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Is your light going to guide me?
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0ri0n83 is offline
Old 10-16-2010, 06:33 PM

Kai saw the ghost leave the bed and then go through the door. There was a click as the door swung off of its hinges. Gulping Kai looked over at the open door before he got to his feet heading out the door into the blinding white hallway. Tabitha appeared before him as she said," We should go save Tama. She's been in that room since they brought her here..." Kai nodded as he said," Lead the way...seeing as how I don't know where we are going." Part of Kai, the more cowardly part, wanted to just run away, and leave Tabitha and apparently Tama as well. On the other hand the more chivlarous side of him wanted to reciprocate by helping out a fellow person like him. It was the least that he could do.

oh comme je souhaite pour nos lè...
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JessehBoo is offline
Old 10-16-2010, 06:45 PM

Tabitha took Kai's hand and led him down the hall, avoiding the camera's as she knew where they all saw. "Here." she said as she stopped infront of a door and placed her hand within the knob, unlocking it and letting it swing open. Tama was sittig on the bed in a simple red dress and her hair half up half down. The womans grey eyes looked up at the two and smiled. "I see you've brought a friend Tabitha." She said with a smile and rose from the bed walking over. "We better hurry, Aible says that his distraction with only last so long". Aible was another ghost, a 20 something year old boy that died as a result of the medicine the lab had given him. He controlled water and was currently using his power to cause some sewage problems.

Is your light going to guide me?
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0ri0n83 is offline
Old 10-16-2010, 07:08 PM

Kai was taken by the hand, and led to where Tama was being kept. Tabitha did the same thing and opened the door. Kai was confronted with a girl in a red dress. Before he could thank her properly for breaking him out of his cell she said," I see you've brought a friend Tabitha. We better hurry, Aible says that his distraction with only last so long." "Who the heck is Aible," thought Kai. "He must be another one of her 'friends.'" "Very well," said Kai. "We best be leaving. Tabitha? Do you know how to get out of here? I don't remember much they knocked me out, and I haven't seen much of the layout since I spent most of my time stuck in that cell." There was a wooping sound of the sirens as red lights began flashing around them signalling that their presence was not known in their cells. "Took them long enough. Come on." Kai grabbed Tama by the hand. "Lead the way please, Tabitha."

Chocolate_Fusion is offline
Old 10-16-2010, 07:18 PM

((whoa, alright. My father has gone hay-wire. so I am having to use internet from other places, I no longer have it where I sleep. Please do not let my absense hinder this awesome story, your characters are all developing wonderfully and I know that they have a long way to go. No worries I didn't have too much of a plan up my sleeve, so your not missing out on much from my point of veiw.

Im not quitting, I am still here. But i just won't be able to post as often as I would like to T_T

I luvs you all, I am so proud and happy that you all are enjoying this roleplay.

Don't be afraid to expand, push the limits, and be super! ))

oh comme je souhaite pour nos lè...
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JessehBoo is offline
Old 10-16-2010, 07:51 PM

Tama's eyes roamed over Kai for a moment, Tabitha was right he was quiet attractive. When the sirens went off she sent out a mental call for all the spirits around the building. "Concealment, now." she said, and the ghosts swarms around them, bending the light, hiding them from veiw, causing an illusion. "We must move quickly." Tabitha nodded and took them both by the hand, running down the hall, tha ghosts following them causing the fake invisibility. "We cant knock into anyone or the ghosts with scatter.." She said to the two. "so be careful." They bobbed and weaved through guards as the rushed to the two now empty cells. As they ran Tama's hair trailed behind her, her red dress flying up a bit around her body. "I've been dreaming of this day for a while.." She said and turned to Kiba as they ran. "And I'm sure you have too.." WATCH OUT!" Tabitha yelled and pulled Tama out of the way of a running guard, just in time. Tama took a few quick breaths, clearly shocked and surprised, leaning back against the wall.

Getting your dreams, its strange...
Eiiri is offline
Old 10-17-2010, 04:06 AM

Rue paused before following the other two down the hall. She wanted them to get out of the building as quickly as they could. Maybe the three of them could do what Rue could not after all this time. She knew that they were both shape-shifters of sorts, but had no clue what amount of control they had. She didn't think that they knew about her powers, but this wasn't the time to explain. When the alarm began to rang, she said, "Shoot, now we're in trouble. We'll need to move faster to get out of here." She looked around the halls, it didn't look like any of them had tripped a switch. It must have been someone else. Not that it mattered, there would still be people after them. She could try and nullify the sound of the alarm, but the lights would still flash and they'd know she was lose in the building.

Void Walker
Dreizehn is offline
Old 10-18-2010, 05:04 AM

((Does anyone mind giving me a quick low down on everything so I can get a better idea for my first post?))

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Old 10-18-2010, 07:14 PM

Astrid froze, too scared to move; to run. The alarms were so familiar, and she had no idea why. Fear ran through her whole body and her legs just refused to move. Working off instinct, her body jolted and shifted into a White Tiger, sure that this would protect both her and her friends. Making new friends had always been the biggest problem that Astrid had, since as soon as she made a friend, she forgot how to protect herself and thought only of protecting the people she cared about. Turning around to face the oncoming guards and doctors, Astrid let out a low throughty growel and exposed her sharp teeth, furr stood up on edge and tail frozen in place, Astrid braced herself to pounce on anyone that came near her friends.

Starting to back up, Astrid swished her tail to singnal to the others to also back up and begin to go the way they were heading.

[[Dreizehn: I dont know how much use I'm going to be, as I have just looked at your profile and I see that you are not currently in the facility... Most of the patients are pretty much trying to escape as there was an incident that allowed some of the patients to get out of their cells. My chara Astrid is currently trying to keep her new friends Rue and Sylar safe from the oncoming guards ny shifting into a tiger [she is a shapeshifter] and Tama, Tabitha and Kai are also trying to escape. Tama can speak to sprits and that is what Tabitha is... Kai is the boy who Tabitha set free from his cell before retreiving her friend Tama from her own cell and then also making a run for it. The guards found out they were escaping and are now coming after everyone...

That is about all I can tell you, I'm sorry if that does not help :(]]

Last edited by OriginalSin; 10-18-2010 at 07:26 PM..

Void Walker
Dreizehn is offline
Old 10-18-2010, 11:47 PM

((Thank you OriginalSin! You were of help. =3 I'll just have Zoe come back to the facility to... Get answers for- about... Um, on her mum. Or something... I'll have her notice the alarms and join in on the chaos then. Yes? Yes.))

Vibrantly blue green eyes set in a hard glare were studying the clock above the door. It was just five minutes until her shift was over and oh was she ready to be out of here. She was tired of the constant chatter and noise, along with the usual onslaught of questions that was brought her way on a daily basis. She needed a vacation from this mess or something to cut through the usual daily routine that she had been on since, well since she had decided to leave. How long had it been now? It had been almost ten years since her mother's death. The staff had never truly told her how, or when it had happened. Just that she was now an orphan. Her father was an unknown. For all her knew he was a serial rapist locked away somewhere or some quiet guy with a gentle demeanor and way of life. Not that that truly mattered now, no. Zoe Halifax was alone and had been for some time now.

"Oh thank god." Zoe huffed in relief as the clock hands shifted. "I'm out of here. See ya later guys." She said with a small wave as she snatched her purse up and black leather jacket from the small closet where the staff kept their personal belongings.

"Hey Zoe, could you-?"

"No Steve. Bye." Zoe said flatly knowing full well what the male was going to ask. He always asked the same question when it was Friday. Seeing if she could work the early shift for him so that he could go out and get completely destroyed that night not having to worry about the next day. she was tired of it, really. Working at the record store was not her ideal job but it paid the bills and allowed flexibility, which she desperately needed since she was enrolled full time in school.

Leaving the store she paused on the street to put on her jacket and shouldered her purse. Today the constant questions had been nagging at her. always the same things repeating in her head.

"What if mum was alive?", "What if I could be a part of the staff? Would it be better?", "Did the facility even exist anymore?", "Are there others like me left?" She was tired of it. If maybe she could go back and get some answers, maybe things would be better. Just maybe. After all her abilities had developed over the years that she had been there, if she needed she could use them to force what she needed from them. Right?

Zoe was not thinking straight and hadn't been thinking straight for some time. It was time that things changed. She set off in the direction that she thought she remembered that old building having been. Hopefully they were still there.


It had taken some time, but she found it. Almost having given up with the final daylight hours shifting to that of the night. She was rewarded in her great search. Of course she couldn't just waltz in the front doors, no this female may have been blonde but she was not that blonde.

"And here we go." She drew in a deep breath before ducking into the adjoining alleyway. Either she would find a window, back entrance, or some sort of alternative way to get in. Her sharp eyes spotted a door in the rapidly fading light, a smile crept onto her lips. "I guess they were fine with having this here. Let's see where it leaves shall we?" Talking to no one as she was the only one that was present, she strode up to the door and wrapped a hand around the door knob. It only took but a moment as she concentrated on the object in her hand. She could feel the energy flowing through her as it always did when she used her ability. The door knob along with the whole metal piece was frozen into a delicate state. removing her hand and stepping back she raised her right leg up and brought her knee into her chest before extending with force. The handle shattered under the force easily and caused the door to open slightly.

Pausing to look at the metal bars that had been placed in the sides of the door to reinforce it, she snorted. "Really now, a few pieces of metal won't keep the caged in. They always get out when they truly want to." Her gift had frozen the bars as well and had destroyed them. The door now was a perfect entrance and exit. Stepping into the facility she paused to take a look around. The upper portion looked as if it were quiet and there was no movement. Deciding to take the stairs rather then the elevator Zoe noticed as she descended that something was wrong here. The lighting was bad and she thought she could hear the faint sounds of alarms going off. It seemed that she had entered in at a bad time. Or was this an opportune time for her?

((Yeah I just went with it. Hope that this works!))

l u n a

lunanuova is offline
Old 10-19-2010, 02:41 PM

"Urgh" Nathan exhaled as the alarms sounded. He was sure that it was not them who must have set them off and that there must be something else going on that they were unaware of. Sure enough though, they were coming for them. Oddly, Nathan seemed to hear something as if it were close. The voices of others that he could not hear before. They weren't close enough for human hearing, so how could this be. He realised that this must be something from not his own power, but from the body he possessed. The super sensitive hearing only lasted for a moment but long enough for a frightened "Watch out!" to hurt his ears. He wished he had time to find out who these two girls were to indentify them properly. One of them shifted quickly to protect them both. He could see now the advance of the agents. Nathan slowly edged back keeping an eye on the other girl, keeping her slightly behind him.

Getting your dreams, its strange...
Eiiri is offline
Old 10-19-2010, 10:32 PM

Rue watched as the girl turned into a tiger and the boy stood in front of her protectively. She wasn't much good in a fight with many people, especially with people on her side. Her control wasn't that good, yet. Plus, if she did use her powers, it could deafen the other girl due to the better hearing of a tiger. The most useful thing Rue could do right now would be to try to fight hand to hand, which wasn't her strong suit. Rue could hear other things going on in the corridors, but the alarm was making it difficult. She would have to zone out completely in order to hear everything, which would leave her defenseless. "We should be close to an elevator," she told the others. Her knowledge of the building was incomplete, but she had heard the ding of it.

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Old 10-20-2010, 07:27 PM

Panic was all that flooded Astrid's mind. She was worried, yet not for herself, but for the others. Letting out another small growl, she began to edge backward toward what she knew was an elevator. She had heard the little bing of the door just as she had shifted, and that gave her slight confidence that they would get out alive.

It was then that she heard a slamming noise coming from behind them; doors being broken open? Bars being broken? Maybe someone else was escaping, or maybe someone was trying to get in. Though who would willingly come into this facility Astrid did not know.

Teeth still bared, she let out one final warning growl and then turned and tried to nudge the others away and into the elevator. Oh how much easier would be if she could use her human characteristics whilst in animal form. Suddenly, everything happened so quickly. The guards took their advance once her back was turned, a pretty faced girl came into view on the stairway, pain shot through her leg and back, and the world went out of focus. The guards had used some kind of steam to block her sight, and clarity vanished. The pain was undescribable, and yet Astrid had no idea what it was that was causing it. Turning once more, she lunged at the guards and started to growl and clamp down with her overly large jaw and teeth.

Void Walker
Dreizehn is offline
Old 10-21-2010, 05:53 PM

((OriginalSin, you're amazing. Thank you for nabbing Zoe. ::hugs:: ))

Upon exiting the stairwell Zoe was not prepared for the scene that she had stepped into. There were two females and a male near the elevator that she had decided against using. She noted how protective the one male and female were and the change she seemed to have gone through. Turning to look in the other direction she saw the small group of guards. The changed female lunged forward after the guards had let loose a gas attack on her. She seemed to be handling herself well despite the slight handicap that she had gained.

Another guard was coming up behind the female as she took down the one. His arms raised with his electro club over his head. He had full means to attempt to strike the female tiger.

"Oh no you don't." She murmured as her increasingly icy eyes narrowed emitting a soft glow that matched. Zoe fell into a lowered position and quickly moved over to the guard grabbing his leg. She had hoped that he wouldn't notice her, apparently he didn't. At least not just yet. Again she focused herself and worked on freezing his leg. As the sudden cold hit him he dropped his weapon and looked down at her. A wail of pain was sent out as the creeping sensation traveled rapidly up his body. Releasing him she moved back and pushed herself up watching as the rest of his fragile skin was encased in a layer of ice. "Now you're no problem." She was tempted to push him over to see if he would shatter into a million little pieces but thought it best not to. If the others desired it, they could take full advantage of him.

Turning her attention back to the remainder of the guards Zoe charged forward at them hoping to help defend the fellow female that was in a deadly feline form.

Last edited by Dreizehn; 10-21-2010 at 06:40 PM..

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OriginalSin is offline
Old 10-21-2010, 06:37 PM

[[No problem, and awwh, thank youu! However, my chara isnt a kind of deformed human, she is a shapeshifter and is currently in the form of a Tiger! Haha, but nice action sequence ;) ]]

When Astrid realised the pretty looking female from the stairway joining in the battle between herself and the guards, she let out a soft, friendly growl as an attempt to say 'thank you' to her. Realising that the female had saved her from a very nasty shock, literally. Swiping her tail, she nocken another guard into the wall and then gave him a nasty bite mark on his lower leg... It had become a rule to her to never kill another human. Her conscience just could not deal with that kind of internal torture; she was not strong enough.

A slight whimper escaped from Astrid's throte when one of the guards managed to stand on her tail, but she just replied with an equally painful bite on the shoulder. Taking down one at a time, herself and the other female managed to get through quite a few of the guards before Astrid realised that they would just send more. Thinking frantically, she knew that no matter how good a team they were turning out to be, the two of them could not take down the facilitie's army of guards.

When the coast was clear, Astrid morphed back into her human form and turned to look at the girl in color vision. "Thank you" she smiled and then wiped the blood off her now pale flesh and neck. "We cant take down the army that will surely come soon. We either need to get out of here or find some place to hide!" she said, mainly to the new female but also to Rue and Nathan.

Void Walker
Dreizehn is offline
Old 10-21-2010, 06:51 PM

((Oh no, I didn't take her to be a deformed lady! I was under the impression she was in mid-change, but I edited my previous post. n.n;
Thank you for the compliment, you made a pretty good finishing post for their little battle. =3 ))

Zoe had acknowledged the tiger femme's growl with a slight nod of her head as they had momentarily locked eyes. Then they both returned their attention on the those that were trying to subdue them. Together they indeed made short work of their enemies. She was sorely tempted to completely dispatch of the guards but managed to control the impulse.

After they had a moment of peace, the tiger changed back into her human female form and addressed Zoe as well as the two by the elevator. "It was no problem really. Glad I could be of some use." She returned the smile back to the fair skinned beauty. At the mention of them having to leave, Zoe looked down the hallway in longing before she looked back to the female she had just helped. Shaking her head slowly she said, "I can't quite leave yet. I have some unfinished business here with Kris Stevenson, but I'll help you till I can get to him. What exactly happened here, and how many others need help escaping?" She meant to make good on her word if they decided to accept her help.

Stepping forward she extended a hand and added, "I'm Zoe by the way."

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Old 10-21-2010, 08:13 PM

[[Thank you ^_^ I didnt mean to finish it, but I got carried away.. :( ]]

Astrid felt a little buzz of shock when she realised that the girl had broken INTO the facility with the intent to speak to one of the employees. However, she obviously had a good reason for it, and Astrid could see it on her face. Trust was hard in a place like this, but Zoe had saved her life and Astrid felt as though she owed it to her to repay that favour. "There are just us and two others down there trying to escape" she said and motioned to the other end of the corridor.

"We get them out of here? And then, I will help you. I owe you that!" she smiled and then took hold of the outstretched hand that Zoe held for her. Shaking it gently, she said "My name's Astrid! It's nice to haev you save my life Zoe!" and then giggled.

Getting your dreams, its strange...
Eiiri is offline
Old 10-21-2010, 10:40 PM

Rue watched the fight between the tiger and the guards with horror. She wanted to help her, but there was nothing she could do. As a new girl came up from the steps, Rue's first thought was worry, not knowing who she was. She could be here to help the guards. When she started helping, Rue relaxed a bit. They needed someone else on their side. She joined the two girls when the fight ended.

"We need to escape, I'm not staying here any longer," she told the others, when Astrid asked. Hiding would not do much, escape was the only thing Rue wanted. She would leave on her own if she had to, but she wasn't going to say that out loud. "I'm Rue, nice to finally introduce myself," she smiled.

Rue froze and glared at Zoe when she mentioned that she was looking for Kris. She recognized that name. "Why are you looking for him? He runs this place! He's the reason we're trying to escape," she cried. She couldn't believe that someone would come into the Facility to try and find him.

l u n a

lunanuova is offline
Old 10-22-2010, 12:31 PM

Nathan was surprised when he heard a voice from behind. He quickly glanced and then realised she was going to intervene. Nathan tensed, not knowing which side the girl would take. She didn't look like a patient as she was not wearing the blue and white cotton attire that him and the two girls were. He was ready to stop the girl when he saw that she was reaching for the guard and not the girl in her tiger form. He was stunned to see such powers in action as he had not experienced others with powers before. Even though he was in a basement full of them; his cell restricted any outside contact or knowledge. The girl who he did not recognise had frozen one of the guards legs. The ice crept up covering his skin and Nathan couldn't take his eyes off what was happening.

Impossibly, the two had taken down each guard in turn and somehow there was no attack for the time being. Nathans body relaxed, but he knew that if they didn't take action soon enough, the agents would be on to them even harder, and there would be no chance of escape. Even with the powers of the girls. From the years he had spent here, he knew that they would do anything to stop any patient getting out and to stop anyone on the outside world knowing about them. After the girl had changed back to her human form the blood on her skin was much more noticeable. He listened to them talk while stood a few steps back. Nathan was getting slightly impatient as the girls made their introductions. He felt that this was valuable time. He looked back to the girl next to him as she spoke, nodding as she stated that they had to escape. Somehow, he couldn't understand why the girls smiled at each other when in time of crisis. Maybe he had been locked up for much longer than them, and they were still happy to chat. However, he did feel happy to see other people that were not trying to inject drugs into him and were actually in the same position as him.

The girl who had introduced herself as Rue asked about why the girl, Zoe, was looking for the agent. Nathan was also shocked that someone was here for the agents. He started to feel less trusting towards her than he had when she had defended him. What if she was one of them? Or had something to do with the company? "Sorry, but we really need to go. Now." Nathan said before Zoe could reply "There's no time to stand here" he shifted on his feet, ready to move. He didn't want to come off rude, he was worried about the safety of all of them. "Oh, and I'm Nathan if it makes any difference" he laughed without humour, "I'm not this guy" he pointed to himself. "But it seems to be wearing off" his eyes widened as he felt his hair and looked at his arms.

Is your light going to guide me?
Send a message via AIM to 0ri0n83
0ri0n83 is offline
Old 10-22-2010, 07:31 PM

Kai saw Tama sitting on the bed. She called some of her spirits which placed them both under an invisability illusion. Tabitha took them both by the hand as she began leading them down the narrow corridors to the end, where they would hopefully be able to finally be free. Kai had no idea where they were going, but it looked like Tabith knew the way around through the different bends and curves of the facility. "I hope she knows where she is going," thought Kai. "Tama, she's a pretty smart looking girl. She must of had Tabitha scan out the area many times in the event that they could escape." Tama was lucky that she had kept her powers even through the whole getting medicated process. The contined to run when he heard Tama say," I've been dreaming of this day for a while. [...] And I'm sure you have too.." Kai thought about it for a moment before he responded with," Yes, ever since I got her. Ever since my." he swallowed. "Ever since my paren't sold me to this god awful place."

He remembered it vividly waking up in his white walled prison. He had kicked, screamed, and yelled the first few days. On the fourth day Kris, the 'care taker' had come to him telling him that he was a very special person for being born with these kinds of powers, and that his new home was here where they would find a cure for him. Kris told him that his parent's had sold him to this facility because they didn't want him. In the bottom of Kai's stomach he felt guilty, that maybe, just maybe, if he was born normal that his parent's would want to keep him. However, he was born with this deformity that made his parent's fear and not want him. He had never really gotten along with his parent's but for them to sell him off to this place was the ultimate sin in his mind.

Kai was too busy to pay much attention to what was in front of him when he heard Tabitha yell out
," WATCH OUT!" He saw Tama get pulled back by Tabitha, but he wasn't so lucky. Looking up he ran smack into a guard that was turning the corner. Freezing immediately he stared back at the guard.

Last edited by 0ri0n83; 10-22-2010 at 07:34 PM..

oh comme je souhaite pour nos lè...
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JessehBoo is offline
Old 10-22-2010, 08:16 PM

Once Kai ran into the guard the spirits shreiked and dispersed, revealing their location. "Shit!" Tama hissed and her eye glowed red for a moment as she recalled the spirits to her. Everyone knew in the building that all her "medication" attempts were failures. Yet she never put up a fight, so she was no problem. But now, it was her chance, and she wasnt holding back. Invoking the spirits into her body their strength became hers as she floated just about 2 inches off the ground. Once they we all inside her she opened her eyes once more as they were a glowing pure white. "You will, let us pass." She said, that guard looking wide eyed at her.

Yet knowing there was no way be could back down her charged at her. Grabbing his shirt she threw him full force down the corridor, he fell to the floor and slid across it until he stopped. Closing her eyes she let out a long breath, the spitits leaving with it. As she opened her eyes again they were back to their distant grey. "Lets go..Tabitha, how close are we?" "Pretty close" She said and continued down the hall way. Tama looked to Kai for a moment before running after Tabitha. Yet once they got around a few corners she saw a few other patients infront of her and froze.

Void Walker
Dreizehn is offline
Old 10-23-2010, 04:01 AM

As Astrid introduced herself and clasped Zoe's hand she smiled fully. It was nice to meet others like her despite the situation these poor people were in. All of that would soon change though once they were out they would most likely have to go their separate ways. The thought saddened her, the thought being brushed away as the other female stepped forward and introduced herself. Zoe nodded her head at Rue, "Nice to meet ya."

The warm fuzziness of the situation had all but dispersed once Rue exclaimed and changed her physical demeanor at her. Zoe frowned as well and was about to answer when finally the final member of the small party stepped forward. He felt to be somewhat hostile towards Zoe as he introduced himself then stated how urgently they should leave.

Looking to Astrid Zoe shrugged her shoulders, she was in a grim mood now. Not wanting to part with them and feeling ashamed for having divulged personal information on why she was here. Though she would think that the fact that she had helped them would prove enough that she was not siding with the facility's head hancho. No she assumed that they would not have acted as so. It didn't matter though as it looked that she was again on her own here.

A noise from the other end of the hallway alerted Zoe. Her sharp eyes spotted the new pair of patients as well as a ghostly looking child. Raising a brow she called out to them, "Are there anymore that need help out of here?" She would help the others then find Kris herself once everyone was clear.

Flitting free Girl
fairywaif is offline
Old 10-23-2010, 08:38 PM

((I'd like to move this along, so it would be helpful if Roy or Ennet found me soon. I'd like to start the chase scene soon!))

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Old 10-24-2010, 11:51 PM

Astrid stood there and watched the introductions. She felt a rather annoyed or somewhat hostile vibe coming from Rue and Nathan when Zoe had mentioned that she was there to find the head of the facility. After Rue and Nathan had introduced themselves, they immediately began to expres their lack of trust and annoyance with Zoe's plan.

Though she cared very much for her two new friends, Astrid had a very strong sence of debt and respect to Zoe, first for saving her life, second for assisting them on their escape and third for being as friendly as she was. Shaking her head, she decided to step in and try to set things straight.

"Guys, Zoe obviously has a reason to want to find Kris. If you recall, she saved my life back there, and I'm pretty sure that if she was on their side she would not have saved me and killed of all of those guards with me! Zoe obviously has a personal need to find him, and I think it only fair that we assist. Well, not so much you guys, as I know how desperate you are to get out!" Astrid smiled and tried to appear friendly even though she knew what she was saying could be constrewed as heartless of mean, she did not mean it that way... She simply needed to help Zoe.

Turning to Zoe once more, Astrid took her hand again and said "I will help you to find him. We will assist Rue, Nathan and the others to safety, and then I will help you find Kris. I dont know why you want him, and I dont pretend to understand, but I trust you and I owe you. You saved me, and you helped me, and in tern, you saved my friends. I will do whatever I can to help you out".

Cows Go Moo
Crouching Roleplayer Hidden Lurk...
Cows Go Moo is offline
Old 10-25-2010, 10:31 PM

In the midst of all the (not) work Ellis was doing while wandering around the underground area and bothering of the patients he had decided it better to go out and look for himself to see if there were any other new patients to be found wandering the streets. He knew that it was impulsive and that he would probably be reprimanded for what he was doing, but supposed that it was better to go as opposed to sticking around. If any patients dared to go out the guards could take care of them. With that he sneaked off through a back entrance.

Is your light going to guide me?
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Old 10-29-2010, 05:14 AM

Kai felt like a complete idiot when he ran into the guard and the ghosts dispersed around him causing them to be visible again. He breathed a sigh of relief though when Tabitha knew what she was doing. After the guard was dealt with the two of them continued on their way. As they rounded the corner they were confronted by some other "patients" that were locked away as well.

Roy continued to doze in the car when he opened his eyes lazily as he looked out of the window. A flash of platinum silver hair made him look up. "Stop the car," called out Roy as he moved himself back into a sitting position. The car continued to move. Sighing he opened the car door as he rolled out of the car onto the ground. Getting up he dusted himself, regretting that he had done that. He would defininely be sore the next morning. He thought that he had seen a flash of silver in the nearby trees so he went running towards the row of trees. Maybe, just maybe it was the girl that they were sent to look for. Placing a smile on his face in the event that he did find her. The last thing that he would want to do is scare the girl.

Last edited by 0ri0n83; 11-01-2010 at 08:00 PM..


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