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xuvrette is offline
Old 11-04-2012, 05:37 PM

Well, amazingly, not so hungry...
But I do want something to eat. More like craving to eat. tummy is fine, doesn't feel hungry.

M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 11-04-2012, 06:11 PM

Originally Posted by blueblackrose View Post
Yeah, the classics seem to depend more on the acting and plot then all the effects and gore like the new age stuff. I can tolerate Saw to a point, but I don't make it a point to watch them. I have watched the Paranormal Activity movies mostly to laugh at them, lol. Wrong Turn is another one of those you'd wan to strangle to death. There is 4 of those stupid gory movies now. Wrong Turn is basically about the cannibals in the back wood mountains of West Virginia and a group of people wandering into their territory. Hehe, great minds think alike.

Yeah, but some killing still do happen. The police around here will do things, but it's more of the court system that won't do much with the ones that get arrested. It is ridiculous. These apartments and townhouses don't care about their tenants safety or what the security guards have to put up with and the security guards could lose their jobs for not reporting things that should be reported. I guess all they care about is getting their money for rent.
I think it's because they were just starting out with inventiveness in making horror movies. They had a precise setting they wanted to capture, even if they were cheesy or really laughable. XD Omg, most of them just made me want to barf. But have you ever watched the TV show "The Munsters"? They played a test run episode of a REVAMP of the series, it's really good! Though, the TV channel that produced Grimm is unsure if it's a good idea to continue it since all the animation in the first test episode estimated up to 10 million dollars? Which I find a bit exaggerated, though.

Saw was good in the beginning, I will be honest and say that. I think they really lost the whole story structure after that because it became popular and the producers didn't care how it went anymore, as long as people got killed or killed the other individuals involved in escaping the puppet's maze. Oooo! Well, how bad is Paranormal Activity really? I only saw the commercials. I never watched them. ... Cannibals? Seriously. I'd rather watch SUPERNATURAL or Bones if I'm going to watch something about cannibals, geez. && So true!

...They should all be evicted or arrested for being that way. I bet if someone records all that stuff going on with the guards and security and policemen doing nothing, then they can be brought up on charges. YOUTUBE is usually what will get the job done.

Originally Posted by RoyalSquishy View Post
@Miro: Yaaaayyyyyyyy~~~ Your memory of me is CAUGHT IN THAT STEEL TRAP!

I can tolerate action movies, but not scary ones.....I can't seem to stand scary monsters either hoho.
I SAID MORE FLATTERING than a steel trap!

Yay! Oh. What kinds of monsters? Ones like, in Jeepers Creepers?
That monster was vastly underdone and I don't consider it scary at all. xD

xuvrette is offline
Old 11-04-2012, 06:13 PM

*stares at Miro* you... YOU LOVE SAW?

M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 11-04-2012, 06:14 PM

I don't love saw! I said it was good in the beginning, at least.
I hate it with a great passion, though. I don't care for senseless slaughter movies. T . T

---------- Post added 11-04-2012 at 03:15 PM ----------

And people wonder why there's an increase in murderers, it's because society creates them with stuff like that.

xuvrette is offline
Old 11-04-2012, 06:17 PM

Your comment was good... hmm, I take that as a like.
So it is not?

good~ we are friends again~ XD

M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 11-04-2012, 06:40 PM

YOU WERE DEFRIENDING ME? I feel as if our love is cheap!

No, it's not a love for me. :P

---------- Post added 11-04-2012 at 03:40 PM ----------

Nor a like.

RoyalSquishy is offline
Old 11-04-2012, 06:41 PM

Hehehe what can be more flattering than a steel trap? :P

Well, I'm scared of most kinds of scary looking monsters...I don't know what Jeepers Creepers is though. Like monsters from I Am Legend or even the creepy guy from Beetle Juice ew. =u=


xuvrette is offline
Old 11-04-2012, 06:54 PM

I dislike gore and bloody stuff...
I watch CSI for their intelligence, not the body..

Were I defriending? HA! redlines, there is no such word.

M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 11-04-2012, 07:24 PM

O - h m - y goodness, that is PURE LOVELINESS!
I love you, Squishy! <3 Thank you ~ I wish I could draw you guys...
My brother has been hogging my tablet for his Graphic Designs he has to make. . _ .

That penny pincher needs to get his own, sryslz.
He's like an ol' codger--using and destroying other peoples properties but never wants to share his own stuff.

Awww, I'm sorry ; A ;
I tend to like more fantasy movies like Miyazaki's ' n ' stuff. I don't see any enlightenment in people dying...

Jeepers Creepers is a cheap horror movie, or rather one of the PG rated ones. The guy who plays the brother was really awesome! Or at least, his tattoos were. I wish his sister would've died and not him. She kept getting caught and causing everyone else to die around her... really ridiculous. I AM LEGEND was stupppppeeeeeeed! I like Will Smith, but not in that, ohnuh. Beetlejuice... is kind of alright. I used to like it but then I got over it because the guy who plays him is one of my favorite actors--I like him better playing "Jack Frost" in Jack Frost family movie, where he becomes a snowman. xD

RoyalSquishy is offline
Old 11-04-2012, 07:31 PM

Heehhehehe :3 It was so fun to draw since you are so colorrfuull
LOL You shouldn't give it to him then hahahah:P

Oh, no I LOVE Miyazaki movies and stuff even though a lot of the times, it could be creepy (like, when I first saw Noh face as a scary guy, I couldn't sleeep for the longest time).

LOL Aw, the main character dies? OnO Ugh, I don't like stupid people in movies that causes trouble for everyone else, it makes me so madLOL. UGH I HATED I AM LEGEND. period.

LOL I don't know that last movie, but I remmeber watching Beetlejuice as a kid and hating it ;A;
Speaking of Jack Frost, have any of you seen the trailer for Rise of the Guardians?

M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 11-04-2012, 07:41 PM

@ Xu; redlines? REDLINES? I see no redlines! D:<
Defriending is a word in my dictionary ~

CSI... makes me fall asleep. Criminal Minds also make me fall asleep.
So does the NEWS, politics and blah blah.

@ Squishy; YOU inspire me with your choice of colors!
I have always wanted to stop filling in so many layers of tones... but I can't ever restrain myself. > w <

Yay! Another Miyazaki fan ~ fufufu. Though, I think that the borrowers movie ended abruptly and I didn't like that the boy lost his only friend. And that old lady who was the villain seriously urked me. GOOD. I AGREE WITH YOUR SENTIMENT! rofl

Oh wells. Don't watch it. You won't like it ~
WHY DID YOU BRING IT UP!? YES, I saw the commercials for it! Santa has gone all Russian, the Easter bunny all Australian and whatever else for the others. I think the Sandman actually looks more like a minor Egyptian God. I really want to see it but I don't have money to waste going to the movies. I'll have to wait for it to be on DVD.

RoyalSquishy is offline
Old 11-04-2012, 07:58 PM

@Miro: My choice of colors aren't really that inspiring :O Honestly I just randomly pick blindly LOL unless there's a reference, then I just try to match it as close as possible (which isn't really that close in colors hoho)

But your art gets so shiny and pretttyyy *0* I can't make anything nice and softly CG'd and blended so well U_U

MIYAZKI FOR LIFE. But yeah, I know what you mean about that abrupt ending. I LOVED LOVED LOVED the art, but the plot not so much ~0~

I BROUGHT IT UP BECAUSE JACK FROST IS SO GOOD LOOKING DARNIT. <3 Hahahaha But seriously, that movie looks so beautifulllll *0* I want to watchh aahahhaa

xuvrette is offline
Old 11-04-2012, 08:00 PM

I can deduct that... Miroro dislike using brains. XD
I love mystery and case cracking shows.

On the other hand, I dislike Miyazaki series. TOOOOOO educational to me.

M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 11-04-2012, 08:07 PM

Yes. My brain is forever on reserve! YOU MUST NOURISH IT. u . u
I love mystery too but only if it has a good storyline and moves faster than a speed of a snail.

That's why Law & Order really burns my bacon. I hate that "dun dun" time lapses and its long drawn out plots.

...WHAT?! I don't know you!

I thought Disney was a vomit full of educational values... At least Miyazaki doesn't have theme songs 24/7.

@ Squishy; Your blindness is your POWAH! EMBRACE IT!
I try to match colors but then they look dull and boring... so I use multiply or burn to give them fluorescence.

Haaa! It takes me FOREVER. Which is why I feel bad when I use my Art Shop. I end up giving them for free because I lack time management since my free time gets eaten up. Though, I try to make up for freebies when I can.

My mom actually liked it and she usually doesn't like anything I like because she says the movies I watch like that are too...
"squeaky" for her.

I LOVE that they actually make a better looking Jack Frost! All the others were distorted.
Especially the classic Jack Frost in those puppet looking movies they play during 25 days of Christmas @ ABC Channel.

xuvrette is offline
Old 11-04-2012, 08:21 PM

CSI is slow?
then what is fast to you?

M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 11-04-2012, 08:23 PM

Hmm... something like at the speed of Bones?
I think there's one show like CSI that is fast, I just can't think of it.

xuvrette is offline
Old 11-04-2012, 08:25 PM

Bones? I didn't watch that...
How about Cold Case?

M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 11-04-2012, 08:31 PM

Maybe Cold Case.

Bones is more technical and educational.
It mixes science with the government during murder and homicide cases with with the FBI and forensics.

xuvrette is offline
Old 11-04-2012, 08:34 PM


oh no... DX
I was JUST hook into Psych series... don't get me hook into another one.... T___T

M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 11-04-2012, 08:46 PM


Nuuuu, come to my explosive Psych side! You shall become a fan! XD
It has 8 seasons, already. The 8th is the new one. It also involves characters that are in different fields, assistants to the top forensic person, the owner of the whole workplace that is also in the field of dealing with flesh, the FBI agent whose been an ex soldier, a psychiatrist who is very skilled and young (which is a nice change), and a lot of well-rounded squints. Hodgins is my favorite conspiracy theorist and rants about government cover-ups to Booth, the FBI agent all the time. I also like the visual detail artists that draws and designs what the people look like from just their bones. I know they're actors but they are heavily involved with REAL live technical garble. Just like House M.D.

RoyalSquishy is offline
Old 11-04-2012, 09:22 PM

My blind colors are blind, I tend to change the colors by abusing the levels tool or the overlay tool hahahaha.

LOL But that means that you put a lot of thought into the art. For me, if the art was exceptionally good, and really detailed and such, I wouldn't mind waiting. The only thing I would have problems with is forgetting about it. hahaha I get really impatient at times though. Freebies are so much easier to deal with because you don't have to deal with time crunches or not drawing stuff you don't like or the pressure of making it look good

What does that mean, too "squeaky for her"? The language?

Jack Frost is always so icy looking, this one looks so normal but so pretttyyy *0*
I think I know what you are talking about, they look so angular and stuff. :S

Ooooh I've heard or Psych, but I don't watch it because I get addicted easily =u=

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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blueblackrose is offline
Old 11-05-2012, 12:19 AM

Man I haven't done much all day, but I feel so tired.

RoyalSquishy is offline
Old 11-05-2012, 12:37 AM

Have you been getting enough sleep BR? OnO

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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blueblackrose is offline
Old 11-05-2012, 12:48 AM

I think so, but maybe not.

RoyalSquishy is offline
Old 11-05-2012, 12:50 AM

Whoa I see you working on a wonderfully awesome looking avatar there. Heheh so sinister looking.

Maybe the weather is making you lethargic? OuO


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