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Old 03-27-2007, 06:04 PM

Menewsha Name: Alegretto
Character's Name: Braith
Race: Bound Water Faerie/Human
Sex: Androgynous (assumed male)
Occupation: N/A
Age: 2 weeks; appears to be around 23 or so
General appearance: Braith is a strange figure. He stands at the height of a normal human male, yet his frame and features are so feminine that it makes it nigh impossible to determine his gender. Braith's skin is very pale in hue, almost ivory, and yet it has a faint bluish cast to it.

His hair is crimson in hue, accompanied by what seems to be a natural white portion in the vicinity of his bangs. All of it falls to just past his chin in a slightly tangled mess, as if brushing is something that has never occurred to him. His eyes are naturally a startling greenish-blue hue, but it is noticable only in his left eye. The right eye has gained the opaque milky white film over the iris and pupil, marking it as blind and useless.

As far as clothing goes, Braith seems to prefer light wispy clothing, mainly silks, in various hues of blue and white. He enjoys draping them carelessly about himself, giving him a look that seems as if he were a gypsy princess of sorts from a fairy-tale.
Character Image: N/A
Weapons: Braith does not carry weapons. He'd probably hurt himself if he did.
Special abilities/Skills: Being partly a water faerie, Braith seems to have a natural knack for water magic, though it is not certain just how strong his grasp on it is.
Other Info: Braith was not born as he is now. Oh no. Braith was originally two separate beings, fused together as the creature he is now thanks to a spell going horribly wrong. He has a very dim recollection of his 'past lives,' but for the most part his mind is a blank slate. His childishly blunt and clueless outlook on life only serves to enhance such facts.

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Old 03-28-2007, 02:07 AM

Cypress studied the newcomer as he stepped into the light of the tavern, eyes flicking over the odd colored eyes and slightly furry ears before dropping down to the trinket the man kept running over his knuckles. Lifting a brow he smirked amused at the mans constant training of his reflexes.

"Mind if I sit here sir?" asked the man. Cocking his head up to look at the man in the eyes for a few moments Cypress nodded and motioned to the chair across from him tossing a snide glance at the whelp across the room, "I don't mind at all. The names Cypress, where do you hail from?" he queried. Leaning back in his chair still fiddling with the rings on his fingers he studied the older man as he waited for a reply. If he had any luck at all maybe the man had seen his pursuers, or lack there of, and could give Cypress some indication as to how much longer he had to stay.

(( welcome Alegretto! nice to have more people to join ^o^ feel free to hop in at any point <3 <3 and thank you very much for showing interest. *snickers* i cant wait to see if anyone decides to join with a female char aside from DL *grin grin* ))

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Old 03-29-2007, 04:07 AM

He moved quietly through the dense forest, carefully picking his way through the blanketed undergrowth. His steps were slow, cautious, almost timid in their manner. He would take a few steps, peer around carefully, then slowly and hesitantly lift one leg to move forward yet again. To any passerby, it would seem as if the slender figure were almost scared to traverse through the forest. Truth was he had no shoes on, and was reluctant to step on any more sharp rocks or hidden roots. He'd already cut his feet enough these past few days. No need to bleed any more than he had to.

This manner of carefully picking his way through the woods continued for a while, until he was in the middle of one of his numerous pauses. Peering around as he usually did, the slim figure spotted a strange building. Curiously, he cocked his head, thinking for a moment. That was funny. Buildings were never in the middle of a forest like this. And if they were, they usually weren't nice places.

Still, it could be interesting. Worth peeking in, at least.

Completely ignoring the small sensible part in his brain that warned him against doing such things, the slim figure hopped along carelessly, his new interest overriding whatever previous concern he had about cuts from sharp rocks.

It didn't take him long to reach the odd building. His examination of the strange thing was short-lived, as well. His attention span was only so long. Besides. There were voices. Inside. This was even more interesting than the building itself.

Again, the slim figure ignored any sort of common sense and this time pushed open the door, peeking curiously inside. Oh my. Lots of people here. In all of his short lifespan, he'd never seen such a crowd! He was mildly taken aback at first, but soon the slender redhead skittered inside, beaming carelessly at everyone in the building.

"Hullo," was all he chirped before boldly sliding further inside the inn. "Ooh, a fire." Fires were nice. It had been wet and rainy outside before, and the figure was still damp from it. To be honest, he hadn't even thought of running to hide under a tree for shelter during said rain. But fires were nice. They made you dry. They burned you sometimes, too, but only if you got close...

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Old 03-29-2007, 09:15 AM

Cypress snapped out of his reverie when the tavern door creaked open once more. Leaning back he tried to get a better look at the head poking in before he lost his balance and toppled out of his chair, landing in a heap on the floor. Hissing obscenities in his native tongue he sprang back up and hauled the chair to its upright position before looking back to the guest, only to see that they had now slipped inside the tavern.

Cypress eyes widened in shock, what a pretty figure that stood before him. Sitting down he puzzled over the new arrival. They were certainly attractive but there was something about it that seemed off. Closing his eyes for a moment he took a deep breath and in doing so caught the slight smell of iron as well as a slight mustyness. Peeking from beneath his long lashes he wondered idly what would happen next and quirked his brow at the comment about the fire.

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Old 03-29-2007, 06:32 PM

Myla gave a nod to Cyp's single word for that was all that was needed to be said and she for the moment, had no more to say herself. Face glanced up as she eyed the room a moment making sure all was in order and seeing that all was fine, for now she let them be to their own thing rather was socializing with another or in their own world.

The feline woman was still moving things about behind the counter, from under the counter and getting things from the back as well as various scents began to fill the room and the nostrils of all those present. She had some meat turning on a stick to give full rotation as it cooked, along with fruits, veggies acquired from plants from the forest and her own grown. Some things here she has gathered from towns, a place she rarely visits.

Now most of it was a matter of waiting so she would take a seat upon a stool as finger tip idly ran along a skull on her necklace as eyes idly skimmed over the newcomer taking note to his nod and returning with her own but once more her face lacked expression. However, an eyebrow did raise in showing some interest to something as she saw him interacting with Cyp, a male whom still gets under her fur.

Soon she was up on her feet again done putting her carry on stuff away and tossed her cloak to a hook that she kept handy on the wall near the door behind the counter. Always in close reach to her. Having her cloak fully off now, what she was now was clear to see when before the cloak kept hidden a great deal. Now all of her curves and collars show. The length and fluffiness of her tail glimmers under the light as she keeps it well maintained. Ears, not that small twitch but are well perked taking in all the sounds, no matter how small. She wears leather clothing which match her fur to blend in nicely but the sound and shine allows one to tell the two apart.

Moving about as she starts to check the meat to see how much longer it needs and discovers not long at all but then ears flicker when the sound of an opening door fills them. Head turns back causing the torso to turn as she gives a look and nods her head in greeting. True she is farthest away from the rest but she stands out like a sore thumb.

"Hello and welcome. If there is anything you'd like, food, resting place or the sort just ask" The feline woman said in soft purr as she went back to tending to the meal which was soon to be ready.

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Old 03-29-2007, 06:49 PM

Almost done but back once again turned to the door she was startled a bit to hear a sudden crash. Turning around quickly with a knife in hand she glanced around the room curious as to what happened and then looking down, below eye level she noted Cyp now on the floor. Oh the thoughts that ran through her mind and of course being her just couldn't bite her tongue.

"Oh, how is the view from down there?" She hissed out in play of irritants but is just giving him a hard time, nothing more. Eyes soon shifted to the two near the fire on the sofa in hearing the newest of the new visits comment about it. The fem gave no second glance to his figure, having no care of ones appearance but yet, she did care about the appeal of this place of hers. Everything in neat, tidy spots. Each furniture done in intricate detail and complex designs.

Myla was now starting to set dishes and glasses on one of the empty tables one that seats four and placed the meal components on the counter having plenty of room so they can come and get what they want, having no clue what they like. She doesn't serve, they are free to help themselves as if this was there home, she won't wait on but so much.

Rahza quickly picked up her head, glancing to the doorway as eyes fell upon two males now coming in causing the place to become a bit fuller. Body starting to shake as knees bent inward tightly as if she was holding something between for dear life. She had thought to run back upstairs where she was hiding but her body would not yet budge. Her companion, Ladu, didn't budge to any of the new visitors. He simply kept to her side as eyes gazed to the floor that was light from the fire's flames. Leave them be, especially the wolf. Rahza responded to him with an obedient nod and began to bite down on her bottom lip as she started to rock lightly in trying to stop the shakes.

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Old 03-29-2007, 06:51 PM

[[ Hehe, yay someone new and lol, another guy. xDD Woot for me and the only IC girl. Muhaha. ^.^ But enough of my babble, thanks for showing interest Alegretto. I hope you can come to have some fun here, even if only for a little whilte. :3 ]]

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Old 03-30-2007, 09:18 PM

Ryuma smiled and took a sip of his Chai before replying.

"I don't see why not. It's nice to meet you."

More patrons arrived. Apparently this tavern was a hotspot for all kinds of freaks; half-lizards, fairy things, women with giant cats, lupine people, etc. Not to his slightest surprize, the girl was getting uneasy. VERY uneasy. If he hadn't known better, he'd think there was a dragon behind her or something.

...and Cypress didn't count.

He had to say something. Ryuma didn't want her to go into convultions and pass out or anything. Apparently she had an intense fear of strangers.

"Are you ok? Do you want me to get you anything?"

Wolf Fireborn
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Old 04-03-2007, 11:59 PM

"Nice to me ya Cypress, they have called me Wolf as far back as I can remember. I could never figure out why though..." He winks then scratches behind one of his ears. "As for where Im from, here and there and around. I dont stay still for long, sometimes I suffer from wonderlust other times are for other reasons"

His ears knows of the new arrival before the door opened. He turned to see what a feminine featured face but he wasnt sure what it was because its scent was a mix of feminine and masculine. He, picking a sex, seemed very distracted almost in a childish way. He starts when Cypress hit the floor, offered a hand laughter dancing in his eyes and says to him in a conspitoryly tone. "Careful there, I think the chairs might be possessed and decide to topple people at random!"

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Old 04-04-2007, 07:59 AM

Cypress scowled at both Myla and Wolf alternately before standing to his feet and peevishly grabbing a plate and eating utensils. Stabbing the vegetables on the table violently and slashing away at the meat until he had carved a large chunk for himself. Grabbing a small white roll and mug he sulkily dropped back into his former seat, shoving a large mouthful of steamy potato in his mouth.

Chewing the delicious warm food melted all of Cypress' anger and he turned to watch Myla stalking around the room in her newly revealed outfit. He sat there examining the outfit for some time fork still poised in the air wondering what sort of material it was made of and if she had made it herself or someone had made it for her. His eyes traveled from her feet to her necklace examining her long claws and the many belts that crisscrossed her body. Stopping when his gaze reached the peculiar necklace he pondered the use of the gems she had pulled from it earlier.

Chuckling to himself he imagined what were to happen if someone were to try and touch her outfit or the necklace. Giving the hearth a quick peek he smirked as he envisioned the whelp slowly being turned over the fire for being so impertinent as to muss her fur.

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Old 04-08-2007, 03:12 PM

[[ Haha sorry about not being around everyone. I took about a 5day vacation. ^^;; I hope you guys haven't given up yet on us here though. @.@

I will try to catch up on later for anyone that still wants to play here. ^^

Edit: May 07, '07 - Haha about a month later I return and will make attempt to continue buut due to our slacking or mine rather and others getting busy with school and work a few of our members have gone. >.>;; It sucks yeah but we will live so Ji-chan and I will at least make effort to entertain ourselves seeing how both of us want more items then before gold is kinda wanted more. xD;; Others are still welcome to join but I personally, won't worry about turn base. Post how you see fit. xP Waiting for others in my eyes is what made ours go sour. @.@; ]]

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Old 05-07-2007, 06:14 PM

[[ Okay due to some characters now not part of the scene it be kinda foolish to pick up right where we left off thus I won't. To try to keep the break as making sense for the storyline I'll just say that the place was attacked unexpectedly and put under a sleep spell causing those still left to wake a few weeks later and once examines the area will notice some have gone. Either on their own or were kidnapped. Korny eh? Pft, its good enough, all I am concerned about, not winning an award. XP ]]

Slowly the feline fem starts to stir as eyes slowly open taking in the bright light causing her to shut them once more before allowing them to finally keep open. Body wiggles as she sits up tossing covers off her and then slides to the edge of her bed to slip off. Now standing she stretches rising to her toes as wings expand, tail whips behind her as a light yawn is heard. Groaning, claws take a moment to scratch her lower back before wings tuck up and tail comes to almost a standstill behind her.

Mind wondering what happened to lack memory of what she did the day before or even farther back. Sighing as she leaves the room with eyes now seeing clear and no longer affected by the light as the feline fem makes her way to her private bathroom where she takes a few minutes to wash up. Can't stand smelling unclean nor feeling as such. Soon enough she finishes, drys off and makes her way to the kitchen letting out a faint grumble, irritated that she feels dumb unable to remember what the hell happened to her in her own damn home no less.

Standing around doing nothing isn't going to help her so she makes her way to enter the kitchen which is in the main area behind the bar where she starts to get things prepared to cook. The type to always wake up hungry rather not wait and get her fill as soon as can. Unsure if anyone is left or not she sends Binx to go look and report back but just incase she prepares enough to feed others should there be need. For now, has to just wait.

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Old 05-07-2007, 06:45 PM

Cypress sat groggily up in his bed, kicking the blankets that had wrapped themselves around his legs off. Blinking slowly he looked around the room wondering why he had fallen asleep fully dressed, boots and all. Surely something was not right, for even all his jewelry was still on and he made it a habit never to sleep with his jewelry on. Scowling he gave the blankets one final kick before standing to his feet and beginning to rifle through all his belongings. Satisfied that everything was still there he stood perplexed staring at the empty hearth.

A loud rumbling from his stomach region cause Cypress to jump. Seeing that there was no food in the room and he could certainly do with a good washing since he looked more bedraggled then he would normally prefer he left his room in search of Myla. Stomping down the stairs slowly he walked into the main room to see Myla standing behind the counter preparing something. Stepping up to the counter he rubbed his eyes and stifled a yawn as he eyed a plate on the far table with a pile of mold. Pointing it out to Myla he grimaced "I take it I'm not the only one who woke up confused?"

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Old 05-07-2007, 06:59 PM

Myla's eyes glanced to the side when she heard noises and knew it wasn't Binx because he makes no sound unless she causes it herself. A snarl slipped out as corner of her lip curled a bit as she heard his words and gave a slight nod. Lookin' away now as body turned still fidgeting about with things. She was getting water to a boil, another pot to boil with various meats, while a pan was over the fire to fry other meats and veggies. Things many are not used to having cooked but she learned its of good vitamin and does well for the bodies health.

"Do you remember anything?" Asked not seeming to care but perhaps seeking comfort that it isn't just her. The room was starting to become strong with the various scents of her cooking. Tail swayed a bit faster behind her as ears were up in full perk and alert, actually she seemed a bit more edgy. Easier to turn at the slightest new hint of sound or motion and Binx was on order to keep still, sitting off to the side at the very end of the counter out of the way but in clear sight.

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Old 05-07-2007, 07:34 PM

A'iel skipped around happily glad to finally be on the move again. Looking back at Verdigris she shot him a winning smile before continuing her excited frolic in front of him. A bright yellow butterfly flew slowly past her immediately catching her interest. Back home the majority of the insects were browns or the assorted shades of green, but never on any occasion bright yellow. Enraptured she followed the butterfly as it flit too and fro from the shade to random patches of light where flowers bloomed.

A sudden change in wind brought A'iel up short, glancing around as the wind ruffled her soft feathered ears she was shocked to see she had strayed far from Verdigris' sight. While she waited somewhat impatiently for the tall man to come in sight she noticed a trail of sorts winding off over the next hill; unable to see from her current position where it went. Verdigris came to her side beaming a bright cheery smile and nodding his head that she could continue before he continued whistling the tune he had been in the middle of before he approached.

Cresting the hill A'iel was able to see a small building off to the distance. excited because of its foreign architecture she gathered up her silks around her legs and took off at a run. Chortling to himself, Verdigris loped after the excited youngster, curious as well as to what manner of species built their housing out of bones.

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Old 05-07-2007, 07:46 PM

"not a thing" replied Cypress still baffled at what had happened, "and on my way back i didn't see much movement from the other rooms". Settling himself in a chair he watched as Myla cooked the various meats and vegetables; stomach growling in anticipation.

She seemed a bit more annoyed then usual. Glancing around the room he looked for any other telltale signs that they had been asleep for an extended amount of time. Seeing none immediately apparent he let out an annoyed sigh and slumped deeper into his chair. How much time had been wasted asleep where his - possible - pursuers could have caught up on him. Groaning he remembered the deer skin he had left to tan in the old hollowed out tree behind the inn. The hide was probably so tough now he'd have to take it under the waterfall to beat it into softness or alternatively he might have to personally beat at it with heavy rocks which would mar the beautiful coloring of the leather.

The faint sound of laughter outside made Cypress' ear twitch. Standing from his chair he waited with his hand on his rapier for the owner of the voice to show themselves.

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Old 05-07-2007, 07:55 PM

Rahza, a girl whom there is little known of for now, currently sits off to the distant of the tavern. She is off near the side towards the waterfall where she can soak in the sun's warmth as well as the cooling misty that flows from the falling water. Sandles that are normally on her small feet are seated upon a rock as she stands in the shallow end of the water. Toes wiggling as she giggles and plays. Bending over to take some water into her cupping palm which she flings onto Ladu, her kitty friend, a very large kitty. Its unsure if he is her pet, she is his pet or one is a guardian to the other. When one takes a moment to watch they would assume he is her guardian of sorts but its hard to be sure for looks can be very misleading.

Ladu snarls and rolls his eyes at the antics but tolerates it with an unmoving body other then his head as he glances around, high alert.

"Aww why do you not play with me anymore Laddy?" Her lip forms into a pathetically cute pout as she stops splashing him for a moment and it looks like any moment she will break into tears but then suddenly she turns. Jumping at something swimming in the water. Its shiny and colorful. She misses though.

Ladu lets out a deep exhale to her words as body flinches a bit hating that blasted name the girl calls him. He's told her over and over but it does no good so he finally learned to just deal with it.

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Old 05-07-2007, 08:28 PM

Myla gave a nod in hearing his words even though at the moment her back was to him. Wings opened up a bit to let some air get to her back as tail was arched enough to keep off the floor but it didn't sway. At least nothing more then what natural walking will create.

Things were starting to get done as she would pull out other bowls and such to place the food in and on. With each piece holding as much as can she would have the things placed on a nearby table so that he could serve himself. Once she was done the table was well stacked with a bowl that had some steak fried and veggies around it, one plate holding a steam turkey with gravy and potatoes, another bowl had a specially made salad among other related sorts as well as pitchers holding drinkable liquids. One being tea, one water and another a weak liquor smoothee. Each item was covered to help keep the heat in with handy tools nearby to use to scoop ones helped as well as plates to use.

Ears twitched a moment as a new sound vibed within causing eyes to glance in the direction of the door then to Cyp curious if he heard as well and his hand to his rapier gave her the answer. Smirking for a moment as she was done with cooking and would let him get his food first while she had a small mug in hand with her specially blend drink. Looks like tea but smells horrible. Face glanced at the fireplace and door waiting for it to open but on occasion would glance to Cyp when he wasn't aware of it. Noting he had his stuff on and was just as nervous about things as she is.

"I think it is now just us once more"

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Old 05-07-2007, 08:54 PM

A few moments later, A'iel burst through the door of the inn looking around, her silvery lilac eyes wide in wonder. "ooooooo" she murmured, "how charming". Stepping further into the inn she looked around too see who the owner of this rather interesting establishment. Spotting the tall dark feline and the surprised looking scale covered man she ran over and introduced herself in the fashion typical to her country.

Placing her hands together in front of her heart she bowed low to the feline "may the trees bless you" she voiced as she opened her hands in a sign of welcome and stood straight beaming. Turning her radiant smile to Cypress she did the same gesture and then unable to help herself touched the scales on his face. "Are these real?" she asked curiously as she traced a long thin green finger along the scales running down his neck and stood on her tippy toes to lift the collar of his shirt to see if the scales continued down his shoulders.

A shadow loomed over the entry way as Verdigris ducked his antlered head into the door. Nodding a greeting to the feline he turned to see A'iel inspection of the scaled one and burst out into a deep laughter. "Lady Roarke, It seems that boy is quite shocked at your inquisitive pawing" pausing to chuckle "maybe you should let themselves introduce themselves first.". Ducking his large frame through the door way he was glad too see that the ceiling was high enough to permit his 7 + feet of height without having to stoop. Removing the Scythe strapped to his back he placed it just inside the door and mimicked the motion A'iel had done just moments before to both feline and lizard-boy. "I am Verdigris" he said with a warm smile while placing a large hand on the younger green females shoulder, "and this is A'iel".

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Old 05-07-2007, 09:43 PM

Myla's eyebrow raised as she glanced to the girl as she neared but took a step back as the girl was in process of her bow. The free hand kept that arm to her side before letting it lift to run through her mane as the other still kept hold of the mug with thumb palm rubbing against its side as she held it.

The feline fem glanced at the girl blankly without sound or motion before finally forcing a nod in return gesture but then her eyes lingered to something else. Ohh horns.. ohh how strong they look. Myla wanted to touch. Hand slipping from her hand resumed its hang at her side but formed into a clenching fist to help control her and keep her put rather the slinking herself over.

A soft chuckle would be heard coming from her as she heard the remark spoken to Cyp knowing so much little stuff sets him off. Mixed pair of hues glanced back the taller one with a mild unpleased look. Truth is she was hiding her interest in the brute. She doesn't take interest often or lightly. With feet finally at move she walked over toward the fireplace with mug still in hand as the skeleton looking like a statue moments ago made its way to the food and fixed a plate on Myla's behalf. Wings came back down draping over herself like a cape as she then sat down on the sofa, legs crossing at the knee letting eyes gaze into the fire.

"Good timing you both have, food is quite fresh and hot should you both be hungry, just help yourselves" Eyes gazed still into the fireplace that for now, lacked a burning fire. "I do believe the lass can introduce himself so I will let him to it but you may call me Myla and welcome to my lil' home."

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Old 05-07-2007, 11:22 PM

When the girl had first rushed in through the door Cypress had been surprised. It wasn't often you came across a young woman with pale green skin and silver lilac skin. When she had spoken his eyebrows had nearly lifted off his face; charming , not a chance. The finest jewels ... spider silk... magic whispered the dragon excitedly hissing off attributes it appreciated as she sauntered over closer.

As A'iel greeted him and immediately started to examine him he began to glow faintly, a slight reddish tint to the scales on his face showing his discomfort. As she pawed his shirt away and leaned closer he began to become even more uncomfortable, sure he liked to flirt, but generally he preferred it on his own terms. Having a girl pop out of no where and paw at him was certainly not something he was used to. "Yes, they are" he managed to choke out just as she stepped back because of the deer man.

Snarling at Myla and Verdigris' remark about being a boy he turned and grabbed a plate spearing meat and vegetables tossing stuff haphazardly and seating himself at a table as far away from Myla as he could get. Gripping his mug with the alcoholic beverage in it he clipped out "Cypress" before digging into his food with vigor.

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Old 05-07-2007, 11:42 PM

"oh really? we may?" breathed A'iel excited straining against the hand on her shoulder, "thank you very much Miss Myla" she added dipping a slight curtsy and freeing herself of Verdi's hand at the same time. Skipping out of reach she turned and stuck a tongue out at Verdi while grabbing a plate and heaping a very large amount of food on it considering her size.

Verdi merely grinned an turned his dazzling smile to Cypress' back as he hunched overeating, "taking the boy remark a bit hard are we?" he laughed as he walked to wear A'iel was still piling food on her plate. Snatching the plate from her he grinned as she punched him playfully in the arm as he neared a table not far from Myla's couch. Pulling out a map from his back pocket he dropped it in front of her, "would you mind pointing out where we are located?" he asked as he sat down in a chair carefully, ready to stand at any moment should his size and weight be too great.

A'iel grabbed another plate and once more began heaping food onto it, though not as much as before since she had purposely been getting food for her companion the first time. Padding softly to where Cypress sat she placed her plate and cup on the table and leaned down to look him in the eyes, "i hope you don't mind if i join you" she chirped before sitting down, only to jump back up immediately grimacing. "ouch" she whimpered before pulling the Sari wrap that went over her left shoulder off to hang on the ground. Stretching the small cream wing that appeared she quirked a rueful smile before explaining, "it pulls on the feathers when i sit" as she once more took her seat and watched Cypress eat.

The Collection
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Old 05-08-2007, 12:22 AM

can I join?

Kitty Lemons
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Old 05-08-2007, 12:23 AM

can I join too?

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Old 05-08-2007, 12:23 AM

Myla merely smiled in hearing Cyp's reaction and his mumbling out his own name. Though it would not be seen since her back was to them, it was still there. Binx soon joined near her floating in the air in reach acting like a table and cup holder. Bones can be useful for something.

Arm extended to set her mug down on the flat portion of Binx's skull making a perfect coaster so long as he doesn't move.

"Aww I think someone has the lizard's tongue. Can barely hear his words" Words come out in light snicker as tongue rolls over her lips before she finally lets her head turn to glance upon the deer one letting him get a glimpse of her eye just one seeing how the hair hides her other.

Ears twitched at the chirpy tone of the young fem but she had no reason to reply. It was clear words were true leaving the girl to help herself as Myla glancing away once more reached for her own serving before her to nibble on some of the veggies. A paw quickly lifted with claws already partially out to catch the map before it was able to land. She can be quick on her reflexes when she wants to be and times even when she doesn't. Nose wiggled a bit as she caught scent of the deer now being much closer to her. The fem unable to pinpoint of she liked it or not.

Though the place was not marked she could point a place where they are close to in terms of what is marked on the map. "You can reach this place in about a week time on foot." The feline grinned as the chair was plenty sturdy and strong enough to hold his weight and then some. Spoke only after her swallow was made and once finished was putting more food into her mouth but with manners.

"Don't even...." She mumbled out just barely over a whisper. Was she talking to herself or someone else? It didn't seem as though she was trying to talk to the deer'd one nearby but who else could she hope to hear with such a low tone?


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