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Old 10-16-2007, 02:15 AM

Near looked over Takeo before his green orbs settled on the other's face, something he did almost every time he saw him. "They have peanut butter in them...?" he repeated quietly, an almost completely unnoticeable amount of wonder in his meant-to-be monotone voice. Sometimes, little things like this actually surprised him, especially when he had had nothing better to be surprised about in a long time. So maybe it was a bit forced? There was a slight shrug of Near's shoulders as he dismissed any thoughts on the peanut butter in a Butterfinger. It really wasn't in the slightest bit intriguing enough to even try to be interested in anymore. The vampire shrugged his shoulders again as he stood up from leaning on the wall, then arched his back, hands still in his pockets, so that his spine cracked a number of times before he straightened himself out again. It was now that he took into mind that his craving wasn't actually for chocolate.

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Old 10-16-2007, 02:28 AM

Ristsu went over to greet Dani, "HI! Wow your costumes so bright I love it!" Ritsu said in admiration. "we're gonna go around the neighborhood then head back to the mansion before it gets too dark." Ritsu said

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Old 10-16-2007, 03:20 AM

Mirith lightly tossed over a candy bar to Dani. " I think its awesome, very cute" She said as she watched Dani twirl around in a circle. " I wish my mom would have costumes like that tucked away in the closet, then i wouldn't have to waste money trying to get one." Her pirate hat was starting to slide so she pushed it gently back up to its right full spot on the top of her head. She turned to Ristu " Well then lets get going now" she said with a smile as she started towards the first house she saw.

A Refined Pervert
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Old 10-16-2007, 03:38 AM

Dani turned to return Ritsu's greeting. "Thanks!" she said in reply to her compliment. She then turned back just in time to catch the candy bar Mirith had thrown. "Thank you, too!" She said as she unwrapped the candy bar and began to chew on it following Mirith up to the first house. "I hope one of these houses is giving out full sized candy bars. I eat way too many of the mini ones when I get them and as if I needed to be any fatter." She joked, knowing she was far from fat and could eat just about anything without gaining weight.

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Old 10-16-2007, 03:44 AM

Mirith turned to Dani and started walking backwards to face her. " I think the mini size candy bars are to tease you, one bite and then they are gone leaving you wanting more. I hate it" she said with a laugh.

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Old 10-16-2007, 03:51 AM

Dani laughed too. "That's what I'm saying. I mean, my mom bought a bag of mini milkways the other day and I polished the off! I had to go buy her another bag of candy to hand out tonight because of it!" She laughed again. "I wish I could control myself but when it comes to chocolate, I'm like an addict." Dani was careful not to accidently step on Mirith's toes as she was walking, something she's always feared of doing. "I can't believe how uncomfortable this costume is!" She said, frowning a little. "Can you cover me?" she asked, "I have the worst wedgie!" She wasn't one to be shy about her current situations.

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Old 10-16-2007, 03:57 AM

Mirith popped a lolly pop in her mouth as she simi tripped over a rock that she didnt see coming since she was facing backwards. She straightened out her costume and turned back the right way. " Nicely done, i went ahead and bought myself my own bag of candy to have while we walk and get more. My mom is handing out chocolate at the house so i don't have to worry about that." She glanced back at the others to see if they were following before looking back at Dani. " Yea same here, chocolate takes over my mind." She coudnt help but giggle at Dani when she said she needed mirith to cover her. She quickly went behind Dani and turned slightly giving her some cover of her back area so she could fix herself.

A Refined Pervert
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Old 10-16-2007, 04:38 AM

Danielle let out a small sigh of relief after she had extracted her wedgie. "I think I might to need to change sooner than I thought!" she laughed. She then pursed her lips together in thought. "So we're going to the freaky mansion? They'll probably have full-sized candy bars there. I mean, I judge the type of candy by the size of the house." She joked, moving towards the first house again her black pigtails bouncy slightly with each step. She could hear the chatter of the little kids running around her and smirked as she thought about how some of the costumes reminded her of Donuts and Mr. Mittensface.

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Old 10-16-2007, 10:25 AM

"No I lied" Takeo said rolling his eyes with a sarcastic tone. His eye seemed to twitch slightly at the popping noise Near's back made. He didnt know why he hated the noise, but he most certainly did. Takeo glanced down the walkway were some kids were passing by and giving the three looks. It wasnt as if they had ever been caught eating, but the house's atmosphere probably gave the little ones the right idea. At the thought Takeo absentmindedly licked his lips. "I might need to go inside to keep from biting some person in plain sight" He said though he made no move to head back inside

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Old 10-16-2007, 12:04 PM

Tomion walks down the street and notices his friend Ritsu and decides to say hello. "hi" Tomion greeted ritsu.

*not so* fearless ninja
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Old 10-16-2007, 08:36 PM

Sora soon felt ignored and went totaly quiet again,he looked at the ground and frowned,he guessed noone really liked him that much,he kept quiet.

Garnet Phoenix
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Old 10-16-2007, 09:33 PM

Garnet followed behind the others as she looked up at the sky. She noticed that the moon was full in the lightly clouded sky, giving the neighborhood a bluish-white glow with touches of shadow. She smiled softly to herself as her mind began to wander off to the book she read before she left the Foster care. She noticed that the voices of her friends began to get quieter and she turned around to see that her friends were already half a block away. "Hey! Wait for me!" She cried as she lifted the skirt of her dress with one hand, holding her hat with the other, and began to run as fast as she could to catch up.

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Old 10-17-2007, 01:16 AM

"Hey Tomion! we're going to the first house to get some cady!" Ritsu said to him as she swung her little bag shaped like a cats head. "Sora! Sora! They have HERSHEYS!!!!" Ritsu yelled from the house and gestured him to come over.

*not so* fearless ninja
menwesha is offline
Old 10-17-2007, 01:26 AM

Sora smiled and walked over then knocked on the door,he smiled and then smiled waiting for someone to answer,he hadnt really gone trick or treating so much.he wondered what to do.

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Old 10-17-2007, 04:01 AM

"You have to yell 'trick or treat' Sora" Ritsu said with a smile "like this, TRICK OR TREEEEAT!!!" She said reeaaaalll loud. A couple of children and a woman came out with a bowl and gave everyone some chocolate bars. "is this your first time sora-chan?"

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Old 10-17-2007, 06:16 AM

Dani smiled on the inside as she accepted the chocolate bar from the lady. She had expected the lady to ask if they were too old to be trick or treating. Well, actually, Dani wanted her to ask that so she could snap back with a snide comment about only being nine a maturing way early in life. I wonder what her face would look like Dani thought to herself as she wiggled a little to prevent another wedgie. Lost in her thoughts she jumped a bit when Ritsu yelled out trick or treat. "Holy cow, you've got a set of lungs on you, Ritsu!" She stated and laughed a little.

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Old 10-17-2007, 12:16 PM

"really? can i join you?" ask tomion and hope ristu say "sure".

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Old 10-17-2007, 04:19 PM

Mirith smiled as she opened her bag letting the candy bar drop inside. " Thank you" she said politely then she walked into the yard and waited for the rest of her friends.

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Old 10-17-2007, 05:43 PM

Dani followed Mirith out onto the lawn, swinging her bag around in circles. "Look at that," she said, pointing in the direction of a small child in a similar costume to hers. "I bet SHE'S embarrased." Dani joked, and continued onto the sidewalk, beginning to whistle.

*not so* fearless ninja
menwesha is offline
Old 10-17-2007, 11:37 PM

Sora smiled as he was given candy"Yah...This is just my first time doing this."he said and smiled.He looked at the ground feeling stupid now because he hadnt ever trick or treated.

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Old 10-18-2007, 01:46 AM

Ritsu scratched her head a bit then accepted the candy politely, "Of course tomion, Halloween should make everyone happy" She said with a smile. She then turned back to sora, "Well that's okay, its all about having fun." She smiled again and
waited for eveyone got candy before heading to the next house.

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Old 10-18-2007, 01:55 AM

Dani frowned when she heard Ritsu invite another person she didn't know along. I guess I can just pretend he's not here, either, she thought to herself and put her thumb to her mouth so she could chew on her fingernail. Knowing this was a terrible habit of hers, she instead grabbed a piece of candy she just recieved and placed it in her mouth, chewing slowly to be sure not to go back to her fingernail. Scratching her head, and shifting her feet she waited patiently for everyone else to start heading to the next house.

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Old 10-18-2007, 02:16 AM

Mirith laughed while looking over in the little girl direction. " Yea she'll be embarrassed once she sees you." She said giving Dani a playful push before running off towards the next house. When she passed the kids she let out a high pitched scream " Its gonna get me" and started running all funny like waving her arms everywhere.

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Old 10-18-2007, 02:34 AM

Dani stumbled slightly and laughed as Mirith ran down the street trying to scare the kids. Hopefully there's no parents anywhere, she thought and smiled at the reaction they would have at Mirith's actions. Dani then ran after Mirith, trying to hold her skirt down as she ran.

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Old 10-18-2007, 07:23 AM

Mirith stopped running after she past the little kids and caught her breath. She started laughing looking back at them. She knew she didn't scared them and they all most likely thought she was crazy. She stood there waiting for Dani to catch up to her before moving on to the next house.


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