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PapillonCameo is offline
Old 06-30-2012, 01:17 PM

The young man clung to Night with silent determination. His eyes closed as Eyre struggled to take another breath. Despite everything, it appeared that a mere few days was all the young man might have had left. As Day walked over the young man clung even more to Night without caring that he was impeding the way of a god. Eyre glanced up at the sky with a sigh, then turned his attention to Day.

Pleadingly he held out a hand to grasp his arm. "You ... don't need to ... get rid of me. I'm already ... dying." The words slipped from his lips, cut apart by coughs and tears sliding down the blonde's cheeks. He turned away from the light of Day to huddle in Night's embrace. Softly, oh so softly, he whispered words of love and happiness as he clung to the dark haired man.

The healer moved forward after that to place a hand on Day's shoulder. Her eyes were filled with some strange mixture of anger and sadness as she tried to pull the man away from the other two. "Leave them be Day, or help them! Don't threaten to kill him." She eyed Eyre with a tearful expression before turning away and giving up on trying to make any of them see sense. She was an outsider to this all, without any real say in anything.

SirGollyGumDrop is offline
Old 01-15-2013, 01:05 AM

With an exaggerated huff, Day pushed himself back upright; so as to tower over the pair huddled on the ground. Any earlier tenderness had receded entirely, forcing his face to tense into an awful and overbearing look of disgust, which Day threw between the healer and the young man so adamant in his clinging. Although, there was no danger present in his stance. Rather, Day bore the anger of a frustrated child, turned on by friends or of a tired parent, using quiet rage as a desperate refuge from troubles too complex to navigate.

Through gritted teeth, Day slowly began, “We all must step back and look on the moment with unhurried contemplation. I realize that your short lives lead you to haste and blind passion, but please put the romantics aside for just one moment.”

The words seemed to act as a trigger for Night, who for a moment tensed, ready for what would come, and, in the moment after immediately softened and relaxed, apparently intent on not listening.

“If I were to leave them be, who’s to say they won’t stay for days, if not longer. And assume we allowed that, then there would be no sun to wake the birds or feed the crops.” All at once, a large sigh separated the steady speech, “Must I continue, or have I brought enough light?”

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 01-15-2013, 02:04 AM

Aletta bit her lip, forcing herself to actually think calmly of what Day said. He did have a horrid point, one she couldn't deny... Even so her mind struggled to find a resolution to the whole idea. Suddenly, her usually fearful features broke out into a brilliant smile as an idea struck her. "Then perhaps you can both come to a compromise?" It was so obvious a solution, but in all the dramatics of the past little while the simplicity of it had been overlooked.

"I have heard of far off places where the moon has blocked the sun from sight, making Night reign when Day would rule. Perhaps something of the sort, for a half of an hour, an hour, at most, would be acceptable if Eyre's time slips past during your time? What of fog, lying low during the day, a not so troublesome warning?" By the end of her slew of ideas, the healer had returned to her silent meek self even as Eyre stared. The young man, as the rest of the villagers, had never known her to be so outspoken.

SirGollyGumDrop is offline
Old 01-27-2013, 11:01 PM

“Fine,” a sigh half hid the short response, “Just this once.”

For a second, Day’s the faint glow surged, brightening as though ready for another attack. Even the sky had followed along, for a second making it seem as though the angered burst could force dawn. The earlier forceful presence of day died down along with the surge as quickly as it had appeared. Although Night had not lifted his head to witness any of it, the change was certainly felt. The weakened state incited those wispy beasts to call and howl from afar, ready to attack the threat of Day, who was usually merciless in hindering their nightly pastimes.

The shock of strain sent the under prepared Day off balance, so the earlier proud being fell harshly onto his hands and knees with a surprised yelp. Day had long forgotten the aches that came with taking on a form so painfully close to mortality as to allow its sun, the shining beacon of a mighty time to be overtaken by Night’s cold, uncertain, and bitter little stone. Bitterness was given only a moment to thrive, as he became suddenly all the more aware of the steady crescendo of those howls and the uncharacteristic wince was replaced by an equally uncharacteristic set of wide eyes. Surely an act of kindness wouldn’t be met with such malice, yet undeniably, he felt colder and ever weaker as Night took hold.

There was no mercy to be found in Night eyes, which locked onto the ground the moment he’d been overtaken by the power which his counterpart had just given up. In such a state, it felt possible to do anything. Without thinking, Night’s first instinct called his minions, ready to entirely eliminate the threat which now pleaded in confusion upon its hands and knees.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 01-27-2013, 11:36 PM

Aletta moved quickly forward upon hearing Day's surprised cry. Immediately her hands went to his, glowing with a soft soothing light meant to ease the god's hurt. She didn't know what was truly happening, and was more frightened then she cared to speak as Night took up his mantle once more. She found herself regretting her words ... Even though she knew in truth that given the chance she would speak them again, over and over, if given the chance.

"Oh Day, Day I'm so sorry ..." Even so, despite all that, her heart ached upon seeing his pain and surprise. Murmuring soft words of comfort, Aletta reached out to wrap her arms around him gently despite the growing danger of being so near Day, the prey of Night's howling minions.

Eyre snapped from his apathy upon feeling the sudden change in Night's demeanor. As his minions converged, the sickly young man felt himself forcing his limbs to support his weight, and he called out in his rough voice. "Leave them alone!" There was more certainty and command in those few words then Eyre ever could have imagined he had within him. Yet it was there, in a hidden part of himself he'd never imagined was there.

Aletta had done so much for him, and Day had been doing only what he thought was right. He was giving Night a chance! Turning to the dark haired man, Eyre felt his strength leaving him once more after the outburst. In fact, it was so much less then he'd ever felt before. He couldn't even find it in himself to speak. Instead, the golden haired boy lifted his arms to wrap them around Night's neck with a happy little sigh. He had this relationship with the other man, so special, and he couldn't imagine having missed it for the sake of anything or anyone.

SirGollyGumDrop is offline
Old 01-28-2013, 12:19 AM

Eyre’s command was immediately followed. Just as it was said, the howling died and Night finally found the mercy to look toward Day’s cowering figure. It was certainly a first, to see Day acting in such a way. Night had only ever known the prideful and strong side of Day. For a moment, he almost couldn’t believe that this was the same being who had earlier been so threatening. Pity could be clearly read on his wrinkled nose. To think, Day would dare beg. That alone satisfied Night enough to forgive the attacks. The threat, as awful as it had been, was something Night decidedly would never regret. Not even the innocent healer’s apologies could draw anything but bitterness.

Then, Night felt those arms around his neck and the tiny sigh tickle against his skin. With that, those angry eyes fully calmed and that furious glare was replaced with sympathy. “I’m sorry, Eyre.” Still, Night could not find the strength to direct an apology toward that villainous Day, despite pity. “If it is your will, I promise to keep them both from harm until the end of our time.”

Day hadn’t moved as the healer attempted to bring comfort. The combination of shock, anger, and fear kept him paralyzed until the howling ended. At that point, Day pushed away from the healer, half tempted to sneer at her for daring to think that he would be in any need of help from, of all creatures, a hapless human, only to decide that such a sincere attempt deserved some credit.

Pushing himself to his feet, Day’s previous pride returned with full force. “You’ve never been one to keep your word, dear Night - that much I can place my confidence in.” Quickly switching his attention back the healer, Day continued, “You come with me – a safety precaution. Surely our precious little Eyre will ensure your safety.”

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 01-28-2013, 02:06 AM

"And after as well, in Aletta's case ..." Coughs interrupted Eyre's pleading. "Please, she's been so kind to me." His lips lifted to murmur against Night's ear, tickling the skin there as he hoped to gain safety for the woman who had helped him live as long as he had. Without her, the perseverance she showed every day, Eyre knew his life would have been different.

The abrupt tone of Day's voice had Aletta standing even before she'd realized it. Lifting a hand, she reached out to take one of Day's hesitantly. He'd pushed her away so abruptly before. The thought made her let go and clutch her hands together demurely before her.

She glanced back at Night and Eyre with a hesitant smile. "I really do wish the two of you the best .." Soft spoken as usual, she wasn't sure if her words even reached the pair.

SirGollyGumDrop is offline
Old 01-28-2013, 03:15 AM

It hurt to think that there would be a time after the short period they shared together. Regardless, Night nodded. “I’ll see to her safety until the end of her days as well. Though, it’s hard to keep from being envious of her. At the very least, she will get to meet with you once again.” The final part seemed more an afterthought, which he’d intended for himself but decided to slip out anyway.

When the healer spoke, Night only looked with mournful eyes, giving just a little nod and then trying to gather the strength for a reassuring smile. Surely Day wouldn’t dare try anything when in such a state. Setting his lips near Eyre’s ear, Night whispered, “Even now I’ll keep an eye on her.”

Day almost felt bad when the healer hesitated in reaching for him, realizing just how awful he’d allowed himself to appear. This was amplified when she immediately dropped his hand. Not too long ago, the healer had insisted on clutching on for safety from the darkness. Now, it seemed, Day had presented itself to be a worse alternative to her earlier fears.

Placing a soft hand on her back, Day hoped to draw attention with a meek smile. For a second, he almost seemed to give off just the slightest bit of warmth. “Come, Healer. I’m ready to be away from this petty drama now. Perhaps, if I’m not attacked, I’ll help you home.”

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 01-28-2013, 03:31 AM

Eyre smiled at Night's actions, and found himself leaning his head this way and that, before finally settling on kissing Night's cheek. "Thank you Night." The thought of parting left such a pain in his heart; the blonde had to fight the tears away. Surely there must have been a way to change things, to change the situation. Something buzzed in his ears, a soft song perhaps? He didn't understand it, and thought it nothing more then a dream conjured by his mind.

"You really are kind, behind that mask of yours." Oh and what a mask so filled with cold emotions! But Eyre knew better, he only wished others could see the same man he knew. A selfish part of him denied that. Eyre wanted Night all to himself, would have loved to live long enough to be able to do so, but that would never happen. Again that light song rang in his ears, and unknown sound he simply couldn't place despite it's haunting sweet sorrow.

A startled squeak left her lips upon feeling Day's hand at her back. It was so unexpected after the way he'd pushed her away. "B-but I t-thought you didn't want to be near me ..." She seemed rather forlorn at that, with tears she couldn't explain welling up at the corners of her eyes. He was Day, her constant protector, the one who always drove her fears away, and to think that he had pushed her away earlier, it had saddened her heart. Now here he was offering to accompany her home, as if none of that had happened.

Though he was a god, and perhaps didn't see things as she did. He had immortality and she was nothing more then a silly little human that he watched from up above, much like they watched over their flocks. No wonder he had pushed her away when she had offered him help and comfort! If a cow had done the same to her, Aletta would probably have moved away from it as well. Lower lip trembling, she lifted her head high and began to march away towards the village despite her fears. So be it, she did not want Day's condescension anymore., though his smile had warmed her heart ...

SirGollyGumDrop is offline
Old 01-29-2013, 04:05 AM

“We're back to the trembling voice? For a moment you nearly fooled me into thinking that you had found courage, rather than simple and cocky impudence,” Day quickly shut his mouth in shock of the sneer he'd allowed to thoughtlessly slip past his lips. Following closely behind, he reminded himself to, next time, be more careful in planning and placing words. It seemed that unlike his counterpart (one of the few Day ever really spent any time with at all, even if only for the switching of times) these short lived beings felt the need to take everything said to heart and thus react in the most dramatic ways possible.

For a moment, Day thought back to Night, pondering the painful repercussions for all involved with the death of that sickly boy. Night could hold a grudge, that was clear. Each night of petty revenge had been as violent as the previous for a good and long period, even by Day's standards. Still, it was something Day had never before cared to involve himself in, figuring that the phase would eventually pass. But that carried on for long enough for Day to realize that whatever pain Night had felt didn't fade. Even now it was likely only covered. Even he felt pity for the poor humans, who Day figured would face a wrath twice as awful as they'd ever known when Night again fell to sadness.

Day didn't allot too much time to consider that, though. He was far more concerned with the present, the light fog that curled around his ankles and seemed intent to stay just where he stepped. “There isn't any need for you to fear me anyway, Healer. Especially now that you're the only thing to truly guarantee my safety. You could almost consider yourself the hero of your people, assuming nothing too terrible happens.”

The feel of those lips upon his cheek was at once the most wonderful and painful thrill. When not accounting for the near future, the sweet action melted his heart while simultaneously making it whole. Still, having to force himself to remember the lingering tingle made it impossible to deny that there were only a handful of such sentiments that could be shared in such a tiny period. Night remained entirely still with eyes pressed shut, hoping that that would somehow carve the feeling into his very being.

“No,” Night finally broke stillness to shake his head, “It would be much more appropriate for me to thank you. Not even I remembered that something existed behind that mask.” Further breaking stillness, Night turned to look in the direction of the retreating figures to wordlessly command those dogs of his to slyly follow along, just beside Day's feet. Neither, it seemed, felt entirely ready to trust the other with the precious life of that healer, as both had too much placed on her.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 01-29-2013, 04:23 AM

Turning about abruptly, the healer stared at Day with an unusual fire in her eyes that had only ever appeared once before. "I'm not afraid of you! I was afraid you .... That you ... It was stupid ..." She trailed off and turned about once more. Her emotions blinded her to the fog lying upon the ground, following her every step. Aletta wasn't so afraid of Night anymore, not after seeing the way he treated Eyre with such care and kindness.

The healer worried more for what Day thought of her. She wanted to be his friend, but at every turn something horrid leaped from his lips. It was strange, when she'd always thought that he might be kind and generous, loving even. "And my name is Aletta," mumbled the young woman to herself.

"What will we do? I don't want to die ..." Eyre finally spoke the words he'd so wanted to say. It was no great profession of love, but rather the admission that he wasn't resigned to death anymore. He wanted to live so badly! His thoughts drove the blonde the tighten his weak hold around the other man as best he could. Burying his head in the hollow of Night's shoulder, he sighed softly only for the sound to turn into a bought of shuddering coughs. His whole body shook with the raspy sounds being torn from his throat.

At last he quieted, leaving Eyre gasping for breath. He forced air into his lungs, no matter how much it pained him. Eyre wanted to live, he had to live. There was so much more to say and experience with Night ...

SirGollyGumDrop is offline
Old 01-29-2013, 05:26 AM

Day was dumbfounded and the burst, staring in quiet shock before failing to stifle a giggle. Despite his effort to keep from again causing offense, he allowed himself a short bought of laughter, only stopping when he roughly covered his own mouth. Even then several chuckles escaped.

“You were afraid for me, Healer? That's exceptionally...” then, Day trailed off, the amusement in his voice fading entirely. “Kind, Aletta. I stand by my first judgment of you. You are nobler than you typically let on.” At that point, Day's voice was all but a whisper, as though admitting any sort of admiration was a cause for shame. He didn't look up from the swirling fog and the ground before his feet, regretting his own thoughtless, but refusing to acknowledge it.

Night opened his mouth, as though doing so would force some answer to slide out, despite really not existing. Closing it again, he forced himself to quiet thought. It seemed impossible to focus on anything other than the grip around him and each raspy breath. Fate had been cruel once before, and Night had failed to fight then. Now that sadistic mistress had again poked her head about and threatened to take away Night's brief relief from the pressure of empty hate.

“Please, save your energy for now. Surely there's a way to at least extend your time,” Night finally sighed, silently cussing himself for being so slow to act.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 01-30-2013, 03:00 AM

Aletta eyed the man with frustration. Day actually made her feel frustrated, her the patient healer with nearly no temper. "I meant that … well I was afraid that you … You didn't want me to touch you ... All I wanted to do was be your friend!" Lip trembling she eyed the giggling man seriously and with no hint of humor. In fact, the healer appeared like she would burst out in tears at the least provocation.

It had hurt! Being pushed away like that so suddenly when all she'd wanted to do was help, it had caused more pain then she'd thought a simple action like that could produce. He was a god though, what was she thinking, trying to be friends with him? "Please Day, don't laugh at me anymore ... I - I - I ... I'll l-l-let you be now, I promise." Just as long as he kept shining, once her friend was gone. As long as he kept the days safe for her and chased away her fears, and kept the sadness she felt mounting in her heart away already .. As long as Day did that, then everything would be fine.

That singing again, it filled his ears as his coughing returned. But this time it sounded like there were words whispered with a voice so melodious that Eyre couldn't help but lift his eyes to try and find the source. It almost looked like a star was singing, it's fading glow echoing the song filling his ears.

"Yes I do sing, my song of death, welcoming the dark." A voice filled with such sweet sorrow filled the air around the pair. There was compassion there, as this star spoke once more. "I offer up my dying light, to make his life shine bright. A spirit of stars he could be ..."

Eyre tried his best to puzzle through the star's words, and tilted his head to glance at Night. What was this? "What does it mean?" He couldn't understand, and didn't dare hope that perhaps there was a way he could live on with Night.

SirGollyGumDrop is offline
Old 01-31-2013, 06:12 AM

“Am I to apologize, Healer?” All at once, Day became entirely serious. He didn't quite understand why an apology was worth as much as humans made it out to be, but he knew enough about its importance in playing to emotion to at least make the offer. He often speculated that the reason for this was a petty form of vengeance. They liked to watch whomever had caused offense to lose face and cave. Immediately after making the offer, he internally retracted it for that reason. As if he'd ever dare bend his knees for anyone at all. Even Night needed to use that underhanded method to make him fall. “I don't see what I did as at all unreasonable. I see you as unreasonable for making such plans.”

“I pushed you away because you were unable to help. It was unneeded danger, Healer, and despite how that pair may have manipulated your view, I don't enjoy being responsible for innocent deaths. Furthermore, I don't stoop so low as to take 'help' I don't need,” Day glared, speaking with a cold sneer.

Night stared up with wide eyes, unable to truly believe the voice that so sweetly tugged at his heart, first filling it with sadness, then hope. He didn't seem to notice when his own face was stained and moistened with silent tears that smoothly worked their way down his upward tilted face. Surely, it was a song of hope. Night whispered his gratitude toward the sky, mouthing his thanks without truly allowing them to be heard.

When Eyre spoke, Night did not allow his eyes to leave the star, afraid that his expression would give away the surprise. “Eyre,” his voice trembled. Only then did Night realize he'd gone so far as to lightly weep, as the salty taste left by tears gently touched his tongue. “If it were possible for us to be together indefinitely, would you do it? Could you do it? Or would that be too much to ask?”

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 02-11-2013, 10:27 PM

Aletta couldn't understand how Day could seem so fickle in his emotions, going from kind to hurtful from one moment to the next without warning. The thought puzzled her enough to make the healer pause in her crying to think once more. "You profess to be so much better then Night, but it seems like there is one lesson he's learned far better then you." She didn't want to hurt the god with her words, but they seemed necessary.

Aletta was beginning to realize that there were many types of ways to heal someone, much more then simply physical. It almost seemed to her that Day needed the healing that being taught a lesson in emotions could bring. He would probably think her foolish for her thoughts, with his high and mighty attitude. "You haven't learned how to accept friendship when it's offered. A gift that many would do anything to receive, but it cannot be forced." In that, Night seemed to have an advantage over Day.

The blond lifted his eyes to the sky just as Night did. A fading star's blue light shone down upon the pair gently, almost benevolently. Eyre found himself musing over the words floating through the air, like feathers on the wind. It was strange to think of near eternal life, when he had been ready to seize death for so long at a moment's notice. Surely life couldn't be so strange as all that... Or so cruel, as to dangle a chance at eternity before the dying young man. "It's true, little one. Consider it carefully."

What a question! "It's exactly what I want, how could it not be? I want to stay by your side for as long as possible." Eyre wrapped his arms around Night and sighed softly, or tried to. Coughs wracked his frail body, making the young man's eyes fill with tears. The star seemed to echo his dying breaths, flickering as it did in the sky. It sensed that the time wasn't ripe as yet for it's last song, the one to give up a star's light to the human..


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