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Cardinal Biggles

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Cardinal Biggles is offline
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Old 02-13-2010, 03:41 AM

Not only is it pancake day on the sixteenth, it's also meh birthday :3

The Cheshire Cat
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Old 02-13-2010, 03:42 AM


Speaking of birthdays, I know a person who is in labor right now. She's having a baby boy and naming him Lucas! :D

Cardinal Biggles

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Old 02-13-2010, 03:49 AM

Thank you, Cheshire Cat.

Today (the 12th) is a good birthday to have. It's both my godmother's birthday and that of my best childhood friend.

Emo Teddy
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Old 02-13-2010, 06:30 AM

you'll never guess what i had this afternoon. Pancakes! i know it was earlier but meh. i was really fully before i ate them sorry i was a bit sick but it was all good :P

Cardinal Biggles

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Old 02-13-2010, 07:21 AM

I've definitely craving them now. Don't know if I can hold out till Tuesday, though.

Seth is offline
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Old 02-13-2010, 08:40 AM

Is that true? Pancake day on the 16th?
I nvr heard of that before.

Leerah is offline
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Old 02-13-2010, 08:41 AM

I'm totally going to make pancakes that day <33

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Old 02-13-2010, 08:49 AM

I make waffels cus pancakes I make come out all .... deformed.
much easy to just pour the batter in and close the lid.

KatMagenta is offline
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Old 02-13-2010, 01:19 PM

I'm going to edit my post to say a little about what Shrove Tuesday/Pancake Day is. ^^

laurenweird is offline
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Old 02-13-2010, 02:08 PM

I don't know how to make pancakes '_____' so no pancakes for me! I always forget about that day anyway. Might go round to my dads like when I was a little girl and have him make me some :lol: Nom nom!!

KatMagenta is offline
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Old 02-13-2010, 02:11 PM

I always have to ask my mum how to make them and usually she just says "like Yorkshire pudding batter" which isn't much help either. XD

I think it's just flour, milk and eggs to make the basic batter.

laurenweird is offline
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Old 02-13-2010, 02:12 PM

Oh, easier than I thought xD Maybe I could stop being lazy and look up a recipe on the Internet.

I love pancakes with chocolate sauce on. Mmmmm ~

KatMagenta is offline
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Old 02-13-2010, 02:17 PM

I looked up a recipe to check and people use extra things like baking powder and whatnot but we never have anything like that in the house. My pancakes are more like crepes that aren't thin enough than the American style ones though. ^^;

I like crepes with Nutella so I guess I could have it on pancakes too.

laurenweird is offline
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Old 02-13-2010, 02:18 PM

Oh, I don't have any items like that in the house either. I'll have time before then to buy all the items though, hopefully :)

KatMagenta is offline
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Old 02-13-2010, 02:20 PM

I don't have a proper kitchen and there's no way I'm buying microwave pancakes, ugh.

I'll eat them at the wrong side of Lent when I go home for the Easter holidays.

Good luck with your shopping. ^^

laurenweird is offline
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Old 02-13-2010, 02:24 PM

Hehe, thanks, though I have to say, I've never heard of microwave pancakes 0.0 It's amazing what can be microwaved nowadays xD

KatMagenta is offline
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Old 02-13-2010, 02:31 PM

I think you have to keep them frozen which means I couldn't even have them if I wanted too unless I reheated them as soon as I got back from the supermarket.

It's amazing what you can pour boiling water on to turn it into food as well. XD

x-cutie-x-pie-x is offline
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Old 02-13-2010, 02:32 PM

Hello everyone ^___^
llonka; Nope~ I'm from the Berkshire area. :)

Cardinal ;Happy birthday for the 16th =D

omg microwave pancakes? o.o
I saw this thing in the supermarket... it's basically pancake mix in a bottle. You add milk, shake it, then it's ready for the pan. =w=;

KatMagenta is offline
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Old 02-13-2010, 02:44 PM

Piiie. How's you today?

They're sort of just like already made pancakes and you put them in the microwave (or the oven) to heat them up.

Angelz is offline
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Old 02-13-2010, 02:46 PM

I didn't know there was a pancake day ><
I don't really care for Valentine's day away since I don't have a Valentine anyways (just there for the chocolates ><)
And yay for New Years tomorrow!

Microwave pancakes? Never heard of them but I bet if you gave me some I'll manage to blow them up someway or another =D

KatMagenta is offline
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Old 02-13-2010, 02:56 PM

Aww, I'm sure you're not that bad Angelz.

I'm off to wash my hair, see you later!

x-cutie-x-pie-x is offline
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Old 02-13-2010, 02:57 PM

Kat; Ohh~ I see XD - And see you later ^^

Angelz; It's known as Shrove Tuesday, but cause I'm not Christian it's Pancake day to me x3

Mmmm... chocolate ♥

Iltu is offline
Old 02-13-2010, 08:56 PM

I want to go to IHOP for pancake day... :drool:

KatMagenta is offline
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Old 02-13-2010, 09:51 PM

I stoled the pixel pancakes. Great work as usual Pie. ^^

x-cutie-x-pie-x is offline
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Old 02-13-2010, 10:55 PM

Thank you Kat. XD I love your avi :)

Iltu; IHOP? -feels like fail-


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