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M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 12-22-2009, 08:15 AM

Originally Posted by Jennifer View Post
Same here. Although, since I've been gone for extended periods of time, it's hard to get back into talking to people on here.

What kind of surgery do you have to have on your tooth? .-.

*waves to Alaunt* :)
True. o.o; But some of us just stay in the Avatar Chat Forum. xDD Iunno if you speak to Suona, Sizzila, Ry Ry or Rad a lot but they're always there. :P

I'm not sure if I told you before, but its the same tooth that they exposed before. The baby tooth that I had a long time ago had a silver cap on it because there was a tiny hole and the dentist wanted to prevent a cavity from happening. But they put too much glue inside of the cap that it actually reinforced my baby tooth to not fall out at all. So, my permanent tooth was starting to grow outwards above the capped baby tooth. I had to go back to the dentist to make them yank it out...I got 4 numbing shots. ._.; They told me: "It's not supposed to hurt." Yeaaahhh right, the tooth wasn't even loose! >.<; After all the pain and blood, it was finally out. However, when my brother and I finally got a chance to get braces since we needed them they took X-rays to find my permanent tooth that didn't come down even after the baby tooth was taken out. It turns out that the permanent tooth decided to go inwards again and stay slanted above my front teeth inside of my gums. So...they had me get it surgery for it.

I got 7 shots of numbing needles on the roof of my mouth...which hurt like a bish. And I had a gas mask on to keep the medication breathing in because they had to drill through flesh and bone to attach a stainless steel wire around my tooth. Ever since then the orthodonist I have has been pulling at that tooth with the chain and it felt like he was slicing my gums with a knife. :gonk: The chain finally just broke last week. So I have to get the surgery done all over again but the tooth is down now. It just needs to be pulled the rest of the way into place. I've had my braces for 4yrs now because of that damn tooth. -.o; The Dr. said that there's a chance after all this time messing with the tooth that the nerves could die when I turn 30. It makes me mad. :illgetu: I want to keep all of my teeth foreverrr. )=

I know thats a lot to read but telling the full story is the only way to do it. XDDD *///brain diezzz x.x;

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Jennifer is offline
Old 12-22-2009, 08:15 AM

Goodnight Vicky! :)

Linnea - You're really going to enjoy it!

Here is a NPC guide to help you identify all the NPCs. :)

Cute Things Kill People
Alaunt is offline
Old 12-22-2009, 08:17 AM

Here's a clip of Karupin. I couldn't find a specific clip, but it is in this section of this episode . . . skip to 4:27 and you'll catch a small part . . . then go to 6:25 for the good part. ^-^

@Jen - It is!

@Lin - Yup. That is the father guy. The series has 175+ regular episodes, with 26 OVA's, a movie, and 4 "another story" episodes . . .

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Linnea is offline
Old 12-22-2009, 08:20 AM

@Jennifer: thanks for the link... i should have looked around more *blushes, slightly embarrassed* and i think i will have lots of fun at the event, once i figure out what's going on :) but everyone here seems super nice so i'm not too shy to ask

@Alaunt: oh my, i didn't realize there were so many! have you seen them all?

Midian is offline
Old 12-22-2009, 08:20 AM

yumeh is so cute :3 Ahh I can't wait for the event!

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Jennifer is offline
Old 12-22-2009, 08:20 AM

I talk to Suona and Ry occasionally. Seems that forum is the hotspot, lol.

DAAANNNG. I would have just been like, "KNOCK ME OUT! Give me Anesthesia!" LOL I had all four of my wisdom teeth pulled and I had them put me into a deep sleep. If I had to go through all of what you did, I would have gone in kicking and screaming.

It's good that you're getting it fixed though. Bummer that the nerves will die when you're around thirty years though.

Linnea - Try The Information Desk < Resource Center (sub-forum), there are a ton of cool guides there that can help you understand the site better. :) As far as the event goes, it might be different or near the same as it was last year. I can't be too sure myself, so I can't really help you out there. But when the event starts, there will be a guide to help you understand it. There always is one.

Last edited by Jennifer; 12-22-2009 at 08:23 AM..

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Linnea is offline
Old 12-22-2009, 08:27 AM

@Jennifer: thanks for the tip, i'll definitely check it out! and it's good to know there is a guide for the event, i feel much better about joining in on the festivities!

M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 12-22-2009, 08:28 AM

@ Jennifer; That's good then. :3 Suona can talk a lot if you want her to. rofl You just gotta get her started on something that she can roll on within a conversation. ^^ <3 A lot of ppl have been doing that lately with her, haha!

Yush ~ It seems thats the only place besides others idk where its still active. I remember that the Charity Forum used to be the place to be. xDD

I know...I should've but I don't like needles. @_@; Haha...the wisdom teeth is the worst in my opinion. When did you get your wisdom teeth taken out? My brother and I got them out when we were 12/13yrs old. I couldn't take the pain of them penetrating my skin with the IV's...its the worst burning sensation ever. They said: "This is going to feel like a bee sting." LIIESSS!! I started crying and they asked: "Are you doing okay?" I blacked out afterwards and woke up in the car screaming and blood came drooling out. >.>;

Pffft I would PAY you to just deck them out for me! XD Yeah it is...I just wish pain didn't exist at all.

@ Midian; Yush! Yummeehhh is like the cutest thing you ever saw~ Well, besides Nalin and uh, ...Cain. 8D!!

@ (late)Vicky; Goodnight!

Cute Things Kill People
Alaunt is offline
Old 12-22-2009, 08:30 AM

@Lin - Three times each. >.< I've been that bored in my life lately . . .

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Linnea is offline
Old 12-22-2009, 08:31 AM

@Alaunt: well bored or not it must be good if you saw it so many times! maybe i should give it another chance and see more than the first five or six episodes

Midian is offline
Old 12-22-2009, 08:33 AM

I think Abel is pretty cute o_O

High fives are pretty great!
Jennifer is offline
Old 12-22-2009, 08:34 AM

More people come out during events, so you'll probably make a ton of great friends on here! :)

Miro - I noticed! She's always about fifty threads at once. I don't know how she does it! o-o

It really isn't too bad, they just poke you with a needle, then stick the IV in you - then they give you the drugs! 8D LOLOL I got my wisdom teeth taken out last year...or maybe the year before, I don't really remember. I don't mind IVs, but I don't like needles near my mouth. I have a cavity and when I got it filled, they was all like, "Okay, we're just going to use this needle to numb your gums." And then I was like, "OH NO YEW AINT!" *insert evil glare here* So they did it without. I don't know why they wanted to numb didn't even hurt, it just sort of tickled.

Cute Things Kill People
Alaunt is offline
Old 12-22-2009, 08:36 AM

^-^ You can find all the episodes at Though, they only go up to OVA 17 . . . Too, a few of the posted episodes are "previews", so you'll have to go to youtube for those. Also, the "another story" episodes can only be found on youtube, at least from what I've managed to find. And the movie is posted on Chia-Anime last I looked, as well as all the episodes, but the site is being bleh to me at the moment, so I recommend Animelime . . . ^-^

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Old 12-22-2009, 08:37 AM

the events almost here... never been more excited for something online
seriously never
wait i lied nvm >_>
never been more excited for a website related thing online
kay there we go
now were good
not a lie

Winter Wind
SORRY GUYS. D: I'm SUPERR busy a...
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Winter Wind is offline
Old 12-22-2009, 08:38 AM

how exciting! >w< <3333

I can't wait for this event. <3

☠ ☠ ☠

Linnea is offline
Old 12-22-2009, 08:40 AM

@Alaunt: hey, great! thanks! i'll poke around and see what's good... and who knows, maybe i'll find another anime i just can't live without!...

but it's pretty late here, and i've been meaning to fade out for the past two hours, but as we already discussed, the internet is the greatest tool of procrastination!
thanks, everyone, for the tips and recommendations... i hope i get to see you all around soon!
Nighty night all!

High fives are pretty great!
Jennifer is offline
Old 12-22-2009, 08:40 AM

*pokes Windy* :poke: Hi there! Got your coins saved up for the event commons? (If there will be any this year.)

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Old 12-22-2009, 08:40 AM

yay people i know
hello again miss winter LOL ^_^

Cute Things Kill People
Alaunt is offline
Old 12-22-2009, 08:41 AM

@Lin - lol. There are a few more that I could name. ^-^

Midian is offline
Old 12-22-2009, 08:41 AM

nini Linnea, sleep well ^^

High fives are pretty great!
Jennifer is offline
Old 12-22-2009, 08:42 AM

Good night, Linnea! :) I should be off too, though I think I'll wait for another twenty minutes or so.

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Linnea is offline
Old 12-22-2009, 08:43 AM

@Alaunt: if you could PM some to me that'd be super! i'm always looking for more anime!

@Midian: thank you :)

@Jennifer: i said "20 minutes" about an hour ago lol... it's so bad!

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Jennifer is offline
Old 12-22-2009, 08:45 AM

Perhaps then I should say, "I'll be going to bed in about an hour or so." lol :lol: Knowing might be even longer then that.

¿ʇəʎ ʇɹ...
Suona is offline
Old 12-22-2009, 08:46 AM

Glad to see things coming underway

High fives are pretty great!
Jennifer is offline
Old 12-22-2009, 08:47 AM

Speaking of Suona, there you are! :rofl:


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