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Dear Dreamer
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Old 10-12-2009, 11:33 PM

wow that WOULD be annoying <<;; >>;;

Dest1218 is offline
Old 10-12-2009, 11:39 PM

Well, i don't do links much and i agree with what you said because i got the impersonal welcomes :D
Show the newbies love! (is newbie an offensive term?)

Crusher of Dreams
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Old 10-13-2009, 12:10 AM

Newbie isn't an offensive term. :) N00bs and nubs are terms that are less than affectionate. XD;

Gary Stargazer
Kitsune of Lust
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Old 10-13-2009, 03:59 AM

the purpose of an announcement is so that there is a public statement made for all to understand, rather than making only certain users aware of their actions and why they are so privately. Everyone needs to know the sites stance on rules, not just the couple of users who are unlucky enough to ruffle a few feathers.

So then are you saying that this will become an official rule? or perhaps FM will become a self governed area with it's own set of rules?

However a bunch of users who have more than likely got a strong desire to show they are staff worthy have been running around fresh meat like they are the new sheriff in town telling users they are breaking the rules, throwing rules at them before they have done anything wrong, and generally doing the staffs job without any authority.

I'm sorry I don't see how pointing out rules or assisting newbies is considered to be a staff application. Have these people actually stood up, pointed out how good they did in FM and then asked for a position? If not it should be taken that they want to just help people out and not assume they are looking to join the staff.

We do not appreciate back seat modding in the fresh meat forum, this includes reports, telling users they have broken the rules within their first two posts, or pointing them at the rules when they have barely even said hi.
Wait a sec ... we just got an announcement from you guys ASKING for people to report more often, and as I recall there was no "except Fresh Meat" clause in that announcement. Additionally I don't feel directing people to rules or such would be considered back seat modding. You have to remember a lot of the users here are younger so logic will sometimes take a back seat to instinct and if they see a double post or something will hit report before talking to the person because "That's what they are supposed to do."

However as always some users are taking it upon themselves to add cookie cutter additions to every fresh meat post they make just to boost their gold or as mentioned above - show they are staff material.
I have seen no examples of this, however I tend to only reply to 0 reply threads so i also would not of had the chance to see it anyways. I can fully understand this concern though if it truly was a cookie cutter, again I have even felt like I was repeating myself at times when i type out the same reply over and over again trying to switch it up and add in some interests of theirs or asking them to tell us about themselves. It really can start to bleed together but just a copy paste with a name change I fully understand.

Just to reiterate... Fresh meat is a place where back seat modding should be avoided. Fresh meat is a great place to earn easy gold and posts of little substance are acceptable within reason. Fresh meat threads do not necessarily follow the same rules as the rest of the site as strictly for the topic creator. Adding cookie cutter bloat to welcomes is not appreciated and is considered to be spam. Welcoming new users is awesome and greatly helps the site, plus who doesn't like easy gold?

I feel that site wide rules should not be made an exception. Don't get me wrong I understand going easy on new users. However ... once again remember younger members will be very influential to an announcement like this and may take it as a green light not to say ANYTHING to the person when they double post or what not.

Frankly I still stand by my previous statement, I feel this should not of been made to begin with. I think older users should of been zinged for their spam or what not privately but i feel as a whole most of the users on this site know how to greet people and the level of maturity rules the day in most cases.

I don't mean to rock the boat here of course. I love this place and all I just feel this particular incident could of been handled without a site wide announcement on it. I also do not feel everyone greeting new players is out looking for a mod position either.

Finally the gold gained from most newbie greeting threads is insignificant unless the person replies and you start a convo up. I would only be suspicious of cookie cutters if they were being spammed relentlessly or was a huge freaking paragraph asking questions or throwing out links.

Eh ... I'm ranting at this point, I'm tired and not thinking clearly. Either way do what you think is best. It's your baby after all. I'm just tossing in my two cents on the matter.

Insomniac is offline
Old 10-13-2009, 04:39 AM

Originally Posted by Gary Stargazer View Post

So then are you saying that this will become an official rule? or perhaps FM will become a self governed area with it's own set of rules?
Quite possibly, we'll see how things go and how fast the site expands.

Originally Posted by Gary Stargazer View Post

I'm sorry I don't see how pointing out rules or assisting newbies is considered to be a staff application. Have these people actually stood up, pointed out how good they did in FM and then asked for a position? If not it should be taken that they want to just help people out and not assume they are looking to join the staff.
You'd be surprised who does and does not apply. Applications tend to remain anonymous so we'll leave it at that shall we. We all have different motives don't we.

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Old 10-13-2009, 05:46 AM

Haha I remember those days!! @_@

I can agree that is -not- a fun feeling at all.

So AMEN to this announcement. <33333333

Tall Jake's Queen
Sindima is offline
Old 10-13-2009, 06:23 PM

thanks for the announcement for us newbs :D all of the greetings are really awesome.

Titenya is offline
Old 10-13-2009, 08:51 PM

I've been a member of Mene for 2 years now. I remember my first day I started and I had my freshmeat post, and some one posted one of those hi, here are helpful links please read the rules and have fun. Those links were really good and they helped me a lot when I was just starting out... so I think asking people not to do that is not fair. Because seeing those posts made me feel welcome and it gave me useful information... though I did join 2 years ago... so things may have changed ><

Micki Chiba
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Old 10-13-2009, 08:57 PM

Thanks for tell us,Jellly! it makes me feel better this website care more about it's members then Gaia!

Rosalie65 is offline
Old 10-13-2009, 09:35 PM

hey people whats this thing about legends

Infinitys Echo
Infinitys Echo is offline
Old 10-14-2009, 04:01 AM

Originally Posted by CK View Post
Newbie isn't an offensive term. :) N00bs and nubs are terms that are less than affectionate. XD;
I guess that's up to who you ask. I find newbie, noob, nubs, newblits, and all others EXTREMELY offensive. I've never liked the terms, nor will I ever grow to like them.

As for what's being discussed here, I think it's the way rules are pounced on here is absolutely ridiculous. I'm not nearly as active as I could be. One reason is because it's just so hard to find active subjects that I like, and I'm not good at coming up with my own. The other is I'm just tired of having to worry about rules. It's just not as fun as it used to be. While rules are necessary to keep the community from turning bad, if one has to worry about breaking rules every time they do something, the fun goes out of it. You guys have really got to lighten up. You've made an announcement for people to "be nice" to new folks. I agree, others don't need to shove the rules down new folks throats-you will only serve to run them off. At the same time, you're threatening those who are doing the welcoming that if they don't do it the way you want them to, you're going to warn them or give them an infraction. If you guys weren't so uptight about the rules in the first place, the problem wouldn't be near as bad as it is.

missxenobia is offline
Old 10-14-2009, 05:16 AM

I read this earlier and was referred here just now! Thank you for clarifying everything though.^_^

Sky Pirate
Bartuc is offline
Old 10-14-2009, 08:10 AM

So then are you saying that this will become an official rule? or perhaps FM will become a self governed area with it's own set of rules?
Like I pointed out to some other people earlier. I tend to go easier on newer people. I do my job on staff. I am very persistent on making sure rules are kept. However, I bet you I can go through this thread right now and find maybe, 3 or 4 users in 87 posts who have not broken a rule. More so. Those users have probably been given to redeem themselves. Yes, they have broken the rules, but who has not? They are new. Cut them some slack. There is no need to rub it in there face with "OMG! YOU SO DOUBLE POSTED!! THAT IS AGAINST THE RULES! YOU ARE A HORRIBLE PERSON!" cause I have personally been PMing some greeters who do that. Telling them to tone it down. Are those greeters wrong? Technically no. However, if you happened to break a rule cause you were tired and spaced on it. Would you rather have it rubbed into your face like sand paper or be told about what you did?

Everyone can talk to the new people and help them. But its all about how you approach them. If you approach them as elitist nazis. How do you think they will feel about it, and the site. As users, you are ambassadors for the site. You are the impression of the site that is left on people. Which is why being nice, kind, and chatful is the best thing other then being the "big-mean-jerk" that the staff has to be sometimes.

Phoenix Princess
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Old 10-14-2009, 01:11 PM

I'll try to welcome more people, I consider myself fairly new still, but I'll try ~^^~

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Old 10-14-2009, 03:07 PM

This happened to me but honestly--I'm not stupid. I know what to do. It's nice that they wanted t help me but I'm not THAT helpless :/

TheNena is offline
Old 10-14-2009, 08:51 PM

Thank-you for posting this. I felt highly intimidated when I first signed in and if it wasn't for my girlfriend being on this website, I would have left within the first 10 minutes.

If you don't care, why are you a...
broadway_princessxo34 is offline
Old 10-14-2009, 10:18 PM

Im a new user 2 and am happy to say people who posted and chatted with me when i came were very nice. I can welcome people now too.

Naiyo is offline
Old 10-15-2009, 07:08 PM

Sounds good, yay for more people! :)

Bunneh Bear
Bunneh Bear is offline
Old 10-16-2009, 02:37 AM

I see what you mean. I was scared when i first started too. :)

Dead Account Holder
MySteeleHeart is offline
Old 10-16-2009, 07:39 PM

One more question: If there is an event going on at the time that they sign up or that you see their thread, can you encourage them to take part/give them a link to the event?

Crusher of Dreams
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Old 10-16-2009, 11:22 PM

Sure - why not? Get them to join in on the fun of an official site event. :) If it's a user-run thread, stick to your signature, though. :) And, of course, no copy-pasting the invitation to join the site event.

If you said, "Also - did you know the Halloween event is going on? Here's the link!" to everyone who you greeted in Fresh Meat, that'd be copy-pasta. :) But if you varied it, then that'd be fine. :)

l-iAyame-l is offline
Old 10-17-2009, 12:00 AM

brownies sound good =w=

Ionait is offline
Old 10-17-2009, 03:32 AM

Just wanted to post here to say thank you because thought I was only greeted by a few souls of Mene, I was greeted warmly. I had a fun time most of all finding other newbies in fresh meat and saying hi to them too! It's fun letting others know they're not alone in being naked.

The welcomes we newbies get from the seasoned vets of Mene are nice but it's nicest I think to greet each other! ^^

Ambz is offline
Old 10-17-2009, 12:24 PM

Oh my, Mene is growing so fast! I will definitely try and make my way to tht section and give a lot of warm welcomes.

iC[a]ndy is offline
Old 10-17-2009, 11:06 PM

I haven't been on Menewsha for a while, and I found this announcement hilarious. xD
I'll keep that in mind when I greet people. c:


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