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Kande914 is offline
Old 04-28-2009, 03:42 AM

Allie held onto him and she moved her hands on his chest. Not to stop him at all but to make it better for him. When he stopped and licked her neck she shivered again. She pulled away from him for a moment and tried to stand but wobbled a little bit. She smiled up at him as he helped her up. She looked into his eyes. "your eyes are so beautiful.." she whispered. She didn't know if she could speak yet. "you are so beautiful.." She didn't know what to say

Last edited by Kande914; 04-28-2009 at 03:45 AM..

Arc Angel
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Arc Angel is offline
Old 04-28-2009, 03:55 AM

Vincent blushed, holding her up firmly. "Thanks." he said, not entirely sure if she was just dizzy or what. He gently scooped her up into his arms, carrying her back to the elevator. Allie seemed to be in no condition to be left alone in her apartment, seeing as she couldn't stand. He pressed the elevator button, and the doors closed as they started up.

xSad_Eyesx is offline
Old 04-28-2009, 07:20 AM

Chastity was a bit shocked. " do know what this place is right?" She stood right next to Victoria and whispered to
her ear, "Apparently you found this place by mistake. If you want to get out of here alive follow me. Just act like you belong."
Chastity walked, and kind of danced, her way across the dance floor to an exit on the other side hoping that Victoria was right
behind her. When she reached the exit and turned to see if Victoria was there she noticed that Victoria was lost with the rest
of the dancers. Great, they'll get her sent and know right away she's human. Chastity finally found Victoria, who seemed scared
but enjoying herself at the same time. What a weird human. "Come on Vic, let's dance over here" she said with a friendly smile on
her face, as if they were long time friends, so she wouldn't attract any more attention to themselves. "I told you to stay right
behind me," she said in a whisper,"You do know who we are dealing with here right...or do you need me to draw you a picture."
Chastity said this with a little humor in her voice so she wouldn't seem hostile towards Victoria. Both went through the exit but not after glancing back and noticing some eyes on them. Chastity just gave them a little smile and closed the door.

Arc Angel
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Arc Angel is offline
Old 04-28-2009, 01:16 PM

Victoria was a bit confused, but tried following Chastity through the crowd of dancers, somehow getting lost among them. Oh great... now what? She was grateful when she found her again, quickly following her over to the exit. Once out, Victoria let out a deep breath she hadn't known she had been holding. "Um. Thanks." she said, smiling a little.

Kande914 is offline
Old 04-28-2009, 09:46 PM

Allie groaned and grabbed her head. "I am a little dizzy..." She gasped as he picked her up and she wrapped her arms around her neck. Her head was spinning so she rested it lightly on his chest. In the back of her mind there was a tiny voice saying she was going to his room now. She had to be cautious.

Arc Angel
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Arc Angel is offline
Old 04-28-2009, 10:56 PM

Vincent looked at her worriedly, for a moment then stepped out of the elevator and started down the hall once they were on his floor. Walking up to his door, he opened it carefully, not to drop Allie, and walked inside. The room they were in was a living room, the walls were the dull white the apartment had come with, but there were random pieces of art to make them a bit less boring. The furniture was white, black, and red with small splashes of a cream color. Vincent walked over to the couch, setting Allie down on it, then went to get her a blanket.

Kande914 is offline
Old 04-29-2009, 04:55 AM

Allie was in his arms and never felt more safe in her life. She was disappointed when he put her down. She looked around and got dizzy. The paint was making her head spin. She was in his room on his couch. She had to get out before they went to far. She had to control herself.

Arc Angel
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Arc Angel is offline
Old 04-29-2009, 01:23 PM

Vincent walked back over to Allie with a blanket, in case she'd want to sleep. He simply laid it over her, pressed his lips to her forehead once, then left the room again. He felt the need to shower and get some clean clothes on, so he went to his room and did so.

Kande914 is offline
Old 04-30-2009, 03:56 PM

Allie looked up at he came into the room. She shivered as he pressed his lips to her. She reached out and took his hand squeezing it kindly. She smiled and worded thank you as he left. She heard the shower running and wondered what was going on. She stayed under the blanket and pulled it up and over her head. She had to calm down and think about what just happened. She smiled at the memories already and pulled the blanket down. She sat up and awaited his return.

Arc Angel
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Arc Angel is offline
Old 04-30-2009, 10:52 PM

After a quick shower, Vincent did the rest of his daily hygiene rituals, pulling on dark blue jeans and a white tank over an unbuttoned grey button-up. Walking out of his room, he entered the living room again, sitting beside the couch on armchair, smiling at Allie. His hair was still damp and clinging to his face, and he looked rather clean.

Kande914 is offline
Old 04-30-2009, 11:18 PM

Allie smiled at him as he came in the room. She blushed as she looked at him. The clothes perfectly fit his toned body. She looked up at his hair and then into his eyes. She was speechless. He was so handsome. She suddenly looked away. "hey" she said with a smile. Her entire face was red.

Arc Angel
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Arc Angel is offline
Old 04-30-2009, 11:21 PM

Vincent raised an eyebrow. "Hey." he said softly, a bit confused. Why wasn't she looking at him? Did he do something wrong? Did she not like his presence? Do I...? He quickly sniffed himself a little. Nope, clean.. Vincent looked at Allie worriedly. "Do I disgust you?"

Kande914 is offline
Old 04-30-2009, 11:26 PM

Allie looked at him and gasped. "No!" she almost screamed. "your the most incredible looking guy I have ever met, you are so handsome" She then looked down embarrassed.

Arc Angel
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Arc Angel is offline
Old 04-30-2009, 11:43 PM

Vincent smiled, blushing a little. "Thank you... but do not be embarrassed". He said, kneeling next to the couch and tilting her chin up towards him. "You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen." he said softly, looking into Allie's eyes.

Kande914 is offline
Old 05-01-2009, 12:18 AM

Allie looked at him and blushed. "thank you" she said softly. She shivered under his touch and looked in his eyes. Her mind was racing. She really wanted to kiss him again. She knew if she did she wouldn't be able to stop. She had to control her desires. "Do you know our rooms look exactly the same?" she said with a smile. She had to keep the topic off her mind.

Arc Angel
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Arc Angel is offline
Old 05-01-2009, 12:32 AM

Vincent blinked a little, then turned to look at the room. "Really?" he asked, now a little curious. He suppose the builder must have gotten lazy and built all or most of the apartments the same, which was more common in housing developments. In apartments, he guessed most people just didn't notice as much.

Kande914 is offline
Old 05-01-2009, 04:01 AM

Allie looked over at him and smiled. "yea, except its opposite.." She stood up. "for instance... right here is the door to the bathroom and where you went is the living room" She used her hands and pointed out the different things that were different.

Arc Angel
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Arc Angel is offline
Old 05-01-2009, 04:10 AM

Ah, maybe not too lazy. He thought, smiling a little. "Then I suppose you wouldn't like a tour? Seeing as you already now the place." he said, a little bit of a playful tone reaching his voice.

Kande914 is offline
Old 05-01-2009, 04:17 AM

Allie looked over at him and smiled "I would love one..." she said playfully. She stood up and held out her hand for him to lead her. "there has to be something different.." she said with a giggle.

Arc Angel
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Arc Angel is offline
Old 05-01-2009, 04:16 PM

Vincent smiled, taking her hand to lead her around his apartment. "It's a bit of a mess right now.." Which might have been weird of him to say, because his apartment was actually pretty clean. He led her down a hallway, opening the doors, revealing an ordinary guest bedroom, something that looked like a small library, and then stopping at the last door, a bit hesitant. "Uhh.. this is my art room." he said, opening the door. The walls were covered in a huge mural, random things were entwined with each other, most in a darker color of paint. The room was filled with art supplies, except the balcony coming off of it. It was empty except for an eisel with a start of something on it.

Kande914 is offline
Old 05-01-2009, 09:55 PM

Allie followed him and stopped "wow I don't have this spare room" She continued walking "WOAH, this is amazing the color is really awesome." She looked around the room in awe.

Arc Angel
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Arc Angel is offline
Old 05-01-2009, 10:23 PM

Vincent smiled a bit shyly, rubbing his arm and watching Allie look around. "Thanks." he said quietly. He had never showed anyone this room before... well, he had never had anyone to show the room to, anyways.

Kande914 is offline
Old 05-01-2009, 11:05 PM

Allie looked at him "this room is really amazing..." she spun around with a twist "I could spend all day in this room, its that awesome" she said very perky.

Arc Angel
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Arc Angel is offline
Old 05-01-2009, 11:10 PM

Vincent chuckled a little, watching her for a moment. He then stepped into the room, one of his arms catching Allie's waist, stopping her from spinning. "If you do that, you'll get dizzy."

Kande914 is offline
Old 05-01-2009, 11:13 PM

Allie gasped when he grabbed her but relaxed. "yea but I have you to catch me dont I" she said playing. "why is it I feel safe with you" she questioned him "you entire aura makes me feel so safe"


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