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letmefly101 is offline
Old 12-02-2011, 03:25 AM

She nodded.
"Yep ."
She smiled.
"You're bad at flirting with Allana. You have to act like your intrested!"
She nodded putting the rag away. She felt for the rose, making sure it was still there.
"If I were you i'd ask whoever youre about to ask out fast."
She looked into his smiling, thinking the girl would Allana.

Don't start nothin', won't be no...
Drexy4ever is offline
Old 12-02-2011, 03:40 AM

"Allana's cool, but I like my girls a little more... normal. Y'know. Just as hot, but with less of a sexy attitude. Like an M&M. On the outside, it's well rounded and pretty looking, different. But the inside is nice and plain. That's how I like 'em. And besides, I think Allana's a little forward. Even for a slutty chick." Dev said, just as Allana came from the back, sweat on her chest and face. She looked like she came straight out of a soft-porn mag. "What?" she asked when she noticed they were both looking at her. Dev turned away. "Were you guys talking about me?" She asked excitedly, thinking Ellie had talked her up more. "No, sweetie. We were just talking about how you both are gonna escort me to all the hottest places in town tomorrow." Dev said, smiling wide at Allana. Allana smiled back, imitating Ellie when she said, "That sounds fun! I can show you the old lot I used to go to when me and my friends would throw parties back in Junior High! It's really nice there. There's a grill, there, too. I can maybe, make you some fish or somethin'." she didn't sound sexy, and she stopped folding her arms across her chest to make her boobs triple in size.
"I think we'll have tons of fun!" she finished. Dev smiled at her and held his hand out to her. "Well, then I guess I have something to look forward to." he said, kissing her hand. She blushed and giggled. He did the same to Ellie. Damn, this guy is hard to read. Allana thought silently, not being able to wait till tomorrow.

letmefly101 is offline
Old 12-02-2011, 03:47 AM

She smiled at the M&M thing.
"I understand."
Seeing Allana she realized she wasn't acting like herself. She shrugged.
When she got volunteered to help she wanted to protest but knew Allana needed her. She sighed.
"Um yea, I don't know anything other than a couple alley ways and the way to tue hotel. She shrugged even more. Then when Dev had kissed her hand, her face had turned a light red. But turning away quickly, hopping he didn't notice she waited until the color left her cheeks. She turned back around smiling.
"I guess we'll see you tomorrow?"

Don't start nothin', won't be no...
Drexy4ever is offline
Old 12-02-2011, 03:58 AM

Allana woke up the next day, extremely excited. She'd already had that day off, and was gonna meet Dev in front of the club. She got up, trying not to wake Ellie, who was peacefully sleeping in her bed, and looked in her bag for clothes for herself. Then, she just dumped it all out, figuring when she woke up maybe Ellie would like to borrow something to look nice in. Allana picked her favorite pink shirt that was just as low cut as the yesterday's, but instead of a mini skirt she picked skinnies and her same ratty old heels. She cursed herself for not stopping at the store to pick regular shoes so she wouldn't have to look like a hooker everyday, but decided she'd do it while they were out. She looked for her tooth brush and stuff and fixed her face and hair, and when the clock hit 9:00 she figured it was a good time to wake Ellie. She shook her gently and called her name, excited to help her get ready so they could go.

letmefly101 is offline
Old 12-02-2011, 04:10 AM

Ellie woke up.
"Alright hang on."
She got up, putting the same clothes on as the day before, but remembering her jacket.
"Where are we going anyway?"
She turned around looking at her.
"Well I don't care really. So let's go."
She headed out the door, waiting in the hallway

Don't start nothin', won't be no...
Drexy4ever is offline
Old 12-02-2011, 09:03 PM

Allana sprayed herself with perfume and went after Ellie, smelling like vanilla. "You can't wear that! Here." She said, tossing her least revealing top at her. I was semi-low cut and green. "You should at least change your top. You don't wanna loog raggedy. No offense." Allana said, half regretting it. She wanted them to both look nice so when Ellie talked her up, Dev would believe her more.

letmefly101 is offline
Old 12-02-2011, 09:43 PM

She nodded, knowing she was right. She tan in and threw it on leaving her jacket this time.
"Thanks. Just please tell me you didn't tell him we live here."
She looked at her half expecting it to be a yes.

Don't start nothin', won't be no...
Drexy4ever is offline
Old 12-02-2011, 10:20 PM

"Of course I didn't! The only reason he would need to know that is if I was gonna sleep with him. And I'm not planning on doing that any time soon." Allana said as she walked into the hall like Ellie had, but this time she ran down the stairs clumsily and rushed through the door. She wanted to get to the club before Dev to show him that she had good timing. She didn't know if Ellie was following her.


Dev walked solemnly to the club, twirling the roses he'd gotten each of them in his hands. Red was for Allan, because it was a sexy colour, just like her. White was for Ellie, because it was plain but special in it's own way. He hoped they'd like them. He wondered if he could date them both, then shook the idea from his mind. They wouldn't go for that! Well, maybe Allana but definitely not Ellie. He knew he'd have to choose fast because he was gonna have to kiss one of them at the end of the date, and if he kissed both then he'd look sleezy. He was so confused. He found the club finally and sat on a potted plant in front of it, waiting for the girls.

letmefly101 is offline
Old 12-02-2011, 10:33 PM

She ran after Allana panting.
Once reaching the club he stopped and sat down.
"Youre fast."
She smiled, putting hair down.
"Ugh, it's cold outside. Should have brought my jacket."
She shrugged re-tying her converse.

Don't start nothin', won't be no...
Drexy4ever is offline
Old 12-02-2011, 10:45 PM

Allana spotted Dev and quickly fixed herself. She pulled her top's neckline up, but it just stretched back down. she fussed with her hair, slicking the sides of it's ponytail back up, even though it was already perfect. Then, she walked toward Dev. "Hello... Dev." she said cheerily. Dev looked up at her and handed her her rose. "For you, honey pie." He said, sweetly. The way Allana swooned over it made him like her more. He noticed Ellie behind her. "Hey Ellie." he said as he handed her her rose too. He looked at them both intently. Allana was still loving her rose reaching down to hug him. She did and he could smell her. She smelled like vanilla and flowers. He loved her smell. He wanted to see what Ellie would do about her gift.

letmefly101 is offline
Old 12-02-2011, 10:51 PM

She smiled, replacing her old red rose with the new white one. She got up an kiss his cheek.
She stood over by Allana.
"You look good, now stop fidgeting."
She nodded solemnly, then smiling towards Dev she whispered to Allana.
"Just leave your shirt, it looks fine."

Don't start nothin', won't be no...
Drexy4ever is offline
Old 12-02-2011, 11:22 PM

Allana cursed herself for not kissing Dev, but realized that may have made her seem forward because she already looked pretty much like a forward girl in her stilletoes. That reminded her... "Hey Dev, you mind if we go down to the show shop down the street? I hate these tall shoes. I need to buy a quick pair." Allana said in her sweet tone again. Dev nodded ok. Allana grabbed Dev's left hand and began to walk with him, guiding him to the C.C Caldwell's Shoes store down the street.


Dev held Allana's hand as if it were precious gold. He grabbed Ellie's too as Allana pulled them toward the store. She walked gently, carful not to pull them, but forcefully enough to show them where to go. Once they were at the shoe store, Allana told them to wait and left Dev and Ellie alone outside. Dev sat on the park bench next to the store.

letmefly101 is offline
Old 12-02-2011, 11:27 PM

Ellie sat next to him.
" like Allan right? If not it's fine. I mean it seemed like you liked Codette."
She began to fidget with the rose, making sure it was still placed correctly.
She set her hands down on the bench, shivering from the slight breeze that blew by the small shop.

Don't start nothin', won't be no...
Drexy4ever is offline
Old 12-02-2011, 11:47 PM

"Allana? Yeah, I guess I kinda like her. I like her more today then I did yesterday. Hey! At this rate, by the end of the year I'll wanna be her husband!" Dev joked half-heartedly. He knew he still wasn't sure. Then he thought about something. "Do you like me? 'Cause I kinda like you too. I don't really know who I like, but you're definitely on the list!" he said, telling Ellie his true thoughts.

letmefly101 is offline
Old 12-02-2011, 11:50 PM

She nodded slightly, feeling her cheeks turn red.
"Yea. I mean I guess so. And I have a feeling Allana is just trying to change because of you. And I feel as if, she isn't herself anymore. But that's just me being me."
She shrugged, feeling tue red leave her cheeks.
"And thanks for the being honest and the rose. Not many people are as honest as you."
She smiled at him.

Don't start nothin', won't be no...
Drexy4ever is offline
Old 12-02-2011, 11:56 PM

Allana came out of the shop wearing a pair of black flats with cute little bows on them and holding her Hooker Heels. She tossed them in the donation box next to the box. "Ready to go?" she asked as she sat next to Dev. "Or do you just wanna sit here and talk?" she asked. Dev smiled at her, then grabbed her hand. "I'm okay with it as long as you're there!" he said jokingly, squeezing her hand a bit. She gave Ellie a thumbs up when Dev was tying his shoe. "I really wanna show you my party lot now, Dev." she said, giddily. She was excited, thinking that Dev had maybe just confessed his feelings about her to Ellie, about how he loved her to the death. She stood and Dev copied. "Let's go, guys!" she said as she waited for everyone to start walking.

letmefly101 is offline
Old 12-03-2011, 12:01 AM

She smile at Allana, wanting her to be happy.
"Alright, let's go."
She stretched lightly, feeling the tank top rise. She pulled it down quickly not wanting to be branded as something she wasn't.
"Where would this lot be located it at?"
She looked to Allana, smirking mischievously.

Don't start nothin', won't be no...
Drexy4ever is offline
Old 12-05-2011, 09:16 PM

Allana walked quietly and tried not to let her hips move like they usually did. "It's just down the street from here. I'll show you." She said as she walked in front of them. She felt Dev's hand brush her bottom and she instinctively giggled, not knowing it was a complete accident. She finally reached the lot. "Here we are." She said, feeling excited to visit the place that gave her such joy.

letmefly101 is offline
Old 12-05-2011, 11:48 PM

Ellie follow knowing she had a plan. As soon as they were at the lot she saw someone. She dove behind Dev since he was closer.
"That's my brother. NOw he won't mess with you if you kiss somebody and hold there hand."
Hoping he would follow, she smirked. Hoping noone would confront the poor man that Ellie never truly knew.

Last edited by letmefly101; 12-06-2011 at 12:02 AM..

Don't start nothin', won't be no...
Drexy4ever is offline
Old 12-06-2011, 12:27 AM

Allana looked at the lot, still excited that it was the same as she'd left it, and turned around, ready to explain some of the reasons and symbols of the graffiti on the walls, and screamed when she saw Dev and Ellie. "What the fuck? What? Are you serious?!" She screamed, feeling her street side come over her. She slapped her leg, so she wouldn't slap them, and grabbed Dev's hand. "You're comin' with me." she said, leaving Ellie in Party Lot. She felt Dev's hand squirm in hers. "What are you doing?" He asked. Allana had always been extremely strong. Amazon strong. She continued to drag Dev till they got to the motel, not sure if Ellie had followed or not. If she knew her boundries, she probably wouldn't. Dev continued to squirm, even though he wasn't planning on running, because he didn't know how strong Allana was. Once they reached Allana and Ellie's room, he stopped, confused. Allana opened the door and ignored the questions he was asking. She pushed him in and walked in, then locked it. She commanded him to sit on the bed, feeling rushed knowing that Ellie was probably on her way. Dev did as told, a little confused and a little scared. Allana ran over to him, sat on him, and kissed him hard. She needed to persway him. She knew her old kissing teqniques would work! They always did. She made sure to push him onto the bed slowly and roll her tongue. She needed it to last long so Ellie would see.


Dev was surprised when Allana kissed him, but it was such a love-filled kiss, extremely sensual, he didn't mind. It wasn't better than Ellie's but the taste was so amusing. He couldn't stop! He kept on, worried that he'd get caught, and also worried that he didn't know which to pick still. He could've sworn he heard Ellie calling his name, but that was really just in his head. He tried to push Allana away, but she was really strong. Dev continued to squirm, but was being pushed down by Allana. He stopped squirming and continued to think about Ellie and was worried. And also felt dumb that a chick was that much stronger than him. Not that it wasn't kinda hot. He hoped Ellie had stayed at the park.

letmefly101 is offline
Old 12-06-2011, 12:37 AM

Ellie was jus as surprised.
"I meant Allana!"
She watched Allana drag Dev. She began running after her, finally getting to the motel. She banged in the door.
"Allana, open up!"
She cOntinued banging. After a few minutes she realized she would have to break in. She pulled out a bobbypin and began to work. She finally open it and walked in.
"See. You finally get what you want Allana!"
She screamed at her.
"Youre to harsh! You need to let him choose. It doesn't matter who he chooses anyway. Either way both of shouldn't get mad!"
She walked over and somehow stripped Allana off of Dev.

Don't start nothin', won't be no...
Drexy4ever is offline
Old 12-06-2011, 01:22 AM

Allana watched Ellie walk over to her in slow motion. But when she pulled her off Dev she knew what she had to do. "Dev, who do you want? Me, or Ellie?" She yelled at Dev. Dev looked shocked, but sad. "I don't really know. I mean, Ellie, you're funny and nice and pretty, and Allana, you're soo... you're sooo.... you're so.... how you are. I kinda like you both equally." He said, feeling scared seeing as there were two angry chicks standing over him. "Well, I guess that's fair. I shared a boyfriend with my best friend in 6th grade and a girlfriend with my foster cousin. I can share more." Allana said, genuily okay. Dev looked shocked and disgusted at the same time. But ultimately surprised and felt like laughing at Allana. But he wouldn't do it seeing as her foot was so big compared to his eye, which he had a feeling she'd kick if he laughed at her.

letmefly101 is offline
Old 12-06-2011, 04:04 AM

Ellie was as equally shocked at Dev. Not knowing what to say she stepped back not wanting Allana to freak out on her. She looked at Dev feeling calm. She crossed her arms over her chest, felling a slight twang of guilt
For Allana. She knew she liked him and she had kissed him. but when she heard Allana her eyes went wide.
"What the hell? You're better than that. That was then. This is now!"
She said feeling just as digusted.

Don't start nothin', won't be no...
Drexy4ever is offline
Old 12-06-2011, 04:21 AM

"I know, but it was so fun! We made a schedule, and we had triple dates..." she said, feeling herself about to cry. She had no idea why she wanted Dev so bad, but she knew she needed him. She let a few tears fall and left. She would let Ellie have him. She needed to go blow off some steam, so she decided to go make a few bucks at a bar and go and maybe give a few fully clothed lap-dances. She'd probably just use the money to buy less strippery clothes anyways. She cried as she stumbled out of the motel.

letmefly101 is offline
Old 12-06-2011, 01:14 PM

Ellie sighed and leaned avaunt the wall with her eyes closed.
"I wouldn't go try and get her. She'll punch you in the face and tackle me."
She slid down to the ground, feeling as if she broke a life time promise.
"If you really want you can try and get her. She is afterall yours."
She shrugged opening her eyes.
"You know you love her."
She smiled lightly then Felt it fade


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