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Sadistix_Love is offline
Old 12-22-2007, 08:30 PM

@Kadrias: Lol, how big is your collection? o3o <-Loves looking at other people mangas (Don't remember if Luff saw it already. Talked to too many people, can't keep track!)

Lol! Everyone is into Reborn! now. xD Everywhere I go on dA, I see fanart everywhere! @_@

Lol, that's good. I was afraid that she would one day bite of my neck if I don't come back or so. .__.;; I don't have time to roleplay. Well I could, it's just that I suck at making the problems so I always rely on the other person to string the rp along. But apparently they are usually the same. .__.;

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Kadrias is offline
Old 12-22-2007, 08:36 PM

@Mei-Mei; Ahh, they really messed up the early ones <___<;; Like, they make Leon turn into the gun (corny), and the bullet opens and sends out some magicy beam into the head instead of it just being an actual bullet and gun, and a small amount of blood. :lol: They abused it, too, like plenty of times in the manga, the bullet wasn't used for a situation, but in the anime it was like every episode he got shot. xD
Mukuroooo, he was just being a badass in the last ep I watched. Hope Shinsen releases another ep soon >w<
Aww, I don't remember Haru's voice being too bad. Reborn made me cringe at first, though! XD
Never have I. ;;Dx

@Luff; Umm. It is..a rather vast collection. I should take pics for you. XD I need more shelf space, still have plenty sitting around and in boxes.. ;;>> I think the ones you showed are equal to 2/3 of the ones I have up on a wall shelf.

That's what happens when you got a show full of sexy guys!! XDD

Are you really busy now? xD We should make a one on one here on mene sometime..

CrepsleyKabob is offline
Old 12-22-2007, 08:40 PM

*hops into thread* kadri looks manly XD

Sadistix_Love is offline
Old 12-22-2007, 08:41 PM

Lol! How long have you been collecting? I've been collecting for... //counts finers// 3 years. >3< Oh my! I don't like my mangas in anywhere else except the shelf so I can admire it daily. xD

But there's plenty of smexy bishies in other mangas! xDD; Like, Vampire Knight! =D Though I don't have favourite characters for anything. =w=;;

Lol, I wonder if I could hold up. xD; Cause apparently to me, roleplays goes on forever until you come up with some really good ending. @_@ Or bad one... xD

pumpkin phantom
meilin is offline
Old 12-22-2007, 08:48 PM

Her voice was, like, high pitched. D: It hurt my ears.
Wow, really? D: I hate when they do funky things like that in the anime when it's nothing like that in the manga. >__>;;;; Probably why I prefer the manga most of the time. XD;;;

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Kadrias is offline
Old 12-22-2007, 08:53 PM

Originally Posted by CrepsleyKabob
*hops into thread* kadri looks manly XD

@Luff; Umm, no idea. XD I bought them rarely when I was younger, but now its about all I buy with my money. :lol: Besides the occasional game/shiny thing.. lol, same here xDD Thats why I need more shelves!! D:

xD I read the first volume of that, but didn't really get attached to anyone. owo; Is it getting better at all? I like MeruPuri.. Jeile = freaking hilarious and made of win.

Haha xD Good point.. I've never really had one end, either :lol:

@Mei-Mei; Aww D: Maybe I just got used to it.. at least she goes HAHI! all the time. xD
Same here, lmao. o__o Yeah, usually manga is much better. XD It's still fun to watch, though, if anything Gokudera in colour.. fufufu XD I seriously squealed when he showed up at the ring conflict in his sexy outfit. :3

pumpkin phantom
meilin is offline
Old 12-22-2007, 08:56 PM

Oh? I might have to hunt down the Storm Ring episode just to see that. XD

Sadistix_Love is offline
Old 12-22-2007, 09:00 PM

@Kadrias: Where do ya work? o3o I was supposed to have a job but my dad made me quit because he's all, "You have to study! I don't want you turning into a greedy person!" And I only managed to hold the job for a day and a half and it was still training. DDx (At a bookstore)

Lol, to be honest, I was not interested in Vampire Knight at first. Heck, I was slightly repelled by it because everyone is so obsessed. (Like Reborn!, and that Twilight series everyone is crazy about) But I was like, seems okay. Listed it on that thread I showed you earlier and since my friends didn't know what to get me for my birthday, I showed them that.

So my guy friend got me the first two volumes. Then this Christmas, he got me the latest. Px It's okay. I really want to finish MeruPuri. I think I like that one better than Vampire Knight, the art is much better in the past than now. ><

I feel bad when the roleplay doesn't end and I don't want to continue it. =w=;;

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Kadrias is offline
Old 12-22-2007, 09:04 PM

@Mei-Mei; I can find the episode it is for you, prolly xD *has 39+ downloaded*
Is it silly that I'd like a Storm Ring of my own? ;~;

@Luff; Work? I'm too young to work! xD Aww, that sucks.. I'd love to work at a store, read while waiting for stuff to do.. >>

Same, I just picked it up because of the author (had recently finished MeruPuri). Twilight series? Ahh, I see, I kind of don't want to spend my money on it. xD;; All vampire stuff is so similar. <___<;;

Really? How so? Maybe there's a style difference between MP and VK, since they're two very different genres?
Same here ><;; I do get rather annoyed, though, when the other person I'm with isn't posting yet I'm talking to them elsewhere ;;>3> I've been waiting on one for over a week now. Dx

Sadistix_Love is offline
Old 12-22-2007, 09:11 PM

Lol, really? XD How old are you? o.o;

I know, it doesn't sound that exciting to me. They are all clique!

Well, if you observe the style, VK is more sketchy and MP is more inked. o.O;;

Oh dear, nudge them! XD

I'll be back, trying that trivia game. Dx

pumpkin phantom
meilin is offline
Old 12-22-2007, 09:14 PM

Really? XD I had so much trouble finding the episode with Mukuro talking. -lame like that-
But a Storm Ring would be cool to have! =D

Dystopia is offline
Old 12-22-2007, 09:22 PM

xD Wow, I missed a lot. Everyone still here?

Sadistix_Love is offline
Old 12-22-2007, 09:31 PM

That stupid trivia! Dx How the heck am I supposed to know all that? T_T Slow internet...

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Kadrias is offline
Old 12-22-2007, 09:40 PM

@Luff; Mah secrect. ;D Prolly younger than you, though <<;;
I know! o.o; They like, all follow a similar formula. I liked Trinity Blood, though. *reading the novels*
Ahh, I see, I should go compare. xD
I have, many times. ;~; Keep getting excuses.
Me too :lol:

@Mei-Mei; I'll make a non-chib later xD;;
Hehe, well its 'cause I just watched them all in a row at a friends house. XD; We started at Goku-chan's fight.
Yes!! I'm not alone! XD I tried looking on eBay, but no luck. :[ That would be the best present ever.

@Anna; yup! xD Where'd you disappear to?

Sadistix_Love is offline
Old 12-22-2007, 09:42 PM

Lol! I'm no stalker! XD; <-Honestly 15

I've read the first volume of Trinity Blood, doesn't get much of my interest. xD;

You should, I go back an forth on it often. xD In MP is much more clean.

You can always call it off? xD;

Not gonna play it anymore! *^*

Lol, I'm gonna take a break from the computer. I'll see you later Kaddy! o3o~<333

pumpkin phantom
meilin is offline
Old 12-22-2007, 09:45 PM

Aw~ It's cute! X3
That's awesome. XD I haven't watched anime with a friend in a long while now.
Wait... My friend still has some of my anime. =/;;;; -wants it back at some point-
They make merchandise of items from other series! Surely they can make a Storm Ring. D:

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Kadrias is offline
Old 12-22-2007, 09:45 PM

@Luff; Wut srsly? I thought you were like 17. XD
Ah, I watched the anime way back, haven't checked out the manga. It's okay. o3o
Alright, I'll be sure to look. XD
Well, there's actually 3 of us, so ;~; But can't exactly continue without her.
Bye~! <333

@Mei-Mei; xD; Hope you like-ish. I forgot that my finger hasn't quite recovered yet, my hands aren't agreeing with me. :lol: Had a small accident with the drilling machine Thursday..
Hehe, yeah. I actually watch anime with my mom most of the time! XDD She's seen uh.. FMA, Ouran, Mushishi, Loveless, and like 1 ep of KHR and Majin. We're watching Ghost Hound atm~ XD
Aw! D: I stopped lending mine out, since they'd always come back so messed up.. I think I'll stop lending manga, too, my loveless volumes are so damanged. *cries*
Yes!! I will keep hoping.. Dx

CrepsleyKabob is offline
Old 12-22-2007, 10:40 PM

*bumps thread back up*

your avatar isn't manly anymore!! XDD

pumpkin phantom
meilin is offline
Old 12-22-2007, 10:44 PM

I do! It's cute. =3
Aw~ Sorry to hear about your finger. D: I hope it heals soon!
XD I never watch anime with my mom. Is Ghost Hound good?
I really should stop lending out my anime. -___- The people always forget about returning it.

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Kadrias is offline
Old 12-22-2007, 10:54 PM

@CrepsleyKabob; Thanks for the bump xD;;

@Mei-Mei; I'm glad >w< <3
Thanks <333 Me too! It's sliced right up the middle. :lol: At least I learned a better way to drill large holes. Go down slowly, back up, back down, up, down, and so on.. XD Less heat builds up, and the metal won't get stuck onto the drill and spin out. <<;;;

Ghost Hound is VERY good. It's also really interesting because it has a lot of psychological things in it, the 3 main characters all have a disorder. Tarou has PTSD, Makoto we're not quite sure, and Masayuki has extreme acrophobia (good reasons, too xD;; ). But it mixes both the supernatural and psychological, so as long as you don't mind a lot of talking and being a little confused at times, I highly recommend it. You learn more as it goes on.~
Masamune had the original idea for its story, it has gorgeous animation, and character designs by Mariko Oka (Jigoku Shoujo). <333 Being made by Masamune + I.G. Productions for I.G.'s 20th anniversary. :3

Dystopia is offline
Old 12-22-2007, 10:55 PM

=D Hey Sharken!

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Kadrias is offline
Old 12-22-2007, 10:55 PM

'Ello again, Anna. 83 You keep disappearing! xD

CrepsleyKabob is offline
Old 12-22-2007, 10:58 PM

bleh, I'll stick around this time >_> <_< *acts like a good boy*

what are you guys talking about now? anime? xD *hides*

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Kadrias is offline
Old 12-22-2007, 11:02 PM

You don't have to if you don't want to <<;
Whatever comes up xD

Wooah, the first clue was so easy. o.o

CrepsleyKabob is offline
Old 12-22-2007, 11:10 PM

nuu, I didn't mean it like that >_>;;;

yeah it was o____o
the item is uhh... disappointing D: ehh oh well, hopefully the next one will be better xD;;;


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