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Talitha001 is offline
Old 08-23-2010, 07:19 AM

Yazelina was bored. She hated these stupid things. She hated the fighting she hated the violence and she hated being outside in the heat.The only reason she ever attended was because it was required. She did so hope it would end soon. SHe was much more interested in getting to the banquet. This sir roderick intregued her so much. She wanted to learn more about him. She had always liked guys who were forceful and this man seemed to be very much so.

Range watched the fight with eyes lit up. She did so love to see a good spar. She cheered everytime somthing violent happened and someone got hurt and she sighed when it seemed it would end. Range loved violence and one of her favorite things to do was to taunt the losers. She did not want to go to the banquet though. It was not something that interested her.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 08-23-2010, 07:33 AM

"I feared you might've lost your head with that blow.." Tes'shiran blinked at Percival but he couldn't help but grin at the Knight. Percival's joyous disposition did make it hard for Tess to be in any other mood than happy right now. He shook his head slightly. "Try to keep your head on straight, My Lord." Tess had called softly to Percival's back as the man rode off once again. His body tense. These things were so dangerous. He wasn't even sure why he had agreed with his parent's decision to go off with Roderick. A small shiver ran down his spine and he glanced over his shoulder, feeling a little paranoid.

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Squidie64 is offline
Old 08-23-2010, 08:15 AM

Percival managed, somehow, to stretch the match to all three lances, but came out on top, none the less. He rode back to his squires, happily laughing. He pulled his helmet off and looked down to Tess as he gave the crowd a wave, "A rocky start, eh, lad?"

Percival climbed down from his horse as he was announced the winner and shook the stiffness out of himself. He wiped some blood that had leaked from his nose on a cloth handed him by a squire and looked at his ruined helmet, "I best get this fixed, haven't I?"

"What's the use? It'll only be ruined again when we face each other tomorrow," sounded from behind them.

Roderick stood, in full armor just behind Percival and Tess. His ladies carried his things. A new girl wore the gold belt normally worn by Yára, his herald. She was nowhere to be seen. Roderick glared at Tess, "What are you doing here?"

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 08-23-2010, 08:28 AM

Tess had opened his mouth to respond to Percival, but closed it quickly. Turning just as quickly as he had closed his mouth when Roderick spoke from behind him. That body tensing abit, but he bowed his head in greeting and respect to Roderick. "Forgive me, m'lord. I merely wished to watch the match."

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Old 08-23-2010, 08:37 AM

Percival ignored what Roderick had to say and merely nodded he passed him. He needed to get to his blacksmith. He waited, just beyond the lists, for Tess. He waited to see if Tess could follow or if Roderick would make him stay.

Roderick climbed up onto his war horse and settled into the saddle. He looked down at Tess, then looked to his ladies as they handed him equipment, "You are getting too bold for my liking, Tess. How will you ever become a knight if you disobey as a squire?" Roderick smirked devilishly as he pulled his helmet on.

He looked out to the crowd, catching the Duchess in his sights, then looking toward Lady Yazelina. Grinning as he pulled his gloves on, he shifted in his saddle.

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Talitha001 is offline
Old 08-23-2010, 08:48 AM

Yazelina stared at Roderick as he got on his horse. She frowned. Obviously it was his turn. She sighed and supposed it was good form to do something to encourage him. She waved her hand at him gently blowing him a kiss and gave him one of her most fetching smiles.

Range watched curiously. Apparently Rodericks turn was up. She grinned. Maybe he would die. Now that would be worth watching. She frowned at Lina as she sent him her regards and rolled her eyes.
"Why do you encourage him my lady?" She was truly curious.

Lina looked at range and smiled.
"It is how a lady is to behave my dear."

Unlmtd_Cassimir is offline
Old 08-23-2010, 08:51 AM

Cassimir watched the battle with an older knight from his horse. He was fortunate to have survived such a blow to the head. He watched the rest of the match intently. It was a good idea for him to learn his opponents strengths.

As he watched he saw that noble he had seen earlier and her guard, Range was it? Such an odd name he thought to himself. She seemed to be enjoying the battle but the noble not so much. He occasionally glanced back at Range, but he would quickly look back at the fight.

The older knight was victorious. It seemed he was experienced in battle. Something that would help him overcome his age difference.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 08-23-2010, 08:53 AM

Tes'shiran had glanced to Percival when the knight rode off. His attention quickly returned to Roderick though. Those words. Normally Tess would just bite his cheek and do what was expected of him. Today, biting his cheek and trying to hold his tongue was proving to be extremely difficult. Those blue eyes had narrowed some his glare was only slight as he stared at Roderick. "Too bold, My Lord? Perhaps..I am not bold enough." That body had tensed a bit. "I do not think you ever ment to make me a knight." Tess scoffed a bit. "All you want to do is bully people and divulge in carnal pleasures with exotic women. Your are naught but a sluttish bully." Gods Tes'shiran was going to die tonight. Roderick was probably going to kill him. Though once he had started, he found it hard to stop. "And you, sir, are a coward. I see the way you shrink back from the thought of a real fight. I do so hope your opponent knocks your head clear from your shoulders." Tes'shiran turned his back to Roderick and stalked off towards Percival. His expression quickly changed though. Realization hit him hard, and color began to drain from his face. When he reached Percival his legs felt very untrustworthy. All his thoughts had been replaced with a very violent image of Roderick murdering him.

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Old 08-23-2010, 09:14 AM

Roderick shared the smile with Yazelina, but it faded when Tess spoke up. Roderick glared down his squire, unable to believe the words pouring out of him. All he could do was sit there as he was insulted by a man of a much lower class than himself. Why, if he hadn't had nine cousins, he'd be a prince!! Having nine cousins was a minor detail! He was almost a prince!! And Tess dared speak to him in such a way?

Before Roderick had time to respond, Tess left and the flag dropped. Roderick had no choice but to advance on his opponent. He'd have to deal with Tess later.

His opponent stood no chance against Roderick in such a state. Roderick took a heavy blow to the shoulder, but his arm carried the power of anger behind it and he managed to unhorse his opponent on the first lance. Though his shoulder was in pain, he didn't care. He chucked his useless lance and turned back. He didn't even wait for his victory to be announced before he was off the horse, whipping his helmet to the ground in a frustrated rage.

-:I'll be heading off to bed, actually. :) Night, everyone! I'll be back in the afternoon!!:-

Last edited by Squidie64; 08-23-2010 at 09:40 AM..

Unlmtd_Cassimir is offline
Old 08-23-2010, 09:45 AM

Cassimir watched the second knight, the noble woman called him, Sir Roderick? He was much younger looking, but impulsive, there was no skill behind what he did at least not now. It was just rage and fury, like a hailstorm upon a poor shrub. He was likely as dangerous on the field as off. This one would be the one he needed to watch out for. He was very upset, clearly. Whatever it was he had not much time to think about it as he was up next. He rode his horse closer, and looked out to the crowd. He could use them to gauge his opponent: If they were good they would certainly cheer as he strode in.

As he waited patiently he flipped his helm down. He would not have long to wait. He held his shield close and kept his lance at rest. No matter what happened at least it would be over soon.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 08-23-2010, 07:28 PM

Tes'shiran looked clearly shaken when he approached Percival. Roderick was going to murder him. Those eyes were a bit wide and though they weren't full of fear there was fear in those blue eyes. He looked up at Percival, opened his mouth to say something, those blue eyes rolled up and those legs gave out beneath him. Tes'shiran crumpled to the ground in a faint. At least, he had gotten all the way to Percival before it had happened.

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Old 08-23-2010, 08:04 PM

Percival watched him as he walked up to meet him. He waited for him to speak, but when he saw him faint, he gasped. He dropped his damaged helmet and knelt next to Tess. Lifting Tess' head slightly, he shook the younger man, "Tess!!! Tess, wake up, lad!"

He called for the nearest person to fetch a doctor, then sent his squire for some water. When the squire returned with a small cup of water, Percival dumped it over Tess' face, "C'mon, Tess!"

Roderick moved away from the lists, leaving his girls to gather his things. He followed behind Tess, glaring at Percival as the man attempted to wake Tess after he fainted.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 08-23-2010, 08:14 PM

Tes'shiran was unresponsive as Percival attempted to wake him. He did cough and splutter a bit when that water was dumped on his face. Reaching out and clutching to Percival almost immediately right before those eyes shot open as he gasped for some air. Tess blinked softly and shivered visibly when he noticed Roderick. He made no move to stand or run away or do anything.

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Old 08-23-2010, 09:19 PM

Roderick looked down at Tess, smirking slightly. He fought off the urge to spit on his squire as he stooped down to squat next to him, "Feeling alright now?" Roderick's tone was sickeningly sweet, coated with mild concern.

Percival glanced to Roderick as he pulled Tess to a sitting position. He gave him a cloth to wipe his face off, "Do I have to smack you again?" Percival's tone wasn't normal either. It was crisp, bitter. Very much unlike his normal upbeat, happy tones.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 08-23-2010, 09:35 PM

Tes'shiran took that cloth with a shaky hand, busying himself with wiping his face off a bit slowly as he tried not to look at Roderick much. Though one could only dally at wiping his face off for so long before it would become obvious he was somewhat trying to hide behind that cloth. He did look at Percival for a moment. A light sigh escaped his lips. He couldn't hide behind Percival. He needed to take responsibility for his actions, or rather, his words.

Tes'shiran took a deep breath and stood. His head was only slightly lowered. "My Lord...Please forgive me." It seemed all that emotion and what not that had led to Tess' earlier outburst had completely drained out of him. Maybe they could get the murdering over and done with. The quicker it happened the better off he'd be. Maybe..

Last edited by Kry; 08-23-2010 at 09:57 PM..

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Squidie64 is offline
Old 08-23-2010, 09:44 PM

Roderick stood as well and glared at Tess, "You're forgiven. ...For now. You'll pay for it later." He turned and headed off to collect his ladies. He had no real concern for his squire's health, he merely went to see if he needed to get a new squire. It was always about himself.

"..Tess? ..Do you want to speak to a doctor?" Percival didn't want to drag Tess off without asking him first. He didn't want to cause any more trouble for him. He would, however, have a word with Roderick later on about the way he treated Tess.

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Talitha001 is offline
Old 08-23-2010, 09:49 PM

Yazelina stood up after the fight was over and headed down. She liked to watch the knights leaving and wave as that was proper for a lady to do. She waited out by the entrance where the knights walked away from the fighting and to whereever they were going to stay the night.

Range followed Lina sighing. She was upset the fights were over. She enjoyed them so much. The violence the people getting hurt. She did so enjoy that.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 08-23-2010, 09:56 PM

Tes'shiran nodded just slightly to Roderick's words. He didn't relax until Roderick was a little bit away from them. Sighing heavily and turning to grab onto Percival rather hard. His legs were shaking again and he didn't feel they could support him properly. Tess' voice was very low, and a bit shaky. "I...I think I've had too much sun today, my lord."

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Old 08-23-2010, 10:12 PM

Percival merely nodded and helped him down to a nearby tavern. It was bustling with activity, but it would provide relief. He sat Tess down at the bar and leaned next to him, "You want something to eat? Something to drink? Anything at all?"

As Roderick walked, leading his horse next to him, he spotted Yazelina. He showed her a handsome smile and slowed down as he neared her. He passed the reins to a servant and crossed his arms over his armored chest.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 08-23-2010, 10:28 PM

Tess moved almost numbly as Percival helped him to a nearby Tavern and sat him down at the bar. He blinked a moment and glanced around, looking to Percival. "...a glass of water." He had mumbled that very lightly, inhaling deeply. "...He's going to murder me.." Those arms were put up on the bar and Tess fell forward, resting his head on his arms.

Last edited by Kry; 08-23-2010 at 10:35 PM..

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Talitha001 is offline
Old 08-23-2010, 10:42 PM

Yazelina smiled at Roderick as he paused by her and curtsied to him.
"You did well my lord. I rather enjoyed watching and I appreciate you pausing to speak with me."
She kept her eyes downcast as it was rude to look someone in the face even though she did outrank him when it came to gentility.

Range just stood there arms crossed staring up at Roderick glowering. She was not happy at all.

Unlmtd_Cassimir is offline
Old 08-23-2010, 11:02 PM

Cassimir sighed after coming back from his round. It had been relatively long, and it had been rather close. He trotted slowly off to get his horse to sleep for the night. He flipped his visor open, and focused on the path. As nerve-wracking and difficult as it was he now had to go attend the banquet, which furthered his irritation. Smiling in front of nobles, the prattling on about insignificant things. As soon as this all was over he would be happy.

After settling his horse down he took his armor off piece by piece and put on something more fitting for the banquet. It felt stifling to him. He never felt comfortable in such a thing, so he always tried to made it look relatively modest. He wasn't a blue-blood so he didn't have to dress like one thankfully.

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Old 08-23-2010, 11:43 PM

Percival pat him on the back as he ordered Tess some water and himself an ale, "Lad, if you keep apologizing, your life will get worse. Do you want something from Roderick?"

He grinned again when he she curtsied and treated him as he should have been treated, "You saw the match? Good, good. I am glad you enjoyed it."

He looked to Range and gave a smirk, "Now you know how dangerous I can be."

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 08-24-2010, 12:02 AM

"Lord Percival, you don't understand.." He raised his head a bit to look at Percival. "I said some very rude things to Lord Roderick, I do not give him the proper respect that he is entitled to. I have much to apologize to Lord Roderick for." Tess lowered his head again, resting it on his arms as he began to list everything he should apologize to Lord Roderick for. "I'm too slow. Sometimes I don't speak loud enough. I'm lazy. I'm often not where I'm supposed to be..." He trailed off a bit there, though there were many more things he could list.

Glitter addict...beware

CrimsonShadow is offline
Old 08-24-2010, 12:28 AM

"Do you think you got it Naerwen?" Madela asked as they finished. Any minute the tunic would be dry and they would find out if they had fixed it.

When Roderick turn came up and she saw him look up at her Azara turned her head away. After the jousting was over she stood up. "Come Striker me must be getting back to the maids." As he rose Azara put her hand in the crook of his elbow and they walked away. Up ahead Azara saw Roderick talking to a Lady who was dressed very well. As the Dutchess and Striker walked past Azara glared at him then raised her chin up and looked ahead. When they got to their wagons Azara saw that Madela, Shara, and Naerwen were done. "How fairs snively Lord Roderick's tunic girls?"

As they stopped and Azara finished talked Striker mummbled to her. "Why must you say and do these things. You are just asking for trouble." The words earned him a smile from the Dutchess.

((Man you guys wrote a lot! ^_^ I hate working all day!))


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