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Faded Beauty
Imaginary Friend
Faded Beauty is offline
Old 08-08-2012, 02:23 AM

"A monster is a monster, good deeds or none. People's minds are too closed to see anything but what a person is then how they act." He simple stated, he came a crossed it allot. He was call monster by so many but they didn't know his darker side, just the human trying to fix a bad deed he did when no himself. "I know for a fact he left thinking none would survive, a mistake on his part." He said smiling at the girl, he still didn't understand why he was himself again, before he was turned at least.

He turned to the girl and listened, he nodded his reply. "None taken, however do not worry. Most of my kind targets others with the same curse. They try to pick off the weak ones to gain power." He found that out the hard way. "You see they fight along themselves, the older the kill; the stronger they get. We are nothing but beast in men form." He told her trying to help her feel better that she was safe, unless he died. "I don't know if you want to stay beside me however, I have two fights. One brewing in the town at the moment." He said hinting to the tavern maiden's husband. "But if that is what you wish then I will be glad to have your company and I will protect you til I death if needed." He said lightly bowing his head.

"Thank you, when I do. I will gladly treasure it." He said nodding to the promise she made. He already did like the sword, he was surprised she had offered such a well crafted sword to him.

Forever Questioning the Unknown
XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX is offline
Old 08-08-2012, 04:31 AM

"What I mean to say is that you're still trying to regain your foot hold in the world. With that, getting technical everyone's a monster in one way or another. The one's that are truly closed minded are the one's that are weary of tales and the Earth not being round. The one's those people should be weary of are Legends, they're based on the truth. I was taught not to judge, as bias's cloud a person's vision--to cloud ones vision is to run blind run into a patch of fog with not even a dagger," She spoke softly, as she went over and sat over sat in a chair at her table.

"Well, I don't worry normally, my last trip was far too simple. No pirate's from foreign vessel's boarded my ship in means to destroy or steal. No one tried to arrest me or any of my crew for pompous charges either. It just left an odd taste in my mouth, you know? I had no clue that the pack-less wolves ran on a power hungry struggle. As with the soon to port wolf, he'll probably smell me from a mile away--I'm one of the most pleasant smelling people here," she chuckled and she pulled off her father's ring stuck in back in her pocket, and put her other one back on. "All men are dog's in a sense, you more literal than other's--so, that doesn't really bother me. The tavern wench's husband, I am sure I can help with that I'm good at communicating there's really no way for someone to prove what happened without someone being there seeing you do it. My Father's ring will remain off until this all blow's over. That's settled, I will remain around you so that I am not caught alone, I don't want to endanger my crew member's."

"I have some dart frog poison, I coat my sword with occasionally. Not that I will use it on you, I keep wolfs bane around, too. I bet you didn't know it was more deadly to human's that its to werewolves, I have to handle it with gloves just touching it can pull some people to their deathbeds. I had it liquefied, so that it could be poured on someone or slipped into a bit of their food and drink," she grinned, "I have a few more, but I'll let you play with them later perhaps."

"You're very welcome and I hope you treasure it always," She purred.

Faded Beauty
Imaginary Friend
Faded Beauty is offline
Old 08-08-2012, 05:21 AM

"Truer words were never spoken." He replied softly. She was wise for a girl, he enjoyed it; he met intelligent women before but she was the wisest. He nodded his head when she sat down. "I would not touch that table until you was able to wash it." He said grossed out by the table, their scents made them sick; specially at the thought of what they did on a place where food went.

He smiled at her. "Well, simple jobs ain't my style. I tend to make things a challenge; always by accident of course." He said the last part trying to re-insure her. "It's good that you didn't get hassled by other pirates or the law." He looked at the swords on her wall. "Allot of us just want to be left alone but the older ones hate new comers. I guess they feel threatened." He said to her, his eyes trace a weird looking sword from the Indians. "That you are, it is mesmerizing in a way. Though as soon as he sees me, please get somewhere safe." He asked more as a question then a statement.

"Well, I'm sorry to say that you can't rub my stomach and give me a treat." He said jokingly, though the sad part was he did enjoy the back of his ears being rubbed but he wouldn't tell her that. He turned to her with a smile. "No need, he wouldn't listen to reason. Besides he wanted to fight me since I got here." He replied and nodded to her last comment. "As do I, I will not endanger your crew more then they are with me alone." He said weary, he didn't trust himself on a ship at night.

"Most poisons won't hurt me anyways, I heal to fast to die from something that simple. Wolf's bane only slows us down unless you bathe us in it. A fellow werewolf taught me that when he used it on me. Course he was newer then I." He said sadly. "He however had a older brother to help him through his change." He politely said and nodded to her last statement. "There is are ways to kill us though, tearing out our heart is one way. You know about the silver and of course my favorite way, disembodying." He replied with glee in his voice on the last way of death.

Forever Questioning the Unknown
XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX is offline
Old 08-08-2012, 06:19 AM

"Why thank you, Hisao. I don't eat at this table, it's used for large charts and such. I normally eat at my desk, I'll just have the table cleaned--I wasn't planning on touching it anyways. You'll be dining with me once we set sail, The only thing is you'll be playing for the crew and myself also. I will have a time set for you to play so that you're not playing all the time. I don't need them thinking that can take a break and listen instead of work. Probably mornings after breakfast and before dinner. Does that work for you," She asked curiously. "I just want to make sure you have plenty of time to yourself."

"My jobs are never really as easy as they were last time, I don't plan on making habit of it either. It makes me a little on edge to think about it, but the fact that I have one of the largest heavily arms ships on the sea--I don't see why anyone would really want to pick fights with me. New comer's are normally hated I con agree with you on a level with that, as I wasn't very much liked when I started sailing. No one really knew about me except some of my Father's younger crew member's, the one's that were closest to him held me after I was born," Reign grinned softly. "My first mate knew my Father, he used to play with me as a child."

"As for your wish, it is my command. I will go somewhere safe, I will go to the old cave on the other side of the island. Follow my trail, when I see you. I will know that it is safe," She assured him.

"If I could do that I would probably be scratching your ears, too," She spoke playfully. "Well yes, the man is a stubborn oaf and he does tend to pick fights he can't win. The only thing is he doesn't fight fair either, but who really does when you don't have to? What I meant is I want the crew to stay out of it, if you see anyone that came into port with me try to stick up for you--tell them I said to stand down."

"I wasn't talking about using them on you, Hisao. I've only used my poison's on human's that were trying to bait me out and harm me. The only bad thing with poison from dart frogs tends to smell a bit, so it has to be mixed with thing's that smell better so that it's less detectable. The way you speak of killing is similar to some ways of human torture, which of course I already know," she stretched her legs out to where her right one popped loudly.

Faded Beauty
Imaginary Friend
Faded Beauty is offline
Old 08-08-2012, 07:12 AM

He nodded softly. "That time frame will work, but however I don't sing. I stopped after my family died. I only know Japanese songs if you did wish me to sing." He said quietly, he could sing really well but most of the time he never did. The last song he sang was on the night his family died, it was to calm his sister before her marriage. His twin and him were always close.

"Really? She didn't look that heavily armed. I guess I wasn't looking all that well." He smiled at the woman and walked back to the swords. "Then you would hate it is a werewolf. Only saw one female of my kind so far, a male killed her just cause he could." He plainly stated. "Course then I killed him." He said with a small chuckle, he did enjoy killing that part he got from the wolf inside. He only enjoyed killing those that deserved it, never women or children. "That is nice to have, a good family friend." He said never looking at her.

He nodded at her. "Most are not trained in combat, but they do play dirty." He turned to her, with a faint smile he said. "Just be careful, now that you have me on your ship things will get hectic. If it ever gets too much tell me and I will leave. I don't want you or your crew hurt cause of this curse." He said plainly but truthfully.

He couldn't help it but laugh at the ear comment, boy did she hit a spot. "Sadly, that does feel good behind the ears." He cleared his throat at her comment. "I always fight fair, but I will tell your crew it. However do understand I never back away from a fight, even if I'm out numbered." He said warning her, running away was not how he was trained.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it that way. I was meaning my kind." He said in reply watching her stretched, his ear twitched slightly from the sound. "I guess I should be heading to the tavern and get that fight over with." He told her while looking at the door.

Forever Questioning the Unknown
XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX is offline
Old 08-09-2012, 07:08 PM

"Excellent, I didn't expect you to as this is the first time you've told me you could sing. That's understandable, but one day when you're ready to sing again I hope I get to hear you," She spoke softly. "I found it hard to sing for what seemed to be the longest time after my Vader past. Pardon's I meant to say Father--I never really called Father until I met you as I didn't want to possibly confuse you."

"Well, if you ever get a chance to look at the sides of the ship fully, you'll see that there's squares on the side's behind those squares are the cannons. You're the only person I have ever opened up to, so don't cast that far of a judgement--consider yourself lucky. I've been a loner for too long, I may have a crew--I may be nice to them, but I don't really talk all that much. I only talk most of the time when it will completely benefit me or my crew. It's forever a dog-eat-dog world the way I see it, and from what you just told me that verifies it. I'm glad you have moral's when it come to killing or anything in general, I like that in a person," she grinned softly.

"Yes, that's right. As for the chao's of inviting you into my life and home, it's more than welcomed--what's life without chao's? I will not tell you to leave, I just ask that you enjoy your stay, if you decide to leave please let me know."

"Perhaps I'll scratch behind your ears one day," she chuckled, then briefly paused. "That's good to know, my crew will not fight with you. They don't even fight in and amongst themselves in the fear that I will overhear them and in-sue further action. The one's with anger problem's normally walk on egg shell's as they have had horribly cruel captain's and they don't want to lose their home and pay."

"It's alright, no need to say sorry. I was not in any way offended. Have fun, I'll be here. Doing what, I'm not sure. I'll probably just oversee the ship's inspection," she grinned debating on drinking herself silly.

Faded Beauty
Imaginary Friend
Faded Beauty is offline
Old 08-09-2012, 08:24 PM

He nodded in reply, he hadn't sang to anyone in almost a year. He though he did secretly sing when he was alone, mostly his mother's favorite song. He missed them more then anything. He shook his head lightly. "It's alright, I understand that most pirates call their parents by name." He said politely.

He smirked slightly, he knew that much about ships and the cannons but nodded his famous reply. "I will have to see the sides then." He said rather humoring her but he knew what she meant. He felt the same with her, never had he opened up to another person the way he did with her. "Understood; however you are the only person I ever opened to as well." He said the smirk never left his face. "It is interesting that we are both loners yet; together we are more opened." He said interested why this was, it would be something he would enjoy to find out.

He flashed his canines with a smile, how those simple sayings were less then what it really was. Gore and violence, hatred and anger, lust and distance, all where a key to survival in both worlds. His morals would disappear at times when his bestial side came out. "Morals only come with my humanity, my bestial side has nothing. You will see a side of me when violence enters the situation that is no man." He said warning her, he come hold back from killing women, children but men he showed no compassion for. He nodded sweetly. "I will not leave without a farewell, you showed allot of kindness and I would hate to dishonor it by disappearing." He replied politely.

He laughed again at her statement. "Then the fallowing day you would buy me a collar?" He asked jokingly, he enjoyed joking with her. He forgot what it felt like to actually laugh and joke, he missed it. "That is good to know, the Captain is that scary is she." He said still picking, he knew most nice people had a horrible temper but angering her was something he never wanted to do on purpose.

With that he simply nodded. "Alright, I will leave my Shamisen there, if that is okay?" He asked her weary.

Forever Questioning the Unknown
XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX is offline
Old 08-10-2012, 01:15 AM

"The only time I sing is when I'm completely plastered. I know I sing can well, but I learned to criticize myself at a young age. That and when you walk into some of the ports--you don't want to walk into them singing. Not only does is draw unwanted attention, no pirate want's to be imprisoned or be lucky enough to have a trial before hanging. Well, I'm half dutch and it's my native tongue. If you hear me talking in Dutch, sometimes I don't realize I'm doing it especially when I'm angry. Thank the gods my first-mate is Dutch, other than that I don't normally speak unless I'm comfortable with a person," She grinned softly.

"I figured you knew that much, but it never hurts to point something out. My Father abandoned his ship before I was born--gave it to some fool, but he always said you'll be lucky to own a fine ship such as a Brig. I laughed after I found out the man I met here and befriended built me one, let alone one and a half," She paused, "Well that's good to hear, hopefully we shall stay connected even after your first trip in my company. As for the interest in it, I too find it rather interesting, but I still find it quite nice."

"What I meant to say is that you can't come into someone's life without changing it a bit, but to leave without saying goodbye is blasphemy," She sighed, as she noted her cats in their large basket, "Moral's come and go as with every person--some more than other's. Neither I nor the crew should bring that side of you out, so all you have to do is let me know when you can't control it any longer. Other than that what you are will stay between you and I, as I promised before."

"I think that would be going a bit far, don't you," she chuckled, "I can be pretty scary when I want to be, but you being around will probably keep me in a better mood. So, hopefully you never have to see me angry. Of course, you can leave your shamisen here, go on and tuck away in your room if you'd like. By the way, if you decide to decorate your room--you don't ever have to ask me."

Faded Beauty
Imaginary Friend
Faded Beauty is offline
Old 08-10-2012, 02:17 AM

Hisao smiled at her. "I would love to hear you sing someday, maybe we can have a duet." He said nicely to her. As for criticizing yourself, it is very easy to become prideful. Sometimes it is necessary." He nodded in reply, this would be the first time he traveled with a Pirate crew. He found himself excited in a way. "Don't worry, I do the same thing in Japanese; but it is normally fallowed by very gruesome violence." He said smiling, remembering the last time a man pushed him to his bestial side.

He nodded lightly. "Fair enough." He simply stated. He enjoyed listening about her past and her father, they were so different from his family. I was nice to learn about another person for once. "Well, it is a beautiful just like it's Captain." He stated hoping not to offend her, he found her pretty and just simply stated it. If she didn't like he would stop. He nodded once again. "That I will make sure of. I never forget a scent or a beautiful woman." Though when she would become elderly her scent with remain the same under the scented soaps and oils. It's how he knew the one he wanted; the one he hunted for.

He knew that for sure, he placed his hand over a scar beneath his shirt. Some changes were not always for the better. "Sometimes leaving without a farewell is for the best. You may not always understand why, it may never make sense as long as you live." He paused for a brief minute before continuing. "They are sometimes easier to heal then the damage of a farewell moment." He looked at her and smiled weakly. "The memories are the only thing that can soften time, soften the healing process." He said noticing her cats, they were cute. He nodded at her. "Thank you." He quietly replied.

He chuckled lightly. "I don't know you're temper, but I do know people as friendly as you often have the worst." He simply stated to the girl. "I'm glad to help keep you in a better mood." He said sweetly. "I wouldn't bother me seeing you in a bad mood, as long as I'm not the target of the rage." He said smiling, he laughed lightly at her. "I don't decorate, the only one that did decorate the room was my sister. Only her side and mine, our eldest brother never let her do his. Then again my brother was always hateful towards us, mostly me." He said to the woman.

He nodded and placed the casket under the bed in his room before heading back. He liked to hide it from view, he never wanted it to get stolen or damaged. "I will hopefully see you soon?" He asked curiously.

Forever Questioning the Unknown
XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX is offline
Old 08-11-2012, 06:21 PM

"Perhaps you will, probably sooner than you think," She grinned slyly. "It's been a long time since I've sung a duet with anyone. Well, I will never anger you to that point. I never speak in Dutch unless is important business between my First Mate and I, but sometime's I ask him what a word in English with my native tongue. I don't have all the words down quite yet. Maybe I can take up a third language with you being one of the crew now, that is if you wouldn't mind."

Reign blushed, "Why, thank you. Other men have said that to me, but they never meant it the way you do. Good--I mean, that's good to hear because I hope you stay for more than a while. It's nice to have a real gentlemen in my company, one that doesn't layer on their manner's and such like cheap cologne when they forgot to bathe."

"I was never good at them, but I tried and when I couldn't at all I wrote a letter then left. I've only had to do that once and that was to the eldest maid--my Grandmother, the lady refused to quit her job even when she died because it was all she knew. I got word later that she died from loneliness and heart break, poor woman stopped eating and taking care of herself even though she continued working. She wrote me a letter back before she died and gave me my father's last wish. I unknowing said goodbye the way my Father had, " She sighed, the horrible taste from the event returned to her mouth. "That's why I request a goodbye, if you ever decide to leave, other than that you're welcome."

She cleared her throat a bit before she spoke again, "I have a horrible temper, though when other pirate's attempt to bombard my ship you'll get to see how nasty I can get. My temper will never be turned to you, that I vow--it comes about when the crew member's who know better mess up horribly. Especially when someone rips the sails or tears the flag out of stupidity. Oh, alright, but if you would like to in the future don't hesitate to do so."

"You shall, I probably won't leave the ship for a bit, if you'd like to come back afterwards and help me with the inspection," She purred.

Last edited by XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX; 08-11-2012 at 11:05 PM..

Faded Beauty
Imaginary Friend
Faded Beauty is offline
Old 08-11-2012, 11:49 PM

Hisao nodded at the woman, he enjoyed talking to her and he was glad she enjoyed his flattery. He meant every word, he smiled at her. "Very well, I will return after my conflict." He nodded a simple farewell and walked outside of the door. He looked at the guys that stopped cleaning to look at him. He was in a rather good mood and decided to playfully wink at them making them feel uncomfortable. They without hesitation returned to their chores as he walked down the ramp, mentally chuckling at the guys reaction.

He wondered into town when he heard. "There is that fool." A man hissed, he stumbled out of the doorway of the tavern. "What did you - do - with me wife?" The man barely was able to say through a drunken state. He let the man poke him hard in the chest. He man out stood him by a foot, a group of men surrounded him smirking at Hisao thinking they had the better of him. He was expecting it to come but it was sooner then he thought. "Hn." Was all he cause say to the man. "I know you were with her! He killed her - just like the ship crew he came here with!" He said to everyone watching, which made Hisao chuckle; in the state he was in last night he had no idea what he did with her. Without warning the man went to hit him but Hisao just moved out of the way letting him fall to the ground. "You're drunk, go home." Hisao simply said to the man in a warning tone.

A sudden sound of a gun shot filled the air, a sharp pain struck at Hisao's left ribs. A man with the drunk had shot him. He placed his right hand over his ribs and stumbled back once, he looked at his own blood on his finger tips; which only seemed to make his eyes flash red. He stood there in shock, it was the first time he actually was shot in the whole lifetime of his. He reached into the wound and pulled out the bullet, he looked at the bloody bullet as he wound began to heal. He dropped it before closing his eyes, he could feel a dark change in his mood, he placed a eerie smile upon his lips. The man dropped his gun in fear. "What are you Devil?" He man whispered over the panic in his voice and the men surrounding Hisao grasped in fright.

Before they even knew what happened Hisao's was right in the man's face, his canines longer then normal. He gripped the man's throat, the others he didn't care about he just wanted the man that shot him. The guy grabbed Hisao's wrist trying to pull it off. His mind raced with multiple ideas on what to do to the man til the smile grow more eerie, he knew just what to do with the man. He barely flinched when a man hit him in the back with a board, he turned his attention dropping the man to the ground. Oh he was going to have fun with these men.

Forever Questioning the Unknown
XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX is offline
Old 08-12-2012, 01:51 AM

[He, he. I've been listening to this song all day. :) I had to throw it in.]

She chuckled and smiled, "Veel plezier spelen met de beste van hen."

Reign got up feeling a bit alone in a sense after he left, grabbed a bottle of peach liquor, opened it and headed out of her quarter's. She then carefully walked around the few of her crew member's and headed towards the front of the ship. Before she got there, Jagger walked up from the deck below.

She grinned and motioned him forward, he came, "Stay still." She punched him in the eye as hard as she could with her free hand and then back handed him with all her might opposite the eye she punched to the right. "That's for sneaking into my cabin." She then kicked him hard in the crouch, he winced and fell over. "That's for thinking with your head." The last kick she passed went straight to his stomach, "That's for bringing a woman on my ship, I am not running a damned brothel. Now, you can relieve the hardest worker from their duties. Then you're going to think about how many times you're going to bow down and kiss my ass for not stabbing you or lighting you up like a Christmas tree with some finely aged rum and a lit torch. Maybe, this time you'll remember whose Captain and whose working off their debt for stealing my Mother's necklace from my jewelry box and selling it. Next time, I'll cut you up and feed you to the sharks--NOW get out of my sight!

Jagger got up stumbled off the ship holding his crotch and chest limping slightly without a word spoken. She listened as he stumbled and fell off the ramp, none of the men working said anything, though some chuckled to themselves obviously they had known what he'd done. Reign continued up to the front of the ship towards the bowsprit that she enjoyed sitting on. She carefully walked to about the center of the beam, laid down on it, she started to drink a bit, and her angered state started to dissolve slowly.

She began to feel as though she wanted to sing, she hummed at first, and continued to drink. Then finally started to sing in her velvety alto octave:

Conversing with a young lass
Who seem'd to be in pain,
Saying, William, when you go
I fear you'll ne'er return again.

My heart is pierced by Cupid
I disdain all glittering gold
There is nothing can console me
But my jolly sailor bold.

His hair it hangs in ringlets
His eyes as black as coal
My happiness attend him
Wherever he may go.

From Tower Hill to Blackwall
I'll wander, weep and moan
All for my jolly sailor
Until he sails home.
She paused, drank a few more sips of her liquor, and picked up where she left off.

My heart is pierced by Cupid
I disdain all glittering gold
There is nothing can console me
But my jolly sailor bold.

My father is a merchant
The truth I now will tell
And in great London City
In opulence doth dwell.

His fortune doth exceed
300,000 gold
And he frowns upon his daughter
Who loves a sailor bold.

A fig for his riches
His merchandise and gold
True love has grafted my heart
Give me my sailor bold.

My heart is pierced by Cupid
I disdain all glittering gold
There is nothing can console me
But my jolly sailor bold.

Should he return in pov'rty
From o'er the ocean far
To my tender bosom
I'll press my jolly tar.

My sailor is as smiling
As the pleasant month of May
And often we have wandered
Through Ratcliffe Highway
She paused one final time and continued one more.

Many a pretty blooming
Young girl we did behold
Reclining on the bosom
Of her jolly sailor bold.

My heart is pierced by Cupid
I disdain all glittering gold
There is nothing can console me
But my jolly sailor bold.

My name it is Maria
A merchant's daughter fair
And I have left my parents
And three thousand pounds a year

Come all you pretty fair maids
Whoever you may be
Who love a jolly sailor
That plows the raging sea

While up aloft in storm
From me his absence mourn
And firmly pray arrive the day
He's never more to roam.

My heart is pierced by Cupid
I disdain all glittering gold
There is nothing can console me
But my jolly sailor bold.

My heart is pierced by Cupid
I disdain all glittering gold
There is nothing can console me
But my jolly sailor bold.

Last edited by XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX; 08-17-2012 at 12:23 PM..

Faded Beauty
Imaginary Friend
Faded Beauty is offline
Old 08-12-2012, 03:11 AM

- Better Rawhide from the Western; I would beat my brain with a Q-tip at times if it wouldn't kill me. And I am so getting a guy to get you, heck you'll beat them all up. XD -

Without talking he walk towards the man that hit him in the back when another man walked between, he place a hand on Hisao's chest. Hisao just grabbed the man's arm and twisted it behind his back before the man could say anything he kicked the man into the other. Both men went flying into the tavern the drunk came from. A man from behind grabbed his shoulder, turning he grabbed the man's arm twisted it and the flung him into the ground with a quick skill. The man laid on the ground in pain, Hisao looked at all the guys lining up. Apparently he angered a whole crew of sailors, he tried to walk away but the sailors started running after him. He ran into the tavern to avoid all of them but they fallow, quickly the tavern emptied except for Hisao and them. One of the men being a new fellow crew member of Hisao's, he went to go tell his boss.

Hisao went to run up the stairs but they where up the to, he jumped from the stairs onto a table then did a side flip onto the ground when a man tried to hit his feet from under him. He dodged the man and kicked one off the table that tried to mimic him, turning his attention to the other man he simply spin kicked him in the face. He was grabbed by a man from behind while another hit him in the gun wound, that just made him turn slightly more. "I'm going to enjoy killing you." The sailor that hit him said pulling out Hisao's katana to stab him. He kicked the man in the face before flipping the man off his back, his eye twitched when the man tried to attack him with his own sword. Lucky he caught the man's wrist and again twisted his arm forcing him to drop the blade, he repeatedly kicked the man three times before letting the last kick make him fly. He turned to his blade and kicked it up where he could catch it; quickly he sheathed it. He backed up as he watched the men to enclose him a little before running climbing the counter and climbing the railing on the second floor. He looked around at the men, it was going to be a long fight.

Getting tired of holding back Hisao decided to let it out on the men. The next man charged him and Hisao unsheathed his dagger, when a simple dodge spin he had cut the man's abdomen with one slice. The men's eyes got bigger when the guy tried to hold in his entrails as he fell to the ground; Hisao never moving from his position. His eyes glowed with a danger no man would ever have, least one with a soul. Before anyone knew a man flew off the second floor, through the railing and into a table below. His body had hundreds of cuts and a dagger stuck into him. Most of the men ran in fright but the ones that stay ended up dying horribly.

He simply grabbed a bottle of rum, slammed the money on the counter for the damage and the bottle. He bit the cap off and drank from the bottle, he laughed at the sounds the drunk made. Hisao had broken his arms and legs, then hung him upside down from the broken railing. He was drowning in his own blood and he was enjoying watching him. They were the only two in the bar and he walked over to the guy. Looking straight into his eyes, he placed a twisted and cruel smirk upon his face. Blood splattered smeared on his face. He leaned in like he was a good friend telling a secret. "You were right, I did kill your wife." The man's face filled with mixed emotions, but Hisao kept the smirk on and chuckled sinister. "I ate her, I ripped out her heart. She screamed for you while I did." He said playfully, he enjoyed looking at the man. The man was broken in more ways then one and he loved it, it excited him. "I loved every minute of it." He told the broken man, he spun his victim around on the rope laughing at his pain. He took a long drink of rum and sat on the bar waiting for the man to die slowly.

Last edited by Faded Beauty; 08-12-2012 at 03:22 AM..

Forever Questioning the Unknown
XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX is offline
Old 08-13-2012, 03:35 PM

I couldn't resist, it all just came to me. :)

The man raced out of the bar from the ongoing fight by to the ship his Captain would be on by now. His heart racing and his head in panic as he thought his fellow crew member was in danger. I have to alert the Captain, she must know what is coming over the lad. I'm sure she could step in and stop it,, he thought.

After a minute or two of running his feet carried him straight up the ramp of his Captain's vessel, once on the deck he called," Captain, Captain?

"What," Reign called as she got up, walked backwards off the beam, and turned around to see the man. "Skip, what got you so shaken?"

"The man, the man you were with. He seem's to be in need of some assistance, he's being overcome by many a man," Skip breathed.

"Over come? Will it put you at rest if I go and check it out?"

"Yes ma'am, I brought your swords and things from the inn," He scurried over to her and gave her her things.

She took them an set her bottle down on the side of the ship, an then strapped her dagger, sword, and gun back on, "Is he in the tavern, still?"

The man nodded, then turning on hill he led the way, Reign followed and the both headed swiftly in the direction of the tavern. Once there, there were still a few men drawing around the sides of the building with their sword's drawn. Reign quickly unsheathed her sword and pulled her dagger out with the other hand. Holding the strategically, she glared at the man who though could sneak up on her.

"Wee 'ittle Poppit come to play," He grinned as he stepped farther forward.

"Call me that again and I might decide to scalp you,"she growled as she spun around and fluent gained her footing with not much of a thought. "Tisk, tisk--that would require killing you first but slowly. Are you prepared to dance with death at the Siren's call?"

The man grew tired of her talking an he lunged forward--leaving his side unprotected, so she slid to the side and plunged the sword through his side. Then swiftly pulled it out, as the man fell and his dagger clattered to the ground, and kicked his bleeding side so that sand would get in his wound.

Reign quickly backed up, averting arms that tried to grab her around the middle, some of the men backed away as they feared her about as much as the man in the tavern, "You may look but you may not touch. You touch I cut you hands off and have my crew throw you in shark invested waters."

"Hisao, did any of the under kept drunken fools bother you," Reign questioned, as she ducked from another mans swing, stabbed a man in the crouch, and moved a bit further towards the door. "Someone doesn't no how to protect his legacy. Anyone else want to test my patience?"

She made her way into the tavern, dodging a swing and the swish of a fine rapier, "So that's where my Grandfather's fine sword went."

She grinned put her dagger up, sliced a few of the man's fingers off, carefully pulled it from his bloody hand, and wielded it in her left hand, "Why thank you for so kindly giving it back. I don't dare say who you got this from. Why you dared to bare it when I am back I know not."

She noted that a few more men had parted leaving the one now missing a few finger's and two others, "This is why you don't mess with a woman has more experience fighting than you've got in bed. Being drunk and flailing a sword around like a little girl does not count."

The man missing more fingers that he already had back off and advised the other's to do so also. Reign listened in the doorway until the drunken steps were removed from the parameter of the tavern, then turning around she looked at what Hisao had done, "Interesting bit of torture you've got going on here, seem's those men came back and were waiting like sitting ducks for you to walk back out. You probably already knew that though, didn't you?"

She yawned, sheathed her cutlass, walked over, sat down at the bar covered in a fair amount of blood, and laid the rapier on the bar beside herself. After which she reached over she grabbed herself a bottle of peach liquor, pulled it open, she then threw the cork at the dying oaf's head.

"Did you have any fun with them," she grinned, "..I did."

Last edited by XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX; 08-13-2012 at 03:38 PM..

Faded Beauty
Imaginary Friend
Faded Beauty is offline
Old 08-13-2012, 07:40 PM

- Lol, get them. xD -

He grinned darkly at Reign. "Yes, I knew. After this idiot they were next." He said in a darker tone then normal. Hisao placed a small smile on his face the kind that caused chills to run up your spine. He had allot of fun, you could see by all the bodies and blood soaked tavern. "Loads." He replied before taking a drink, he chuckled at her throwing the cork at the man's head. When it bounced off the man flinched in pain or shock. "Good shot." He told her playfully.

"More experience fighting than you have in bed?" He repeated her comment to the man, he loved it. She did know how to taunt a man he'll give her that. He played with the hole in his shirt from the gunshot, it was the only blood that he was wearing that belonged to him. He loved the fact normal bullets did nothing to him, the look on the man's face was priceless. When the bottle was empty, he threw it hard at the mans head purposely missing by a inch. The man gurgled in fear as Hisao smirked grew more evilly fallowed by his spine twisting laugh. The man was boring him now, it was taking to long for him to die. He took the throwing dagger out of his hilt and threw it hard into the mans Adams apple, the man quickly died and poured out onto the floor.

He never looked at her just at the blood spilling onto the floor, enjoying the scent and taste it hinted at; it drove him wild. He scratched his blood dampened head, his hair dripped lightly from the blood keeping it plastered to his pale face. He was sweating leaving his body with a shimmer upon his skin. He looked towards her. "I heard you out there, your comments were amusing." He simply said, his eyes remained swallow from the bestial side of him. He turned away yawning his canines never returned to normal, it often stay like that till his humanity came. He knew he liked her for a reason, her twisted state of humor towards the hanging man just made him like her more.

Forever Questioning the Unknown
XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX is offline
Old 08-14-2012, 04:21 AM

"Well then, there's not much left to do until that special friend arrives, is there," She smiled as she chuckled a bit. "Well, I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. I took up a bit of archery a few months ago, improved my aim a bit. Though switching myself over from guns to arrow's will probably never happen."

"I love throwing other pirates off with snark comments because most watch my mouth or think I'm distracted and lunge. Even if they don't take to my voice I'm still prepared. ..As for my comments they're always amusing, making the competition nervous is all in a days work. I used to act like I didn't know what was being said and speak in only Dutch, but that lost it's fun. Now I just out skill them intellectually and physically. We won't have to clean up with mess, Charity sort of hoped this place who get some damage--the loan shark around here has been bothering her a bit about payment. The idiots who started the bloody brawl that still breathe will have to pay for it, excluding you that is," she reached into her pocket and played down various different coins on the counter. "Ready to go when you are."

Faded Beauty
Imaginary Friend
Faded Beauty is offline
Old 08-14-2012, 05:34 AM

He nodded in reply. "No." He simply said out of boredom, that battle would be allot more fun then this. He smiled at that thought, however he could tell it was stronger then him. It would be stronger then he had ever face and he looked forwarded for it's arrival. He looked at her. "Archery? Learn something new about you every second." He replied, which was true, she was interesting.

He smiled once again, he didn't care if he had to clean up the mess; granted it would take a long time to clean up the large mess he made. He looked at the disoriented bodies covered in blood, it was amusing watching them all die. His death count gained more every where he went, he slowly eyed the bodies counting form one to the other. His ear twitched when he heard the sound of her money hitting the bar. With one hand he picked up her coins as he grab her hand with the other, he gently placed the coins back into her hand. "Already paid." He said motioning to the pile of money he left. He hopped off the counter and walked to the guy hanging upside down with a simple twist, he pulled the dagger out then turned him attention to the man in the broken table. As he walked to the guy, Hisao cleaned the dagger and placed it up before reaching for his other dagger. He enjoyed the sound they made as he pulled them out, he cleaned the blood off the last dagger before turning to her and sheathing it. He held his hand out when he walked back to her, he attending to help her get down off the bar. "I am ready." He said in reply.

Forever Questioning the Unknown
XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX is offline
Old 08-14-2012, 06:35 AM

Short post O:

"I will probably never cease to amuse you. I myself never cease to learn, a pirate of many trade's survives longer than one that only knows of their gun and cutlass. Honestly all human's should be prepared for what is thrown at them and I still don't understand why most are not," She pause and drank deeply from her bottle.

When he grabbed her hand, it caused her to blush, but she put the money back into her pocket, "Why thank you, Hisao. That was very gentlemanly of you."

She hadn't expected him to hold his hand out to her either, she took her rings off of one hand--placing them in her pocket, then placing her grandfather's sword in her belt, and grabbed her bottle from the counter. Finally took his hand and hopped down off the stool, "Well, then let's go. Would you like to do the honor's of leading the way?"

Faded Beauty
Imaginary Friend
Faded Beauty is offline
Old 08-14-2012, 08:56 PM

He smiled darkly, she was at that. He took one more look around the tavern, most of the dead bodies were identifiable only three weren't. All because the one man shot him, they all died. He chuckled as one was barely still living, he wouldn't live long after they left, his wounds were to great. He used a gun rarely, he was a good shot but preferred up close. "I agree." He simply said before turning his attention back towards the woman.

He mentally chuckled at her blushing, apparently he wasn't the only one that was easy to make blush. "Least I could do. After all, this was my mess." He bluntly stated, granted he left more then what would be needed to rebuild the tavern and replace the two bottles. He looked towards the door and watched as the tavern maidens peek in. He could hear them talking about the events happened within the place.

He nodded at the girl, he went to the doors and held one open for her. He waited for her to walk through and the smirk widened slightly at the people backing off quickly from the door. Barely a week and allot of people already died, it was a new record on the amount of deaths with the small lawless town; not to mention the first time he was shot in the ribs and found that silver was really dangerous to his kind.

Forever Questioning the Unknown
XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX is offline
Old 08-17-2012, 12:18 PM

"Well, I'm glad you do. Most people have not, they believe what I do is downright foolish, but as my Father used to say, 'Do what you like, not what other's would like of you.' Well, I'm glad you did, after all tomorrow won't be as enjoyable when the guest of honor arrives," she sighed, "I guess we could just make the most of today, are you in for it?"

She nodded a thanks to Hisao as she walked through the door and they continued to walk, "I noticed you had gotten shot, would you like me to mend the hole in you shirt, I've got some material that will bind perfectly with it. I could removed to bloodied patch and put even more material over it if you wouldn't be bothered by it."

Last edited by XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX; 08-18-2012 at 11:17 PM..

Faded Beauty
Imaginary Friend
Faded Beauty is offline
Old 08-18-2012, 04:42 AM

He closely fallowed her. "I wouldn't mind making what's left of the day." He looked at the hole surrounded by his blood and sighed softly. "I admit, I normally don't fix my clothing, as you most likely can tell from my outer kimono at the ship. I do however replace them when they get too soaked with blood and covers in tares." He said in a dark humor short of way. He could sew but he sucked at it so he did one thing better, simply replaced the clothing. He looked back at her and smiled. "If you would like to fix it, I would love it." He said sweetly to her.

The though of the other werewolf coming made his inner beast jump with joy, it had been a while since he fought another of his kind. It would be brutal and he loved the thought of it, only things was that the other beast was stronger then him; stronger then what he had faced before. He wasn't sure if he should tell her that it might kill him tomorrow night or whenever it decided to attack him. All he knew was that it was coming and he would have to face it. "Reign?" He called out, he decided it was best to tell her now before it was too late. "I might die during the attack." He told her briefly fast and blunt, he was never one for tacked in his mood of his. "It is stronger then me, I can smell it." He told her bluntly again, he watched her movements waiting for her reply.

Forever Questioning the Unknown
XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX is offline
Old 08-18-2012, 11:47 PM

"Excellent, I've got some private reserve's on my ship. It's not all 'frilly liquors', I could send for some dinner later on. As for your Kimono I'll work on it as soon as your bloody escapade is over and done with, I'll start working on that. That way is won't have to be repaired twice and it will look wonder--I promise, nothing frilly or flowered; I will let you choose from the materials I have stored over at the tailors. I'm glad that will like it," she purred happily.

She turned her full attention towards him, "Yes, Hisao?" She paused and listened before speaking again, but the ship was in full view and the deck was only a few yards from the two of them. "Might? You thought I was really going to leave you unprepared, were you? You see the handle of this rapier--it isn't coated in silver, but the blade is. I've got other little tricks up my sleeve's, one of my Father's favorites grenade's filled with silver pieces and gun powder. I cannot always handle silver or wear it--my skin becomes relatively sensitive every now and again, which causes great discomfort. I don't always wear my rings either, honestly most of my blades are bad in the same standing so that I can hold them for long period's of time. "

Faded Beauty
Imaginary Friend
Faded Beauty is offline
Old 08-19-2012, 12:27 AM

Hisao smiled at the woman. "Okay." He simply replied, he thought it was a sweet offer from her. He looked around at the docks, the crew working on cleaning the ship. His eyes rested on the one that ran out of the tavern, the man's eyes widen that he had no bruise and was covered in blood. He found it amusing, he kept eyeing up Hisao til his eyes rested on the hole in his shirt. That is when the panic slowly started to stir in the man. He smiled as the man ran off scared from the sight of him.

He listened to her and turned his head towards her. "No, I don't want you near that fight." He simply said, he face hard battles but he won offend, barely but won. He didn't want her getting hurt over him. If he died then he would dishonor his vow and that was something he wasn't planning on doing. He turned more to face her. "You said you would hid during that fight and I'm holding you to it. I will not die without giving it my whole being. I will not dishonor my vows." He told her trying to re-insure her that he wasn't planning to go down easy.

Forever Questioning the Unknown
XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX is offline
Old 08-19-2012, 12:42 AM

"Well, then it is settled. Shall we head up," Reign questioned curiously, as she continued up the incline, but paused midway. "Skip, go bathe yourself--I'll be fine."

Skip nodded, cautiously climbed down the robe ladder without a word said, and headed back to town.

"Now, I won't be anywhere near the fight when it starts. I just want you to take that Katana you liked so much with you. It's coated in silver--the steel and silver look exactly the same so they probably won't know the difference. Silver powder is easy too, you just have to be fully clothed and cover your nose and mouth. Breathing that in would probably serve deadly. I won't be there, but I'll be damned if I don't help you--you'd be a fool to refuse it."

Faded Beauty
Imaginary Friend
Faded Beauty is offline
Old 08-19-2012, 03:13 AM

He fallowed her up the slope and shook his head at her, as if she could see it from behind. He watched a man named 'Skip' climb down and start heading to town. He turned his attention back at the Captain and smiled lightly. "I guess it is." He watched at the sky, only a few clouds where out today. It really was a beautiful day.

"My Grandfather's katana will work fine, it is a mixture of metals; it is strong. These battles help me get stronger, makes me prepare for him." He calmly stated, he knew the creature could small him like he could with him; so surprising it wouldn't work. He looked at her and smiled a eerie one. "Probably would be deadly, like a human swallowing acid." He said laughing mentally at the thought, it would have the same reaction to both. Oh the pain it could cause, he couldn't help but chuckle at the thought of the horrible death.


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