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Old 09-21-2017, 07:47 PM

Derek smirked at Pedro's comment as they walked. He pat the other casually, still smirking. "You're not bad looking yourself, you know." He said quietly and casually. He followed Pedro across the years, and to the chain fence. He rose an eyebrow, curious when Pedro found the hole and squeezed himself through. Derek simply took a few steps back, then ran to the fence and easily jumped over the fence. It wasn't high, so he figured why not? He landed perfectly on his feet near the other, and he glanced at Pedro. "Let's go then." He casually said, actually looking forward to this. But he would deny it if questioned.

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Old 09-30-2017, 12:57 AM

Kat Dakuu:

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 09-30-2017, 10:38 PM

Pedro turned over his shoulder to stare at Derek, his eyes wide in clear surprise. "Me? I'm good looking? But that can't be right at all." He ducked his head, flushing all the way to the roots of his orange hair. "I used to be so small and cute but then I grew like this and I'm not cute at all anymore," he admitted. For a second, he twiddled his thumbs, waiting for Derek. The second long wait was more than worth it.

He couldn't help but stare when Derek launched himself over the fence. It was so...effortless looking. A cat like Pedro wasn't even able to scramble up a fence with grace. Actually, he hadn't even thought to. Prancing forward far too quickly because he knew he stopped to stare like an idiot, Pedro led his way to the right side of the jogging path. A ditch ran along it and where the path from various yards led to it, little ground bridges were formed. Underneath them, culverts ran. Jumping down into the ditch, Pedro crouched in front of a culvert. "This is what I wanted to show you."

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Old 10-09-2017, 10:59 PM

Derek strolled over to Pedro and smirked lightly at the innocence in Pedro's response to his own comment, about calling him good-looking. Sure, the cuteness might have melted away as he grew, but he still found the orange tabby somewhat attractive, and simple-mined. Derek didn't say much else as he followed Pedro to the ditch. Seeing the culvert, he tilted his head to the side slightly, then joined the other down in the ditch and crouched some. "This is what you wanted to show me?" He asked, partially repeating what the other had just said. Derek slowly rose to his full standing position, and couldn't help but chuckle. "You don't get out much, do you?" He asked curiously, hoping he hadn't just said something to upset him.

Being a stray, he often found himself around ditches when a storm came, but only a bad storm. Like a tornado or something. That, and, sometimes when the ditches were full he'd go find one to watch if there were any tadpoles to play with, as a cat. But he'd probably never admit it. Derek casually put his hands in the pockets of his jeans.

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

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Old 10-13-2017, 04:41 PM

The culvert wasn't big enough for Pedro to crawl inside in his human form, so he simply crouched by it and looked inside. The concrete shape looked so simple and innocuous. There was nothing special about it at all. And yet, Pedro could so easily pick out the exact one that he remembered. "Yeah, this is what I wanted to show you," he iterated, not seeming to notice the pointless way that Derek already repeated this. "I get out a lot, actually. But this is a really important culvert, you know. This is where Tai found me." Tilting his gaze up, he looked at Derek, not sure what sort of reaction he searched for. It was just somehow important that he share this. "I got lost and hid here for days as a kitten. My owner...she never came looking for me. Only Tai..."

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Old 10-13-2017, 11:20 PM

Derek slowly lifted his head as Pedro spoke. He could see it deep within the others eyes, that this small concrete culvert meant something to him. It only took a minute for him to piece the puzzle together, and Derek found himself moving his eyes to the culvert and staring at it. This was why, or partially why Derek didn't like humans. They were too easily distracted. He was so angry, but he looked perfectly calm. "Humans.." Derek inhaled sharply as a method to calming down. He brought his gaze up to meet Pedro's momentarily, then stepped aside and sat on the short grass. "This is what sheltered you as you waited for your human to find you.. No wonder it's important." He said casually. He now had a new fondness for the other. They barely knew each other, and yet he was beyond friendly and now this. But there was something that confused him.. He had forgotten how to be a friend. A true friend.

"I'll stay." He voiced, his gaze lingering on Pedro. "'ll have to remind me how to trust humans.. As a cat.." Derek spoke, his voice hushed.

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

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Old 10-16-2017, 06:00 PM

Pedro tilted his head, curious about the strange sharpness to Derek's breath for a second. Although he took this moment serious, he didn't feel any real anger or sadness, just the intense desire to share something important to him. Pedro knew that Derek didn't like the humans and also treated Pedro different because he was a pet. But that wasn't true. He also knew the life that Derek lived, even if just for a few days. "Ah's something like that," he murmured, flashing a small smile. "I know I shouldn't have run away, but the open door looked so interesting and these smells! I just followed them until I couldn't get back at all. Is that strange?"

Sighing, he met Derek's eye, surprised by his words and for a second, feeling consumed by his own seriousness. "You'll stay? Really? I think...I wonder. Do you know how happy that makes me?" He tilted his head, not smiling, just looking at Derek in wonder. If all he had to do was teach Derek to trust, then it would be simple.

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Old 10-17-2017, 12:10 AM

Derek shook his head lightly at Pedro's question about being strange, for out of the open door. "It's a natural instinct, to explore. Nothing strange about you acting as so." He voiced casually. His next choice of words seemed to catch the 'alley cat' off guard, even as he attempted to play it off by running his hand through his sleek dark hair. Derek sighed under his breath and lowered his gaze, simply shaking his head a single time. "No, I'm afraid not.." He murmured calmly. He raised his eyes to meet with Pedro's again, and shared a charming smirk. Recognizing happiness wasn't one of Derek's strong points, not after the way his own family had treated him and the life of a street cat.

Derek slowly stood and approached Pedro and casually placed a hand on his shoulder. "I don't know why I'm so compelled to be near you.. To tell you my story, I've been a stray for months. I was an outdoor cat that sometimes went inside to get out of the rain or just to be with my family. I had lived with them since I was kitten, and they even had a doggy door for me to come and go as I pleased. Then one day, early spring, I came home after staying outside for a few days and they were gone. My family had packed up and moved away- didn't even come looking for me. They just..left.. Everyday since then, most humans treat me like a bad omen or a devil, because I'm a black cat with unnatural eyes." He spoke in a low voice. Hence where he got 'The devil cat' nickname, Neo just seemed to give it a good ring.

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 10-17-2017, 04:32 PM

Pedro held Derek's gaze the entire time he spoke. The seriousness of the mood seemed to weigh down on him, but he didn't squirm. No, he just sat in silence, listening. When Derek finished, Pedro stood. Without a word, he threw his arms around the other neko in a fierce hug, no warning, and no fuss. "See, that's the thing I don't get at all. Ill omen, or strange devil cat eyes. All I see when I look at you is someone who is very beautiful. How could anyone dislike eyes like yours?" he asked. Desperation tinged his voice, but more than anything else, he sounded strong. He didn't need to hesitate over this because without a doubt, he knew his words to be true. Derek was beautiful and he didn't need to fear anything when it came to this black cat. After all, when had Derek ever failed him?

Still not pulling away, Pedro flashed a quick smile, not caring if Derek didn't see it. "That's why I'm saying you should trust my humans. They're definitely the right kind unlike all those others that you met before. Trust me. Trust me enough to trust them."

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Old 10-17-2017, 05:20 PM

The unannounced hug through Derek for quite a loop, his dark eyes widening slightly. He lifted his arm just a little, to help him catch his balance. A strange and unfamiliar feeling passed through him as Pedro spoke, but he didn't fluster or blush..he just stood there, listening to the words that the other voiced. Closing his eyes briefly, a genuine smile slowly crept onto his face. He thought he was beautiful? A cat like him? Hah.. Derek noticed the smile from the corner of his eye and he gently rested his forehead on the other's shoulder as if admitting defeat. This moment between had an impact on him. "I will try.." He murmured quietly. "No. I trust you.. I will trust them.." Derek spoke in a low voice. Speaking of the humans, how long have they been gone? "Maybe we should head back." He voiced, listing his head.

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 10-19-2017, 05:23 PM

Pedro was reluctant to let Derek go, but after a second, he dropped his arms. A part of him recognized just how much the other neko needed things like hugs. Although he wasn't smart himself, he could understand that much. "Ah, right. They will worry if we leave like that with all the doors closed." To the humans, they were just normal cats after all. Pedro felt content to let that lie continue too, since he wasn't sure how they would react. Jumping back into the jogging trail, he turned back to wait for Derek. "Let's head back then. And ah...." He glanced to the side, flushing again. "I'm glad you trust me."

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Old 10-20-2017, 12:52 AM

Derek stepped back once Pedro had dropped his arms, and he rubbed the back of his neck. Part of him wanted to stay here a bit longer.. but seeing how the humans had locked them inside, they might panic at them not being there. Derek exhaled slowly and followed Pedro back to the jogging trail. How would the humans actually react to them being gone like this? He didn't know, but he did find the thought slightly amusing. At the mention of trusting the other, he flushed a bit and lowered his midnight eyes to the pavement, not really saying much. He was slowly expanding his world, and still felt a little reluctant to admitting it.

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 10-21-2017, 03:29 PM

Once they reached the house again, Pedro opened the door and stepped inside, waiting for Derek before closing it again. It seemed like Derek wanted to remain quiet after their little excursion and he found himself inclined to follow. What was this mood between them? And was it alright to break it? Since he was oblivious most of the time, he didn't know how to react when he wasn't. " you want to just finish eating and then sleep?" he asked after the silence stretched for another minute. Before they returned to their feline forms, he at least wanted to know where they stood.

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Old 10-24-2017, 11:18 PM

Derek followed Pedro inside with less hesitation then the first time he was brought to this house. He felt a bit more welcomed now.. Derek glanced at Pedro for a moment when he spoke, then simply shook his head lightly. "You can if you want, I'm just gonna enjoy this for a bit longer.." He spoke in a low, casual voice. Derek shifted back into his sleek black furred, purple eyed cat form and trailed over to Pedro, gently nudging his little black head against the others palm, then mewed at him as he rubbed the rest of himself under Pedro's hand, then he trotted over to the couch and laid down next to it. Now, he was just waiting for Pedro to change too and for the humans to come home.

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 10-25-2017, 06:12 PM

Pedro smiled, not sure how he managed to bring about this change in Derek, but happy for it. They understood each other better somehow and also, felt closer. After rubbing his hand along the black cat's back, he dropped into his feline form as well. Trotting over to the two food dishes, he finished what crumbs were left in his and Derek's dish, clearly deciding that the other cat didn't intend to eat their own dinner. Finished, he jumped onto the couch and curled up next to Derek. By the time that the humans came home a half hour later, they were both already asleep, purring away with happiness.

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Old 10-25-2017, 09:29 PM

Derek laid down on the floor until he saw Pedro finish eating, surprised by how much the other cat could eat, then lazily watched the orange tabby hop up on the couch. He soon stood, stretching a little and licking his paw before cleaning him face. He followed Pedro up onto the couch and curled up next to him, perfectly content.


After their marvelous night out, Sophie was glad to be returning home with her beloved roommate. It was getting late and she had to go to work the next morning. When the two of them arrived home, Sophie walked up to the door of her apartment and unlocked the door to let them inside. She glanced at Tai, then walked inside and put her purse on the coat rack. "I absolutely loved the place you brought me to." She said to him while wearing a sweet smile as she stood by the doorway and waited for him.

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

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Old 11-21-2017, 10:40 PM

Happiness glowed around Tai as he followed Sophie inside. He thanked himself for thinking to go out. As much as he loved to cook or be cooked for, their date felt so special when neither did any work, just sat together with soft music playing in the background. "I'm glad," he hummed, kicking his shoes off to leave by the door. "I've been wanting to try it for a while now. I'm glad it was with you that I had the chance." Smiling, he stepped up to Sophie's side in order to steal a quick kiss. Too many things went well tonight for him to hold back no matter how reserved he usually was. "Maybe we should eat out more often?" Although, that might steal the magic from it. He just couldn't help but want to have another marvelous night with the woman he cared so much for.

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Old 03-31-2018, 06:10 PM

Kat Dakuu: so sorry I never replied x.x writers block hit me hard and so many things IRL have kept me tied up.. If you're still willing, I'd be more than happy to continue ^^'

If not I understand completely..


Sophie slid her shoes off by the door as well, and hung up her purse. She blushed at his romantic words, and glanced at him when he kissed her. Sophie couldn't help the giggle that escaped her. "Maybe we should." She agreed with his suggestion. "Not too often though, I'd miss your cooking." She teased lightly, loosely wrapping her arms around him and kissed his cheek before releasing her hold on him. She glanced at their house guests and smiled. It looked like the two were getting along just fine.

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 04-04-2018, 06:04 PM

((It's alright. I missed ya. Nice to see you back again~))

"Yes, I think I would miss it as well, and the cakes we could have for dessert," Tai chuckled back. Sighing, he looked at the sleeping cats, then at the bedroom. "We should probably head to bed as well or we'll both be zombies at work tomorrow. I hope you don't need to be up too early or I'd feel bad about keeping you up." The sun had already set long ago, they having dallied at the restaurant even after they finished their food. He had to rise early himself, but he couldn't bring himself to regret staying out later either.

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Old 04-04-2018, 08:32 PM

((I will try not to disappear without telling you first ^^'))

Sophie softened her expression when Tai mentioned work. How could she tell him that she had to be at work in a few hours? They had so much fun at dinner.. Enjoying each others company, as they often did. "Not too early, don't worry." She said softly, gently taking his hand and started leading him to the bedroom . Even if she did have an early shift, she'd be just fine.

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

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Old 04-06-2018, 04:14 PM

((It's okay, but thank you))

Tai smiled, relieved at Sophie's words. "Ah good, me either..." he added with a smile, knowing that the little lie would make their night perfect. Crawling into bed, the two of them soon fell asleep, the familiar warmth that came with being in love falling over him. They really were the perfect couple and nothing could change that, even if they missed a few hours of sleep. How could a dinner like that not be worth it?

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Old 04-21-2018, 07:43 PM

Sophie smiled and joined him in the comfy bed, falling asleep pretty immediately. She had snuggled closer to Tai in her state of peaceful sleep.

When it was time to get up, her body felt it and she slowly woke. Last night had been amazing and, despite getting little sleep, she felt rather refreshed. Even she didn't want to move quite yet. She did glance around to see if Tai had left yet or if he was still around.


Derek was up as well, and he kind of hungry. He had stretched out across the couch some in his sleep, at some point.

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 04-25-2018, 06:06 PM

Tai had woken just before Sophie, which was announced by the flush of the toilet. Emerging from the bathroom with freshly washed hair and a towel around his neck, Tai smiled. "You're awake? I thought I could slip away before you woke, but it seems not." Although his eyes were tired, his smile was fond as he looked at Sophie. "I guess we both got unlucky and had to work early." He glanced at the clock on the dresser. "I should get going..."


Although Pedro lay curled on a single cushion of the couch, his size still meant he took up most of the space. At the sound of movement in the humans' room though, both ears perked before he let out a single whiny, mrow. 'It's food time~!' He hadn't even opened his eyes yet, but stretched out, not bothering when his paws hit another soft lump on the other side of the couch.

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Old 05-11-2018, 01:11 AM

Kat Dakuu:

Sophie glanced at him when she heard him and she smiled her sweet smile, as she slowly sat up. She slipped out of bed and wandered over to him, gently pecking his cheek with her lips. "I feel as though I got a full nights sleep." She said with a smile. It was the truth too. Last night might've run late, but she felt quite refreshed. "Call me when you get off?" She asked curiously, when he mentioned needing to get going.


Derek's ear flicked when he heard the humans about, and lazily peered an eye open to see Pedro outstretched. He sounded a slightly annoyed mrow as he curled himself up into a black ball of fluff, wrapping his sleek tail around himself loosely. Had he really come back here with him?

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 05-13-2018, 03:27 PM

Tai nodded, fixing his shirt sleeves into place. "Will do. I only work at the daycare today, so I'll be able to see you after work, kay?" Smiling from the small kiss, he tucked a strand of Sophie's hair behind her ear before moving to hang his towel. "I'm done in the bathroom so you can go ahead. I'll probably be gone by the time you come out. Just got to feed the cat. Oh right, cats now." Tai laughed, still amused as to how this could happen.


Pedro tilted his head, noticing that the couch seemed different. That was when he remembered. Derek came home with him! Pedro snapped his eyes open, rolling so he could prod the other cat with his front paws. 'Are you going to wake up? The human will put food out before he leaves! You'll miss it!'

As if on cue, Tai stepped into the living room, tutting at the couch before heading to the kitchen.


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