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Old 03-30-2015, 04:05 PM

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Today I spent a lot of time sorting through my stuff and getting rid of a lot of things that I haven't used in the past few years or don't need. Moving is still quite a ways off but it feels good to get rid of some things. I also found out that my cat likes to chase Nerf darts, LOL! Looks like the Nerf gun is our new favorite cat toy.

It also looks like we'll be moving things around in the apartment when we can finally get that other bedroom fixed so now I'll have to plan on buying furniture. I'll need a mattress, a bed frame, a dresser, and an air conditioning, yikes!

Later on I watched Wrestlemania with my room mate and then went to bed late. I'll probably regret that tomorrow... >.>

• • •

No, it's a trap!!!

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 05-11-2015 at 01:55 PM..


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Old 03-31-2015, 02:36 AM

Monday, March 30, 2015

This morning I was actually sleeping pretty well until someone flailed their arm in their sleep in hit me in the face. Ugh... Then his alarm woke me up and I couldn't fall back asleep thinking about how I should call the landlord and bitch about the fact that it's been three months and he still hasn't gotten anywhere with fixing our roof/ceiling.

The morning went by in a flash. In the afternoon I went to see a new doctor and was quite happy that we seemed to click pretty well.

The afternoon also went by fairly quickly but uuugh, I have so much to do. I really need to start focusing, it's really been hard to keep up lately.

I stayed a bit late after work to talk to a coworker for a bit which was nice. Came home, ate dinner, cleaned the bathroom, and got online for a bit. Now it's time for bed.

• • •

Oh man, favorite Mene item, that's a toughie! I guess if I really had to pick one I would say the Atlantis skirt. It's so swirly and pretty!

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 05-11-2015 at 01:55 PM..


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Old 03-31-2015, 09:25 PM

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

I have sooo much work to do. A ton of projects that have been sort of "pending" for a while finally all dropped into my lap at once. I've been trying to get through everything but it's pretty much a nightmare. Missing information, missinformation, starting over on things I had already almost had completed, etc. At least I feel good for working pretty hard. I'm glad to be leaving work though.

Tonight I'm going to do my laundry, oh joy! Hopefully the laundromat won't be too full. After that it'll be a late dinner and maybe if I have time I'll try to work on my taxes or something like that. I have a lot of little things that I need/want to get done.

• • •

I haven't seen much in the way of flowers around recently. I do really like the hyacinths around Easter time though. They smell so pretty!

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 05-11-2015 at 01:55 PM..


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Old 04-02-2015, 07:34 PM

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Today was April Fools! I saw a few funny jokes online but not a ton of them. The unibrow one by NYX was pretty funny and then there was the Google Maps Pac-Man thing and Amazon's retro site. It's always fun to see companies do fun things like that instead of taking themselves super seriously.

After work I went ice skating with a coworker. It was super fun! The weather was nice and I saw the guy who gave me some free passes the last time I was there. He is a totally amazing skater and is always dancing like crazy which is super fun to watch. We chatted quite a bit and I think I might have made a new friend. He also introduced me to another girl who is about my skill level and we hit it off pretty well. I'll be seeing her again tomorrow when I go skating. I'm happy to be finally making some friends here in NYC.

After skating I got home pretty late. I've been going to bed late pretty much every night this week. I'm going to have to try to catch up on some sleep this weekend and go to bed at a more decent time next week.

• • •

Hm, this month's goals... I guess work on taking better care of myself. That's really all I can promise at this point. Things have been super overwhelming lately so I think just trying to warp my head around things and take better care of my mind and body would be best at the moment.

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 05-11-2015 at 01:55 PM..


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Old 04-04-2015, 03:11 PM

Thursday, April 2, 2015

I ended up going skating again tonight with the guy who gave me the free passes. The ice was pretty watery at first and there were a lot of leaves/holes in the ice so I spent the first hour or so skating around the leaves afraid that I might fall. After it got dark and they cut the ice again things got better. I worked on skating in a circle and gliding and then did a bit of power skating. One of the figure skaters even took me into the middle to spin me around! I saw that other girl again as well and talked to her a bit which was nice.

It was a ton of fun, I so didn't want to leave. It got late though and that guy asked me if I wanted to get a bite to eat. I wasn't terribly hungry so we went to a cafe and just ate something small. He's definitely into me and asked me to go to the movies with him tomorrow. I'm really not sure what to think about it though since I'm just coming out of a long term relationship.

• • •

Cake! It makes me think of the Eddie Izzard Cake or Death skit. I do love me some cake. No fruity cakes though, I prefer some mixture of vanilla/chocolate usually. I also don't like that icing that they use in supermarkets and stuff. I prefer the creamier frostings that you buy in the jars.

Friday, April 3, 2015

OMG today I was so tired. Staying out late every night isn't agreeing with me. I ended up canceling on going out to the movies because I was just so tired. The day seemed to go by pretty slowly and I was happy to finally get home. I didn't really do anything special. Just kinda played around on the computer and talked a bit with my room mate, played with my kitty, etc. I'm going to bed later than I wanted to but at least I get to sleep in tomorrow. ^_^

• • •

I feel like my past few life updates have been the exact opposite in ton from my previous ones, LOL!

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 05-11-2015 at 01:55 PM..


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Old 04-05-2015, 01:37 PM

Saturday, April 4, 2015

So I didn't really sleep in much but it was nice to not have to wake up so early. I played around on the computer a bit in the morning then got dressed and went grocery shopping. After that I watched a movie and hemmed a pair of pants and then headed out to go ice skating. There were major train problems that had me super frustrated and by the time I got there I was cold and tired. I skated for a bit but then one of the skate guards really pissed me off so I basically gave up. It just wasn't a really good day for me. Hopefully skating tomorrow will be better.

• • •

My quests are slowly coming along. I've been questing a bunch of old CIs that I'm missing.

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 05-11-2015 at 01:55 PM..


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Old 04-06-2015, 02:07 PM

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Yeah, still trying to catch up on sleep... I lazed around in bed for a while after I woke up then got on the computer for a bit. After my room mate got out of the shower he organized a little Easter egg hunt for me which was fun. Afterwards he left to go visit his family and I had the apartment to myself. It was a slow day in the beginning. I just kind of poked around until the afternoon. I made a casserole and after I ate I headed out ice skating. The ice was nice and it was fun at first but then my other friend showed up and the two guys ended up sort of competing over me which got to be very tiring and super frustrating. When it was done one of them walked me back to the subway and I tried to hint that I really wasn't ready for another relationship but I'm not really sure he got it. V_V

• • •

Keep spiders away from me. Ick!

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 05-11-2015 at 01:56 PM..


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Old 04-07-2015, 01:13 AM

Monday, April 6, 2015

Today seemed to go by really fast. I woke up, went to work, came home, made dinner, did some mod work, watched TV, ate some ice cream, and headed to bed. Overall not a bad day!

• • •

The ice cream I ate was tasty, LOL!

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 05-11-2015 at 01:56 PM..


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Old 04-08-2015, 03:20 AM

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Today had a number of ups and downs. I slept like shit, commute was shit. Work day was eh. After work was okay, commute home eh, getting home bleh. Then I was so happy that I actually had a bit of free time so I decided I would finally get around to doing my taxes since they're due in like 10 days or something. It started out okay. Then I got lost. Then I thought it was okay. Then I realized I messed up big time and lost pretty much all of my refund. Because of my shitty health insurance I had to pay an extra $50 or something and ended up paying a total of like $100 even though my roomie was saying that it would be free to file online. So yeah, finally finish and think "holy yay, it's not even that much past bed time..." and then I realize that nowhere could I actually find a summary of the fees they were charging that I am having deducted from my return so that I could actually know just how much I'm getting back from my return. Like seriously? Where the fuck is my itemized bill of services? What the hell? I look alllll over the site and yeah, nada. Nor is there any contact info. Finally I find a phone number so I can putter around with some bullshit rep who has no idea what they are doing and basically end of story is that it was a complete waste of time. And now it's like way past bed time but I'm fuming so bad I probably won't be able to sleep anyway. So yay for restarting the vicious cycle in which I go to bed pissed, sleep poorly, wake up cranky, and another crap day ensues. *Le sigh* I know this whole thing sounds horribly melodramatic and it is but I'm the type of person who likes resolution. I hate leaving unfinished business and this is driving me absolutely nuts. T_T

• • •

I stopped at Target on my way home so I got a bunch of new stuff, LOL! It's mostly stuff like shampoo, shower puff, toothpaste and the like but they are new! I'm rather excited to try them actually as silly as that sounds. XD

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 05-11-2015 at 01:56 PM..


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Old 04-10-2015, 01:41 AM

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Today was okayish until the end of the day at work when things got pretty stressful. I almost ended up crying but managed to keep it together. I stayed about an hour late at work and then headed home. I got on the computer after dinner and talked with some people on Skype. I had found an old wedding magazine that I obviously won't be needing anytime soon and started looking through it while I chatted. I ended up taking pictures of some of the pages using my computer's built in camera to share on Skype and we all started talking about pretty dresses and ugly dresses and the like It was actually really fun. I went to bed a bit later than I wanted to but it was more fun than I had had in a while so it was worth it.

• • •

I'm out of school now so no more homework. Yayayay!

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Yeah so today was another super stressful day at work. On my lunch break I went to Strand, a book store, and sold back some of my books for cash. I traded it in for a Raymond E. Feist book that I am missing from my collection and a copy of I am Legend which I have been wanting to get from the library but is always on hold. I also picked up a bag for my mom since Mother's Day will be coming up eventually and on the way back to work I grabbed some catnip for the kitty. I managed to get out of work on time today and headed over to Urban Outfitters to try on hats just cuz. I talked to my mom while I looked around and then headed home after a bit. That guy who has crush on me ended up sending me more messages and I finally told him to get lost. Once I got home I made dinner and did my laundry simultaneously and straightened up a bit. I wanted to clean the bathroom too but ran out of time. Oh well, there's always tomorrow. Anyway, it's time for bed now. Goodnight!

• • •

Yeah so work was shitty. V_V

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 05-11-2015 at 01:56 PM..


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Old 04-11-2015, 03:06 AM

Friday, April 10, 2015

Yeah so today didn't get off to a good start. My room mate knocked over my candle while I was in the shower this morning and wax got literally EVERYWHERE. Walls, carpet, desk, computer, everything on the computer, yeah... Not pretty. Work was stressful. Stupid fricken t-shirt order! I just want to be done with that project. I stayed a bit late at work to talk with a coworker and her friends. I finished my book on the train home and when I got in I started working on cleaning up the wax right away. It probably took me about a half hour just to clean off my computer (thank God it had been closed). I ate dinner and then went back to scraping wax off of my desk. I still have a lot left to clean but I'm getting really tired so I think it's time to head to bed. The rest can wait until tomorrow...

• • •

I think the last thing that made me cry was honestly a train problem I had last Saturday. I was trying to head out ice skating and I knew there was a bunch of construction going on so I walked to the station that was further away thinking that it would be a straight shot from there. Only there were no Manhattan bound trains there. So then I had to go downtown instead. I just missed the first train so then I had to wait around for the next one. At the next stop I got off to transfer. I waited for a good half hour on the cold windy platform and no trains came so I went back down only to find out that there weren't any trains running on that line and that the station employees hadn't bothered to tape across the stairway like the usually do. So then I had to go down to the other line to get the train that passed by my station. It literally took me one hour to go in a circle to get back to where I would have normally started from. And then I still had to transfer to another train later on. Overall it took me like two hours to get there. So not happy. I ended up crying just from the overwhelming frustration of it all.

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 05-11-2015 at 01:56 PM..


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Old 04-13-2015, 01:54 AM

Saturday, April 11, 2015

I didn't sleep well and Saturday morning didn't go well. I had to bring some unfinished business from work home and it didn't go well. Later in the day I went out with a coworker. We had brunch at a French restaurant in Chelsea and then spent the rest of the day shopping at thrift stores which was a lot of fun. I ended up getting a nice black rounded neck tank top, a black flowered corset backed tank top and tan pants at the first. At the second one I got a snakeskinesque tank top, a navy blue strappy tank top, and a black and gold sweater with lotsa holes. I didn't end up getting anything at the third shop. Afterwards we got sodas at a nearby Chipotle and headed home.

• • •

I'm really starting to feel like that project I've been trying to finish at work is impossible. I'm trying to print some last minute tee shirts and the company I'm working with has just been sooo unresponsive. I'm crossing all of my fingers and toes and everything else hoping I can get them done in time so I won't invoke the wrath of my crazy boss.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

I didn't sleep well again. Today was rather eh to be honest. I woke up and tried to get stuff done but was mostly just distracted by that work project that I can't seem to resolve. In the afternoon I went grocery shopping. The weather was really nice. When I got back I puttered around doing stuff. I bought my tickets for my flight home in July and took care of some other things. I made a casserole for dinner, hand washed the new tops I bought from the thrift shop, and cleaned the bathroom. At 9:00pm the new Game of Thrones season five premiered so I watched that with my room mate. It was actually pretty good, I'm quite excited about seeing the rest of the season. I just wish it was a little bit less gory...

• • •

I felt kind of sad today for some reason. I honestly feel like it might have to do with PMS but I dunno. When I'm sad I usually don't know what to do with myself to be honest. Sometimes I'll go pet my kitty or listen to some music or try to chat with a friend on Skype. Other times I'll call my family and talk. It's always good to hear someone else's voice when you're feeling down.

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 05-11-2015 at 01:56 PM..


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Old 04-14-2015, 02:30 AM

Monday, April 13, 2015

Another stressful day at work. I still haven't managed to resolve that stupid work project and my boss was on my back first thing this morning which really pissed me off since I worked my ass off this weekend trying to make what she wanted happen. I ended up working an hour late tonight too still trying to resolve this thing. I really hope I can get this taken care of tomorrow.

On my lunch break I went to Forever 21 and got a hat. My coworker was saying she wanted to get one for her vacation and that made me think that maybe I should get one as well. With my glasses I can't wear sunglasses and I always have the sun in my eyes. Hopefully this will help! I'm not used to wearing hats so it will be interesting trying to make outfits with it...

• • •

The last hug I had was with my room mate.

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 05-11-2015 at 01:57 PM..


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Old 04-16-2015, 02:36 PM

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

I think I finally managed to mostly resolve that project at work now. The day went pretty well, nothing really noteworthy or remarkable happened. I finished the book I was reading (I am Legend) and was pretty disappointed that only half of the book actually has anything to do with that story, the rest is just short stories. I ended up going to the library on my lunch break to get something else to read because the short stories just weren't doing it for me. Unfortunately the book I wanted wasn't there so I picked up three others: Not a Drop to Drink, A Handful of Dust, and Pointe. I spent quite a bit of time in the evening doing mod work and then went to bed.

• • •

I started my spring cleaning a while back. I have a bunch of stuff that I want to get rid of that I plan on taking to an exchange event next week. I also have a friend coming to visit soon so I'll surely do an extensive cleaning of the apartment before then.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Work went okay. We didn't end up having our usual super long marketing meeting so that was a plus. I was going to go out on my lunch break but then caught up in my book. I'm almost done with it already and I just started it last night. >.< I ended up heading over to Broadway after work to pick up the tickets I purchased for Les Mis in May. I'm super excited!

When I got home I made dinner and then got on Mene and roleplayed a bit. I'm super excited to be roleplaying with Kiyoto, I think this is going to be a lot of fun! I ran around afterwards trying to pack for my trip on Friday and only managed to get halfway done and then it was almost midnight so I had to head to bed.

• • •

Eh, I'm not too big on fairy tales really.

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 05-11-2015 at 01:57 PM..


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Old 04-21-2015, 05:41 PM

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Thankfully the day went by relatively quickly. I had a lot of work to finish before my trip but at least that made the hours go by faster. Once I was done with work I headed home and packed my bags. I can't wait to see my friend tomorrow! I'm going to visit a friend from high school who is studying baking and pastries at Providence, RI.

• • •

I didn't really do anything special for Easter. My room mate did a cute little Easter egg hunt for me and then went off to visit his family. I hung around the apartment for a bit and then went ice skating.

Friday, April 17, 2015

I got up at the same time I usually do to go to work and headed out to the bus station. I had to wait about an hour for my bus to show up and we left relatively on time. The trip went pretty well, it's about a four hour drive from NYC to Providence. We stopped at two casinos on the way so by the end there weren't too many people on the bus.

My friend picked me up from the station and we went back to her room to drop off my things. I met two of her three room mates who seemed pretty cool. We hung out for a few minutes and then headed down city to eat at a burger place which was pretty yummy.

After that we hung out with some of her friends from work and watched a movie on Netflix. I believe it was the first Berserk anime movie? It was pretty bad and we spent most of the time making fun of it. I had a lot of fun watching her tiny hamster run around as well, it made me think of Chibi.

We got home pretty late but I watched Lissa play some Majora's Mask on the GameCube and then we headed to bed.

• • •

I love bunnies! They're so soft and cuddly. I had a pet rabbit once named Moca, she was a good bunny.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Saturday we got ready and went for all you can eat brunch downtown at the dining hall. I had sausage, swiss, and mushroom scrambled eggs, fresh fruit, apple sauce, grape juice, one garlic parmesan chicken wing, chocolate soy milk, and a cookie. It was pretty yummy. Work ended up texting me about the t-shirts and I was pretty annoyed that despite being on vacation and it being the weekend I still wasn't able to escape their clutches. After brunch that we went to the mall and wandered around for a few hours. I found some really good deals. I got a tank top from Express for $10, a skirt from Abercrombie and Fitch for $16, some Vans flip flops and a black and white purse, plus a Totoro bag, some buttons, and some bracelets from Hot Topic. Afterwards we went to Godiva and got trufflelatas which were pretty yummy.

We headed back to campus and got dinner at the place she works at. I got chicken florentine pasta which was okay. After that we went back to her room and played Phantasy Star for a few hours which was really fun. When we got done it was pretty late and we headed for bed. I had a hard time sleeping at first. I had forgotten how rowdy college dorms could be and there was a bunch of drunken people running around the halls yelling and slamming doors.

• • •

Right now I'm counting down the days till Cora comes to visit!

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Today was my last day in Providence so our time together was bittersweet. We had breakfast at Starbucks and then played some more Phantasy Star. I had a bit of a headache though so eventually we had to stop. After that I packed up my things and we said goodbye to her room mates and then headed back to the mall for lunch. We were planning on picking up a few more things we had seen the day before but ended up running out of time and heading for the bus stop instead. The bus was pretty full but the ride really wasn't that bad (except my headache which was quite persistant). I continued listening to the audiobook I started on the ride there. It's called "Redshirts" and it's pretty funny. Eventually we made it back to the city but there was quite a bit of traffic and so I got home about an hour later than I was planning on and had to run around unpacking my bag and getting my things ready for work the next day.

• • •

I haven't gotten a chance to play with the newest one (Cybernaut Interceptor) yet but I'm in love with the Pester Kitties! *huggles longcat*

Monday, April 20, 2015

Yeahhhh, today so didn't go well. The weather was pretty much crappy all day. There was like a monsoon outside as soon as I stepped out of the apartment. I got back to work to find out that that the president didn't like the t-shirts that I worked my ass off to complete on time. And then apparently that I'm probably going to get screamed at because the perfume sample cards were printed on white paper instead of cream because our correspondent in Belgium can't read. Oh boy, now I'll have that looming over my head the next few weeks. I was trying to work on the May promotional flyer but since I was so stressed, and the information I was given was super confusing, I wasn't able to finish it and ended up breaking down crying in the middle of it.

Eventually it was time to go home. The ride wasn't that bad apart from being slightly squished. Once I got home I replied to a roleplay and then my room mate wanted to eat dinner so we did that instead. Then I tried to play with the kitty for a bit so she wouldn't attack me while I was trying to get my stuff down but she wasn't really interested in attacking the toys I was playing with so I got up and tried to take care of some stuff. Instead I ended up getting sidetracked by things on my desk and got sucked into looking for an old product that I wanted but couldn't find and then realized that some of my video games had gone missing which only served to make me feel even worse than I already felt. My room mate was laughing and talking on Skype too which didn't help much.

I ended up crying again because I was just so frustrated by everything. I kept thinking about how even my weekend with my friend was only semi-nice. She spent a lot of time being a downer and asking me about what I planned to do for the future which of course only made me worry about the fact that I still haven't decided where I want to go from here. I was also thinking a lot about all the stuff I have to do and just feeling generally overwhelmed. I have plenty of chores to catch up on in the apartment and Thursday I'll have to get up early to drop some of my things at the stuff swap event thing before work, then Friday we're going out bowling for a coworker's birthday, then Saturday my sister is coming to visit and Sunday I was hoping to go to the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens to see the cherry blossoms in bloom. Then I have Cora coming to visit and I really want to do a spring cleaning on the apartment which is going to be a lot of work. So yeah, there's just a lot crammed into my head lately and not much outlet for it or time to relax really.

I knew it was pretty late and I should have been going to bed but I just felt too frustrated to. Eventually I got ready for bed but stayed up watching a thunderstorm outside my window until 1:00am when I finally went to bed.

• • •

Hey listen life! How about you steady out one of these days, yeah?

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 05-11-2015 at 01:58 PM..


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Old 04-22-2015, 01:41 PM

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Work was crazy yesterday. Yeah, I'll pretty much just leave it as that. I went to the library on my lunch break and found the manga section. I was excited to see they have the rest of the Otomen series! I ended up getting volumes 12-18 so I can finish it up. Unfortunately the other book I was looking for was still out so I'll have to wait for that one.

After work I stuck around to chat with some coworkers and that was pretty nice. We ended up talking for a good hour and a half so I ended up getting home pretty late. When I got home my room mate had cooked the steaks so it was nice not to have to deal with making dinner. I heated up one of the leftover steaks and ate it with some mac n cheese. XD

After that I got on the computer for a bit and then sorted through some clothes in my closet until pretty late. There's this cool swap thing going on tomorrow morning and I want to take a bunch of stuff I don't want anymore. There's a bunch of clothes, some winter wear, a ton of reusable bags from Comic Con, and a few other knick knacks. The only sad thing is that I will have to get up early to go before work. >.<

• • •

I'm not the type to get up on a soapbox and lecture really. I hate public speaking. V_V

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 05-11-2015 at 01:57 PM..


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Old 04-23-2015, 07:40 PM

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Work went a bit easier yesterday. I had a lot to do but I was less stressed about it. During my break I looked around a bit for some furniture on craigslist and found two listings I was interested in. One was for the Ikea Expedit shelf that I wanted for $20 and the other was for an Ikea dresser for $50, pretty good prices. I heard someone walking around on the roof this morning so I'm hoping that some work will be done soon.

After work I headed home and did laundry. While I was waiting to change the loads over I cleaned the bathroom and talked to my mom. Afterwards I had a late dinner and did some spring cleaning in the kitchen. I ended up sorting out a bunch of dishes that I never use and added them to my bags to take to the swap meet thing. I ended up having three bags total. One with clothes, one with dishes, and one with miscellaneous stuff. I got to bed pretty late after all that cleaning but I was happy to get some stuff done.

• • •

World issues... I'm going to be honest, I don't really keep up with the news much. I downloaded this news app to try to keep track of things but I haven't been very good at checking it recently.

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 05-11-2015 at 01:58 PM..


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Old 04-24-2015, 09:03 PM

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Today I got up early to take my stuff to the stuff swap thing. I ended up leaving a bit earlier than I was planning on because I was ready to leave about the same time that my room mate was leaving so we decided to walk together. The train wasn't as crowded as I thought it would be which was good considering the big bags I had. Dropping the stuff off ended up being really easy; the hardest part was really just carrying the stuff there. It wasn't terribly heavy, just big and awkward.

After that I got back on the train and headed to work. I still had like a half hour before I needed to be there so I stopped off at Jamba Juice for a free smoothie since they were having a promotion. I took my smoothie to Bryant Park and looked at the flowers and listened to the birds. It was really nice to relax for a bit.

Work went okay; I had a lot of work to do but people mostly just left me alone so I could get it done. On my lunch break I got a pair of shorts at Uniqlo. I'm hoping they fit the way I want because their clothes often come packaged and you can't actually try them on ahead of time. We shall see... I had some trouble getting back to work since no buses came to the bus stop. It wasn't a big deal though, I just started walking and got back only 10 minutes late.

I got word back on the craigslist furniture. I'm going to go over Sunday to look at the dresser. I think the shelf is a lost cause though because it sounds like they have a lot of other people looking at it and I just can't be bothered to try to move furniture on a weeknight. I don't really need need it but it was a very good price and I have been wanting that item. Oh well, I'm sure another will come along eventually.

After work I headed home and tried to get a bunch of stuff done since I'll be busy pretty much all weekend. My list of things to do just never seems to end recently!

• • •

I have a Bachelor's Degree in French with a Minor in Art.

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 05-11-2015 at 01:58 PM..


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Old 04-27-2015, 08:33 PM

Friday, April 24, 2015

Work was pretty stressful today. I basically got yelled at for a bunch of things that weren't my fault. After work I went bowling with my coworkers after work. It was sort of a collective birthday party of sorts. It was pretty fun though I bowled pretty badly. It was really expensive but we had drinks and food included and it was actually pretty yummy. I've been wanting to join a league so I inquired about it when we finally got ready to leave but unfortunately the receptionist didn't know much. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to look online for more info.

• • •

I've been going through a bout of depression but I feel like things are going better for me now since my fiance and I separated. The transition went relatively well to be honest but it's kind of weird since we're still sharing the same bed until our extra bedroom can get fixed and then I'll move into my own room. I'm pretty excited about having my own space again...

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Today was a long day. I got up really early to go look at the Ikea Expedit bookshelf I saw on Craiglist. The guy was really nice and helped me carry it outside to the taxi. It was much heavier than I expected and my roomie and I had a bit of a tough time getting it upstairs, mostly because I was tired from already having hauled it downstairs from the other place.

After that I took a few minutes breather and then had to head out to meet my sister and her girlfriend in Time's Square. We went out to eat at Giovanni's, an Italian restaurant in the Theater District. It was actually pretty good! After that we got drinks from Starbucks and then got on the subway to go back to my place. We stopped at the fruit market and got a bunch of yummy fruit to nom then headed back to my place to play some Mario Cart. We ordered Chinese for dinner and watched some Star Wars Clone Wars while we ate. Then we played a few matches of Super Smash Brothers and then it was basically time to take them back to Bryant Park to catch their bus. Overall the day went by in a flash but it was a good one.

• • •

I failed again at getting mod work done today. I've been crazy super busy this week...

Sunday, April 26, 2015

I woke up pretty early this morning and was surprised to find the cat staring at my shoes in the hallway when I walked out of the bedroom. Upon closer inspection I realized that she had chased something under my shoe. I put her in the bathroom and investigated. It turns out she had cornered a mouse which explained why she had been staring behind the refrigerator all day. I caught it and took it outside to release it and then spent the better part of the morning cleaning behind the refrigerator and the stove. It was a lot of work and very time consuming and definitely not something I had planned on doing today. Oh well, I guess it needed to be done.

After that I started cleaning in the living room a bit since I've been trying to get the apartment all spiffy. Eventually I had to give up and went to go take a shower, eat lunch really quick, and then head out to look at another piece of Ikea furniture from craigslist--a Malm dresser. The dresser was in mint condition and super cheap. And the best part? Muuuch lighter than the bookshelf for which I was extremely thankful. (My arms and legs still feel like jelly after hauling that book shelf up the stairs.) After carrying it up into the apartment, the roomie and went grocery shopping. When we got back I wiped down my new furniture, finished cleaning the living room, and made a quiche for dinner.

Afterwards I got on the computer for a bit while the roomie and I watched the wrestling pay per view then it was time for bed. I didn't get a bunch of stuff I wanted to get done done but oh well, it was nice to finally have a few minutes just to sit down and vedge for a bit.

• • •

I guess the best thing to happen to me was ice skating. I find it to be really relaxing. I'm quite depressed that I haven't been able to go recently. I'm going to try to head there this weekend if I have time.

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 05-11-2015 at 01:59 PM..


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Old 04-29-2015, 05:36 PM

Moday, April 27, 2015

Nothing really special happened today. I slept poorly and woke up feeling tired. I went to work and then came home, had dinner, and then did a job search. I found like my dream job and spent a few minutes freaking out. After that I watched a bit of wrestling with my roomie while doing other stuff on my computer, etc. then eventually went to bed. Overall not really a bad day or a good day, just an eh day.

• • •

First kiss... To be honest I don't think about this much because it was really nothing special. I was young and stupid. I believe I was in 10th grade? An oder guy named Rob asked me out and flattered by the attention, I said yes. I went to visit him at his house one day and he ended up making out with me. It was a bit awkward because I had a retainer at the time. We didn't really stay together after that. I think we were together a total of two weeks maximum. XD

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

I went to bed late last night but slept a little better though so there's that. I went to work and actually got there early for once which was nice. The day itself went pretty well. During my lunch break I went to the library to work on updating my resume. We started making dinner when I got home but then the landlord came to visit. Apparently the people we were hearing up on the roof weren't actually the workers who we thought had finally gotten to work on the roof. Apparently we now have a bee farm on our roof. Great. And the apartment won't be getting fixed for at least another few weeks, greeeeat. And I've been trying to contact the management company for like a week now and still haven't gotten an answer. Wonderful.

So anyway, that ended up depressing me. And then the roomie and I had an argument over dinner when I discussed moving the rooms around in light of the news. I ended up feeling like crap and ended up crying which was frustrating because I wanted to finish working on my resume. Eventually I calmed down and managed to get most of it done and then headed to bed late.

• • •

I have two siblings--a half sister from my dad remarrying (currently 21) and an adopted sister from my mom (who is actually my cousin) who is 5 years old. Growing up though I was mostly an only child. I would only see my half sister every other weekend and my mom didn't adopt my little sister until I was in college.

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 05-11-2015 at 01:59 PM..


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Old 04-30-2015, 02:07 AM

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

So I actually slept pretty well. Unfortunately as soon as I woke up I basically started thinking about work and the apartment all over again. I was about 5 minutes late for work. The day went by relatively quickly despite the 2 hour long meeting we had in the middle of it. On my lunch break I went to the library again and finished up my cover letter for the job application I want to put in.

The train ride home was okay. The train ended up going local but I had a seat and my computer so I worked on renaming some of my photos in preparation of uploading them to flikr. I got a little annoyed that the girl next to me was basically staring at my screen the whole time. Oh well. I got home and made dinner then showed my application to my roomie for review. There weren't any jarring errors so I sent it out.

It's for a Graphic Designer position at FIAF and I'm both nervous and excited about the prospect. I already interviewed with them once for a Web Marketing position but it didn't turn out well. I have a lot more experience in Graphic Design at this point though so I'm a bit more confident though somewhat worried at the fact that they want applicants to have a BFA in art. Hopefully they'll overlook that in lieu of actual work field experience. We'll see though since I know Graphic Design is a very competitive field.

After that I played around on my computer for a bit. It was nice to actually have a teeny bit of down time. I probably should have been doing work but I feel like I really needed to unwind since I'll probably get reamed out at work either tomorrow or the next day. I just want it to happen and be over already to be honest so I can stop thinking about it constantly.

• • •

LOLcats were definitely my favorite internet meme for quite a while. I don't really keep up with them as much these days though...

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 05-11-2015 at 01:59 PM..


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Old 05-01-2015, 02:38 AM

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Today didn't start too well. I slept badly and woke up feeling super nauseous. Work was pretty stressful as well. I went to the doctor on my lunch break but that didn't really help any. And my coworker's son dropped by today. He's pretty cute and I wouldn't mind getting to know him better but I'm pretty she and didn't really know what to say to him as we went down in the elevator together. I talked to his mom later and hinted that I was interested and she said that "he's a good guy" and then that he'd been through a lot. So I'm going to take that as a no, she won't be setting us up anytime soon. Le sigh.

The second half of the day was mega stressful because the perfume cards came in and it ended up that they were printed on white paper instead of cream like they were supposed to be. It was a lack of communication but you know, basically my fault in the end. I'm still not quite sure how the two labels I got bitched out about the other day are my fault but that's beside the point. I was mega stressed to the point of almost feeling faint but somehow, mirraculously, the president said that it was okay when we showed it to her. I'm still a bit in shock over that but definitely pleased.

After work I was planning on going home and doing laundry and cleaning but I decided that after my stressful day that I would go down to 34th street and try to exchange some things there and look for a pair of shoes since I need some. That didn't turn out so well. Express didn't have the size shirt I wanted to exchange for and Uniqulo didn't have the shorts I wanted to look at. Then I got to American Eagle to return something and lo and behold I don't have my wallet! I sort of freaked out until I remembered that it was in a different bag at home but that didn't change the fact that I couldn't return the item without my credit card. So yeah, waste of a trip.

I decided to go look at shoes anyway. I figured if I saw anything I liked at DSW I could try them on and then order them from the website. I tried calling my mom on the way but she was busy so we couldn't talk. I gave a tourist some directions to Columbus Circle and then went to look at shoes. I didn't find anything. And my old shoes were rubbing my feet pretty bad. Oh well. A waste of a trip but at least I got to relax a bit.

When I got home I ate some chicken noodle soup for dinner and finished the book I was reading--Pointe. It was pretty good. Dealt with some pretty tough stuff though. Not sure it was really the kind of book I needed at the moment. After that I felt a bit bad for not getting any cleaning done so I washed the windows in the bedroom and dusted a teeny bit. I should have done the dishes but it's getting late now. I guess I should probably go so I can get that stuff done and go to bed. Hopefully I'll sleep better tonight.

• • •

I've always loved images of underwater but I'm scared of drowning. So much that even going in deep water in video games rather frightens me. I'm obsessed with little streams though. I love exploring them! Deep water isn't my thing though. I blame it all on this one movie my mom was watching once when I was a kid. I was upstairs playing with a friend I had over but came downstairs to get something and the movie was on. There were these two guys fighting on a frozen lake and the one guy pushed the other guy into an ice fishing hole. I watched his body glide along stuck under the ice until he drowned. Yeah, I'm pretty much scared for life after that. Still, I really do love images of underwater cities. I especially like the movie Ponyo for those scenes. They're so beautiful!

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 05-11-2015 at 01:59 PM..


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Old 05-04-2015, 01:46 AM

Friday, May 1, 2015

Today was a pretty busy day. I had a lot to do at work and then when I got home I ran around cleaning and doing laundry. After that I ended up staying up pretty late because I got distracted with internet things.

• • •

My first job was at Tops Friendly Markets as a cashier. It was a pretty good job. They held it for me during the semesters so I could have a guaranteed position when i came home every summer which was really nice. After I graduated I worked there for at least a year. It's kind of funny that as soon as I started really getting to know everyone is when I ended up leaving. Oh well.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

I got up early today to go to Free Comic Book Day. It definitely wasn't super fun to get up early after going to bed late but it wasn't too bad really. I got five free comics. You were allowed to take six but they didn't have a few of the ones that I was interested in. I saw this pretty loltastic sign on the way there:

After that I ran home, ate lunch, and then went out again to meet a friend to go ice skating. Things were pretty crazy at the rink though. They had like a million cones up sectioning everything off and people were just going everywhere with no sort of origination so it was rather annoying. After that I headed back to Union Square to look for a pair of shoes at DSW but didn't end up finding anything and headed home. I ended up feeling pretty depressed when I got back for a number of reasons. I cleaned the bedroom and then Skype chatted with a friend for the rest of the night. I was planning on playing some Phantasy Star but then got distracted again. I've been pretty bad with that recently.

• • •

Oh gosh, favorite book, that's a real toughie! I guess my favorite book out of the ones I've read recently would be Redshirts by John Scalzi. It's a pretty hilarious play on Star Trek and old sci-fi TV shows.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Today I managed to sleep in a bit after going to bed again late last night. I took a shower and then we went out grocery shopping. After that I headed to the Brooklyn Botanical gardens. It was a mad house there but I finally managed to sign up for my free membership compliments of my IDNYC and head in. It was peak cherry blossom season and everything was so beautiful. My only regret was that I didn't get there earlier in the day because in the end I didn't get to stay very long.

After that I had some trouble catching the bus home but finally made it. I made dinner, cleaned a bit, then hopped on Mene to reply to a roleplay and chat with a friend. Overall it was a pretty good day even if I didn't really get a chance to do everything that I wanted to.

• • •

F is for friend! I'm super excited that I have a friend coming to visit this Thursday!

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 05-11-2015 at 02:00 PM..


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Old 05-06-2015, 02:03 PM

Monday, May 4, 2015

Today was okay. I honestly don't really remember five things I did (I need to work on updating these every day again instead of like two to three days later. >.>) How about this:

1. I woke up.
2. I went to work.
3. I went to the doctor on my lunch break.
4. I had chicken and pasta for lunch afterwards.
5. I went home and cleaned then went to bed late.

Yep, that was about the extent of my day.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

I didn't sleep well last night. My pelvis was hurting when I went to bed and then I woke up in the middle of the night with knee pain. I had a hard time sleeping all night and when I woke up I felt super nauseous so I ended up staying home.

I managed to eat some dry toast and then I relaxed on the computer most of the morning. In the afternoon I tried to do some cleaning for my friend who is coming on Thursday. Later in the afternoon I felt a bit better and went for a walk. It was cloudy but nice outside. I hadn't really realized how stuffy it was in the apartment until I got back.

• • •

After my room mate got home we made dinner and then I finished cleaning and got back on the computer until bedtime. Overall it was an okay day.

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 05-11-2015 at 02:00 PM..


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Old 05-07-2015, 12:31 PM

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

So today I woke up still feeling a bit nauseous but not as bad as yesterday anyway. My room mate ended up staying home because he had apparently gotten sick that morning. I got ready and went to work. I had quite a bit to catch up on and finish before my vacation. I worked through the morning, went to Uniqlo on my break to return something, and then worked the rest of the day. I had to stay a half hour late to finish everything which was a bit frustrating but oh well. After that I called my dad while I walked to the post office to mail out my mom's Mother's Day gift. I stopped in the Grand Central Market to get a baguette and then headed home.

I got annoyed because my room mate hadn't done any of the cleaning that he's been assuring me would get done for the past two weeks. My awesome friend Cora is coming to visit tomorrow and I wanted everything to look nice. Oh well, looks like I'll have to do it myself. He's been a right bitch about it this whole time. I can't wait until we move bedrooms around and it won't matter so much anymore.

After our argument I made a mini pizza for dinner and then got online to finish up the mega trade I had started to finally get the silver medal I was questing. After that I chatted with a friend on Skype and then went to bed. I can't wait for tomorrow!

• • •

Hrm, I'm not very good at random facts. Someone did mention in a thread I was in though that all calico kitties are females. Isn't that interesting?

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 05-11-2015 at 02:00 PM..


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