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2katty2 is offline
Old 11-09-2009, 04:12 AM

Thank you sweetie that is very kind of you!

Foam my dear,

You are just a sweet heart! That is why we became friends way back a long time ago...

I will never forget that you saved me from a guy who was just going to try to scam me anyway...

At that time you barely even knew me but you weren't going to let me get "taken" by any old fool...

On top of that you are just a fun friend to have...

I thank goodness for all of my good friends...

As for my family the thing is Dad is 79 and his wife is 83. My Mom is 70 and my Aunt is 68...

We all know that we are going to go some day and they are all very close to the average age for people from their era...

I have to keep thinking to myself, so that it doesn't hurt as bad, that they are old and in pain and that they are getting tired of always hurting and so their passing is going to take away their pain...

I am going to cry when they go but I am going to try to keep in control and not "lose it" when they go...

That is why I keep talking to myself about all of it...

EDIT: Hi Crazy, how are you doing?

2katty2 is offline
Old 11-12-2009, 02:57 AM

Today is Nov 11th and my thread hasn't been on the front page since Nov 8th so I am bringing it forward in hopes of getting some sales going to help me out some...

Azntwins is offline
Old 11-12-2009, 02:59 AM

Hello Katty~
How's it going?
Do you have any November CIs for this month? C:

2katty2 is offline
Old 11-12-2009, 03:03 AM

No I sure don't have any yet... I am praying I will be able to afford some before the end of the month... I think that they are very cool and so I really want a Nov Set...

How are you doing?

Life is fairly good for me and I am ok with that for now...

Your avi looks like a scary Halloween avi, still??? It looks like you had fun putting it together!

Azntwins is offline
Old 11-12-2009, 03:08 AM

If you can't find/buy one, I'll look for one for you! Since I'm on most of the time.

I'm fine~ Thank you very much!

Thank you~I bought TOO much event commons and I though it would be a waste if I didn't use them at least once. xD

2katty2 is offline
Old 11-12-2009, 04:10 AM

I just bought a set of event items I don't think I got any of the event commons... It still looks like you had fun putting different things together and trying things out until you came up with your look...

wish is offline
Old 11-12-2009, 09:37 AM


:3 how's katty?

2katty2 is offline
Old 11-13-2009, 07:28 AM

OMG what are the items that you are wearing wish? I love the look of what you have put together there...

For now I am off to watch a movie with my sweetie...

wish is offline
Old 11-13-2009, 07:31 AM

mainly the november chilly polar bear item. ^^

the rest are commons the puffy pants are from vday lovey white bloomers or something. and a bustier from vday as well.

oh! the cloud stuff is the ninja's arsenal. and some cheap boots the 4838838 many colored ones.

2katty2 is offline
Old 11-14-2009, 08:13 AM

So what I hear you saying is I need to hurry up and get Nov monthlies before I miss out...

Thank you honey for telling me... I really do like your avi's look...

wish is offline
Old 11-14-2009, 08:28 AM

lol. :D Yuh! hurry get some! but you have half a month. n__n

Pip is offline
Old 11-14-2009, 12:29 PM

Originally Posted by 2katty2 View Post
Thank you sweetie that is very kind of you!

Foam my dear,

You are just a sweet heart! That is why we became friends way back a long time ago...

I will never forget that you saved me from a guy who was just going to try to scam me anyway...

At that time you barely even knew me but you weren't going to let me get "taken" by any old fool...

On top of that you are just a fun friend to have...

I thank goodness for all of my good friends...

As for my family the thing is Dad is 79 and his wife is 83. My Mom is 70 and my Aunt is 68...

We all know that we are going to go some day and they are all very close to the average age for people from their era...

I have to keep thinking to myself, so that it doesn't hurt as bad, that they are old and in pain and that they are getting tired of always hurting and so their passing is going to take away their pain...

I am going to cry when they go but I am going to try to keep in control and not "lose it" when they go...

That is why I keep talking to myself about all of it...

EDIT: Hi Crazy, how are you doing?
My grandfather is 89. He is sick of living, he can hardly see or hear anymore and he refuses to let himself be helped. But now we have made sure that the Diakonie really helps him getting dressed and that the neighbours help him when Grandma can't. Mum is so worried about him, but she knows that what is left of him isn't the person she recognises as her father anymore. I see my mum suffer and I don't know how to help her.
I feel empathy towards you, because I comprehend how you feel.

2katty2 is offline
Old 11-14-2009, 09:42 PM


That is such a hard thing for your family and you. It isn't easy losing someone that we love.

I lost my sister 2 years ago and she wasn't even very old. They found her cancer to late so our family got to watch her go over a period of 5 months...

It tore my Mom up really bad... I don't think that my Mom would be doing as bad as she is now if it wasn't for that... I mean I know she is getting up there in age but until then she was actually doing pretty well...

My heart goes out to your Mom and your family as you go through this....

Try to look at it from the angle that he is older now and has a lot of pain and he has had a good and full life so when he does go you can try to mostly see that he doesn't hurt any more and he isn't tired any more...

I am not saying it will be easy but try so that it doesn't hurt you as badly...

For now,
I hope that you have a better day!

PS: if you feel like you need to vent or talk about it you are welcome to pm me any time or talk here in my thread also...

2katty2 is offline
Old 11-15-2009, 08:53 AM

My thread was already almost at the bottom of the second page

Pip is offline
Old 11-15-2009, 05:13 PM

Originally Posted by 2katty2 View Post

That is such a hard thing for your family and you. It isn't easy losing someone that we love.

I lost my sister 2 years ago and she wasn't even very old. They found her cancer to late so our family got to watch her go over a period of 5 months...

It tore my Mom up really bad... I don't think that my Mom would be doing as bad as she is now if it wasn't for that... I mean I know she is getting up there in age but until then she was actually doing pretty well...

My heart goes out to your Mom and your family as you go through this....

Try to look at it from the angle that he is older now and has a lot of pain and he has had a good and full life so when he does go you can try to mostly see that he doesn't hurt any more and he isn't tired any more...

I am not saying it will be easy but try so that it doesn't hurt you as badly...

For now,
I hope that you have a better day!

PS: if you feel like you need to vent or talk about it you are welcome to pm me any time or talk here in my thread also...
I am sorry, and I thank you. It's nice to have someone you can truly confide in.
Yes. I know that death would be his salvation of sorts.
I wish you and your family luck and peace and I am very grateful.
Thank you.

2katty2 is offline
Old 11-16-2009, 05:44 AM

I just really wanted to make sure that you know that there are others of us out here that are or have or will be going through the same thing or something similar...

I am here to talk to if you ever need someone to talk to about it...

Thank you for your kind words and wishes for my family.

I hope and pray from today forward that your family doesn't have to suffer through this to long and that it isn't as painful for your family and you!!!

2katty2 is offline
Old 11-22-2009, 08:25 AM

Last time on the front page was the 15th.

Today is the 21st. I think that I should be able to bring my thread up to the front page again...

I still have items that I want to sell and I still have items that I want to buy...

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Flink is offline
Old 11-22-2009, 09:01 PM

Technically you can bring your page to the front every five hours. <.<

2katty2 is offline
Old 11-22-2009, 09:21 PM


Thank you kindly for letting me know. I thought that it was only once a day or once every 12 hours or something like that...

However this last week my town has had wind storm after wind storm so I pretty much turn my computer off and unplug it from 35 MPH winds and up...

I would "DIE" without my computer so I am pretty obsessive about protecting it from possible zaps and things... hehehe...

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Flink is offline
Old 11-22-2009, 09:35 PM

Good idea! The lights do tend to flicker when the winds get too heavy. We have that happen during hurricane season and they start heading inward.

Flink doesn't live near the coast, but the "tropical storms" make it pretty far into Georgia. x.x

2katty2 is offline
Old 11-23-2009, 06:17 AM

hehehe, oh we were out of power for 18 hours the other day already from all of these wind storms...

Like I said after about 35 mph I turn my computer off and just unplug it that way I don't worry to much...

The other night the radio said that we would have 80 mph winds and in some areas around my place we got up to 110 mph gusts...

Not being able to use my computer just about kills me... If I killed my computer it would be even worse... hehehe...

2katty2 is offline
Old 11-24-2009, 04:56 AM

Tech I can bring my thread up now but I am only doing it now to let everyone know what is going on with me:

Hey everybody,

I messed up my Elbow/Forearm and they have disabled my right arm/hand for two weeks. That means that I can only type and use me mouse with my left hand for the next two weeks.

I am right handed and this left handed stuff is not working real great for me right now.

Be aware that what took me five minutes before now takes me 25 minutes...

Sorry for any inconvenience it may cause.

2katty2 is offline
Old 11-26-2009, 06:18 AM

Far more than 24 hours so I am bringing it up again in hopes of getting some sales in so that I will have pure for when the Christmas event gets here...

Come on folks buy my items...

2katty2 is offline
Old 11-27-2009, 04:48 AM

I have updated my selling list as of Turkey Day evening...

I have many more items for sale...

Come on in and buy a few!!!

2katty2 is offline
Old 11-28-2009, 03:23 AM

22 hours later


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