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R u b y
Grand Duchess of Gifs & Memes™
R u b y is offline
Old 08-07-2018, 02:02 AM

noo go eat! D: I need to too @.@ So I'll be back in about 30 min lol

Moonlit Freedom
Run Ragged
Moonlit Freedom is offline
Old 08-07-2018, 02:04 AM

The food here will be done in about 20ish minutes, depending on how much the kiddos slow Danny down.
So I gotta keep myself awake at least until then and then hopefully James will cooperate and let us sleep tonight. *fingers crossed*

R u b y
Grand Duchess of Gifs & Memes™
R u b y is offline
Old 08-07-2018, 02:08 AM

Has he been a fussy moonbaby?

Moonlit Freedom
Run Ragged
Moonlit Freedom is offline
Old 08-07-2018, 02:20 AM

He's been a bit colicky - but not as bad as Em was. But he also is greedy hungry little one, so he demands to be fed, and he will take a bottle which Danny loves because he can help out, but he prefers it from me.

R u b y
Grand Duchess of Gifs & Memes™
R u b y is offline
Old 08-07-2018, 02:50 AM

Do you have any pics yet? :3

Moonlit Freedom
Run Ragged
Moonlit Freedom is offline
Old 08-07-2018, 02:52 AM

We do but we're not really feeling okay with sharing photos online.

R u b y
Grand Duchess of Gifs & Memes™
R u b y is offline
Old 08-07-2018, 02:53 AM

Okay that's fine :3

Moonlit Freedom
Run Ragged
Moonlit Freedom is offline
Old 08-07-2018, 02:57 AM

I'm trying to put off having to get off, but I think I'm going to have to poof soon because I hear James slowly waking up over the monitor and it's time to get the girls into bed as well. I've missed having more free time to get on. :( Such is the life of growing up and having responsibilities that aren't online.

R u b y
Grand Duchess of Gifs & Memes™
R u b y is offline
Old 08-07-2018, 03:51 AM

We miss you too Moon We'll be around when you can be here though :3

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 08-07-2018, 04:31 AM

aw I missed moonie

R u b y
Grand Duchess of Gifs & Memes™
R u b y is offline
Old 08-07-2018, 04:31 AM

She'll be around later :3

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 08-07-2018, 04:36 AM

pass on a hug for me please

Moonlit Freedom
Run Ragged
Moonlit Freedom is offline
Old 08-07-2018, 05:21 AM

Sleep is being finicky for me... of course I can't sleep when ALL the kids are asleep. Oh the irony.

Hummy: Sorry I've barely been around, having a newborn, an almost 3 year old and a 5 1/2 year old is exhausting and been taking up a lot of my time. Thankfully Norah starts Kindergarten in a few weeks (WHICH IS INSANE AND HAS BLOWN MY MIND THAT SHE'S GOING INTO KINDERGARTEN!) and Emily starts up at preschool so I'll have a bit of downtime, well as much as one can have with an almost 2 month old.

Ruby: I miss you all too!

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 08-07-2018, 05:23 AM

wow preschool already
some moonie time will be nice

Moonlit Freedom
Run Ragged
Moonlit Freedom is offline
Old 08-07-2018, 05:25 AM

Yeah, preschool and kindergarten - my babies are growing up faster than I'd like them to!

Oh for sure! I love my kiddos but I need me some time alone. My sister in law said she'd be fine taking James for an hour or two, or three, if I need some time by myself just for a little while after the girls start school. (They live in the same complex as we do.)

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 08-07-2018, 05:35 AM

oh that is nice of her

Moonlit Freedom
Run Ragged
Moonlit Freedom is offline
Old 08-07-2018, 05:36 AM

She's pretty fantastic. ^_^ I'm lucky to have her and my brother in my life. :)

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 08-07-2018, 05:38 AM

having family's support is awesome

Moonlit Freedom
Run Ragged
Moonlit Freedom is offline
Old 08-07-2018, 05:40 AM

It really is.
I miss my parents, but they're very toxic and I won't have them around my kids because of how they've chosen to treat me over what they perceive as something I did wrong when in fact I did nothing wrong. :/

At least I have Danny, my brother, sister in law and my kids - my in-laws are pretty nice too - Most of the time at least.

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 08-07-2018, 05:43 AM

it's really their loss.
look at your beautiful family

Moonlit Freedom
Run Ragged
Moonlit Freedom is offline
Old 08-07-2018, 05:45 AM

Yeah, it really is their loss.

They're losing out on getting to know my three wonderful children.

R u b y
Grand Duchess of Gifs & Memes™
R u b y is offline
Old 08-07-2018, 05:53 AM

It's not easy to cut family out of your life but I think you did the right thing, for all of you. You're protecting your children and that's what a mother is there for And you have an example of how not to be as a parent which is sometimes good in itself

Moonlit Freedom
Run Ragged
Moonlit Freedom is offline
Old 08-07-2018, 05:56 AM

I did try too to involve them in their grandchildren's lives because I did want them to know them - but they're just so toxic, that it had to be done. That was a really rough and sad decision for me to have to make. But my kids will always come first. Always.

My brother's nickname for me is Mama Bear. Because of how I reacted to my parents the last time I saw them in person... And I do have to say, that nickname fits me. I maaay have kicked my parents out of my apartment, because of how they were talking to me in front of my kids. Emily was only 6 months at the time. She was a little one. I've run into them at the store a few times -- but they just shoot nasty looks and ignore me.... the last time I ran into them - I was massively pregnant with James.

I miss who they used to be. Before they started acting this way. :(

That is so true - I know that I do not want to be like them, and I know I'll be accepting of my children - no matter what!

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 08-07-2018, 05:57 AM

oi my shopping is so haphazard

Moonlit Freedom
Run Ragged
Moonlit Freedom is offline
Old 08-07-2018, 05:58 AM

Shopping for me is usually crazy because I normally have all the kids in tow. It's so much easier to go shopping without the kids. Love them, but they make shopping 5x harder.


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