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Old 11-04-2017, 02:10 AM

Immy: Garcia completely ignored Amber x.x'
s'ok though, she wasn't really talking to them ^^''

Amber gazed down at nothing for a moment, thinking about Hotch had said about helping her teammates find the girl. She blinked and raised her pale blue eyes, to see Spencer. He kind of pulled her out of her personal darkness that had been forming. "Yeah.." She answered softly. Amber reached down and put her hand on the papers Hotch had just brought. "Garcia, I think these are you for you- it looks like lists of names." She spoke up, moving her gaze to Garcia. "Also, is it possible that Karen set this up?" She asked curiously. "I've known the victim for a time, before I went off to college. She'd come over and we'd have tea or lunch, but she would always ask me 'If I went missing, do you think anyone would miss me?' Amber spoke calmly.

Winter Is Here...I think...

Immy is offline
Old 11-04-2017, 02:31 AM

Nova_Alchemist: Take control of the woman then :P Ugh I'm so sorry XD I thought I replied to everything. My bad my bad.

Garcia looked at the list of names then listened to what Amber had to say. "It's possible, but why would she want to leave like that?" Garcia asked as Spencer popped into the conversation "Maybe she wasn't pleased with the way her life was going, something she wanted to change, but telling someone something like that even from the past proves they don't seem to want to succeed or they want attention. Most victims wind up doing things for attention becoming the diamond everyone seems in a rough view. This is the reason why suicides are so high as of lately, everyone wants to be seen or heard." not that he thought the girl 'karen' would kill herself, he knew nothing about this girl even with the files he was skimming yet not looking up.

Rane decided to go back inside walking through the hallways until she reached Aaron's office watching him quietly as he worked. Rane was good at being silent as well as not getting caught, so this was just an example of a few things she could do without notice. "Still got paperwork huh?" she spoke out of the blue still leaning against the door frame as she stood there.

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Old 11-04-2017, 02:55 AM

Immy; i might just ;p
i feel bad about leaving you to most of the characters x.x i was re-watching the show to understand the characters more, it's not really going well >.<'' -- and no worries, i'm just in a writing mood ~<3 -- also, i hope you don't mind my idea picking, Amber decided to go off on her own ><

Amber lowered her gaze as the two spoke, thinking. She was repeating Spencer's words in her head as well. She shook her head lightly as her thin eyebrows knit together. "If I remember right, her parents were going through a divorce, around the last few times I saw her. She wasn't really coming around much either, before I left for college, and that was over a year ago." She spoke, the gears in her brain turning as she thought about what could have changed. "Normally, Karen kept to herself, choosing to the outcast, but she wasn't really like that.. Not until the divorce was set in motion. The girl didn't usually get along with her father, and fawned over her mother." Amber explained, keeping herself calm. She glanced at the older woman. "Can you look up divorce records for her parents? Maybe if we know who won, we can figure out where to start?" She more-so wondered aloud. It was a long shot.. but maybe, this could help them find her?

Aaron paused for a moment when he heard Rane, then just went back to working. "Yeah, it seems that I have more than the others." He said, knowing exactly why, and he wasn't complaining. Most of his paperwork required writing to the parents of the children who lost their lives in the last assignment. "Morgan might be finished with his." He spoke casually, in case she was looking for something to do.

Winter Is Here...I think...

Immy is offline
Old 11-04-2017, 03:29 AM

Nova_Alchemist: I'll have to sleep soon but I'll post for now. How much longer are you up? It helps with the another helps with ideas even if im not told what those ideas are so they can be suspenseful.

Garcia nodded as she started typing away, it took a few moments for her to find something but luckily she hit something "Yes! Got it!" Spencer glanced up wondering what Garcia had found but asked Amber "How close were you two?" basically when did they meet so he could figure out if this was a good idea to put any thoughts of his into motion.

Rane walked over to his desk reading the letters from the side realizing what he was doing. "You have quite a bit to write there, do you want some help? I may be a bodyguard but I still can understand what the families are going through." Rane offered, sure she was looking for something to do. Sitting still just wasn't her thing and running off to make friends with the rest of the team wasn't really on her mental to-do list.

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Old 11-05-2017, 12:04 AM

Immy: welcome back~
i couldn't think today.. ._.

Amber blinked when Garcia piped up, not yet used to her behavior, and she walked over to the computer screen. That seemed to relieve her some, but something wasn't right. "Her mother won the case, and gained custody of her- she wouldn't run away from her.. So I think it's safe to assume she didn't stage this.." She said quietly, but loud enough for at least the woman to hear her. Amber glanced at Spencer, now that she wasn't as worried, and shrugged lightly. "I don't know really. When she came over, she was generally a quiet girl. Sometimes we talked, but she never wanted to talk about her parents.. When I would ask about them though, she responded quickly to questions regarding her mother, and seemed more put-off by questions regarding her father. That's how I figured she was closer to her mother." She spoke, remembering the days they would get together for a few hours at least. She blinked a couple times when she remembered the one time she saw the girl upset, and came to her house later in the day.

**Karen came running up the steps as Amber was leaving her small apartment. It could easily be seen that the girl had been crying, and running for quite some time. Amber blinked and glanced at the younger girl. "Karen? What's the matter?" Karen wrapped her arms around her waist and burred her face within her clothes. "I'm sorry I couldn't make it! I had after school, and my mom was running late-- is it true? Are you moving? You can't!" This caught the red haired girl off guard and she found herself sighing softly.All she could do is gently place a hand on the top of the girls head.** [end]

Amber blinked away a couple of stray tears and wiped them away quickly. That was too sudden.. Amber sighed quietly, and glanced at the file.


Aaron paused when she spoke up, and lifted his head to see her. "You're more that welcome to, if you're bored." He spoke casually, lifting up a few papers and placing them on the other side of the desk, where there wasn't stuff in the way. He figured there wasn't anything for her to do, and she didn't seem like the type to make friends with the ones she worked with.

Winter Is Here...I think...

Immy is offline
Old 11-05-2017, 02:17 AM

Nova_Alchemist: its okay im currently watching more criminal minds.

Spencer looked up when Amber got quiet, he noticed the change in her posture as if something occurred to her or if she remembered something. "Did you think of something?" he asked as he put down his files waiting for a response. Garcia turned to look at her "What is it? What's wrong?" Morgan walked into the room with Rossi at his side "What's going on down here babygirl?" Morgan asked Garcia, the two had chemistry but tried to hide it because work relationships never worked out plus it was against their rules.


Rane took a small breath quietly unheard as she sat down in a chair sitting on one leg as the other rested on the floor. "I'm not just doing it out of boredom, these families need some relief." plus Rane wanted to help ease the workload on him so she decided while writing to slow her pace down instead of speed writing and ask questions. "You have a son right? What's he like?" Rane used to have a sibling years ago so the memory of another little boy was - well it wasn't a bad thing for her to think about just yet.

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Old 11-05-2017, 02:46 AM

Immy: haa~ how fun ^~^ I'm borrowing Garcia, for lack of ideas in this post xD

Amber shook her head lightly at Spencer's question. Then she heard the other woman, before she had responded to Spencer. "It's nothing.." She spoke softly, smiling at Garcia. Garcia had a look of disbelief, and she walked over to Amber just to hug her. "You can't fool me sweety, I'm almost always looking like you when looking for a kid." She said to her, looking up at Morgan when he came in. "Derek Morgan, why don't you ever knock?" She voiced, acting like she was upset. She signed and pulled back from the girl and went back to her computer. "We found a lead, bit it could be a dead end." Garcia said to Morgan, wearing one of her smirks. Amber felt better, but she wished she could give them more information, to help Garcia.


Aaron went about writing a letter. "You know that's not what I intended." He spoke, about her comment on what he said. Aaron focused on the paper before him. "He's a good kid, I might be missing a few hours of work this week to see his talent show at school." Aaron spoke, not usually one for small talk while he worked.

Winter Is Here...I think...

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Old 11-05-2017, 03:25 AM

Nova_Alchemist: Derek Morgan just got married to Savannah :P Wow I actually cried. That is rare. You can have Garcia, I'd only have her down if she went back to her gothic days.

Derek waited for Penelope to talk to the rest of them about the lead "Okay, what do you got for us?" The room itself was tech filled and not very big but big enough to put enough technology and computer like things on a super large desk around in a crescent shape sitting.


"Oh I know what you meant," Rane spoke basically she liked to tease or mess with people in ways such as this. Not looking up Rane listened as she wrote away being able to multi task pretty easily was a skill she mastered when she was quite young. Rane was silent for a mere moment "A talent show, that's cool." she meant to say good but it slipped out - not that she cared. "I'm glad that even though you all work here you still make time for your personal lives. Never lose that ambition." Rane was quiet for some time after finishing the papers but stared at one until she could appear like she was thinking. In a way she was. "As long as I am here, alive, standing, or breathing. Even if a i go into a shocked or comatose like state, you're entire team plus your families will be safe. I never let anyone or anything go unless I want it." And she never did want that even once. "Even though its inevitable I hope your team doesn't really need my expertise later on at all." her expertise would go quite farther than they could ever guess. But once a promise was done, even killing her couldn't stop her.

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Old 11-05-2017, 03:52 AM

Immy: you saw the wedding?? lucky~ i don't have cable, so my dad had to tell me about them getting married >.> '
haha okay~

Amber went to step out of the room for a moment, feeling a bit claustrophobic with so many bodies in the small computer room. She didn't go far, just outside the room, and she leaned against the wall. "Well, my curious friend." Garcia started, pulling up the files from the girl and the divorce. "Amber told us that the parents had just gone through a divorce, and the Karen wasn't taking it too well- probably worried about who would win and gain custody of her. Turns out, the mother won but that doesn't mean that the father couldn't have hired someone to kidnap his little girl or he could've done it himself." She explained to the tall dark man. Then she glanced at him. "We should start with talking to the parents." She said to him, looking back at her computer and pulling up their files. "Start with the mother, she might be willing to talk to us more. This is where she lives." Garcia spoke, writing down the address on a piece of paper and held it out for Derek.


Aaron couldn't keep from smirking a little when she spoke. He didn't say much after that, seeing how him and his wife were having issues and she seemed to like blaming his job. He glanced at her when she mentioned her job as a body guard, then lowered his gaze back to the papers. Part of the reason why he didn't say anything, is because he couldn't get over how young she was, and seemed to have problem with dying if it meant protecting something. He did appreciate her efforts, and everything, he just prayed that she wouldn't ever have to get too badly wounded.

Winter Is Here...I think...

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Old 11-05-2017, 04:11 AM

Nova_Alchemist: first he is kidnapped, tortured, saved, gets married, has a baby on the way, saves a little girl, and then gets shot out of no where. WTF. This show knows how to mess with you. I know where you can watch it online if you want me to link you in a pm.

"You're doing what others do" Rane stated trying not to slightly chuckle at the realization that he did what everyone else had done. "You look at me and you see me as young right? How old do you think I am?" Rane hadn't played this age game in forever since so long ago. She was older than she looked and looked pretty young, early twenties was the common if not a bit younger at times. If seen with alcohol she would appear at least 22 on average to others trying to be nice to her.


"It also doesn't mean the mother is innocent here. Who knows what went on in the household. The mother could have been trying to protect or keep her hidden from the world. Or maybe Karen did something her mother didn't like so she wound up trying to keep her away from people or things." Morgan began as Rossi added onto his statement "Same with the father, who knows what he could have been doing all this time or even in the past. But we can't just focus on the parents, we need to look within immediate family and close friends or neighbors. Anyone friendly enough to get close would be a suspect." Which would be the neighborhood and family. This wouldn't be as short as most would see it.

Spencer left the room figuring what the others were just now talking about. He walked over to Amber but still stayed enough away for space. "I'd ask if you're alright but it seems that's all any of us is asking lately and I doubt you're going to tell us one way or another. I know it's not easy going into all this but if you need someone to talk to we're all here for you. Garcia can't handle this line of work very well when it comes down to harm or children and winds up finding ways to make herself smile again. So maybe you can talk to her about how she copes to help you settle. Unless you want to talk to someone else, I'm not really sure who is best but we each share our own experiences." Spencer rambled whenever he got nervous and this was that time.

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Old 11-05-2017, 04:50 AM

Immy: yea, i know >.> i got to see the end of the episode with my dad- but i didn't really get to see anything x.x
neh neh, did you know that "Derek" and "Garcia" got married off-site from the show? O.o

Aaron paused and put down his pen for a moment, when Rane spoke. "You can't be too much younger than me, if you're not older than me- but that really matter to me, Rane." He spoke, really just trying to cover up the fact that her file didn't help. Some reason, her file didn't have her age, or her birth year. It did truly get under the man's skin when files didn't help him find something out, like this. "If I really had the guess, I'd say maybe around your mid-twenties to early thirties. If I had to guess." He spoke, kind of hoping that she didn't mess with him for not actually knowing her age.


Garcia was slightly surprised by Rossi interjecting. When did he even get in? "I understand sir, but right now the only solid lead we have is starting with her parents." She spoke, not trying to go against what the older man was saying- she just didn't have much to go off of. "The kid doesn't really have any immediate friends, and I haven't had enough time to track down any other family members." Garcia spoke calmly, glancing at the two men standing before her. Didn't that make Amber a suspect as well? Even though she worked with them? Garcia found it difficult to deal with the the situation at hand. "You could try talking to Amber some more, but I'd appreciate it, Mr. Rossi, if you didn't scare the poor girl." Garcia spoke, more-so looking at Rossi, knowing he had a habit of going over the top when things like this. A kid-napping, and Amber is the closest source they have to get information about the girl, or her family. "She was friends with Karen, a short time ago- before she went off the college." Garcia informed them.

Amber could still hear them talking, faintly. She blinked and glanced at Spencer when she heard him begin to ramble. "Spence." She said quietly, just to get his attention so he'd stop rambling. "I'm not okay.. I knew Karen. I remembered how close we actually were, the last time I saw her." She began to speak in a low casual voice. "She was really torn up, after finding out that I was going away to college. I told her she could call me, or even text me whenever she wanted or needed me..but I never heard anything from her." Amber spoke, pressing her lips together for a moment. "She was like my little sister, and now she might be dead. I know how often missing kids turn up killed or don't turn up at all.. We might find her, alive, and I pray that we do." Amber felt like she could talk to Spencer, more than the others. They seemed to click in a few ways, and that made it easier for her to talk to him.

Winter Is Here...I think...

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Old 11-05-2017, 05:13 AM

Nova_Alchemist: OMG REALLY? THAT'S FREAKING AWESOME!!! (Rossi entered when Morgan did, I wrote that..or maybe I thought that XDDDD)

Rane smiled "Better than most I'll give you that, lets see my last job was about three years...what's with lasting three years at my jobs?" she mused to herself at that last part then shook her head "Either way, you're pretty close, I was expecting an actual number but I didn't clarify on that now did I? I'll be..." Rane had to think about that for a moment, she couldn't even remember how old she was with how long she was doing things. Counting the years..."Let's see things changed when I was almost...the day being so much later..." not making sense with her own words out of habit "I think I'll be 30 this year...I think? I lost track. It's been almost four years since so I could be 31, I don't know." Rane shrugged but wasn't going to tease him about it. She just liked seeing how others reacted to her age verses her looks. "You don't look much older than me, or am I wrong?" Rane asked curious to know how old the other was. Her phone went off in her pocket. Taking it out she glanced at it, it was in Egyptian hieroglyphics [Focus] is all it said in a way she could read. She was losing her composure. "Excuse me, if you need me, contact me you know how." Rane stood up walking out of the room she knew her boss was watching and that she let her guard down, one big mistake in her field. Never. Let. Your. Guard. Down.

Rossi nodded "I'll see what I can do, in the mean time talking to both parents would help. Can you get us their addresses?" Rossi suggested asking. Spencer stopped talking and waited to listen to what she had to say. "I understand how hard it must be, if you don't think you want to do this case we can have Hotch assign you a new one?" Spencer suggested as Rossi walked over to them waiting to see what the girl would say.

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Old 11-05-2017, 05:30 AM

Immy: maybe i missed it ^^'' but yea, they're actually married ~<3

Aaron smirked slightly at her response. He raised an eyebrow when she began talking to herself but it didn't bother him, seeing how Spencer often talked to himself, or rambled on about things that didn't quite make since to the other team members, or himself really. If he were to be completely honest with himself. She was thirty, that was about what Aaron had figured. He was a professional profiler after all. He simply nodded when Rane suddenly excused herself, taking a small mental note on her behavior, but nevertheless he just went back to his papers.


Garcia added the father's address to the piece of paper she was planing on giving to Derek, and handed it to Rossi. "Already have them. They don't live in the same town, so I labeled the addresses." She said to him casually. Obviously, the mother's address had 'Karen's mother' written below it, and her father's had 'Karen's father' written below it, on the note. "Rossi, you guys be careful alright?" Garcia spoke as she turned and went back to her computer to try to find the girl's relatives or any friends other than Amber.

Amber smiled a little, at his words, but she shook her head. She glanced at Rossi when she noticed him. "I will help in any way I can." She spoke, not sounding so down after talking to Spencer.

Winter Is Here...I think...

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Old 11-05-2017, 05:43 AM

Nova_Alchemist: brain dead, gonna sleep, hit wrong button gotta re write will be smaller. sorry.

Rossi suggested they talked to the parents in person or at least give Reid and Amber a lay down after speaking with the parents. He did ask if either parent didn't like Amber very much growing up in case that might have something to do with it. Reid stood there with a small smile on his face as he waited for he response not sure how this case would affect her.

Rane on the other hand left the place, not unnoticed as she knew Rossi spotted her. She went out on her motorcycle made for speed and went for a ride knowing she could be called any time the team would need her. Though right now she had nothing to do so standing around was useless. Leaving her ipad and what not at the office, she enjoyed the wind running through her purple non-helmet hair.

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Old 11-05-2017, 05:49 AM

Immy: I hate when it does that x.x

I'll post in the morning.. Brain dead also

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Old 11-05-2017, 05:50 PM

Immy: post! sorry about last night ^^'' i was tired.. x.x

Amber listened to the older male when he spoke to her, about his suggestion. She could only shake her head a little when he asked if either parent didn't like her. "I never met her parents, honestly." She said calmly, Her mother might blame her though, seeing how people often try to find someone to lash out at when a kidnapping occurs. Breathing inward just enough to calm her down, she glanced at Rossi once more. "I'll go with you guys, if Hotch doesn't mind." She said, glancing off towards the other man's office. Last time they talked, he didn't sound like he wanted her to be on the field today.

Winter Is Here...I think...

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Old 11-05-2017, 11:24 PM

Nova_Alchemist: We both were. Well I have no work until wednesday night and I doubt they'll call me so I'm all yours or more like Hotch's lol

"I'll talk to him about it, this isn't the same case as the last one. It should be okay." Spencer stated walking away towards Hotch's office. Morgan was talking with Penelope about a few things just goofing off at the time being. Rossi stayed back with Amber. "Obstacles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it." That was a quote from Michael Jordan "What I'm saying is, don't give up so easily. Remember why you're doing this job and remember who you have that will stand with you all the way. We'll always be here if you ever need to talk or anything else. We're a team, new, old or just plain. We're always there for one another, don't try to shoulder the burdens by yourself, we each share a piece to lift the full weight off."

Spencer knocked on Hotch's door peeking his head in "Hotch?" he said waiting to be motioned in before speaking. "Amber wants to accompany us to meet the abductee's parents thinking it might give us a bit of a lead here. Do you mind?"

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Old 11-05-2017, 11:46 PM

Immy: lol
more Immy for me~ :3 jkjk ^^'
i'll be volunteering this week, unless i'm sick >.< don't usually get home 'til around 4:30 in the afternoon

Amber listened to the older male speak, his quote catching her off guard. She's heard it from Michael Jordan, or read it in a book- but why was he saying it to her? She blinked when he explained, and glanced over at him with semi-wide blue eyes. At a loss for words, Amber moved her gaze down the floor. Why was she doing this job? She couldn't help but wonder to herself. "I'm really not used to being a part of a team.." She spoke softly, hoping the man understood what she was saying. It would take some time before she could just start opening up to the team.

Aaron was just finishing up writing the letters the parents, as a knock sounded. "Come in." He said, sitting back in his chair a bit. He looked up to see Reid, and going off his face, they had found a lead on the missing girl. "What is it Reid?" He asked

Winter Is Here...I think...

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Old 11-06-2017, 01:42 AM

Nova_Alchemist: That's alright In the mean time we can roleplay. My girl is afk ish so until she is needed to guard or protect, she's out of the area.

Rossi put his hand on her shoulder "That's why we're here. To help you get used to it." Rossi said as he added onto what he was saying "You know, Reid was never one to be socially interactive either, he tended to work more by himself analyzing all the details before saying something. Yet he would only say something if he was asked or just lost in thought.

"We believe it might be a good use if we take Amber along with us on this next case. It's a mild abduction, so nothing scary and Rane could be there as well as Morgan, myself, and Rossi." Unless Hotch wanted to come along to but that was up to him.

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Old 11-06-2017, 02:05 AM

Immy: okay ^~^
i just found something interesting.. does Rossi die in the show? O.o
i was looking for his first name, and it cam up as a search suggestion >.>

Amber spaced out a little bit as Rossi talked to her, but she heard everything. "I owe him a cup a coffee." She said quietly, smiling now. She glanced at Rossi, still wearing a smile. "I'll do my best, Mr. Rossi." Amber spoke in her usually quiet voice. She looked in the direction of the office.


Aaron only stared at the younger male as he spoke. "I'm aware of the case's circumstances." He spoke up, not really thinking having her out in the field after yesterday. Even if it was just a mild abduction. Aaron folded his hands together loosely. He wasn't worried about anything scary, but she could be a target as well, if she knew the current victim. That would be troublesome.. and he really didn't want to have to call on Rane if it wasn't necessary "Reid, make sure you three stay close to her. Rane had something to take care of, but she is just a phone call away if something does happen." He stated, pretty much allowing the girl to go with them as long as his own circumstances were heard.

Winter Is Here...I think...

Immy is offline
Old 11-06-2017, 03:15 AM

Nova_Alchemist: Watching Limitless atm. Gideon later does but Rossi? I didn't think so. Hang on. No but his son did later on.

"Yes!" "I mean I'll go let her know, thanks Hotch." Reid ran out almost, walking fast speed like a little kid excited to go to the amusement park. Reid knew he wouldn't leave her sight regardless of what it meant. Walking down casually regular speed now he found Rossi and Amber. "He said it's fine, as long as we stay close to you that is." In simple terms Reid wasn't going to leave his side. "Well good, glad that's done, shall we get going now? And Amber its Rossi, you don't have to call me mister. Please don't." He did a small smile like smirk and Morgan walked out saying they were ready to go as well. At least this case wasn't all that far away.

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Old 11-06-2017, 03:36 AM

Immy: i almost flipped @~@ it's sad that his son dies though x.x
just curious, no rush intended- any luck with the other Rps? O.o
i'm dying~ lol jkjk ^^
really~ <3

Amber Amber blinked when she saw Reid coming back, he looked like he had some energ- and soon she realized why that was. Hotch said it was alright for her to go with them, to speak with the parents of the currently missing child. It made her smile.She was surprised by the older male though, feeling a little childish for a moment. Aaron had told her the day of arrival that Rossi really didn't like being called 'mister'- he didn't get into details. She must've forgotten.. "Well, let's go then." She said, wearing a casual smirk. She followed the group out of building.

The ride wasn't very long, and soon they were arriving at a small two bedroom house. Amber waited for the van to be turned off before slowly getting out and glanced around for a moment. Such a quiet neighborhood for the time of day it was.

Winter Is Here...I think...

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Old 11-06-2017, 04:08 AM

Nova_Alchemist: at least he still has a daughter :P
Nah im tired, wound up with a fireball whiskey :P I'll check them out tomorrow when I can relax or focus.

Reid, Rossi, and Morgan got out of the vehicle, Morgan was the original driver since Reid felt like he wanted to ramble about facts whether or not they were useful. "Ready?" Morgan asked as Rossi answered "As ready as we'll ever be" they started walking up towards the house as Reid waited back a bit "Hang back for a moment, if for some reason they remember you it may start something. Reid stood somewhat in front of Amber just in case, making sure they wouldn't get any doors slammed in their face.
What the others didn't know was that they were being closely watched by someone.

(Take control of whoever you need, I'm gonna konk out.)

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Old 11-06-2017, 04:19 AM

Immy: it's fine, really ^~^
konk out? O.o???

Amber sighed inward lightly, and gladly followed behind the men, she stuck close to Reid though. Feeling a bit paranoid for thinking some one was watching them. It was just one of those feelings when a person uncomfortable, or in an unfamiliar area. Which, she was. Amber's thin eyebrows knit together slightly as she heard the statement. "Like I said, I've never met the parents." She spoke softly, hanging back with Reid as the other two went up to the door. Morgan knocked on the door loudly, to make sure he was heard. "This is the FBI, we just wanna talk." He said in a serious tone.

After a moment, a rather young-looking woman with sandy blonde hair slightly opened the door. "What do you people want?" She hissed at the darker male. Morgan glanced at the woman. There was no way she nearly as young as she looked, she must've had some work done. "Miss, are you Karen's mother?" He asked calmly. The woman blinked, then nodded her head slightly. "Have you found her?" She asked. Morgan shook his head. "We were hoping to talk to you for a moment." He voiced. The woman took a moment to unlock the chain-lock at the top of her door and opened it fully for the agents. "Come on in, make yourself cozy." She said to them as she turned and walked back inside the living room.

Winter Is Here...I think...

Immy is offline
Old 11-06-2017, 01:57 PM

Nova_Alchemist: so lets try this again. Brother is dressed, fed, relaxing, and his lunch is made. grandma and mom are still asleep. If it wasn't for congestion this wouldn't be so bad, but still going to reply and do you have any ideas for Karen? You don't have to tell me but I don't wanna take control of parts if it messes with your idea. Otherwise it might get confusing.

When they got the okay to go into the house Reid walked with Amber up to the door to go in as well. Once everyone walked in the house and to the living room Reid spoke up. "My name's agent Reid, this Morgan, Rossi, and Amber. Your daughter went missing not too long ago yet there seems to be no struggle or evidence besides the fact she is just not currently here. Do you have any ideas of who your daughter liked to hang out with? Enemies? Friends?" Spencer went on the usual routine asking the basics to give the more insight of where to go. The person watching the house was close, really close as they listened into the conversation.


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