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Angels dont come better than tho...
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Old 03-25-2011, 01:55 PM

Shiloh had finally gotten some of her strength back to stand on her own but she still gripped the man in case she did fall. Thats when something hit her. She was too dizzy to understand what was going on. The little neko was forced to release the man she so willingly held on to. Her neck was hurting in the grip that the man had on her. He was trying to hang her in his own grasp. If she didnt do something, she was going to die, but if she did react with her magic, she would be hallucinating again. Neither was something she wanted to do.

Quickly, the girl did a small lightning strike to force the man to let go of her. The bolt hit him in the chest but since he was a berserker it probably wasnt going to work the way she wanted to. She would have to use a second one in order to get him to let her go, but her strength was failing. Her eyes were starting to roll from lack of air. She did the lightning strike one last time, this time hitting his hand. Due to the electrical current now running through his hand, his hand would be forced to open up, dropping her to the ground.

Shiloh landed on her feet but but still fell backwards. Due to having a lack of oxygen for a while and the use of her powers, the girl looked like she was going to pass out. She looked up at the others, the room spinning around her. Her breathing was heavy as she moved side to side, finally stopping when her face was towards the ground and coughed from the rush of air going into her lungs.

RP Stalker
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Old 03-25-2011, 02:07 PM

Zyk blinked when she mentioned she didn't have a templar, and then continued to fall into a pit of self loathing. With a shake of his head, he gently laid his hand upon hers. "Don't fret. I am fine. It shook m a little, but that was about it. I'm fine, really." It had felt a little weird when she licked the still bleeding wound, and little bumps did raise on his tanned skin, but other than that he remained calm. Life went on as usual, as if they hadn't noticed him. "Well, I have a Templar, and I need to get back to him before I get in way more trouble than I'll all ready be in." But he wasn't sure what to do with her...She didn't have anyone, but she was elfin so most likely a forest dweller, but what if she attacked another person not so considering as he? That'd be bad..

Last edited by Shame_; 03-26-2011 at 03:09 PM..

It's 11PM, do you know where you...
Hresvelgr is offline
Old 03-25-2011, 05:03 PM

As the neko said the name of her father, his face right away came into her head. They were both commanders together. Although rarely worked side by side, they knew each other. Lerieh knew about his family, and remembered the meeting. He was not the only one married to a mage at the time. But he was the only reckless one. Lereih herself had to be the one to track him down.

It was mainly him that made the other families suffer. They said the mages were getting to their husbands. Working together. Which at the time most would believe anything. No king, confusion. Lerieh remembered the fight fondly. Especially remembering his last breath. Her father was a mad man. But he was in love. Either way, one can not curse the templar leaders and get away with it.

Sephiroth came from seemly no where, holding the girl up on the wall by her neck. Lerieh at first did not do a thing. She needed to learn her lesson after all. Lerieh was not going to send anyone after her after all. But now she came back. Looking for a fight with the man who nearly killed her before. As she used a bit of lightning on Sephiroth, making him let go, Lerieh shook her head slightly. "We have got to work on your resistance." She even made a mental note for later about it.

"Alright. She is down. Restrain her. Cover her eyes, and disarm her. She will be first in the trail. Make sure she can breath though. Poor girl is having a bit of trouble it seems. Liam, I'm counting on you to watch over her." Lerieh said. Knowing she would not have to tell Liam twice.

is a Special Pants
ISOS Duke is offline
Old 03-25-2011, 07:15 PM

Her body was going cold; Aelyn had seen what was going on, though she was powerless to stop herself from doing anything. She knew Sephiroth and knew of his history, never in her life would she have lifted her weapon against the man; he was a skilled fighter with a background that supported it. They had the same views on mages as well, though she had no control over her body leaving her at the mercy of this mage. Her mind began to boil in anger though; she would get this little cat-eared girl back. She was a blood mage, that much was clear now, seeing as the monastery mages were not allowed to perform such arts.

When the girl began to flee, she felt herself coming to, but not in the manner she would have liked. Her body went cold, starting at her ears, and she felt herself getting light headed and sickly. She stomach churned as she fought to keep herself balanced. Of course, the first thing she did was lower her weapon, a sound coming out of her mouth as though she had been holding her breath in a time of fear. The Templar felt shaky and all she wanted to do was lie down, or get sick, either seemed like a decent choice as to how she was feeling. Neither were an option though, woozily, she rose her head to look at the group and while she heard them, their words did not register as to what was going on.

They were still talking, the air was still tense, but she was powerless to do anything at that moment. Then, all of a sudden Lerieh was rushing off inside, something was going on and it wasn't good. The Drow usually didn't move that quickly to get anywhere unless something was serious. This made the blood in the girl's body flow even faster as she wanted to help and see what was going on, but it was also the same thing that made her feel even worse. Then soon after that Sephiroth was gone as well, it must have been something serious and Aelyn fought to keep her balance straight and for her senses to return quicker.

Brows furrowing together, she looked at Helena before saying, "We have to see what's going on. That mage cannot be allowed to live. Worrying her lip slightly, Aelyn then forced herself to walk, an action that she swore would be the end of her. As the made her way towards the doors to the monastery, with or without the girl, she saw a couple of mages wobbling, trying to escape. Without a though she brought her bow across her body and swung it at them, knocking them off their feet fromt the blunt force of the object. Upon entering the large, stone building, her purple eyes fell upon what was a struggle. Many mages were missing while others were apprehended; some Templars were petrified, others wounded, enraged, and just doing what they could.

Her eyes then fell upon the girl that had caused all the trouble for her. The rest of the group she had been with was there, as well as the mage she had yelled at. There was a concerned look on his face and instantly Aelyn knew he had something to do with this. Storming towards them, ignoring the the wooziness she was feeling, she had to get to the group. Once there, she drew her bow again, this time to the defeated mage that lay on the floor. "She, is, maleficar," the Templar Knight said in a breathy voice. She was pale, beyond pale at that, she felt sick and knew her balance was going to give out on her at any moment, but she could not allow this girl's crimes to go unnoticed. Her vision was fading slightly, darkness ringing around her eyes as she felt like she was going to pass out, but she could no let that interfere with her job.

((WOOTZ! Took three hours to write that bad boy XD))


Azadeth stared at the girl in wonder; how could she not know what a Monastery was? Could it have been that she had never entered the city? She knew that if the Templar Knights had never visited, well, attacked her clan, she never would have known what the institution was either. A monastery," the elf started as she slowly moved through the house and towards the table the blond was sitting at. She was not used to such a little building, made out of wood no less. Setting her cup on the table and taking a seat she continued,

A monastery is a place where mages go to learn. They learn how to control their abilities and how to use them properly. It really is a nice place for that fact." Her mind then drifted to the Templars; they were going to take some time to describe to the girl, though in her mind, the elf didn't always see them as bad people, they were just doing their job. "The Templars, as they are called, are a bunch of people that watch the mages. We are considered dangerous for what we can do, and apparently, according to the humans, we go against their religion of sorts. If we misbehave or do something really bad, these people are to put us in line. At least that is what I am told.

Her own eyes then drifted out the window, it really was peaceful out there. It reminded her of home, and not the one in the monastery; it reminded her of being back with her own kind, though that was many years ago. Letting out a slow sigh, her eyes then drifted back at the steaming cup, picking it up carefully, she sniffed the contents. Things such as this were common among her people, though the herbs that had gone into it were different than the ones she was used to. Pulling it away from her nose, she took a slow sip and offered no sign of disgust. The liquid was hot, that was for sure, but the taste was pleasant and calming.

"I have been in the monastery for many years, almost too many to remember what my life was like before, Azadeth then said, her eyes seemingly going out of focus as her mind was filled with flash backs. "I used to live among elves in the woods; they were my family and kinsmen. It was peaceful back then, though my actual life is far too foggy for me to remember. It was not as hectic then as it is now for myself."

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Old 03-25-2011, 07:42 PM

Kane saw another male Templar coming at them looking beyond pissed. Now he was rethinking on why the hell he stayed. Of course, he knew. If he ran and if they ever caught him, then his punishment would be much much worse. Right now he hadn't done anything. Somehow however, he doubted they'd listen. He allowed the neko to stand, a hand steadying her just in case.

At being shoved, he almost snapped a bit, but managed to control himself. He did tense and move away from the templar. It was obvious any other actions would enrage him more. How he wanted to give him a small injury though. Watching as he grabbed the girl by her neck, he frowned. No one deserved that. But of course, they weren't thought of as humans. Or, people. A few bolts of lightning were shot to stop the man and the drow woman said something about the trial. Oh great. They're still going to do it.

Looking around, he frowned. The place was basically ruined. And there weren't too many mages left. Those that had remained were a bit battered. In fact, he seemed the only one without a sign of wear. Besides the shove he'd received. And being clung to. Noticing that yet another Templar had come, the very same one that had yelled to him he resisted a groan. Now he was going to be finished being yelled at. On closer look however, the girl seemed rather weak. She looked as if ready to pass out at any second. Yet she still advanced toward the neko on the floor and even aimed her arrows at her. He felt sorry for the young girl.

Shania583 is offline
Old 03-25-2011, 09:24 PM

Naomi sat there quietly when Azadeth was explaining what a monastery was as well as what or now who templars were, she had never knew of things like this and was interested in what she had to say. She had many question running through her head at the moment and when Azadeth stopped talking she asked “But what if the mage already knows how to control their abilities and uses them properly?” She looked down at the table then back up saying “How are we dangerous, we just have a different ability that they don’t have.” she paused “How are we going against their religion we are normal people too and we have our own opinion on things”. When Azadeth said that she had been in the monastery for a really long time Naomi looked at her then said “Aren’t you allowed to go home once you learned what they wanted to teach you?” Then when she said that she used to live with elves she smiled and said “My mom used to tell me about elves and I always thought that it would be nice to meet one”. She looked around the room then back at Azadeth and said “I hope that things become less hectic for you and that you find your family again someday” she smiled then took another sip from her cup. After finishing her tea she stood up and walked into the kitchen and placed it in a bucket so that she could wash it later, she walked back to the table and said “You can stay here for the night if you want to, you look exhausted and need a really good sleep” she smiled. She saw that the fire had gone down and went over to it and pulled the rope closing the vent then returned to sit at the table.

is a Special Pants
ISOS Duke is offline
Old 03-25-2011, 10:48 PM

Watching the girl close the hatch, Azadeth thought about her questions. There was still much she didn't know; she didn't understand the religion they were being compared to or why it made them such bad people. She had never been one to question things at the monastery, for one because she was raised to simply do as she was told, and for two, she had seen other mages get in trouble for things. Granted, she had never seen what they were getting in trouble for, but she did not want to be one to get in trouble for asking questions, especially seeing the temperament of the Templars.

Quietly sipping on the tea, her eyes drifted back out the window as she wondered if what she had done had really been that bad to send others to hunt her down. She had known that she was never allowed to leave the monastery, or watch of the Templars, so did that make her a fugitive? Or what did the Templars call it, an apostate? The elf girl did not know and let out a sigh. Regardless to what her punishment would be, she knew that if she were caught with Naomi, more than likely she would be put to death because of magic her father had taught her. The girl really wished that she had been back with her own kind where they were not held as criminals for their talents.

Looking back at the girl, she seemed so innocent, like she just didn't know. The Templars couldn't hold that against her, could they? But she knew that they would; they didn't seem to understand if people knew about what was going on in the main stream or not. Everyone in major cities knew as far as Azadeth knew, heck, for all the girl had known, she had thought that everyone knew about the laws. "I would not wish for you to come to any trouble if there are Templars headed this way," she said honestly, her voice soft, yellow-green eyes on the girl.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 03-26-2011, 06:02 AM

The neko's first lightning burst made Sephiroth hiss and tighten his grip. He wasn't expecting the second spark at his hand. Feeling his muscles spasm, the beserker released Shiloh suddenly. His blue eyes narrowed as Lerieh pointed out his lack of magical resistance. Listening to the mage gasp for air, he glared down at her. "Do you truly want me watching over her?" His anger hadn't disappeared, but it was certainly calming for a moment. Sephiroth knew his weakness when it came to rage, and was wary of having a hand in the maleficar's trial.
A flash of discomfort moved through his pale eyes as he heard his former name - Liam. He'd had it changed after he'd joined the Templar ranks. Sending Kane a feral glance, Sephiroth grit his teeth. "I'd rather slay her myself," he grumbled, forcing his blade back into its sheath. He slowly stepped aside as Aelyn approached, and the beserker gave the woman a look that would have frosted a lake over.
Regaining feeling in his fingertips in slow amounts, Sephiroth flexed his tingling hand. "Her trial can be handled by someone else," the tall man said brusquely. Once again, he was being as stubborn as a mule with Lerieh's authority in question.

It's 11PM, do you know where you...
Hresvelgr is offline
Old 03-26-2011, 08:02 PM

Lerieh glanced as Aelyn came closer. "Yes, I know." She said, responding to Aelyn. After all, Lerieh had been around mages far longer than anyone in the room. Telling mages apart for her was like skin color. She could take one look, and know. Certain mages had an feel about them. Besides, she did know the girl's father. The man was sentenced to death because of her mother. Teaching the forbidden arts. Even if you father did not know, he was still responsible for his family. Blood magic was something they would not take light of in the trial. They may have gone easy on her too if she had not attacked. Only showing all blood magic users were lethal tools.

She did hear Sephiroth this time though. "I know what you would like to do Sir Liam. I could quiet honestly care less at this time." Lereih said. Her berserker attitude peeking threw slightly as she spoke with him. Lereih was probably one of few who was not afraid of Liam. She would insult him as much as she want. In his training, she sometimes purposely drove him over the edge. Maybe for fun, or maybe for his training. Who knew really? "Would you prefer I ask Aelyn watch over her?" Since we know how that went last time... she thought to herself. Putting her weapons back in their spots.

"We should get this over with so I don't have to deal with this one any more."

((When should the trial start? o_o))

Kilia is offline
Old 03-26-2011, 10:05 PM

Hana looked away from the mage as she listened to him trying to comfort her, she smiled softly as she listened to his words, glad to know that he felt fine, that was when she turnned her molton gold eyes up at him metting his blue-green eyes. "I am glad that you are fine.....but do not worry you won't turn into a vampire." she said to him, she wantted to say, to do more but she couldn't, instead she pulled all her hair over her shoulder and pulled it away from the ground and moved further into the nook, away from the male. "Goodbye." she said to him in her sweet small voice, she stopped and looked back at him, bitting her lip a little bit, she wantted to get to know him more to see what type of mage he was but clearly from the way that he was talking it was better if she left and he went back to his templar. The towns were always so stuffy to her, but she didn't know what to do besides the obvious fact of getting back into the woods.

Last edited by Kilia; 03-27-2011 at 01:38 AM..

Strawberry Kitkat
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Old 03-26-2011, 11:08 PM

[[SHHHIIIII-- this is what I get for being gone a day -_________-]]

Helena's head spun around as the sounds of battle inthe courtyard reached her ears, her mind instantly flashing to Alexander. If he was causing trouble... She looked up as the silver-haired male stalked away, a frown tugging at her lips.

She looked at Aelyn as she spoke, nodding her head hesitantly. She followed after the other templar as she struggled her way towards the battle, a worried look in her eyes. "Aelyn, maybe you should-" she began, but they had already gotten there and there was no point in trying to stop her.

She watched the commotion around them as the templars finally began to gain ground over the mages- it had been a brief, hectic tussle, but things seemed to calm down as the ring-leader was caught. She kept one ear on the conversation, looking for her brother- there he was, leaning against the wall like nothing had happened. She gave him a look loaded with meaning, before turning her attention back to the three templars next to her.

"Miss Leriah, allow me to be of some assistance," Helena said slowly, stepping forward. "I could watch the girl until the trials." She would rather have not been put on babysitting duty, but she figured it wasn't the best idea to let the silver-haired templar (Liam, Leriah had called him, although he seemed uncomfortable with the name) or Aelyn watch over her. She wasn't completely sure she could handle the mage herself, but she tucked those fears away quietly as she patiently awaited input from Leriah.

Shania583 is offline
Old 03-26-2011, 11:33 PM

Naomi looked at her and smiled when she saw her smiling, she looked out the window and said “Nobody ever comes this way; you are the first person that I have seen besides my parents”. She looked back at Azadeth and said “The forest can sometimes get confusing so if any of them are they might have lost you” she smiled and then turned and faced the door. She picked up two buckets and said “But I have a few things I have to do so if you want there is a bed up the ladder over there so you can sleep”, she smiled and then walked out the door and over to a shed opening the door to get some food for the animals. She filled the two buckets then walked over to where the animals were and placed the food into the troughs, then walked to the edge of the clearing with the two buckets and disappeared into the forest back to stream to get water for the plants.

She followed her hand prints again so that she would not get lost, without them she knew that she would have. She hummed a light tune and skipped towards the stream she had a smile on her face and was glad that she was walking into the light breeze so that it kept her hair out of her face. She left her staff behind knowing that she wouldn’t be to long and that it would only make more for her to carry around, she always left it behind when she did chores because she felt like she didn’t need it when she did. When she reached the river she sat down beside it placing the buckets beside her, she dipped one in at a time and then sat back a little and thought about what had happened today. To her it was unusual; she never knew that there were other people out there she just thought that it was her family living out in the middle of the woods. She stood back up picking up the buckets and started to walk back towards her home.

RP Stalker
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Old 03-27-2011, 09:36 PM

Zyk watched her leave, and almost didn't want her to. Looking out at all the people, and at the clock tower and it's time, he figured that his Templar would most likely be awake as it was. With a sigh, he looked over tot he girl, and chewed on his lower lips. Perhaps she was meant to stall him? Get him away? With a sigh, he left the little nook and followed after her. "M-Mind if I tag along?" he asked nervously, rubbing the back of his head. "You see...IF I went back now....I'd probably not be given a fair trial, given that I snuck out..."

Kilia is offline
Old 03-27-2011, 10:01 PM

"Ah...." Hana said in surprise as she jumpped a little bit, she had started walking again and heading towards the woods as quietly and discreatly as she could. She stopped and looked behind her self to see the man that she had bitten, she smiled softly, her golden eyes even softened up some. "I would like that....My name is Hana. I must ask you though.....are you sure you want to bearound a half breed?" she asked him as she got a slightly worried look on her face but the smile never left it, she took his hand into hers. Pulling him with her back to the forest, to her realm to the place that she knew so well that no one can really find her when and if she wantted to hide from them.

RP Stalker
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Old 03-27-2011, 10:29 PM

Zykaer felt much relief when he allowed him to accompany her, and was also a little surprised that she took his hand and led him away. She had such a gentle spirit and was so sweet, that he couldn't help but be a bit smitten with her. "Ah, I'm a halfling as well." he answered, moving so he was beside her. He looked around the woods, a place he hadn't gone in since he left his family.

Kilia is offline
Old 03-27-2011, 11:06 PM

"So ummm what is your name?" Hana said happily as she smiled and sighed in relief some once they were back in the woods she pulled her staff from her back, it had a red crystal orb at one endand at the top you could see a pheonix holding an egg shape opal close to it. "We halfings should stick together...." she said with a smile as she shook her feet, letting the anklets on one leg jingle before she placed her bare feet on the ground once more. She shoved her wild-ish long white hair back over her shoulder, a smile on her face as she let his hand go, walking over to a tree and placing a hand on it as she looked around them. "We have to go that way." she said as she pointted towards a direction that looked as if no one travelled it before she moved back over towards Zykaer.

Angels dont come better than tho...
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Old 03-28-2011, 04:19 AM

(i have no idea what to write really.... sorry guys)

is a Special Pants
ISOS Duke is offline
Old 03-29-2011, 03:04 AM

((Ok *cracks knuckles* Time to get this bad boy rolling again!))

Aelyn's hearing was going a bit fuzzy, but it almost seemed like she was one of the candidates for watching the maleficar; she didn't know for sure. Her brow furrowed together as she tried to steady her breathing and keep from passing out. If she was one that was a choice, she would have to turn it down if she was allowed. After what had happened, she did not trust the girl to not try it again, and especially with how she was feeling at the moment...

The girl knew though, that if it came down to it and she was ordered to, she would have to do it. Sighing, knowing that announcing what the girl was, was pointless, she re-quivered her arrow and put her bow back in its resting place on her back. Once the girl was standing upright again, falling short in height to most everyone else around them, she tried to further get grips on reality. The blood just kept flowing passed her ears though, the sound of it both dizzying and sickening to the young Templar.

That was when she felt it; she wasn't sure what had happened though. The air had shifted, which she guessed was from a magic user, but what they were casting she didn't know and it could have been as simple as a healing spell. All Aelyn knew was the spell, or feeling of it, hit her like an arrow through the chest. A sharp gasp passed by her lips as she felt darkness fall over her. Her body went limp, all muscle tension that was keeping her standing gone as she fell towards the floor.


Azadeth continued to look out the window a moment longer; it was odd to be out of the monastery, yet it was freeing at the same time. Finishing off the rapidly cooling cup, she then stood and placed it where Naomi had set hers. Thoughts were going through her mind once again; she could easily run, get away from the girl and save her if any Templar was working on finding there way out there, but as she had said, they were in a secluded area and no one ever came out there. That meant that they were safe right?

For an elf, she was quite curious, especially since she did not know the area in which she had lived all those years coped up, seeing as she was never allowed to leave. Yet, at the same time she began to wonder if the other mages at the High Lord's palace were being questioned to where she had gone, if any of them knew. She didn't think any would be able to say anything. She had been sure to keep herself quiet about her infatuations, but she didn't know if any had caught on.

She was out now though, out and free. Walking towards the door, she opened it. The warm sunlight hit her face, a nice summer time breeze floating through the forest; it was a feeling that she had missed. Her eyes danced across the forest before they fell to the area where the animals were. Walking to where they were now feeding and leaned against the fence. There were plants that were browning, so with her hands glowing slightly, she restored some of the life they had lost. Azadeth knew not to use a lot of magic, there was no need to, especially now.

Angels dont come better than tho...
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Old 03-29-2011, 03:37 PM

Shiloh didnt really know why there were going to choose the man that was trying to kill her to watch over her but it just so happened that he had been chosen. She didnt want him to be the one chosen but whatever. It was up to them. Thats when she saw it. The woman she had hexed was looking like she was a little woozy. Her spell must have taken such a hit on the girl.

Shiloh got up knowing she wouldnt be able to breathe as she did but it would help her odds at the trial if she helped the girl. Quickly with the speed of the half cat she is, the neko girl caught the officer, letting her fall on her because she was smaller. Of course she didnt fall totally to the ground, she leaned the girl onto the guy, Kane, even though she was sure that he didnt want that. He was the nearest candidate for catching her. Unfortunately, doing that made her fall to the ground again, this time landing on her butt.

She looked at the others, still having trouble breathing a little bit. She looked up at the others. "Is she ok?." Of course when the girl had gone to go catch the Templar, she had left her staff on the ground a little ways away. That wasnt her concern at this point. It may have been something about the way she was being treated, or the way she had forced them to see that what they were doing was creating a war. Unfortunately she knew that they wouldnt see it that way. They would probably blame her for the way the woman was acting now.

Last edited by Daeman35; 03-30-2011 at 05:58 PM..

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Old 03-30-2011, 03:06 PM

Kane had just watched them argue, or talk amongst themselves. He was tired of trying to listen and making sense of what they were saying. But apparently, there was going to be the trial starting soon. Watching as the Templar girl was going to collapse, he was debating on weather to catch her or not. Before he knew it the neko caught her and then leaned the Templar girl against him. His eye almost twitched, but he did hold her, and he tried to grab the neko's arm to keep her from falling. He wasn't really that mean to drop unconscious girls to the floor. Though.. He had to wonder why exactly He was the one that got stuck with the falling girls. Granted it would have been fun if it were in any other situation. Who wouldn't have wanted girls falling all over him. The blue haired mage did think the templar wouldn't appreciate it though. No matter. Once she awoke again, he'd simply drop her and let her fend for herself.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 03-30-2011, 06:44 PM

Sephiroth took a slow breath as he heard Lerieh, and he shook his head. "I seek and destroy," he said in a low voice. "Protection has never been my strong point. Watching over one of them would be most unwise." His blue eyes flickered with anger as the drow called him by his former name once again. He remembered training with her - she was quite the taskmaster. She knew just which buttons to press, how to push them, and how to truly grind it all in.
Just as he opened his mouth to speak again Aelyn collapsed. Watching with narrowed eyes the beserker observed Shiloh's actions in helping her. Sephiroth kept himself from thinking of the good in the action, and immediately pondered what harm could have occured instead. For the second time since the action had started that day, the tall male was finally calming down to a normal state of mind. "Perhaps Aelyn shouldn't be charged with watching the mage. She is . . . weakened." That left himself . . . or Lerieh, if she felt so inclined. Sephiroth glanced to Kane and Shiloh once again before lifting the neko's staff. "I will be her keeper until the trials." He wasn't bending to authority - he was actually thinking clearly - but the silver-haired man was certainly ready for something else to happen.
He lived for action and bloodshed.

((:squee: I'm sorry for my absense. I've been offline for work all weekend . . . :C))

RP Stalker
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Old 03-30-2011, 11:38 PM

It was a little odd to the other half breed to be out of the city. He half expected them to be caught right away, and for that he was a little frightened, but stayed silent as she looked around, as if she were scoping out the area. Nodding, Zyk stepped closer to the vampire elf and smiled to her. "Then let us head off in that direction." he responded, holding his arm out so that they could go together. He didn't want to get lost so soon, after all.

Shania583 is offline
Old 03-31-2011, 01:03 AM

Naomi slowly walked back to her home in the woods, she looked at everything and smiled today had be different but it was a nice different for her. She hummed a light tune again and looked at the trees that had her hand prints on them and smiled at how her mother taught her how to not get lost. When she made it back to the clearing that she lived in she saw that Azadeth was near the animal, she also noticed that some of the plants had more life to them. She walked over to a vegetable garden and started to water the plants, she was still humming her tune when she went over to the animals and poured the rest of the water from one bucket into another trough. She smiled at Azadeth and said “Their farm animals, I have to take care of them”, she walked back over to the house and started to wash the cups that her and Azadeth had used for tea them left them to dry. She climbed the ladder and stepped into the small open space that had a small bed lying on one side of the ladder and a slightly larger one on the other side. They were both lying on the ground; she walked over to a chest and opened it pulling out more bedding then walked over to the larger bed and put them on it.

She climbed back down the ladder and into the kitchen area and picked up a basket, she walked back outside of her little house. She was thankful for the gentle breeze that was travelling through the clearing; she walked over to where Azadeth was standing and said “There is a bed up stairs if you would like to sleep for a bit”. She smiled and then walked over to one of the gardens and kneeled down and started to pick the ripped fruits and vegetables.

It's 11PM, do you know where you...
Hresvelgr is offline
Old 03-31-2011, 03:04 AM

Lerieh heard Lena behind her. Offering her place to watch the girl instead of Liam. But Lerieh had made up her mind. And when she did that, there was no changing it. Well at least most of the time. To her, it made full sense. The girl was obviously scared of Liam. Therefore she wouldn't try much. On the other hand, Liam would only punish the girl if she acted up. Which to Lerieh was perfectly alright. "No." Lerieh finally responded to Lena. although she was not very happy with Lena budding in. With Liam she expected it, but not Lena. "I will need you to care for Ms Aelyn. Or Sir Xander. Either way she needs to be put to bed." She said to Lena. Giving her a half-glance. Her ears twitched a bit as she heard something in the distance. But did not act on it.

She attention turned to Liam who seemed to agree with her. In his own way of coarse. "I expect her to be well taken care of. And you decide weather she even goes threw with the trial. If she behaves of coarse." Lerieh said to him. It was her way of saying she honestly did not care what happened to the girl. After all, she had attacked her men and women. They were enemies, but history was written by the victors.

With this she took a few steps to enter the trial room which was close by. The Neko, like she had said would be first now...

Kilia is offline
Old 03-31-2011, 10:15 PM

"Yes..." Hana said to him as she blushed, taking his arm that the male was holding out, gently leading him towards the hidden path that she had pointted it out. "So ummm.....what is your name?" she asked him once more as she used her staff to gently move the things out of the way with it, careful not to distrub any of the animals that were near by. "don't worry...we may have to walk aways to get to where i stay at isworth it." she said softly to him as she looked around with her golden eyes, looking up at the male next to her before changing the direction that they were walking in.


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