekkusu's fighting style. He jumped forward at Aiya, foot first, and attempted to kick her low in the stomach.

Kai La Morte
Married to Daemosa!
Kai La Morte is offline
Old 10-09-2009, 12:51 AM

the foot made contact with her, she let out a soft cry when the pain erupted in all directions from the point of contact. She fell forward, landing on her hands and knees, her hands burnt holes through the thick ice, the stone which attempted to suppress the dark one seized control, her eyes snapped shut and she was laying on her stomach on the ice, mark pulsating, arm burning and breathing coming out in small gasps

Ark Angel
ZeroUltimate is offline
Old 10-09-2009, 01:09 AM

Satoshi let out a long, held in breath. He was glad he took her down with just one hit, but he didn't want to have to fight Aiya at all. He reinforced the ice under her so she wouldn't melt it and fall through. He made his way over to Aiko and held his left arm as the ice covering it melted away. He sat down next to her, starring up at her with worry in his eyes.

Kai La Morte
Married to Daemosa!
Kai La Morte is offline
Old 10-09-2009, 01:14 AM

her eyebrows pulled together when she fell into his arms, her own wrapping around his neck pulling him in close to her "i-i.. what're we going to do with her?" her voice was small and trembling by the time ai walked out from her small seclusion and out to her daughter, picking her up once she cooled down "we're going to add another seal" she groaned looking over at her sister then at satoshi "we have to.."

Ark Angel
ZeroUltimate is offline
Old 10-10-2009, 04:19 PM

Satoshi leaned against a tree, resting his head on it so he could see everyone as well as the sky above them. He let out a long, deep sigh, then focused on Aiya. It was bad enough that she had murdered someone, but now the dark one is getting even more powerful. It even aged her to the age of sixteen,"Alright, but how do we give her more seals?"

Kai La Morte
Married to Daemosa!
Kai La Morte is offline
Old 10-10-2009, 04:26 PM

"a few years ago.. when aiya turned five we ran into a white mage who was able to teach me a few things.. including how to make her white seals.. but.. i-it requires my blood and a pure quartz crystal" when she spoke, she spoke softly almost in an embarrassed tone. Ai was confident that she could help her daughter, but could she save her life?

Aiko let out a small sigh then nodded "i carry one with me at all times to counter the dark one.." she pulled out a necklaces which was truthfully a quartz crystal set into a round gold encasement. It was polished and carved with runes of blessing and protection.


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